59 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh keadilan prosedural, kepercayaan, dan komitmen organisasi terhadap organizational citizenship behavior guru Swasta di Bekasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei dengan teknik analisis jalur yang diterapkan pada pengujian hipotesis. Jumlah populasi penelitian ini adalah 703 guru, sedangkan sampel penelitian dipilih sebanyak 255 guru menggunakan teknik propertional random sampling. Berdasarkan penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut: (1) keadilan prosedural berpengaruh langsung positif terhadap organizational citizenship behavior guru, (2) kepercayaan berpengaruh langsung positif terhadap organizational citizenship behavior guru, (3) komitmen organisasi berpengaruh langsung positif terhadap organizational citizenship behavior guru, (4) keadilan prosedural berpengaruh tidak langsung positif terhadap organizational citizenship behavior melalui komitmen organisasi, (5) kepercayaan berpengaruh tidak langsung positif terhadap organizational citizenship behavior melalui komitmen organisasi. Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa peningkatam organizational citizenship behavior guru dipengaruhi oleh keadilan prosedural, kepercayaan, dan komitmen organisasi guru. The objective of this research was to study the effect of prosedural justice, trust, and organization commitment to organization citizenship behavior of teacher in Bekasi. The research was conducted by using survey method with path analysis applied on testing the hypothesis. The target population size of this research is 703 of teachers. The research sample was 255 teachers using proportional random sampling technique. Based on this research of data obtained the following conclusions: (1) prosedural justice has positive direct effect to organization citizenship behavior of teacher’s, (2) trust has positive direct effect to organization citizenship behavior of teacher’s, (3) organization commitment has positive direct effect to organization citizenship behavior of teacher’s, (4) the prosedural justice has positive indirect effect to organization citizenship behavior through organization commitment, (5) trust have positive indirect effect to organization citizenship behavior through organization commitment. The conclusion is that the teacher’s organization citizenship behavior is effected by the prosedural justice, trust, and teacher’s organization commitment


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    Rendahnya kepercayaan diri guru dalam mengajar terutama berbasis teknologi. Pada sisi lain guru-guru dituntut memiliki kemampuan atau kompetensi keguruan yang baik, salah satunya kompetensi pedagogik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh kompetensi pedagogik guru terhadap literasi matematika siswa di SMP. Maka tujuan yang akan dicapai pada penelitian ini yaitu: 1) untuk mengetahui kompetensi Pedagogik Guru di SMP 2) untuk mengetahui Literasi Matematika Siswa di Smp 3) untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian perlakuan kompetensi pedagogik guru terhadap literasi matematika siswa di SMP. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eskperimen serta menggunakan desain penelitian One Grup Pretest-posttest. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh kelas VIII di Smp N 1 Suranenggala dan sampelnya berjumlah 36 siswa kelas VIII G. Intrumen yang digunakan adalah tes dan angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Kompetensi pedagogik guru di SMP N 1 Suranenggala tergolong dalam kategori kuat. Kompetensi pedagogik di SMP sangatlah penting untuk dimiliki guru karena pemberian perlakuan bisa merubah pembelajaran literasi di SMP 2) Berdasarkan nilai rata-rata posttest Literasi Matematika di SMP menunjukkan bahwa hasil pretest dan postest peneliti melakukan analisa melalui uji paired sample t-test nilai mean untuk pretest diperoleh nilai 50, 03 dan nilai mean untuk postest diperoleh hasil 81,14. Dari perolehan tersebut didapatkan selisih nilai mean sebesar 31,11 hal ini menunjukan adanya peningkatan dari nilai pretest ke nilai postest. Nilai sig 0,000 < 0,05 adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara variabel awal dengan variabel akhir, itu menunjukan terdapat perbedaan perlakuan yang diberikan pada masing- masing variabel yakni sebelum dan sesudah diterapkannya kompetensi pedagogik guru. Dengan demikian terdapat pengaruh pemberian kompetensi pedagogik guru terhadap literasi matematika siswa di SMP 3) terdapat pengaruh kompetensi pedagogik guru terhadap literasi matematika siswa di SMP. Berdasarkan hasil uji koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,202 < 0,05, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang linier antara variabel bebas (kompetensi pedagogik guru) dan variabel terikat (literasi matematika siswa di SMP)

