35 research outputs found

    For All Such, a Country is Provided : Choctaw Removal, Slave Trading, and Law in Southwestern Mississippi, 1800-1841

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    At the beginning of the nineteenth century there were few white settlers in the Mississippi Territory. Over the course of two decades, the United States used treaties to force the indigenous inhabitants, the Choctaw, out of this area by the United States to lands west of the Mississippi River. The United States’ goal in the region was to create a plantation economy in the Mississippi Valley based on the production of short-staple cotton sustained by enslaved African American labor. Focusing on the removal of the Choctaw and the subsequent installation of a plantation regime in the Mississippi Valley, this thesis uses government removal records, treaties, correspondence, and arguments from Groves v. Slaughter to show how Choctaw removal and the interstate slave trade are not separate events, but part of one larger movement to incorporate Mississippi into the larger world economy

    Historicizing Whiteness and White Supremacy

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    From the end of the eighteenth century to the mid twentieth century, demographic changes reformulated the ideal American citizen to be a white landowning American man. My historiographical paper covers the works of four authors, discussing the centrality of race in their works. In my paper, I cover several themes that are present throughout these disparate works, such as the role of space, citizenship, and race on the peripheries of settlement, and the highly mutable nature of whiteness regarding labor and nationality. By critiquing some of the anachronistic tendencies and omissions of contingency by some historians, I display the ways in which historians could create more complete histories centered around whiteness and white supremacy

    Análisis de pérdidas técnicas en redes primarias de distribución

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    Un sistema eléctrico de potencia se compone de diferentes elementos tales como líneas, transformadores, cargas, fuentes de generación, entre otros. En particular, la red de distribución empieza su composición desde la subestación de distribución, pasando por los tramos de líneas conectados en su extremo a los transformadores de distribución hasta llegar a su final con las cargas, las cuales son conocidas como los usuarios. “Las perdidas técnicas constituyen una parte de la energía que no es aprovechada y que el sistema requiere para su operación, es decir, es la energía que se requiere en los diferentes equipos, redes y elementos que forman parte del sistema de distribución y que sirve para conducir y transformar la electricidad” [1]. En Colombia existen entes de regulación como la Comisión de Regulación de Energía y Gas (CREG) encargada de regular las actividades de prestación de servicios públicos domiciliarios como la energía y el gas. En el año 2018 dio a conocer la resolución CREG 015 del 2018 donde se estipula las metodologías para la remuneración de la distribución de energía, en la cual se encuentra los pasos establecidos para el cálculo del índice de perdida según el nivel de tensión, con el cual le será remunerado al operador de red el nivel de perdidas en su sistema

    Inspección eléctrica y lumínica de la Institución Educativa departamental San Carlos

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    Este trabajo presenta la inspección de las instalaciones eléctricas y lumínicas de la Institución Educativa Departamental San Carlos con el fin de diagnosticar su estado actual. Se realizaron actividades como: Identificación de circuitos ramales. Diagnóstico según el Reglamento Técnico de Instalaciones Eléctricas (RETIE) y la Norma Técnica Colombiana 2050 (NTC 2050). Medición de iluminación en cada uno de los salones de la Institución y verificación con el Reglamento Técnico de Iluminación y Alumbrado Público (RETILAP). Identificación cada una de las salidas de fuerza, circuitos ramales y tableros de distribución. Verificación de la conformidad de la instalación. Verificación del cumplimiento en los niveles de iluminación en la instalación. Diligenciamiento de los formatos de verificación de la inspección eléctrica. Recomendaciones a la institución

