178 research outputs found

    Sicherung der Daseinsvorsorge in ländlichen Regionen in Europa – internationale Begegnungen zum Informations- und Erfahrungsaustausch

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    Viele Kommunen und Regionen, vor allem in ländlichen Räumen, sehen sich vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels mit zunehmenden Herausforderungen bei der Sicherung ihrer Daseinsvorsorge konfrontiert. Benötigt werden neue Vorgehensweisen und Lösungsansätze, um Infrastrukturen und Dienstleistungen der Daseinsvorsorge erhalten und schaffen zu können. Ein Austausch über Erfahrungen, Vorgehensweisen und Good-Practice-Beispielen kann dabei helfen, Projekte zur Sicherung der Daseinsvorsorge zu initiieren und zu realisieren. Ein internationaler Austausch erlaubt zudem neue Perspektiven über Rahmenbedingungen und Werte und bietet die Chance eine internationale Zusammenarbeit und verschiedene Projektkooperationen anzuregen. Im Rahmen der Begleitforschung Internationale Erfahrungen des Aktionsprogrammes regionale Daseinsvorsorge (als Modellvorhaben der Raumordnung (MORO) des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI) und betreut durch das Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR) im Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR)) wurde ein Partnerschaftsprogramm entwickelt, um einen internationalen Austausch zu ermöglichen. Die durchgeführten internationalen Informations- und Erfahrungsaustausche (als Fachexkursionen) gaben den Akteuren zur Sicherung der Daseinsvorsorge Anregungen für Projekte und Projektideen, boten die Chance zum persönlichen Erfahrungsaustausch und zu Diskussionen, lieferten Hinweise zu Lösungsansätzen und regten zum Überdenken von Rahmenbedingungen an. Über die Intiierung von persönlichen Kontakten, informellen Netzwerken und formellen Projektkooperationen (wie z.B. eine Zusammenarbeit in gemeinsamen INTERREG-Projekten) kann der internationale Austausch verstetigt werden. Somit kann die Durchführung von internationalen Austauschen einen Beitrag leisten, erfolgreiche Projekte zur Sicherung der Daseinsvorsorge zu initiieren und umzusetzen, internationale Kontakte und Kooperationen aufzubauen sowie langfristig eine zukunftsfähige Entwicklung von Gemeinden und Regionen zu ermöglichen. Aufbauend auf den während der Fachexkursionen behandelten europäischen Strategie- und Projektbeispielen konnten verschiedene Erfolgsfaktoren für Strategien und Projekte zur Sicherung der Daseinsvorsorge festgestellt werden. Diese wurden in fünf Erfolgsfaktoren zusammengefasst: • Zusammenarbeit und Kooperation, • Bürgerbeteiligung, Bürgerengagement und Persönlichkeiten, • Innen-und Außenkommunikation, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Marketing, • Unkonventionelle Projekte, flexible Standards, integrierte Strategieentwicklung, Fürsorge auch für Kleingruppen, • Nutzung und Bereitstellung digitaler Infrastruktur (Breitbandversorgung)