    Effect of bacterial isolates on the seminal indices of men investigated for infertility in Gombe

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    The significant contribution of the male partner to infertility is no longer in doubt. There is however little disagreement regarding the frustrating experience with medical management of male infertility. The effect of infection as a contributor to abnormalities in semen parameters has been reviewed. The study was aimed at identifying male factor contribution to infertility and the influence of bacterial infection on seminal parameters.All 202 patients were spouses of infertile women who presented to the Gynaecological clinic of the FederalMedicalCentreGombe over a one-year period, fromJanuary toDecember 2001 inclusive. The density of spermatozoa ranged from 0-844x10 /ml with a mean of 44.588.5 x10 /ml. Only 94 (46.5%) of the patients had the reference lower limit normal density of 20 million spermatozoa/ml or more. However, 111 (55%) were normozoospermic for total count with 64 (31.7%) being oligozoospermic. There were bacterial isolates from the seminal fluid of 134 (66.3%) patients thatwas predominantly accounted for by S. aureus 67.2% (90/134). The seminal fluid produced was 1-8mls, with a mean of 3.11.7mls of which 45 (22.3%)were oligospermic.ThemeanpHwas 7.10.3, in 16 (7.9%) patients the seminal fluidpHwas 8-9.There were 27 (13.4%) azoospermic men, in 163 (80.7%) the spermatozoa had normal morphology of 70% or more while 12 (5.9%) men had abnormal morphology of 30% or more i.e. were teratozoospermic.All cases with noabnormal (or normal)morphologywere actually azoospermic.There was a significant association between the presence of bacterial isolate in the seminal fluid and oligozoospermia.However themotility,morphology or thecount do not seemto be affected by the presence of infection. Bacterial presence contribute significantly to poor semen quality in our environment. Primary prevention and prompt treatment of urogenital infections could reduce the infectious contribution to male infertility.Keywords: Urogenital infection,Male infertility, Semen quality

    Vesicovaginal fistula repair during pregnancy: A case report

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    Nutritional Factors Associated with Anaemia in Pregnant Women in Northern Nigeria

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    This study was conducted to assess the relative contribution of iron, folate, and B12 deficiency to anaemia in pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa. In total, 146 pregnant women, who attended two antenatal clinics in Gombe, Nigeria, were recruited into the study. The majority (54%) of the women were in the third trimester. Blood samples were obtained for determination of haematocrit and for measurement of serum iron, total iron-binding capacity, ferritin, folate, vitamin B12, and homocysteine. Malaria was present in 15 (9.4%) women. Based on a haemoglobin value of <105 g/L, 44 (30%) women were classified as anaemic. The major contributing factor to anaemia was iron deficiency based on the serum concentration of ferritin (<10 ng/mL). The mean homocysteine concentration for all subjects was 14.1 μmol/L, and homocysteine concentrations were inversely correlated with concentrations of folate and vitamin B12. The serum homocysteine increased markedly at serum vitamin B12 levels below 250 pmol/L. The most common cause of anaemia in the pregnant women in northern Nigeria was iron deficiency, and the elevated concentrations of homocysteine were most likely due to both their marginal folate and vitamin B12 status

    Nutritional Factors Associated with Anaemia in Pregnant Women in Northern Nigeria

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    This study was conducted to assess the relative contribution of iron, folate, and B12 deficiency to anaemia in pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa. In total, 146 pregnant women, who attended two antenatal clinics in Gombe, Nigeria, were recruited into the study. The majority (54%) of the women were in the third trimester. Blood samples were obtained for determination of haematocrit and for measurement of serum iron, total iron-binding capacity, ferritin, folate, vitamin B12, and homocysteine. Malaria was present in 15 (9.4%) women. Based on a haemoglobin value of &lt;105 g/L, 44 (30%) women were classified as anaemic. The major contributing factor to anaemia was iron deficiency based on the serum concentration of ferritin (&lt;10 ng/mL). The mean homocysteine concentration for all subjects was 14.1 \ub5mol/L, and homocysteine concentrations were inversely correlated with concentrations of folate and vitamin B12. The serum homocysteine increased markedly at serum vitamin B12 levels below 250 pmol/L. The most common cause of anaemia in the pregnant women in northern Nigeria was iron deficiency, and the elevated concentrations of homocysteine were most likely due to both their marginal folate and vitamin B12 status