    Çevik yöntemlerde cosmic i̇şlev puanı ve hikaye puanının birlikte kullanımı

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    Hikaye Puanı (SP: Story Point), Scrum ve Kanban gibi çevik yöntemlerde kullanılan en yaygın metriklerden birisidir. Subjektif bir metrik olsa da kullanışlı ve basit olması nedeniyle çevik ekiplerin birikim listelerinde bulunan kullanıcı hikayelerinin uygun bölümlere ayrılmasında, maliyet tahminlemesinde ve ekiplerin hız ve kapasitelerinin hesaplanmasında yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Cosmic işlev puanı (CFP: Cosmic Function Point) ise yazılım işlevsel kapsam büyüklüğünün ölçümünde kullanılan ve aynı zamanda bir ISO standardı da (ISO 19761) olan objektif bir metriktir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin en büyük teknoloji ve iletişim hizmetleri sağlayıcı firmalarından birinin çevik yazılım geliştirme prensiplerine göre çalışırken hem Hikaye Puanı hem de CFP metriklerini birlikte kullanım deneyimleri paylaşılmış; iki metriğin benzerlikleri ve farklılıkları irdelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak SP metriğinin kapsam boyutlandırma toplantıları sırasında kullanıcı hikayelerinin çevik mantıkla uygun kapsam büyüklüğüne bölünmesinde daha etkin bir araç olduğu, CFP’nin ise çevik ekiplerin ürettiği çıktıların miktarının ve kalitesinin zaman içindeki trendinin ölçülmesinde ve yine çevik ortamlarda dış kaynak hak edişlerinin belirlenmesinde daha başarılı sonuçlar verdiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Ek olarak CFP’nin Efor tahminlemesinde kullanılıp kullanılamayacağı yönünde bir doğrusal regresyon modeli için ön analiz yapılmış ve ilk sonuçlar paylaşılmıştır.Story Point (SP) is one of the most common metric in agile frameworks such as Scrum and Kanban. Although being subjective, story point is very useful for grooming and sizing of the backlog items, cost, squad velocity and capacity estimation. Cosmic Functional Points (CFP) is an objective metric used for estimating the functional scope of the software and it is an ISO standard (ISO 19761). This study investigates the use, similarities and differences of boh SP and CFP in agile software development practices in the largest technology and communications provider of Turkey. As a result, SP is an effective tool for grooming the user stories whereas CFP provides successful results for measuring output of the squad, quality trend and outsource contracts. Also, a preanalysis for a linear regression model of CFP versus effort estimation is conducted in this paper and the initial results are shared.Publisher versio

    Çevik yöntemlerde cosmic i̇şlev puanı ve hikaye puanının birlikte kullanımı

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    Hikaye Puanı (SP: Story Point), Scrum ve Kanban gibi çevik yöntemlerde kullanılan en yaygın metriklerden birisidir. Subjektif bir metrik olsa da kullanışlı ve basit olması nedeniyle çevik ekiplerin birikim listelerinde bulunan kullanıcı hikayelerinin uygun bölümlere ayrılmasında, maliyet tahminlemesinde ve ekiplerin hız ve kapasitelerinin hesaplanmasında yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Cosmic işlev puanı (CFP: Cosmic Function Point) ise yazılım işlevsel kapsam büyüklüğünün ölçümünde kullanılan ve aynı zamanda bir ISO standardı da (ISO 19761) olan objektif bir metriktir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin en büyük teknoloji ve iletişim hizmetleri sağlayıcı firmalarından birinin çevik yazılım geliştirme prensiplerine göre çalışırken hem Hikaye Puanı hem de CFP metriklerini birlikte kullanım deneyimleri paylaşılmış; iki metriğin benzerlikleri ve farklılıkları irdelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak SP metriğinin kapsam boyutlandırma toplantıları sırasında kullanıcı hikayelerinin çevik mantıkla uygun kapsam büyüklüğüne bölünmesinde daha etkin bir araç olduğu, CFP’nin ise çevik ekiplerin ürettiği çıktıların miktarının ve kalitesinin zaman içindeki trendinin ölçülmesinde ve yine çevik ortamlarda dış kaynak hak edişlerinin belirlenmesinde daha başarılı sonuçlar verdiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Ek olarak CFP’nin Efor tahminlemesinde kullanılıp kullanılamayacağı yönünde bir doğrusal regresyon modeli için ön analiz yapılmış ve ilk sonuçlar paylaşılmıştır.Story Point (SP) is one of the most common metric in agile frameworks such as Scrum and Kanban. Although being subjective, story point is very useful for grooming and sizing of the backlog items, cost, squad velocity and capacity estimation. Cosmic Functional Points (CFP) is an objective metric used for estimating the functional scope of the software and it is an ISO standard (ISO 19761). This study investigates the use, similarities and differences of boh SP and CFP in agile software development practices in the largest technology and communications provider of Turkey. As a result, SP is an effective tool for grooming the user stories whereas CFP provides successful results for measuring output of the squad, quality trend and outsource contracts. Also, a preanalysis for a linear regression model of CFP versus effort estimation is conducted in this paper and the initial results are shared.Publisher versio

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la creación de proyecto dedicado a la comercialización de Equipos de Energía Solar en el municipio de Guaduas Cundinamarca

