421 research outputs found

    Non-vanishing boundary effects and quasi-first order phase transitions in high dimensional Ising models

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    In order to gain a better understanding of the Ising model in higher dimensions we have made a comparative study of how the boundary, open versus cyclic, of a d-dimensional simple lattice, for d=1,...,5, affects the behaviour of the specific heat C and its microcanonical relative, the entropy derivative -dS/dU. In dimensions 4 and 5 the boundary has a strong effect on the critical region of the model and for cyclic boundaries in dimension 5 we find that the model displays a quasi first order phase transition with a bimodal energy distribution. The latent heat decreases with increasing systems size but for all system sizes used in earlier papers the effect is clearly visible once a wide enough range of values for K is considered. Relations to recent rigorous results for high dimensional percolation and previous debates on simulation of Ising models and gauge fields are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 27 figure

    A remark on Hamiltonian cycles

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    AbstractEvery 2-connected graph G with ÎŽ â©Ÿ (v + Îș)3 is hamiltonian where v denotes the order, ÎŽ the minimum degree and Îș the point connectivity of G

    Circuits through specified edges

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    AbstractWe prove a theorem implying the conjecture of Woodall [14] that, given any k independent edges in a (k+1)-connected graph, there is a circuit containing all of them. This implies the truth of a conjecture of Berge [1, p.214] and provides strong evidence to a conjecture of LovĂĄsz [8]

    Completing some Partial Latin Squares

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    AbstractWe show that any partial 3 r× 3 r Latin square whose filled cells lie in two disjoint r×r sub-squares can be completed. We do this by proving the more general result that any partial 3 r by 3 r Latin square, with filled cells in the top left 2r× 2 r square, for which there is a pairing of the columns so that in each row there is a filled cell in at most one of each matched pair of columns, can be completed if and only if there is some way to fill the cells of the top left 2 r× 2 r square

    Cycle Double Covers and Semi-Kotzig Frame

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    Let HH be a cubic graph admitting a 3-edge-coloring c:E(H)→Z3c: E(H)\to \mathbb Z_3 such that the edges colored by 0 and Ό∈{1,2}\mu\in\{1,2\} induce a Hamilton circuit of HH and the edges colored by 1 and 2 induce a 2-factor FF. The graph HH is semi-Kotzig if switching colors of edges in any even subgraph of FF yields a new 3-edge-coloring of HH having the same property as cc. A spanning subgraph HH of a cubic graph GG is called a {\em semi-Kotzig frame} if the contracted graph G/HG/H is even and every non-circuit component of HH is a subdivision of a semi-Kotzig graph. In this paper, we show that a cubic graph GG has a circuit double cover if it has a semi-Kotzig frame with at most one non-circuit component. Our result generalizes some results of Goddyn (1988), and H\"{a}ggkvist and Markstr\"{o}m [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B (2006)]

    Sex som sjÀlvskadebeteende bland unga : En kvalitativ studie om unga som uttrycker sitt lidande genom att skada sig sjÀlva