    Measurement and Evaluation of Sexual Objectification

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    Anslinger J. Measurement and Evaluation of Sexual Objectification. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2019.Despite a steadily growing number of social psychological studies on the sexual objectification of others, two essential aspects have been neglected, so far: First, research lacks a thoroughly validated instrument to assess individuals’ proclivity to sexually objectify others. Second, little evidence is available on how people evaluate individuals who engage in sexual objectification as well as individuals who are objectified. With a total of eight empirical studies, this dissertation seeks to close both research gaps. Empirical Part I of this thesis describes the development and validation of the *Sexual Objectification of Others Inventory (SOOI)* within five studies (*N*Study 1 = 213, *N*Study 2 = 219, *N*Study 3 = 95, *N*Study 4 = 139, *N*Study 5 = 116). The scale consists of 11 items which were selected by applying exploratory factor analyses (see Study 1 and Study 2). The factor analyses identified two factors: Instrumental Objectification and Visual Objectification. Confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the two-factor model in most studies conducted. However, poor internal consistencies for the factor Instrumental Objectification throughout the studies indicated that it is recommendable to only draw on the overall SOOI score as a measure of sexual objectification proclivity. Reliability analysis showed largely good internal consistencies and evidenced a good test-retest reliability of the SOOI. Correlational analyses provided compelling evidence for the SOOI’s convergent validity. Moreover, demonstrating criterion validity, the scale was able to predict men’s outcomes on behavioral measures after a manipulation of their masculinity (see Study 5). By applying the SOOI to a sample from the LGBTQ* community, this thesis, moreover, demonstrates that the scale is able to assess sexual objectification proclivity of people of any gender and various sexual orientations (see Study 3). Additionally, Study 4 successfully administered an English version of the SOOI. To summarize, the SOOI is the first reliable and thoroughly validated measure of people’s sexual objectification proclivity. Future studies may want to improve the reliability of the two factors by item modification. Item modification would allow for creating an updated SOOI version with two functional subscales. The current SOOI is available in German and English and comes in three analogously worded versions, assessing sexual objectification toward women, men, and people in general. With Empirical Part II, this thesis seeks to answer the open question of how people evaluate perpetrators and targets of sexual objectification. Three online studies were conducted (*N*Study 1 = 290, *N*Study 2 = 338, *N*Study 3 = 245) assessing attributed power, warmth, competence to as well as preferred social distance toward targets and perpetrators of sexual objectification. Furthermore, Study 2 and Study 3 investigated to what extent sexual objectification was perceived as an ethical issue in comparison to sexual harassment and control behaviors. Although social norm violation can lead to an increased attribution of power (see van Kleef et al., 2011), Studies 1-3 showed that perpetrators of sexual objectification were not perceived as more powerful due to their behavior. Correspondingly, targets of sexual objectification were not evaluated as less powerful. Results indicated that this outcome might reflect a bias similar to rape victim blame (e.g., Grubb & Turner, 2012). Furthermore, as hypothesized, sexual objectification was perceived as a less severe ethical issue than sexual harassment. Remarkably, however, sexual objectification was perceived on the same level of severity as the control behaviors. Research on ethical decision-making (Jones, 1991) suggests that participants might have attributed little negative consequences to sexual objectification, resulting in a reduced perception of severity. Studies 1-3 moreover demonstrated that male perpetrators were perceived as being less warm and competent than female perpetrators. Furthermore, people preferred more social distance toward male perpetrators than female ones. Attribution theory (Pryor, 1985) offers an explanation for this outcome: While objectifying and harassing behaviors by men can be attributed to their presumed misogyny, people lack an analogous schema to integrate and explain the same behavior by female perpetrators. However, future studies need to investigate why also male perpetrators of the control behaviors were evaluated more negatively compared to women

    Junge MĂĽtter im dualen System der Berufsbildung: Potenziale und Hindernisse

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    Seit dem Jahr 2005 haben junge Mütter die Möglichkeit, ihre Ausbildung in Teilzeit zu absolvieren. Von der Regelung hat sich die Politik einen Anstieg der Auszubildendenzahlen und langfristig einen Beitrag zur Behebung des Fachkräftemangels versprochen. Erfüllen sich die Erwartungen? Welche Probleme ergeben sich bei der Umsetzung in die Praxis? Der vorliegende Band zieht Zwischenbilanz. Er untersucht, wie hoch die Bereitschaft in den Betrieben ist, jungen Müttern einen Teilzeitausbildungsplatz anzubieten. Auf welche Hindernisse stößt die Neuregelung bei den Unternehmen? Welche Bedingungen müssen erfüllt sein, damit Teilzeitausbildungen nicht nur im Einzelfall vereinbart, sondern als Regelangebot im Unternehmen verankert werden?In 2005, part-time vocational training programmes for young mothers were introduced. In doing so, politicians hoped to achieve a rise in the number of trainees and, in the long run, to fix the shortage of skilled workers. Has the policy lived up to the expectations? Which problems does the practical implementation involve? This volume is to draw up an interim balance. It examines the willingness of companies to offer part-time training programmes for young mothers. Which obstacles does the new regulation face within companies? What are the required conditions for part-time vocational training programmes to be offered by companies as a standard option and not only in individual cases

    Dimensions of validation of prior learning in Europe : empirical insights from Denmark, Poland, Turkey and Germany

