608 research outputs found


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    The counseling service is a part of pharmaceutical care to increase patients knowledge of therapeutical management. To prevent unappropiated drug use and to improve patients knowledge, treatment adherence and the success of therapeutical management. Therefore, it is important to give counseling service for the pharmacy patients and their family. This study was aimed to identify the realization of counseling service implementation at pharmacy in Yogyakarta Indonesia. This study was non-experimental study with descriptive observational design and quantitative approach. The result showed that the implementation counseling service at pharmacy in Yogyakarta Indonesia had not been well conducted. The implementation counseling service at pharmacy was 58,59% who had received counseling by 95,96% patients who required counseling service. Whereas patient who come to pharmacy is out-patient who is responsible to therapeutical management. There was 55,17% patients experienced that the atmosphere of the comfortable room for counseling services. There ware communication aspects of counseling service at pharmacy in Yogyakarta Indonesia had been well conducted. However the pharmacist were communicated with body language such as practicing how to use the drug in counseling services was 63.79% pasient experienced. Nevertheless 94.82% of pharmacy patients feel if pharmacists used understandable language in counseling service


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    It has been human’s habit to carry out something to achieve his/her want, as long as his/her want has been achieved and met with the achievement in the form secular contentment, he/she will feel that God honor him/her deeply. When he/she is not able to achieve his/her want and suffering/poverty and difficulty befalls him/her, he/she will say that God makes him/her contemptible. Such a character needs to reconsider in by evaluating the intention inside us, because our deed depends on intention, when our intention is to serve to nation and state, this service should be clean of greed passion, evil, jealousy, lie, deceit, mark up, plagiarism, even resistance to the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila and 1945 Constitution and Bhineka Tunggal Ika. As a human who believes in God, we cannot escape from Him, that the intention to defend the state and to build the nation and to make Indonesian people prosperous is conducted because of solely God. For that reason, everything related to God, it should be done with humanity, civilization and justice principles. Each of our action and movement should uphold Indonesian unity by enforcing consensually discussion in wisdom and social justice philosophy for entire Indonesian nation, it is the character that should be inherent to Indonesian people. KATA KUNCI:Pendidikan karakter I


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    Dalam penulisan skripsi ini, penulis ingin menjelaskan sejarah singkat imam Nawawi beliau adalah seorang Ahli hadits yang terkenal didesa nawa, mempunyai sifat yang sabar, wara, dan tawadhu. Adapun kandungan dari Hadits Arabain bahwa hadits tersebut menjelaskan tentang syariat, adab, khutbah, jihad. Dalam skripsi ini menjelaskan kalam insya thalabi yang ada dalam Hadits Arbain nawawi, sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan kalm insya adalah kalimat yang pembicaraanya tidak disebut sebagai orang yang benar dan orang yang dusta, dan yang dimaksud dengan kalam insya thalabi adalah kalimat yang menghendaki terjadinya sesuatu yang belum terjadi ketika kalimat tersebut diucapkan. Kalam insya itu terbagi menjadi lima macam yaitu Amar, Nahy, Nida, Istifham, Tamanni. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam skripsi ini ada dua yaitu apa macam-macam kalam insya thalabi yang ada di Hadits Arbain Nawawi dan apa makna kalam insya thalabi yang ada di Hadits Arbain Nawawi. Pendekatan yang dipakai dalam penelitian skripsi si peneliti adalah kualitatif. Sedangakan Metode yang digunakan dalam membahas masalah ini, penulis mengguakan dua metode, yaitu metode bayani dn metode tahlili. Metode bayani adalah suatu metode yang menjelaskan pendapat-pendapat ulama yang berubungan dengan masalah ini. Meode tahlili adalah suatu metode yang dilakukan untuk menetapkan pendapatnya berdasarkan pendapat para ulama dan kesimpulan-kesimpulan. Dari hasil kajian tersebut terungkap bahwa di dalam hadits Arbain Nawawi terdapat 56 kalam yang mengandung kalam insya thalabi dengan empat macamnya, yakni pertama amr (perintah), kedua nahy (larangan), istifham (pertanyaan), dan keempat nida (seruhan). Dalam hadits Arbain Nawawi terdapat 27 kalam berbentuk Amar dengan fariasi jenis makana yang dikandung antara lain irsyad(petunjuk), I tibar (member pelajaran), imtinan (karunia), tahdid (ancaman), haqiqi (makna Asli). Kemudian 13 kalam berbentuk nahy dengan fariasi jenis makna yang dikandung adalah, irsyad (petunjuk), haqiqi. Kemudian 7 kalam berbentuk Nida yang mengandung makna ighro(bujukan-anjuran), istighosah( minta pertolongan), haqiqi. Kemudian 9 kalam berbentuk Istifham yang mengandung makna haqiqi, taqrir (penetapan), tanbih (mengingatkan)

    Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar IPA Melalui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran STAD Pada Siswa SD Negeri Kauman 01 Kecamatan Juwana Kabupaten Pati Kelas IV Semester I Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar IPA melalui penerapan model pembelajaran STAD pada siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Kauman 01 Kecamatan Juwana Kabupaten Pati tahun pelajaran 2012/2013. Subjek penelitian adalah guru dan siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Kauman 01 Kecamatan J uwana Kabupaten Pati yang berjumlah sebanyak 40 siswa. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan melalui observasi, dokumen, dan tes. Teknik uji validitas data menggunakan bentuk triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi waktu. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis interaktif yang terdiri dari 3 komponen, yaitu: reduksi, paparan data/penyajian data, dan penyimpulan hasil analisis. Prosedur penelitian dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, masing-masing siklus terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu: perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan motivasi belajar IPA. Adapun peningkatan motivasi belajar dapat dilihat dari hasil observasi terhadap motivasi belajar IPA dari pra tindakan sampai siklus II. Pada pra tindakan menunjukkkan rata-rata prosentase motivasi belajar baik sebanyak 22,19%, rata -rata prosentase motivasi belajar cukup sebanyak 27,81 %, dan rata-rata prosentase motivasi belajar kurang sebanyak 50%. Pada siklus I rata-rata prosentase motivasi belajar baik sebanyak 60%, rata-rata prosentase motivasi belajar cukup sebanyak 24,69%, dan rata-rata prosentase motivasi belajar kurang sebanyak 15,31%. Pada siklus II rata-rata prosentase motivasi belajar baik sebanyak 90,63%, rata -rata prosentase motivasi belajar cukup sebanyak 6,88%, dan rata-rata prosentase motivasi belajar kurang sebanyak 2,5%. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran STAD dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar IPA


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    Objective. The waiting time of pharmacy service is a performance indicator of pharmacy service in hospitals as specified by the Ministry of Health of Indonesia in decree No. 129/MENKES/SK/II/2008 about Minimum Service Standard of Hospital. This study was aimed to identify the realization of the waiting time implementation of pharmacy service at Pharmacy Installation of Jogja Hospital compared to the targeted performance. Method. This study used descriptive desaign. The secondary data was taken from programs of Pharmacy Installation. While primary data was taken from direct observation. Samples were consisted of 200 items of data of compound medicine and 200 of non compound medicine. Data was analysed using descriptive statistic to identify the implementation. While gap analysis method to find out the gap between the target and the realization of the implementation of waiting time of pharmacy service for outpatients. Result. The result showed that the waiting time implementation of pharmacy service at Pharmacy Installation of Jogja Hospital for compound medicine service in average was 41 minutes 2 seconds. This finding was appropiate to the range of minimum service standard of hospital but was not appropiate to the range of waiting time targeted by Pharmacy Installation. The gap was negative 0.50% or the realization did not achieve the targeted waiting time. Meanwhile the waiting time implementation of non compound medicine service in average was 19 minutes 45 seconds. This finding was appropiate to the minimum service standard of hospital and targeted waiting time of Pharmacy Installation. The gap was positive 1.0% which meant that it had exceeded the target. Conclusion. The waiting time implementation of pharmacy service for outpatients at Jogja Hospital had been in the range of hospital minimum service standard. Keywords: waiting time, pharmacy service, outpatients, Jogja Hospita


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    Customer satisfaction with pharmaceutical care in pharmacy can be measured bycomparing the expectations of consumers on the quality of pharmacy services desired by thefact that it received. This study was aimed to identify the dimensions of the expected quality ofpharmaceutical care, is considered important, and which has a good performance with a modelof quality pharmaceutical care to costumer at pharmacy in Yogyakarta. This study wasobservational descriptive method and the results are presented with quadrant diagram. Theresults showed that the costumer at pharmacy in Yogyakarta satisfied with pharmaceutical carein Tangible and Empathy dimension. The Tangible and Empathy dimensions are in quadrant IIof the diagram. Howefer, the Assurance, Responsiveness and Reliability dimension, costumersless satisfied because the assume of patients if the pharmacy performance is still lower than theexpectations of consumers. That showed the Assurance, Responsiveness and Reliabilitydimensions are in quadrant III of the diagram


