270 research outputs found

    The Climatic Niche Diversity of Malagasy Primates: A Phylogenetic Perspective

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    Background: Numerous researchers have posited that there should be a strong negative relationship between the evolutionary distance among species and their ecological similarity. Alternative evidence suggests that members of adaptive radiations should display no relationship between divergence time and ecological similarity because rapid evolution results in near-simultaneous speciation early in the clade\u27s history. In this paper, we performed the first investigation of ecological diversity in a phylogenetic context using a mammalian adaptive radiation, the Malagasy primates. Methodology/Principal Findings: We collected data for 43 extant species including: 1) 1064 species by locality samples, 2) GIS climate data for each sampling locality, and 3) the phylogenetic relationships of the species. We calculated the niche space of each species by summarizing the climatic variation at localities of known occurrence. Climate data from all species occurrences at all sites were entered into a principal components analysis. We calculated the mean value of the first two PCA axes, representing rainfall and temperature diversity, for each species. We calculated the K statistic using the Physig program for Matlab to examine how well the climatic niche space of species was correlated with phylogeny. Conclusions/Significance: We found that there was little relationship between the phylogenetic distance of Malagasy primates and their rainfall and temperature niche space, i.e., closely related species tend to occupy different climatic niches. Furthermore, several species from different genera converged on a similar climatic niche. These results have important implications for the evolution of ecological diversity, and the long-term survival of these endangered species

    Host Longevity and Parasite Species Richness in Mammals

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    Hosts and parasites co-evolve, with each lineage exerting selective pressures on the other. Thus, parasites may influence host life-history characteristics, such as longevity, and simultaneously host life-history may influence parasite diversity. If parasite burden causes increased mortality, we expect a negative association between host longevity and parasite species richness. Alternatively, if long-lived species represent a more stable environment for parasite establishment, host longevity and parasite species richness may show a positive association. We tested these two opposing predictions in carnivores, primates and terrestrial ungulates using phylogenetic comparative methods and controlling for the potentially confounding effects of sampling effort and body mass. We also tested whether increased host longevity is associated with increased immunity, using white blood cell counts as a proxy for immune investment. Our analyses revealed weak relationships between parasite species richness and longevity. We found a significant negative relationship between longevity and parasite species richness for ungulates, but no significant associations in carnivores or primates. We also found no evidence for a relationship between immune investment and host longevity in any of our three groups. Our results suggest that greater parasite burden is linked to higher host mortality in ungulates. Thus, shorter-lived ungulates may be more vulnerable to disease outbreaks, which has implications for ungulate conservation, and may be applicable to other short-lived mammals

    Predictors of orbital convergence in primates: A test of the snake detection hypothesis of primate evolution

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    Traditional explanations for the evolution of high orbital convergence and stereoscopic vision in primates have focused on how stereopsis might have aided early primates in foraging or locomoting in an arboreal environment. It has recently been suggested that predation risk by constricting snakes was the selective force that favored the evolution of orbital convergence in early primates, and that later exposure to venomous snakes favored further degrees of convergence in anthropoid primates. Our study tests this snake detection hypothesis (SDH) by examining whether orbital convergence among extant primates is indeed associated with the shared evolutionary history with snakes or the risk that snakes pose for a given species. We predicted that orbital convergence would be higher in species that: 1) have a longer history of sympatry with venomous snakes, 2) are likely to encounter snakes more frequently, 3) are less able to detect or deter snakes due to group size effects, and 4) are more likely to be preyed upon by snakes. Results based on phylogenetically independent contrasts do not support the SDH. Orbital convergence shows no relationship to the shared history with venomous snakes, likelihood of encountering snakes, or group size. Moreover, those species less likely to be targeted as prey by snakes show significantly higher values of orbital convergence. Although an improved ability to detect camouflaged snakes, along with other cryptic stimuli, is likely a consequence of increased orbital convergence, this was unlikely to have been the primary selective force favoring the evolution of stereoscopic vision in primates


