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    1110 research outputs found

    Analisis Butir Soal Penilaian Akhir Tahun Pelajaran Bahasa Arab Kelas VII MTs Al-Ma’arif Rakit Banjarnegara Jawa Tengah

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    Analysis of question items is very important in learning evaluation because it determines the quality of the evaluation tool used. The aim of this research is to analyze the results of the final semester Arabic evaluation at the Al-Ma’arif Junior High School. The researchers conducted a series of tests consisting of measurements of validity, reliability, differential strength, difficulty level, and debilitating power. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method.  The population of the study was 25 students of the 7th grade in the IT High School Building Amal School Year 2022/2023. As for the sample used, the final evaluation of the Arabic semester of the teaching year 2022/2023 was documentation and observation. The result of this study is; in the validity test found 30% of questions can be said to be valid. Then the remaining 70% is declared invalid because it has a significance value <0,05 and the value of R count is smaller than R Table. Then in the reliability test found using Cronbach's Alpha method, and the element of this question is worth 0.625 with the number of questions (N of items) amounting to 40. Difference shows 6 questions in the category "Bad once in distinction, 25 questions in category "badly once in differentiation", 6 issues in the categories "Sufficient enough in distinguishment", 3 questions with category "Good once in distinctness" whereas with the question of category "good once in discrimination" was not found. Difficulty level there are 25 questions with very easy questions category, 14 questions with easy categories, 1 questions with difficult categories. The fractional strength of the answer option A indicates that the question is not working well with the student as the data indicates more fractionals of the question are rejected than accepted. The same applies to options B, C, and D. Thus, a question that does not meet the revised criteria can be concluded or a new question created and tested again. This research can be used as evaluation material for teachers to create quality evaluation tools. Further research can focus on discussing the development of superior evaluation instruments

    Experimental Learning Management to Improve Cognitive Aspects of Early Children with Kinesthetic Learning Style

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    This research aims to explore the management of experimental learning methods based on kinesthetic learning styles in early childhood at RA Raudhatul Ummah, Bekasi City. The research method used is qualitative, with the research object focusing on learning practices at the institution. The research results show that learning management is a necessity that requires the application of management principles, including planning, organizing, implementing and supervising. In addition, the experimental method has proven to be very effective in improving cognitive aspects for children with a kinesthetic learning style. Research recommendations include suggestions to the Head of RA Raudhatul Ummah to carry out assessments from parents through questionnaires regarding experimental method learning activities and ensuring children's comfort. Apart from that, it is recommended that teachers continue to innovate in creating more varied learning methods, especially for children with learning styles other than kinesthetic. This research contributes to a further understanding of the importance of managing experimental learning and adapting learning methods to kinesthetic learning styles to improve the cognitive aspects of early childhood. Hopefully, these findings can become the basis for developing more effective learning approaches in similar educational institutions

    Telaah Nilai Kemanusiaan Perspektif Ilmu Hadis

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    This research discusses human values ​​in the Prophet's hadith in terms of the quality of the hadith in the history, sanad, and matan and the content of the hadith. This research aims to find the results of partial analysis and simultaneous analysis of the Prophet's hadith regarding husbands' good deeds toward their wives and other people. The partial analysis in the research aims to determine the quality of the hadith sanad and matan. After partial analysis, the quality of hadith in sanad and matan found the sanad authentic and the matn hadith too authentic. Simultaneous analysis was conducted to determine whether the hadith also existed in other histories with different historical paths. The results simultaneously hadiths in the research only came from one friend, namely Aisyah R.A. and the hadith in the research is included in the ahad ghorib hadith category. The content of the hadith can be known through discussion hadith jurisprudence so that it can reveal the true message the Prophet conveys. The hadith in the research means that a husband must do good to his wife and other

    How Psychological Ownership Increases Subordinate Commitment in Islamic Spirituality Workplace? A Case of Indonesian Islamic Boarding School

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    This study aims to determine the role of organizational-based Psychological Ownership (PO) in the relationship between Authentic Leadership (AL), Islamic Workplace Spirituality (IWS) and Affective Commitment (AC) of Kiai’s followers/subordinates in Pesantren in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Regarding the direct relationship between variables, some of the findings in this study include: AL is positively and significantly related to PO and AC; so is the relationship between IWS and PO; and the relationship between IWS and AC is found to be insignificant. As for the mediating role, PO is proven to fully mediate the relationship between AL - AC, and IWS - AC. This indicates that PO is one of the key factors in the formation of AC, especially in the relationship between IWS and AC. At the same time, as a novelty in this study, PO as a mediating variable between AL and AC is a new finding that previous studies have not used. This study also proposes some theoretical and practical implications that can be expected to benefit researchers and organizational leaders

    Father's Role in Improving Early Childhood Leadership Character Education

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    Character is the psychological, moral, or ethical traits that distinguish one person from another. Leadership is the ability to influence people to be willing to follow guidance or obey one's decisions. This study to determine the understanding of the role of fathers about leadership character education for early childhood. Qualitative research researchers use because the object under study takes place in a natural setting and aims to know, understand, and appreciate carefully and in more depth about the role of fathers in improving early childhood leadership character education at RA Nurul Abror Cibinong. This study shows the results that the father becomes a role model and determines the direction and rules of the family to make children grow and develop their character for the better. Future research is expected to find more qualified factors and solutions to guide fathers as role models in the famil