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    Syftet med den hĂ€r studien Ă€r att beskriva hur vi kan kĂ€nna igen unga som anvĂ€nder sex som sjĂ€lvskadebeteende. Studien görs för att man inom social- och hĂ€lsovĂ„rden bĂ€ttre ska kunna förstĂ„, bemöta samt hjĂ€lpa dessa unga i deras tillfrisknande. Respondenten vill Ă€ven ta reda pĂ„ om det Ă€r möjligt att börja mĂ„ bra igen och fĂ„ ett gott liv efter att man har skadat sig sjĂ€lv genom sex. Centrala frĂ„gestĂ€llningar Ă€r: vad kĂ€nnetecknar unga som skadar sig sjĂ€lva genom riskfyllda och skadliga sexuella handlingar eller andra former av sjĂ€lvskadebeteende samt hur gĂ„r tillfrisknandet till? Respondenten har valt en kvalitativ narrativ metod, samt anvĂ€nt sig av innehĂ„llsanalys för att analysera resultatet. Som teoretisk utgĂ„ngspunkt valde respondenten Antonovskys modell KASAM och Erikssons (1994) Den lidande mĂ€nniskan. Resultatet visar att om man blir utsatt för sexuella övergrepp leder detta till trauman som drabbar den utsatte pĂ„ bred front och sĂ€tter spĂ„r för livet. Att bli utsatt för sexuella övergrepp tar sig fysiska, psykiska samt synliga uttryck. Beteendet Ă€r svĂ„rt att bryta. Resultaten i studien pekar mot att det Ă€r möjligt att fĂ„ ett bra liv efter att beteendet upphört. För att möjliggöra detta krĂ€vs professionell hjĂ€lp för att kunna Ă€ndra beteendet och fĂ„ ett gott liv. Utvecklingsarbete: Syftet med utvecklingsarbetet Ă€r att via en webbportals informationssida lĂ€ttförstĂ„eligt och lĂ€ttillgĂ€ngligt informera om vad sex som sjĂ€lvskadebeteende Ă€r. Det görs för att sprida kunskap bland unga sĂ„ att de förstĂ„r att det finns hjĂ€lp att fĂ„. Arbetet görs som en fördjupning av respondentens examensarbete Sex som sjĂ€lvskadebeteende bland unga (HĂ€ggkvist. 2014). Centrala frĂ„gestĂ€llningar Ă€r: Vad Ă€r sex som sjĂ€lvskadebeteende? och Hur söker man hjĂ€lp? Som teoretiska utgĂ„ngspunkter anvĂ€nder respondenten KASAM enligt Antonovsky (1987) och Den lidande mĂ€nniskan enligt Eriksson (1994). Slutprodukten av detta utvecklingsarbete Ă€r en informationssida pĂ„ webbportalen www.Decibel.fi som riktar sig till unga i Ă„ldern 13-25 Ă„r. Informationssidan lĂ€ggs upp under vĂ„ren 2015, webbportalen www.Decibel.fi ansvarar för layouten.The aim of this study is to describe how to recognise adolescents using sex as a means of inflicting self-harm. The reason for conducting the study is to provide a means for people working within social and health care to better understand and treat these individuals, helping them to recover. Furthermore the respondent aims at determining whether it is possible to start feeling well again and to receive a good life after destructively harming oneself through the use of sex. The essential questions are: 1) What is characteristic of adolescents inflicting self-harm through the use of hazardous and harmful sexual acts, or other forms of self- destructive behaviour, as well as 2) how to recover from this. The respondent has chosen a qualitative narrative method combined with a content analysis to analyse the results. As theoretical frameworks Antonovsky’s model of Sense of Coherence as well as Eriksson’s (1994) The Suffering Human Being are used. The results show that the consequences of being made victim of sexual abuse are wideranging traumas that leave a deep mark for live. Being made victim of sexual abuse manifests physically, psychologically and visually. The behaviour pattern is difficult to break. In addition, the results point towards the possibility of receiving a good life after the behaviour has ceased. To enable this professional help is required. Development project: The aim of this development project is to create an easily accessible and easily understood information page about self-destructive behaviour at a web portal. The reason for this is to spread knowledge about the topic among young people, and also to let them know that there is help to obtain. This study is a continuation of the respondent’s essay Sex As Self-destructive Behaviour Amongst Adolescents (HĂ€ggkvist, 2014). The questions at issue are “What is sex as self-destructive behaviour?” and “How does one seek help?” The present study is based on the theories of SOC formulated by Antonovsky (1987) and The Suffering Human Being by Eriksson (1994). The outcome of this in-depth article is an information page on the web portal www.Decibel.fi, which targets young people between the ages 13 to 25. The information page will be on the Internet in spring 2015. The web portal www.Decibel.fi will be responsible for the layout

    Förstudie för utvÀrdering av jaktberikning pÄ Parken Zoo

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    The aim with this study is to prepare for a larger study, by gathering information about hunting enrichment, discuss which enrichment Parken Zoo in Eskilstuna have that are suitable to use in the larger study and report which observation methods that are used in other articles. In the larger study, the focus will lie on evaluation methods and measurable results. They have, during several years at Parken Zoo in Eskilstuna, developed different types of hunting enrichments for their carnivores, because hunting is a natural behavior that is hard to accommodate in captivity. The bigger project will integrate other zoos so that they can do a study on a larger group of animals, and because a lot of other studies in the same field only capture the results of few individuals. In this literature study you will read about the goals of enrichment, research that have been done on enrichment for felids and review several specific articles about hunting enrichment for felids

    Intercalates and Discrepancy in Random Latin Squares

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    An intercalate in a Latin square is a 2×22\times2 Latin subsquare. Let NN be the number of intercalates in a uniformly random n×nn\times n Latin square. We prove that asymptotically almost surely N≄(1−o(1)) n2/4N\ge\left(1-o\left(1\right)\right)\,n^{2}/4, and that EN≀(1+o(1)) n2/2\mathbb{E}N\le\left(1+o\left(1\right)\right)\,n^{2}/2 (therefore asymptotically almost surely N≀fn2N\le fn^{2} for any f→∞f\to\infty). This significantly improves the previous best lower and upper bounds. We also give an upper tail bound for the number of intercalates in two fixed rows of a random Latin square. In addition, we discuss a problem of Linial and Luria on low-discrepancy Latin squares

    A Proof of a Conjecture of Ohba

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    We prove a conjecture of Ohba which says that every graph GG on at most 2χ(G)+12\chi(G)+1 vertices satisfies χℓ(G)=χ(G)\chi_\ell(G)=\chi(G).Comment: 21 page