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    This study investigates whether different modes of planning help the students improve their writing performance across learning styles. It also tries to reveal which format of planning results in better writing performance and which learning styles improves students’ writing performance best. The design used in the present study was experimental research since it examined the effects of modes of planning (pre-task/PTP and within task planning/WTP) towards students’ writing performance across learning styles. The researcher took two classes of ten classes as the subjects of the research using a lottery. After that they were treated using a pre-test to determine whether they were homogenous or not. The data were taken from the following instruments: Writing test and GEFT. The scores of the students were analyzed using independent sample t-test. The findings show that PTP outperforms WTP, and there is no significant difference between Field Independent (FI) Learners and Field Dependent (FD) Learners. Thus, no matter the students’ learning styles, students have to be suggested to make a plan before writing a text with the guidance of the teacher. Key Words: Pre-Task Planning, Within Task Planning, Learning Styles,                          Writing Performanc


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    Penelitian ini mengangkat permasalahan tentang pengalaman guru dalam membelajarkan metode ilmiah. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) pengalaman guru Biologi SMA Negeri di kabupaten Temanggung dalam membelajarkan metode ilmiah kepada peserta didik, dan 2) kecenderungan hubungan antara pengalaman guru Biologi SMA Negeri di kabupaten Temanggung dalam membelajarkan metode ilmiah dengan profesionalisme guru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan metode survei. Populasi penelitian yaitu semua guru Biologi SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Temanggung. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada semua anggota populasi, sehingga penelitian ini termasuk kategori sensus. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah tingkat profesionalisme guru Biologi, sedangkan variabel terikatnya adalah pengalaman guru Biologi SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Temanggung dalam membelajarkan metode ilmiah kepada peserta didik. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket tertutup dengan Skala Likert. Adapun teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru Biologi SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Temanggung tersebar dalam dua kategori, yakni sangat profesional (3 guru) dan cukup profesional (13 guru). Sebagian besar guru Biologi memiliki pengalaman yang baik dalam membelajarkan metode ilmiah kepada peserta didik, dan hanya ada satu guru memiliki pengalaman kurang dalam membelajarkan metode ilmiah. Pada kategori sangat profesional, sebanyak 2 guru (66,67%) memiliki pengalaman yang sangat baik dalam membelajarkan metode ilmiah, sedangkan 1 guru lainnya (33,33%) memiliki pengalaman yang baik dalam hal yang sama. Sementara itu, pada kategori cukup profesional, sebanyak 7 guru (53,85%) memiliki pengalaman yang baik dalam membelajarkan metode ilmiah, 4 guru (30,77%) memiliki pengalaman yang sangat baik dalam membelajarkan metode ilmiah, dan sisanya memiliki pengalaman membelajarkan metode ilmiah pada kategori cukup dan kategori kurang, masing-masing sebanyak 1 guru (7,69%). Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa guru yang sangat profesional cenderung memiliki pengalaman yang lebih baik dalam membelajarkan metode ilmiah daripada guru yang cukup profesional


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    Background : The drug information service is a part of pharmaceutical care to increase the quality of life of patient. To prevent unappropiated drug use and to improve patients knowledge and understanding on drug use leads to the treatment compliance and the success of therapeutical management. Therefore, it is extremly important to give drug information service for the patients and their family. Objective : This study was aimed to identify the realization of drug information service impelementation at phramacy in Yogyakarta. Methods : This study was non experimental study with descriptive observational design and quantitative approach Result : The result showed that the implementaion of drug information service at pharmacy in Yogyakarta had been conducted well. There were four information aspects was give to the patients. Based on the observation, 70 % patients experienced drug information service on the name of the drug and aimed of treatment, the rule of drug used, the schedule of drug used, and the period of drug used. However, information on the drug adverse effect and the drug storage were ungive. There were less than 70 % patient give the information. Moreover, the number of patients give drug toxicity and things to do related to drug toxicity information reached merely 33,33%, whereas patient who come to pharmacy is out patient who is responsible to the drug used. Conclusion : Implementation of drug information service at pharmacy in Yogyakarta had been well conducted. Nevertheless, some aspects of drug information were not implemented optimally. Keywords : implementation, drug information, pharmac