728 research outputs found

    Sequencing of β-Peptides by Mass Spectrometry

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    Seven ?-peptides containing up to 18 β2-, β3- and β2,3-amino acids have been subjected to ESI-tandem mass spectrometry (low-energy fragmentation, positive ions). From the fragment ions formed from the free β-peptides, as well as from the corresponding methyl esters (+14 U) and N-acetyl derivatives (+42 U), the known sequences of β-amino acids could be confirmed unambiguously with the program Sherpa. Thus, the commonly used MS-sequencing procedure for α-peptides can be adopted for β-peptides without modification. However, there are pronounced differences in the fragmentation patterns of the two types of peptides: the β-peptides disclose their relationship to Mannich bases in the mass-spectrometric experiment by the elimination of ammonia from the N-terminus (→ RCH=CH-CO-NH-R') and the occurence of retro-Mannich cleavage (cf. formation of HN=CHR + CH3CO-NH-R' from β-amino-acid residues)

    Biological and Pharmacokinetic Studies with β-Peptides

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    Interactions and cleavage reactions of β-amino acids and β-oligopeptides (up to nine residues, carrying the side chains of Ala, Val, Leu, Ile, Phe, Ser, Lys, and Hop) with biological systems, such as the most potent peptidases (pronase, proteinase K, 20S proteasome), microorganisms (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas putida), and mammalian blood (intravenous application to rats) have been investigated and compared with ?-peptides. The results are: i) the three peptidases do not cleave β-peptides at all (within 24 h), and they are not inhibited by a β-peptide; ii) except for certain 3-aminobutanoic-acid (β-HAla) derivatives, neither free, nor N-acetyl-β-amino acids, nor β-peptides (offered as sole N and C source) lead to growth of the two bacteria tested; iii) two water-soluble β-heptapeptides (with Lys side chains) were shown to have elimination half-lives t1/2(β) of 3 and 10 h at 100- and 30-ng/ml levels, respectively, in the rodent blood – much larger than those of α-peptides. Thus, the preliminary results described here confirm the much greater stability of β-peptides, as compared to α-peptides, towards metabolization processes, but they also suggest that there may be interactions (by hitherto unknown mechanisms) between the worlds of α- and β-peptides

    Bioactivity in silica/poly(γ-glutamic acid) sol–gel hybrids through calcium chelation

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    Bioactive glasses and inorganic/organic hybrids have great potential as biomedical implant materials. Sol–gel hybrids with interpenetrating networks of silica and biodegradable polymers can combine the bioactive properties of a glass with the toughness of a polymer. However, traditional calcium sources such as calcium nitrate and calcium chloride are unsuitable for hybrids. In this study calcium was incorporated by chelation to the polymer component. The calcium salt form of poly(γ-glutamic acid) (γCaPGA) was synthesized for use as both a calcium source and as the biodegradable toughening component of the hybrids. Hybrids of 40 wt.% γCaPGA were successfully formed and had fine scale integration of Ca and Si ions, according to secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging, indicating a homogeneous distribution of organic and inorganic components. 29Si magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance data demonstrated that the network connectivity was unaltered with changing polymer molecular weight, as there was no perturbation to the overall Si speciation and silica network formation. Upon immersion in simulated body fluid a hydroxycarbonate apatite surface layer formed on the hybrids within 1 week. The polymer molecular weight (Mw 30–120 kDa) affected the mechanical properties of the resulting hybrids, but all hybrids had large strains to failure, >26%, and compressive strengths, in excess of 300 MPa. The large strain to failure values showed that γCaPGA hybrids exhibited non-brittle behaviour whilst also incorporating calcium. Thus calcium incorporation by chelation to the polymer component is justified as a novel approach in hybrids for biomedical materials

    Production of IFN-β during Listeria monocytogenes Infection Is Restricted to Monocyte/Macrophage Lineage

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    The family of type I interferons (IFN), which consists of several IFN-α and one IFN-β, are produced not only after stimulation by viruses, but also after infection with non-viral pathogens. In the course of bacterial infections, these cytokines could be beneficial or detrimental. IFN-β is the primary member of type I IFN that initiates a cascade of IFN-α production. Here we addressed the question which cells are responsible for IFN-β expression after infection with the intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes by using a genetic approach. By means of newly established reporter mice, maximum of IFN-β expression was observed at 24 hours post infection in spleen and, surprisingly, 48 hours post infection in colonized cervical and inguinal lymph nodes. Colonization of lymph nodes was independent of the type I IFN signaling, as well as bacterial dose and strain. Using cell specific reporter function and conditional deletions we could define cells expressing LysM as the major IFN-β producers, with cells formerly defined as Tip-DCs being the highest. Neutrophilic granulocytes, dendritic cells and plasmacytoid dendritic cells did not significantly contribute to type I IFN production

    The roles of immune cells in bone healing; what we know, do not know and future perspectives

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    Key events occurring during the bone healing include well-orchestrated and complex interactions between immune cells, multipotential stromal cells (MSCs), osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Through three overlapping phases of this physiological process, innate and adaptive immune cells, cytokines and chemokines have a significant role to play. The aim of the escalating immune response is to achieve an osseous healing in the shortest time and with the least complications facilitating the restoration of function. The uninterrupted progression of these biological events in conjunction with a favourable mechanical environment (stable fracture fixation) remains the hallmark of successful fracture healing. When failure occurs, either the biological environment or the mechanical one could have been disrupted. Not infrequently both may be compromised. Consequently, regenerative treatments involving the use of bone autograft, allograft or synthetic matrices supplemented with MSCs are increasingly used. A better understanding of the bone biology and osteoimmunology can help to improve these evolving cell-therapy based strategies. Herein, an up to date status of the role of immune cells during the different phases of bone healing is presented. Additionally, the known and yet to know events about immune cell interactions with MSCs and osteoblasts and osteoclasts and the therapeutic implications are being discussed

    Counteranion-Dependent Reaction Pathways in the Protonation of Cationic Ruthenium−Vinylidene Complexes

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    The tetraphenylborate salts of the cationic vinylidene complexes [Cp*Ru=C=CHR(iPr2PNHPy)]+ (R = p-C6H4CF3 (1a-BPh4), Ph (1b-BPh4), p-C6H4CH3 (1c- BPh4), p-C6H4Br (1d-BPh4), tBu (1e-BPh4), H (1f-BPh4)) have been protonated using an excess of HBF4·OEt2 in CD2Cl2, furnishing the dicationic carbyne complexes [Cp*Ru≡CCH2R(iPr2PNHPy)]2+ (R = p-C6H4CF3 (2a), Ph (2b), p-C6H4CH3 (2c), p-C6H4Br (2d), tBu (2e), H (2f)), which were characterized in solution at low temperature by NMR spectroscopy. The corresponding reaction of the chloride salts 1a-Cl, 1b-Cl, 1c-Cl, and 1d-Cl followed a different pathway, instead affording the novel alkene complexes [Cp*RuCl(κ1(N),η2(C,C)-C5H4N-NHPiPr2CH=CHR)][BF4] (3a−d). In these species, the entering proton is located at the α- carbon atom of the former vinylidene ligand, which also forms a P−C bond with the phosphorus atom of the iPr2PNHPy ligand. To shed light on the reaction mechanism, DFT calculations have been performed by considering several protonation sites. The computational results suggest metal protonation followed by insertion. The coordination of chloride to ruthenium leads to alkenyl species which can undergo a P−C coupling to yield the corresponding alkene complexes. The noncoordinating nature of [BPh4]− does not allow the stabilization of the unsaturated species coming from the insertion step, thus preventing this alternative pathway