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    The validation and recognition of prior non-formal and informal learning (VPL) is a priority of EU educational policies and central to lifelong and life-wide learning. The aim is to strengthen the flexibility of learning pathways to increase labour market transition and mobility across Europe. Key objective is to enhance employability and labour market opportunities for disadvantaged individuals such as the low skilled, unemployed, migrant workers, refugees and individuals with restricted labour market and learning opportunities. This edited volume summarizes the main findings of the ERASMUS plus project "Effectiveness of VPL Policies and Programmes - Individual and Employer Perspectives" (Effect VPL), which was funded from 2016 to 2019. The contributions, which focus on the four participating countries Denmark, Germany, Poland and Turkey, provide an overview of current topics in the field of VPL. They comprise theoretical as well as empirical perspectives on VPL focusing, inter alia, on the socio-economic context, adult education and lifelong learning in Europe. Likewise, perspectives of those involved into VPL processes - individuals, employers, counsellors and trade unions - are presented and analysed. Hereby, the book not only contributes to the scholarly debate on VPL in Europe, it furthermore offers handson approaches for VPL processes putting the individual at the centre of the validation process

    Suspension fluorescence in situ hybridization (S-FISH) combined with automatic detection and laser microdissection for STR profiling of male cells in male/female mixtures

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    Laser microdissection is a valuable tool for isolating specific cells from mixtures, such as male cells in a mixture with female cells, e.g., in cases of sexual assault. These cells can be stained with Y-chromosome-specific probes. We developed an automatic screening method to detect male cells after fluorescence in situ hybridization in suspension (S-FISH). To simulate forensic casework, the method was tested on female saliva after cataglottis (a kiss involving tongue-to-tongue contact) and on licking traces (swabs of dried male saliva on female skin) even after drying. After isolation of the detected cells, short tandem repeat profiling was performed. Full DNA profiles could consistently be obtained from as little as ten buccal cells. Isolation of five cells resulted in a mean of 98% (SD of 3.4%) of the alleles detected, showing that the developed S-FISH staining had no significant negative influence on DNA recovery and can be used in forensic casework

    The choice of insider or outsider top executives in acquired companies

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    There is considerable debate amongst academics and practitioners over whether top executives of acquired or merged companies should stay or go, post-deal, as studies exploring the link with organisational performance show mixed results. This may in part be due to such studies failing to recognise that there are a number of distinct post-acquisition strategies which may require the deployment of different types of top executive. This paper addresses this limitation by bringing together the longstanding Insider/Outsider debate with a post-acquisition integration framework, in order to investigate whether there is a link between top management type and post-acquisition integration strategy. Using a dual methodology of survey and cases drawing on UK M&A data, clear associations are found between top executive type and particular post-acquisition styles. Underlying these patterns, the value-creating/value-capturing distinction of the Resource-Based View appears to have a greater influence over top executive deployment than do issues of Organisational Fit. This suggests strategic intentions have ascendancy over organisational constraints in the selection of top executives for managing post-acquisition integration

    Thirty Years After Michael E. Porter: What Do We Know About Business Exit?

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    Although a business exit is an important corporate change initiative, the buyer’s side seems to be more appealing to management researchers than the seller’s because acquisitions imply growth, i.e., success. Yet from an optimistic viewpoint, business exit can effectively create value for the selling company. In this paper we attempt to bring the relevance of the seller’s side back into our consciousness by asking: What do we know about business exit? We start our exploration with Porter (1976), focusing on literature that investigates the antecedents of, barriers to, and outcomes of business exit. We also include studies from related fields such as finance and economics.1 Through this research we determine three clusters of findings: factors promoting business exit, exit barriers, and exit outcomes. Overall, it is the intention of this paper to highlight the importance of business exit for research and practice. Knowing what we know about business exits and their high financial value we should bear in mind that exit need not mean failure but a new beginning for a corporation

    The rise of drug dealing in the life of the North American street gang

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    Historical gang literature traditionally perceived street gangs as boisterous outfits occasionally engaged in delinquency. In recent decades however, street gang behavior has come to be seen ever more as encroaching upon criminality, primarily due to its involvement in drug supply. This article aims to provide a brief historical review as to how the practice of drug supply entered into the life of the street gang, with specific emphasis on The War on Drugs in the 1970s and the rise of the crack cocaine economy in the 1980s
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