    Implementing Project-Based Learning Using Short Movies in English Writing Course: English

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    This research aims to determine the effectiveness of implementing project-based learning using short movie-making in English writing classes. This research uses quasi-experimental research with a one-group pre-test and post-test experimental design. The research was conducted in 14 meetings with 50 English writing class 31.3A students. The odd semester was 2023-2024. The research will be carried out from September 2023 to 2024 at BSI University Jakarta. Data is collected using observation, documentation and tests. The data analysis technique uses a two-sample paired t-test for the mean. The research results concluded that short movie-making projects carried out in groups can increase student interest in writing classes. Apart from that, it is also easier for students to develop writing ideas. So, students' English writing skills are better than before the short movie-making project was implemented. This can be seen from the t-test results showing t-Stat < t-table (5.4678 < 2.0095), meaning that the project of making short movies in groups is practical and improves English writing skills

    The Role of IGRA Professional Organization in Improving Pedagogical and Professional Competence of RA Teachers

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    This research focuses on determining the role of the IGRA professional organization in improving the pedagogical and professional competence of RA teachers. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The sample selection used a purposive sampling method, namely the researcher chose research subjects that were appropriate and specific to their profession. The primary data source for this research came from 124 respondents consisting of 9 IGRA Regional Leadership administrators (PD IGRA), 11 IGRA Branch Leadership administrators (PC IGRA), 41 school principals and 63 RA teachers in the city of Batam. This research begins in October 2023 until December 2023. Data collection techniques use interviews distributed via the Google Form application and field observations. The results of this research show that the professional organization IGRA has played a role in improving the pedagogical and professional competence of RA teachers through outreach activities, workshops/training and assistance in the Implementation of the Independent Raudhatul Athfal Curriculum (IKM RA). This is proven by the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum in all RA cities of Bata

    The Law and Tradition of Weton Calculation in the Javanese Community of Jombang East Java : (Study in Balong Besuk Village, Diwek Jombang)

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    This study aims to determine the paradigm of weton calculation in marriage in Balong Besuk Village, Diwek District, Jombang Regency. In addition, it is also to find out what factors cause the calculation of weton in the community. This research includes field research using qualitative methods. The data collection uses interview, observation, and documentation methods. The data sources consist of Primary Data: Primbon Jawa Books, interviews with local community leaders, and the people involved, as well as Secondary Data sourced from books and scientific works. The conclusion from the conclusion is that the weton calculation that occurred in Balong Besuk Village, Diwek District, Jombang Regency is still being carried out. The factors that influence one of the most prominent is to maintain the legacy of the ancestors or ancestors. From the phenomena that occur. Giving rise to pros and cons, more or less there are people who practice and some do not. From the results of the research above, the researcher concluded that the calculation of weton in marriage from an Islamic law perspective is permissible if it does not conflict with the Qur'an and Sunnah and prioritizes the benefit of the community as well as tolerance in behavior

    The Intercultural Aspect of Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language in Indonesia:

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    The intercultural aspect is an important component in Arabic language teaching in Indonesia. That is because intercultural understanding is the basis for learners to be able to communicate and interact in Arabic effectively and efficiently. This paper examines the importance of the role of intercultural knowledge and understanding in teaching Arabic as a foreign language for Indonesian learners. The aim of this paper is to form an intercultural understanding of the teaching of Arabic language as an intercultural understanding for Indonesian students. The method used in studying this research is the method of studying literature with a qualitative approach. Data collection is done by managing material from books, journals, research results, and newspapers. The method used in reviewing this research is a literature study. To find out the use of cultural aspects in teaching Arabic, as a foreign language, this study will discuss four al, namely: (1) The Role of Culture in Language (2) Intercultural Competence in Language Learning (3) Language Teacher, Cultural Teacher (4) Intercultural in Arabic Language Culture. The conclusion of this paper is the importance of intercultural understanding in shaping intercultural aspects in the learning of Arabic at the level of Indonesian students. His contribution is that the paper can be used as a basic reference to shape the intercultural aspect and become a fundamental reference in developing the intercultural aspect of the Arabic language in Indonesia especially for students

    The Role of Daily Spiritual Experiences on Moslem Students’ Friendship Mediated by Religious Coping in Wellness Paradigm

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    This research describes the wellness paradigm. Holistic health in wellness means health in many areas, including physical, psychological, social and spiritual health. The wheel of wellness is a holistic health picture of the wellness paradigm, with 17 supporting components, the core being spirituality or religiosity. This study focuses on adolescents who have unique period development such as in social development. This research analyzes daily spiritual experiences related to students' friendships mediated by religious coping. This quantitative research involved 246 Muslim high school students aged 14-18 years and in grades 10 to 12. There are three scales with valid and reliable instruments such as 1) the friendship scale 2) the religious coping scale and 3) the spiritual experience scale. Hypothesis testing found that spiritual experience and religious coping had a low contribution but a significant in affecting friendship, it means that spiritual experiences and religious coping influence friendship patterns. Interestingly, spiritual experience plays a significant role and contributes highly to affect religious coping. The contribution of spiritual experience to friendship increases when mediated by religious coping. This shows that religious coping has a partial mediating role in the relationship between spiritual experience and friendship


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