1,444 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo Study of Short-Range Order and Displacement Effects in Disordered CuAu

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    The correlation between local chemical environment and atomic displacements in disordered CuAu alloy has been studied using Monte Carlo simulations based on the effective medium theory (EMT) of metallic cohesion. These simulations correctly reproduce the chemically-specific nearest-neighbor distances in the random alloy across the entire Cu\$_x\$Au\$_{1-x}\$ concentration range. In the random equiatomic CuAu alloy, the chemically specific pair distances depend strongly on the local atomic environment (i.e. fraction of like/unlike nearest neighbors). In CuAu alloy with short-range order, the relationship between local environment and displacements remains qualitatively similar. However the increase in short-range order causes the average Cu-Au distance to decrease below the average Cu-Cu distance, as it does in the ordered CuAuI phase. Many of these trends can be understood qualitatively from the different neutral sphere radii and compressibilities of the Cu and Au atoms.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Raymond Aron and the transatlantic crisis, 1945-1966

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    Para analisar a percepção de Aron acerca das crises transatlânticas entre 1945 e 1966, o foco deve ser posto sobre três “pommes de discorde” principais durante este período – a questão do rearmamento alemão (1945-1954), a crise do Suez (1956), o Grande Debate Nuclear (1959-1964). Aron foi desde o início favorável ao rearmamento da Alemanha, apesar da longa relutância oficial francesa, principalmente porque o considerou inevitável para a defesa militar da Europa, e porque tratar a Alemanha como um verdadeiro aliado era a melhor maneira de evitar que a Alemanha ficasse mais perto da URSS para obter a reunificação. Isso porque finalmente, após longa hesitação, apoiou a CED, opondo-se assim a de Gaulle. O Suez alargou realmente a abertura entre Aron e de Gaulle, e no caso de Aron esta discrepância é enraizada na análise muito profunda não somente do papel da França no jogo transatlântico, mas também da natureza das armas nucleares. Aron extraiu da crise do Suez diversas lições: 1 – “a aliança não escrita entre os dois super-poderes contra a Guerra Total” era mais importante, sob o ponto de vista e prática dos EU, do que a solidariedade com aliados europeus. 2 – A estratégia massiva de retaliação deixa o oeste desarmado face “às ameaças secundárias” nas suas fronteiras. 3 – As armas atómicas não seriam suficientes para restaurar o poder anterior de França ou da Grã-Bretanha: um esforço europeu é necessário. Durante o Grande Debate Nuclear, a nova política militar francesa, oficialmente expressa por de Gaulle no seu discurso na Ecole Militaire em Novembro 1959, colidiu directamente na renovada estratégia e política militar de Kennedy e McNamara. Aron tentou jogar o papel de um ombudsman entre Kennedy e de Gaulle, em vão: se ele achava a doutrina militar Francesa da “Força de frappe” anacrónica, e apoiava a estratégia da “resposta flexível” de McNamara que restaurou a relação clausewitziana entre estratégia e política, advogou também a partilha de tecnologia nuclear pelos EU com os seus aliados. De facto, Aron como de Gaulle perseguiu a vontade de restaurar a independência estratégica da Europa, na sua mente, o melhor meio para alcançar um dia um acordo negoc iado e a reuni f i cação do Ve lho Cont inent e . Mas e s t e obj e t ivo pareceu-lhe alcançável somente a médio-longo prazo, e antes através da unificação europeia do que por estratégias puramente nacionais

    Examining the Identity of the Art Therapist: The Voice of Practice and Relational Care

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of personal art making on the identity and practice of the professional art therapist. This qualitative study explored the subjective experience of six female professional art therapists. Interviews were conducted and participants were asked about their personal art-making, art therapy practice, and the meaning of their professional identity. A narrative methodology, the Listening Guide, was applied to the interview data and emphasized each participant’s voice and use of expressive language. Data from this study established a three-fold identity for the professional art therapist: counselor, artist, and art therapist. Confidence in and validation surrounding each identity varied. The counselor identity included two themes: (1) attitudes towards art therapy and (2) challenges of multirole positions. The artist identity was linked to the art therapy identity through art making. In the art therapy identity three categories were found: (1) employment experiences, (2) art-making, and (3) the practice of art therapy. The four themes in the practice of art therapy theme were: (1) materials, (2) connection, (3) appreciation, and (4) awareness. Specific aspects of care and visual embellishment emerged that were particular to the field of art therapy. The themes and sub-themes in the artist and art therapist identities link aesthetic sensitivities and art therapy practice with relational care. This study’s findings established the aesthetics of care in practice: a model of relational, empathetic care that is based in aesthetic sensibilities. The significance of this research differentiates art therapy as a unique practice of therapeutic care situated within the threefold identity of counselor, artist, and art therapist. Findings suggest that the lived experience of professional identity for the novice art therapist is significant and challenging. Results from this research provide recommendations for educators, supervisors and art therapists in the field

    Can Human Rights Treaty Ratifications Influence Neighboring Country Practices?

