1,019 research outputs found

    a Berlin case study

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    Durch den Prozess der Urbanisierung verĂ€ndert die Menschheit die ErdoberflĂ€che in großem Ausmaß und auf unwiederbringliche Weise. Die optische Fernerkundung ist eine Art der Erdbeobachtung, die das VerstĂ€ndnis dieses dynamischen Prozesses und seiner Auswirkungen erweitern kann. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, inwiefern hyperspektrale Daten Informationen ĂŒber Versiegelung liefern können, die der integrierten Analyse urbaner Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen dienen. Hierzu wird die Verarbeitungskette von Vorverarbeitung der Rohdaten bis zur Erstellung referenzierter Karten zu Landbedeckung und Versiegelung am Beispiel von Hyperspectral Mapper Daten von Berlin ganzheitlich untersucht. Die traditionelle Verarbeitungskette wird mehrmals erweitert bzw. abgewandelt. So wird die radiometrische Vorverarbeitung um die Normalisierung von Helligkeitsgradienten erweitert, welche durch die direktionellen Reflexionseigenschaften urbaner OberflĂ€chen entstehen. Die Klassifikation in fĂŒnf spektral komplexe Landnutzungsklassen wird mit Support Vector Maschinen ohne zusĂ€tzliche Merkmalsextraktion oder Differenzierung von Subklassen durchgefĂŒhrt...thesi

    Measuring quality of grammars for procedural level generation

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    Grammar-based procedural level generation raises the productivity of level designers for games such as dungeon crawl and platform games. However, the improved productivity comes at cost of level quality assurance. Authoring, improving and maintaining grammars is difficult because it is hard to predict how each grammar rule impacts the overall level quality, and tool support is lacking. We propose a novel metric called Metric of Added Detail (MAD) that indicates if a rule adds or removes detail with respect to its phase in the transformation pipeline, and Specification Analysis Reporting (SAnR) for expressing level properties and analyzing how qualities evolve in level generation histories. We demonstrate MAD and SAnR using a prototype of a level generator called Ludoscope Lite. Our preliminary results show that problematic rules tend to break SAnR properties and that MAD intuitively raises flags. MAD and SAnR augment existing approaches, and can ultimately help designers make better levels and level generators

    Revisiting the Past: Replicability of a Historic Long-Term Vegetation Dynamics Assessment in the Era of Big Data Analytics

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    Open and analysis-ready data, as well as methodological and technical advancements have resulted in an unprecedented capability for observing the Earth’s land surfaces. Over 10 years ago, Landsat time series analyses were inevitably limited to a few expensive images from carefully selected acquisition dates. Yet, such a static selection may have introduced uncertainties when spatial or inter-annual variability in seasonal vegetation growth were large. As seminal pre-open-data-era papers are still heavily cited, variations of their workflows are still widely used, too. Thus, here we quantitatively assessed the level of agreement between an approach using carefully selected images and a state-of-the-art analysis that uses all available images. We reproduced a representative case study from the year 2003 that for the first time used annual Landsat time series to assess long-term vegetation dynamics in a semi-arid Mediterranean ecosystem in Crete, Greece. We replicated this assessment using all available data paired with a time series method based on land surface phenology metrics. Results differed fundamentally because the volatile timing of statically selected images relative to the phenological cycle introduced systematic uncertainty. We further applied lessons learned to arrive at a more nuanced and information-enriched vegetation dynamics description by decomposing vegetation cover into woody and herbaceous components, followed by a syndrome-based classification of change and trend parameters. This allowed for a more reliable interpretation of vegetation changes and even permitted us to disentangle certain land-use change processes with opposite trajectories in the vegetation components that were not observable when solely analyzing total vegetation cover. The long-term budget of net cover change revealed that vegetation cover of both components has increased at large and that this process was mainly driven by gradual processes. We conclude that study designs based on static image selection strategies should be critically evaluated in the light of current data availability, analytical capabilities, and with regards to the ecosystem under investigation. We recommend using all available data and taking advantage of phenology-based approaches that remove the selection bias and hence reduce uncertainties in results.Peer Reviewe

    High-resolution mapping of 33 years of material stock and population growth in Germany using Earth Observation data

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    Global societal material stock in buildings and infrastructure have accumulated rapidly within the last decades, along with population growth. Recently, an approach for nation-wide mapping of material stock at 10 m spatial resolution, using freely available and globally consistent Earth Observation (EO) imagery, has been introduced as an alternative to cost-intensive cadastral data or broad-scale but thematically limited nighttime light-based mapping. This study assessed the potential of EO data archives to create spatially explicit time series data of material stock dynamics and their relation to population in Germany, at a spatial resolution of 30 m. We used Landsat imagery with a change-aftereffect-trend analysis to derive yearly masks of land surface change from 1985 onward. Those served as an input to an annual reverse calculation of six material stock types and building volume-based annual gridded population, based on maps for 2018. Material stocks and population in Germany grew by 13% and 4%, respectively, showing highly variable spatial patterns. We found a minimum building stock of ca. 180 t/cap across all municipalities and growth processes characterized by sprawl. A rapid growth of stocks per capita occurred in East Germany after the reunification in 1990, with increased building activity but population decline. Possible over- or underestimations of stock growth cannot be ruled out due to methodological assumptions, requiring further research.Peer Reviewe

    High-resolution data and maps of material stock, population, and employment in Austria from 1985 to 2018

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    The article processing charge was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – 491192747 and the Open Access Publication Fund of Humboldt-UniversitĂ€t zu Berlin.High-resolution maps of material stocks in buildings and infrastructures are of key importance for studies of societal resource use (social metabolism, circular economy, secondary resource potentials) as well as for transport studies and land system science. So far, such maps were only available for specific years but not in time series. Even for single years, data covering entire countries with high resolution, or using remote-sensing data are rare. Instead, they often have local extent (e.g., [1]), are lower resolution (e.g., [2]), or are based on other geospatial data (e.g., [3]). We here present data on the material stocks in three types of buildings (commercial and industrial, single- and multifamily houses) and three types of infrastructures (roads, railways, other infrastructures) for a 33-year time series for Austria at a spatial resolution of 30 m. The article also presents data on population and employment in Austria for the same time period, at the same spatial resolution. Data were derived with the same method applied in a recent study for Germany [4].Peer Reviewe

    52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

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    BACKGROUND: Myocardial mass is a key determinant of cardiac muscle function and hypertrophy. Myocardial depolarization leading to cardiac muscle contraction is reflected by the amplitude and duration of the QRS complex on the electrocardiogram (ECG). Abnormal QRS amplitude or duration reflect changes in myocardial mass and conduction, and are associated with increased risk of heart failure and death. OBJECTIVES: This meta-analysis sought to gain insights into the genetic determinants of myocardial mass. METHODS: We carried out a genome-wide association meta-analysis of 4 QRS traits in up to 73,518 individuals of European ancestry, followed by extensive biological and functional assessment. RESULTS: We identified 52 genomic loci, of which 32 are novel, that are reliably associated with 1 or more QRS phenotypes at p < 1 × 10(-8). These loci are enriched in regions of open chromatin, histone modifications, and transcription factor binding, suggesting that they represent regions of the genome that are actively transcribed in the human heart. Pathway analyses provided evidence that these loci play a role in cardiac hypertrophy. We further highlighted 67 candidate genes at the identified loci that are preferentially expressed in cardiac tissue and associated with cardiac abnormalities in Drosophila melanogaster and Mus musculus. We validated the regulatory function of a novel variant in the SCN5A/SCN10A locus in vitro and in vivo. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, our findings provide new insights into genes and biological pathways controlling myocardial mass and may help identify novel therapeutic targets