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    While the sub-Saharan African region carries a disproportionately high amount of the global malaria burden, many historically endemic areas are moving towards elimination. Achieving elimination in areas with low levels of endemicity requires targeted interventions against the remaining vector species, and there is potential that traditional control measures such as long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLIN) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) may not be as effective against these species. By performing a longitudinal cohort analysis in a low transmission area, we seek to determine the association between risk factors and malaria vectors species as it pertains to ongoing transmission, to inform how potential interventions should be targeted. This analysis is focused on data gathered by the Southern and Central Africa International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research (ICEMR) from 2018 to 2020 as part of the Antoomwe Study in Mapanza, Choma District, Southern Province, Zambia. Fifty-nine households were in enrolled in the study for an average of 18-months. Participating households agreed to entomological trapping and the administrations of surveys for epidemiological data. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) light traps were used for monthly collection of mosquitoes inside and outside of households. Collections were performed indoors (n = 1,113) and outdoors (n = 1,021) with 3,095 mosquitoes collected overall. Mosquitoes were morphologically and molecularly confirmed to species, revealing ten anopheline species with Anopheles arabiensis being the most prevalent, representing 36% of anophelines identified. Blood meal analysis was performed in addition to Plasmodium falciparum detection by ELISA, with only one parasite-positive specimen detected. A mixed effect negative binomial regression was used to determine the association of known risk factors and control measures with mosquito prevalence. Additionally, spatial analysis was performed to determine household proximity to various environmental features that affect mosquito species composition, of which tree density around the home was significantly associated with increase mosquito abundance. Analysis of residual spatial dependency in model performance across time was also considered. This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the changing dynamics of malaria vectors in Choma District, Zambia to mitigate malaria transmission

    Stronger maternal social bonds and higher rank are associated with accelerated infant maturation in Kinda baboons

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    Social relationships are critical components of health and fitness for humans and other animals. For female-philopatric species, affiliative relationships among females (kin and nonkin alike) can influence components of fitness that include individual survival, interbirth interval and offspring survival. Affiliative relationships with males have attracted somewhat less attention, with most studies focusing on female–male relationships as adaptations for infanticide avoidance. Here, we use 8 years of behavioural data on Kinda baboons, Papio kindae, to assess whether maternal social relationships—both among females and between females and males—affect infant survival, interbirth interval and the pace of infant development. Kinda baboons are an ideal system for these analyses because males and females form strong relationships outside of the periovulatory period and in the absence of obvious infanticide threat. We calculated social metrics that reflected dominance status, total social integration and social bond strength and paired these metrics with data on offspring survival, interbirth interval (IBI) duration and infant behavioural maturation. Neither dominance rank nor sociality had a significant effect on interbirth interval or survival, but higher rank and the stronger affiliative relationships between a female and her top female and top male social partners predicted more rapid infant behavioural maturation. These results suggest that maternal dominance and sociality may confer advantages related to infant development and independence that ultimately may permit females to more quickly invest in subsequent offspring and point to advantages of relationships with males outside of lowering infanticide threat

    A Novel Method for Comparative Analysis of Retinal Specialization Traits from Topographic Maps

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    Abstract Vertebrates possess different types of retinal specializations that vary in number, size, shape, and position in the retina. This diversity in retinal configuration has been revealed through topographic maps, which show variations in neuron density across the retina. Although topographic maps of about 300 vertebrates are available, there is no method for characterizing retinal traits quantitatively. Our goal is to present a novel method to standardize information on the position of the retinal specializations and changes in retinal ganglion cell (RGC) density across the retina from published topographic maps. We measured the position of the retinal specialization using two Cartesian coordinates and the gradient in cell density by sampling ganglion cell density values along four axes (nasal, temporal, ventral, and dorsal). Using this information, along with the peak and lowest RGC densities, we conducted discriminant function analyses (DFAs) to establish if this method is sensitive to distinguish three common types of retinal specializations (fovea, area, and visual streak). The discrimination ability of the model was higher when considering terrestrial (78%–80% correct classification) and aquatic (77%–86% correct classification) species separately than together. Our method can be used in the future to test specific hypotheses on the differences in retinal morphology between retinal specializations and the association between retinal morphology and behavioral and ecological traits using comparative methods controlling for phylogenetic effects

    Facial width-to-height ratio relates to dominance style in the genus Macaca

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    Background. Physical, visual, chemical, and auditory cues signalling fighting ability have independently evolved in many animal taxa as a means to resolve conflicts without escalating to physical aggression. Facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR, i.e., the relative width to height of the face) has been associated with dominance-related phenotypes both in humans and in other primates. In humans, faces with a larger fWHR are perceived as more aggressive. Methods. We examined fWHR variation among 11 species of the genus Macaca. Macaques have been grouped into four distinct categories, from despotic to tolerant, based on their female dominance style. Female dominance style is related to intra and inter-sexual competition in both males and females and the result of different evolutionary pressure across species. We used female dominance style as a proxy of intra-/inter-sexual competition to test the occurrence of correlated evolution between competitive regimes and dominance-related phenotypes. fWHR was calculated from 145 2D-photographs of male and female adult macaques. Results. We found no phylogenetic signal on the differences in fWHR across species in the two sexes. However, fWHR was greater, in females and males, in species characterised by despotic female dominance style than in tolerant species. Discussion. Our results suggest that dominance-related phenotypes are related to differences in competitive regimes and intensity of inter- and intra-sexual selection across species