    Obstetric fistula in low‐income countries

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    ObjectiveTo identify, survey, and systematically review the current knowledge regarding obstetric fistula as a public health problem in low‐income countries from the peer‐reviewed literature.MethodsThe Medline and Science Citation Index databases were searched to identify public health articles on obstetric fistula in low‐income countries. Quantitative evidence‐based papers were reviewed.ResultsThirty‐three articles met the criteria for inclusion: 18 hospital‐based reviews; 6 on risk factors/prevention; 4 on prevalence/incidence measurement; 3 on consequences of obstetric fistula; and 2 on community‐based assessments.ConclusionObstetric fistula has received increased international attention as a public health problem, but reliable research on the burden of disease and interventions is lacking.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135537/1/ijgo85.pd

    Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers of Alzheimer's Disease Pathology and Microglial Activation are Associated with Altered White Matter Microstructure in Asymptomatic Adults at Risk for Alzheimer's Disease

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    Background: The immune response in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) involves activation of microglia which may remove amyloid-β (Aβ). However, overproduction of inflammatory compounds may exacerbate neural damage in AD. AD pathology accumulates years before diagnosis, yet the extent to which neuroinflammation is involved in the earliest disease stages is unknown. Objective: To determine whether neuroinflammation exacerbates neural damage in preclinical AD. Methods: We utilized cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and magnetic resonance imaging collected in 192 asymptomatic late-middle-aged adults (mean age = 60.98 years). Neuroinflammatory markers chitinase-3-like protein 1 (YKL-40) and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) in CSF were utilized as markers of neuroinflammation. Neural cell damage was assessed using CSF neurofilament light chain protein (NFL), CSF total tau (T-Tau), and neural microstructure assessed with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). With regard to AD pathology, CSF Aβ42 and tau phosphorylated at threonine 181 (P-Tau181) were used as markers of amyloid and tau pathology, respectively. We hypothesized that higher YKL-40 and MCP-1 in the presence of AD pathology would be associated with higher NFL, T-Tau, and altered microstructure on DTI. Results: Neuroinflammation was associated with markers of neural damage. Higher CSF YKL-40 was associated with both higher CSF NFL and T-Tau. Inflammation interacted with AD pathology, such that greater MCP-1 and lower Aβ42 was associated with altered microstructure in bilateral frontal and right temporal lobe and that greater MCP-1 and greater P-Tau181 was associated with altered microstructure in precuneus. Conclusion: Inflammation may play a role in neural damage in preclinical AD

    Obstructed Labor and Caesarean Delivery: The Cost and Benefit of Surgical Intervention

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    Background: Although advances in the reduction of maternal mortality have been made, up to 273,000 women will die this year from obstetric etiologies. Obstructed labor (OL), most commonly treated with Caesarean delivery, has been identified as a major contributor to global maternal morbidity and mortality. We used economic and epidemiological modeling to estimate the cost per disability-adjusted life-year (DALY) averted and benefit-cost ratio of treating OL with Caesarean delivery for 49 countries identified as providing an insufficient number of Caesarean deliveries to meet demand. Methods and Findings Using publicly available data and explicit economic assumptions, we estimated that the cost per DALY (3,0,0) averted for providing Caesarean delivery for OL ranged widely, from 251perDALYavertedinMadagascarto251 per DALY averted in Madagascar to 3,462 in Oman. The median cost per DALY averted was $304. Benefit-cost ratios also varied, from 0.6 in Zimbabwe to 69.9 in Gabon. The median benefit-cost ratio calculated was 6.0. The main limitation of this study is an assumption that lack of surgical capacity is the main factor responsible for DALYs from OL. Conclusions: Using the World Health Organization's cost-effectiveness standards, investing in Caesarean delivery can be considered “highly cost-effective” for 48 of the 49 countries included in this study. Furthermore, in 46 of the 49 included countries, the benefit-cost ratio was greater than 1.0, implying that investment in Caesarean delivery is a viable economic proposition. While Caesarean delivery alone is not sufficient for combating OL, it is necessary, cost-effective by WHO standards, and ultimately economically favorable in the vast majority of countries included in this study