118 research outputs found

    Neuraminidase 1 Is a Negative Regulator of Lysosomal Exocytosis

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    SummaryLysosomal exocytosis is a Ca2+-regulated mechanism that involves proteins responsible for cytoskeletal attachment and fusion of lysosomes with the plasma membrane. However, whether luminal lysosomal enzymes contribute to this process remains unknown. Here we show that neuraminidase NEU1 negatively regulates lysosomal exocytosis in hematopoietic cells by processing the sialic acids on the lysosomal membrane protein LAMP-1. In macrophages from NEU1-deficient mice, a model of the disease sialidosis, and in patients' fibroblasts, oversialylated LAMP-1 enhances lysosomal exocytosis. Silencing of LAMP-1 reverts this phenotype by interfering with the docking of lysosomes at the plasma membrane. In neu1−/− mice the excessive exocytosis of serine proteases in the bone niche leads to inactivation of extracellular serpins, premature degradation of VCAM-1, and loss of bone marrow retention. Our findings uncover an unexpected mechanism influencing lysosomal exocytosis and argue that exacerbations of this process form the basis for certain genetic diseases

    Observation of open scattering channels

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    The existence of fully transmissive eigenchannels ("open channels") in a random scattering medium is a counterintuitive and unresolved prediction of random matrix theory. The smoking gun of such open channels, namely a bimodal distribution of the transmission efficiencies of the scattering channels, has so far eluded experimental observation. We observe an experimental distribution of transmission efficiencies that obeys the predicted bimodal Dorokhov-Mello-Pereyra-Kumar distribution. Thereby we show the existence of open channels in a linear optical scattering system. The characterization of the scattering system is carried out by a quantum-optical readout method. We find that missing a single channel in the measurement already prevents detection of the open channels, illustrating why their observation has proven so elusive until now. Our work confirms a long-standing prediction of random matrix theory underlying wave transport through disordered systems.Comment: 9 pages including methods and supplementary materials. 3 figure

    Broad and direct interaction between TLR and Siglec families of pattern recognition receptors and its regulation by Neu1.

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    Both pathogen- and tissue damage-associated molecular patterns induce inflammation through toll-like receptors (TLRs), while sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin superfamily lectin receptors (Siglecs) provide negative regulation. Here we report extensive and direct interactions between these pattern recognition receptors. The promiscuous TLR binders were human SIGLEC-5/9 and mouse Siglec-3/E/F. Mouse Siglec-G did not show appreciable binding to any TLRs tested. Correspondingly, Siglece deletion enhanced dendritic cell responses to all microbial TLR ligands tested, while Siglecg deletion did not affect the responses to these ligands. TLR4 activation triggers Neu1 translocation to cell surface to disrupt TLR4:Siglec-E interaction. Conversely, sialidase inhibitor Neu5Gc2en prevented TLR4 ligand-induced disruption of TLR4:Siglec E/F interactions. Absence of Neu1 in hematopoietic cells or systematic treatment with sialidase inhibitor Neu5Gc2en protected mice against endotoxemia. Our data raised an intriguing possibility of a broad repression of TLR function by Siglecs and a sialidase-mediated de-repression that allows positive feedback of TLR activation during infection

    Quantum photo-thermodynamics on a programmable photonic quantum processor

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    One of the core questions of quantum physics is how to reconcile the unitary evolution of quantum states, which is information-preserving and time-reversible, with the second law of thermodynamics, which is neither. The resolution to this paradox is to recognize that global unitary evolution of a multi-partite quantum state causes the state of local subsystems to evolve towards maximum-entropy states. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate this effect in linear quantum optics by simultaneously showing the convergence of local quantum states to a generalized Gibbs ensemble constituting a maximum-entropy state under precisely controlled conditions, while using a new, efficient certification method to demonstrate that the state retains global purity. Our quantum states are manipulated by a programmable integrated photonic quantum processor, which simulates arbitrary non-interacting Hamiltonians, demonstrating the universality of this phenomenon. Our results show the potential of photonic devices for quantum simulations involving non-Gaussian states

    Conventional and Unconventional Therapeutic Strategies for Sialidosis Type I

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    Congenital deficiency of the lysosomal sialidase neuraminidase 1 (NEU1) causes the lysosomal storage disease, sialidosis, characterized by impaired processing/degradation of sialo-glycoproteins and sialo-oligosaccharides, and accumulation of sialylated metabolites in tissues and body fluids. Sialidosis is considered an ultra-rare clinical condition and falls into the category of the so-called orphan diseases, for which no therapy is currently available. In this study we aimed to identify potential therapeutic modalities, targeting primarily patients affected by type I sialidosis, the attenuated form of the disease. We tested the beneficial effects of a recombinant protective protein/cathepsin A (PPCA), the natural chaperone of NEU1, as well as pharmacological and dietary compounds on the residual activity of mutant NEU1 in a cohort of patients' primary fibroblasts. We observed a small, but consistent increase in NEU1 activity, following administration of all therapeutic agents in most of the fibroblasts tested. Interestingly, dietary supplementation of betaine, a natural amino acid derivative, in mouse models with residual NEU1 activity mimicking type I sialidosis, increased the levels of mutant NEU1 and resolved the oligosacchariduria. Overall these findings suggest that carefully balanced, unconventional dietary compounds in combination with conventional therapeutic approaches may prove to be beneficial for the treatment of sialidosis type I

    Novel Muscle Imaging in Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases—A Focus on Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography and Quantitative MRI

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    In recent years, imaging has played an increasing role in the clinical management of patients with rheumatic diseases with respect to aiding diagnosis, guiding therapy and monitoring disease progression. These roles have been underpinned by research which has enhanced our understanding of disease pathogenesis and pathophysiology of rheumatology conditions, in addition to their key role in outcome measurement in clinical trials. However, compared to joints, imaging research of muscles is less established, despite the fact that muscle symptoms are very common and debilitating in many rheumatic diseases. Recently, it has been shown that even though patients with rheumatoid arthritis may achieve clinical remission, defined by asymptomatic joints, many remain affected by lingering constitutional systemic symptoms like fatigue, tiredness, weakness and myalgia, which may be attributed to changes in the muscles. Recent improvements in imaging technology, coupled with an increasing clinical interest, has started to ignite new interest in the area. This perspective discusses the rationale for using imaging, particularly ultrasound and MRI, for investigating muscle pathology involved in common inflammatory rheumatic diseases. The muscles associated with rheumatic diseases can be affected in many ways, including myositis—an inflammatory muscle condition, and myopathy secondary to medications, such as glucocorticoids. In addition to non-invasive visual assessment of muscles in these conditions, novel imaging techniques like shear wave elastography and quantitative MRI can provide further useful information regarding the physiological and biomechanical status of the muscle
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