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    From the Washington University Senior Honors Thesis Abstracts (WUSHTA), 2017. Published by the Office of Undergraduate Research. Joy Zalis Kiefer, Director of Undergraduate Research and Associate Dean in the College of Arts & Sciences; Lindsey Paunovich, Editor; Helen Human, Programs Manager and Assistant Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences Mentor: Matthew Gabe

    Clinical Presentation of Neuroblastoma

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    Monolith yang dipreparasi masih didominasi oleh macropores, yang diindikasikan dari nilai porositas eksternal kedua kolom yang masih besar. Kolom monolith dengan %T35 mempunyai porositas lebih berimbang dibandingkan kolom dengan %T30, yaitu masing-masing 44,32 : 24,25 % dan 68,02 : 36,421. Akan tetapi kedua monolith masih mempunyai micropores yang relatif besar yaitu %T35 adalah 12,63 dan %C30 sebesar 17,81. Dari hasil uji distribusi pori kedua kolom monolith Poly(MATE-co-VBC-co-EDMA) Proporsi mesopores dan macropores cukup berimbang. Tujuan utama dari pengembangan kolom monolith untuk pemisahan system kromatografi, adalah praktis, minim sampel, cepat ramah lingkungan dan dapat digunakan untuk berbagai aplikasi yang berbeda. Pada aplikasi kolom monolith poly(MATE-co-VBC-co-EDMA) untuk sistem KCKT pemisahkan sampel biomolekul berdasarkan interaksi hidrofobik kromatografi (HIC) dan penukar ion antaranalit dan fasediam monolit

    The Practice of Immediate Correction on Students’ Oral Production Errors in Tenth Graders Classes of A State High School in Sidoarjo

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    Di dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris, baik dalam konteks Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua maupun bahasa asing, terdapat sebuah teknik yang disebut koreksi langsung atau umpan balik-koreksi, ynag bisanya digunakan dalam mengoreksi kesalahan verbal. Banyak peneliti tidak menganjurkan penggunaan koreksi langsung disebabkan adanya beberapa kelemahan dalam teknik tersebut. Akan tetapi, dalam praktiknya, masih banyak guru bahasa Inggris yang masih menggunakan teknik ini dalam mengoreksi kesalahan verbal siswa. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mencoba untuk mengungkap praktik penggunaan teknik koreksi langsung pada kesalahan verbal siswa yang terjadi di tingkatan kelas sepuluh di sebuah sekolah menengah negeri di Sidoarjo. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap tipe-tipe koreksi langsung apa saja yang paling banyak digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris siswa kelas sepuluh di sekolah tersebut, dan alasan-alasan apa sajakah yang mendasari guru untuk  menggunakan tipe-tipe tersebut. Untuk kepentingan tersebut, peneliti meneliti dua orang guru bahasa Inggris siswa kelas sepuluh di sekolah tersebut. Pertama, peneliti mengobservasi proses belajar mengajar yang dilakukan oleh masing-masing guru untuk mencari tahu tipe-tipe koreksi langsung yang paling banyak digunakan oleh guru; para guru sedang mengajar keahlian membaca ketika observasi berlangsung. Kedua, setelah tipe-tipe koreksi langsung yang paling banyak dipakai telah diketahui, peneliti menwawancarai kedua guru mengenai alasan mereka menggunakan tipe-tipe koreksi langsung tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengungkap bahwa, pertama, tipe-tipe koreksi langsung yang paling banyak digunakan guru dalam mengoreksi kesalahan verbal siswa adalah recasts, explicit correction, repetition, dan metalinguistic feedback. Kedua, ada empat alas an guru dalam menggunakan empat tipe koreksi langsung tersebut. Alasan-alasan tersebut adalah, pertama, guru A menggunakan recasts dan explicit correction atas dasar respon otomatis terhadap kesalahan siswa. Kedua, Guru B menggunakan recast atas dasar kepentingan manajemen kelas atau ketika menemui kesalahan pengucapan yang tidak dapat ditoleransi. Ketiga, kedu guru menggunakan repetition atas dasar keyakinan bahwa repetition dapat membuat siswa menyadari kesalahannya sendiri. Keempat, guru B menggunakan metalinguistic feedback untuk menangani kesalahan yang terjadi pada hal-hal yang pernah diterangkan berulang kali atau kesalahan pada hal-hal yang dianggap masuk dalam tingkatan dasar dalam penguasaan bahasa Inggris. Kata Kunci: Koreksi langsung, Umpan balik-koreksi, Kesalahan dalam pengucapan, EFL   Abstract In the teaching of English both in the fields of ESL or EFL, there is a correction technique called immediate correction, or corrective feedback, which is usually used in correcting students’ oral production errors. Immediate correction on students’ oral production errors, however, is a correction technique which many researchers suggest not to use since they believe that immediate correction has several disadvantages. However, despite of the argument, many English teachers still use immediate correction when correcting their students’ oral production errors. In this study, the researcher tried to reveal the practice of immediate correction on students’ oral production errors in tenth graders classes of a state high school in Sidoarjo. This objective covers finding out the immediate correction types which the teachers of tenth graders classes of this state high school in Sidoarjo use most frequently, and the teachers’ reasons for the use of those immediate correction types. Two English teachers participated in the study. The researcher observed the teachers’ performance to find out the immediate correction types that the teachers used most frequently in correcting students’ oral production error, while the teachers were teaching reading skills. Both teachers were then, also interviewed related to their reasons for having used the most frequently used immediate correction types. The study revealed two findings. Firstly, four immediate correction types, namely recasts, explicit correction, repetition, and metalinguistic feedback came out as the immediate correction types, which were most frequently used by the teachers. Secondly, the teachers’ reasons for using the most frequently used immediate correction types were quite various. First, teacher A used recast and explicit correction automatically without any underlying reasons. Second, teacher B had used recast because of her concern over class management issue and students’ bad pronunciation. Third, both teachers used repetition because both teachers believed that repetition could make students realize their own errors. The last, teacher B used metalinguistic feedback to deal with errors over something that has been explained many times and over something that the teacher considered as very basic English. Keywords: Immediate correction, Corrective feedback, Oral production errors, EFL &nbsp
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