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    Determinar la prefactibilidad del desarrollo de un proyecto de inversión enfocado en la reducción de costos en la factura de energía eléctrica mediante el uso de paneles solares en las viviendas de los usuarios del municipio de Guaduas Cundinamarca.Los paneles solares han revolucionado el mundo de la generación de energía eléctrica y con ello muestran una visión más amplia de lo sencillo que es generar energía eléctrica, distribuirla y consumirla. Diversos sectores económicos se han visto beneficiados con su uso y le han apostado a la implementación de esta tecnología puesto que el ahorro del consumo de energía eléctrica ha alcanzado resultados favorables para diferentes tipos de usuarios en el sector residencial, comercial e incluso a nivel industrial, también la facilidad de instalación y su precio juegan un papel importante en la expansión y popularidad de este recurso de generación de energía eléctrica. Por otro lado, el desarrollo de una región obliga que el consumo de energía eléctrica sea un requisito indispensable para una sociedad lo que es un problema para algunos operadores de red debido a que las estructuras de distribución de energía eléctrica no dan acceso a puntos de conexión de usuariosSolar panels have revolutionized the world of electric power; as a result, they show a broader perspective of how easy is to generate, distribute, and consume electric power. Diverse economic sectors have been benefited from their use, and they have bet on this technology’s implementation since the saving of electric power consumption has achieved favorable results for different types of users in the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. Also, the easy installation and its price play an important role in the expansion and popularity of this new source for electric power generation. On the other hand, a region’s development forces electric power consumption to be an indispensable requirement for a society, which is a problem for some network operators due to the fact that electric power structures of distribution do not allow access to connection points for user

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la creación de proyecto dedicado a la comercialización de Equipos de Energía Solar en el municipio de Guaduas Cundinamarca

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    Determinar la prefactibilidad del desarrollo de un proyecto de inversión enfocado en la reducción de costos en la factura de energía eléctrica mediante el uso de paneles solares en las viviendas de los usuarios del municipio de Guaduas Cundinamarca.Los paneles solares han revolucionado el mundo de la generación de energía eléctrica y con ello muestran una visión más amplia de lo sencillo que es generar energía eléctrica, distribuirla y consumirla. Diversos sectores económicos se han visto beneficiados con su uso y le han apostado a la implementación de esta tecnología puesto que el ahorro del consumo de energía eléctrica ha alcanzado resultados favorables para diferentes tipos de usuarios en el sector residencial, comercial e incluso a nivel industrial, también la facilidad de instalación y su precio juegan un papel importante en la expansión y popularidad de este recurso de generación de energía eléctrica. Por otro lado, el desarrollo de una región obliga que el consumo de energía eléctrica sea un requisito indispensable para una sociedad lo que es un problema para algunos operadores de red debido a que las estructuras de distribución de energía eléctrica no dan acceso a puntos de conexión de usuariosSolar panels have revolutionized the world of electric power; as a result, they show a broader perspective of how easy is to generate, distribute, and consume electric power. Diverse economic sectors have been benefited from their use, and they have bet on this technology’s implementation since the saving of electric power consumption has achieved favorable results for different types of users in the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. Also, the easy installation and its price play an important role in the expansion and popularity of this new source for electric power generation. On the other hand, a region’s development forces electric power consumption to be an indispensable requirement for a society, which is a problem for some network operators due to the fact that electric power structures of distribution do not allow access to connection points for user

    Hybrid simulation-optimization methods: A taxonomy and discussion

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    The possibilities of combining simulation and optimization are vast and the appropriate design highly depends on the problem characteristics. Therefore, it is very important to have a good overview of the different approaches. The taxonomies and classifications proposed in the literature do not cover the complete range of methods and overlook some important criteria. We provide a taxonomy that aims at giving an overview of the full spectrum of current simulation-optimization approaches. Our study may guide researchers who want to use one of the existing methods, give insights into the cross-fertilization of the ideas applied in those methods and create a standard for a better communication in the scientific community. Future reviews can use the taxonomy here described to classify both general approaches and methods for specific application fields.The possibilities of combining simulation and optimization are vast and the appropriate design highly depends on the problem characteristics. Therefore, it is very important to have a good overview of the different approaches. The taxonomies and classifications proposed in the literature do not cover the complete range of methods and overlook some important criteria. We provide a taxonomy that aims at giving an overview of the full spectrum of current simulation-optimization approaches. Our study may guide researchers who want to use one of the existing methods, give insights into the cross-fertilization of the ideas applied in those methods and create a standard for a better communication in the scientific community. Future reviews can use the taxonomy here described to classify both general approaches and methods for specific application fields. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved