132 research outputs found

    Importance of viral pathogens in children with acute gastroenteritis in the south of Iran

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    Different types of viruses are the leading cause of acute diarrhea among infants and young children worldwide. Epidemiological surveillance of viral agents is critical for the develop.ment of effective preventive measures, including vaccines. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of the four major enteropathogenic viruses-rotavirus, norovirus, adenovirus and astrovirus-in children over 7 years of age. DESIGN AND SETTING: A cross-sectional descriptive study conducted on stool specimens of children with acute gastroenteritis admitted to the Pediatrics Unit of 17 Shahrivar Hospital in Borazjan, Iran from October 2008 to September 2010. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Acute gastroenteritis was defined as >=3 loose watery stools per 24 hours. A total of 375 stool samples were collected from hospitalized children aged < 7 years old with acute gastroenteritis. All samples were investigated by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the presence of viral antigens. RESULTS: Rotavirus was detected in 91 (24.3%) of the patients whereas the prevalence of norovirus, adenovirus and astrovirus was 12.5%, 5.1% and 2.4%, respectively. On average, 75.9% of children with viral diarrhea were younger than 2 years old (P=.023). All the strains of viral gastroenteritis studied peaked in the autumn, except for adenovirus which peaked in spring (P=.015). The most common clinical symptoms included diarrhea (92.2%), vomiting (68.7%), abdominal cramp (60.8%) and moderate dehydration (57.2%). CONCLUSION: Since nearly half of gastroenteritis cases (44.3%) were due to viral agents, testing for the viral antigens may guide the clinical approach to those patients with acute diarrhea particularly in the case of children less than 2 years old, and during cold seasons

    The efficiency of biological sludge on hexavalent chromium removal from aqueous solution

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    Background and aims: Out of different techniques for chromium (Cr) removal, biological treatment has a special status. This study was conducted to determine the efficacy of biological sludge on hexavalent Cr (VI) removal from aqueous solutions. Methods: In this experimental study, the required sludge was collected from municipal sewage refinery after aeration basin and introduced into the reactor and Cr and nutrients were added to it. The effect of dissolved oxygen (DO), Cr initial concentration, pH, temperature, glucose concentration, and contact time on chromium removal rate was evaluated. At each step, the samples withdrawn from the reactor were filtered and Cr (VI) level was measured using HACH Company instructions and spectrophotometry. Results: The findings of this study showed that at 2 mg/L DO, 80 mg/L Cr initial concentration, 5000 mg/L sludge concentration, pH= 3, 30°C temperature, 250 mg/L introduced glucose concentration, and 24 h contact time, about 97.5 % of Cr (VI) was removed. As DO, pH, and the introduced glucose concentration decreased and the initial sludge concentration increased, temperature and contact time of Cr removal efficiency increased. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that use of the activated sludge of sewage refinery could be used for Cr removal with regards to environmental aspects

    Effect of telenursing on quality of life of patients with atrial fibrillation referred to the teaching hospitals in Qazvin

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    Background: Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common cardiac arrhythmias that occurs 1: 100. Long duration of treatment needs continuous education and follow up that can be achieved by modern nursing techniques such as telenursing. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of telenursing on quality of life of patients with atrial fibrillation. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted in 100 Patients with atrial fibrillation referred to the teaching hospitals affiliated to Qazvin University of Medical Sciences in 2014. The patients were selected by convenience sampling method and were randomly divided into two groups (intervention and control). In the intervention group, phone calls were made to follow up and to educate patients for 12 weeks. Quality of life was measured before and after the intervention using the SF-36 questionnaire. Data were analyzed using paired T-test, Chi-square test, and T-test. Findings: In the intervention group, the mean quality of life score was significantly increased from 64.88±10.8 before the intervention to 76.14±9.2 after the intervention. In the control group, the mean quality of life score was significantly decreased from 62.6±9.7 before the intervention to 60.05±6.95 after the intervention. Conclusion: With regards to the results, it seems that telenursing can increase the patients’ quality of life and can provide better nursing care. Keywords: Telenursing, Quality of life, Atrial Fibrillatio

    Investigation on bio kinetic coefficients for making biological treatment of wastewater treatment plants in cold region

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    زمینه و هدف: انتخاب ضرایب سینتیک رشد، متناسب با شرایط محلی، برای طراحی بهینه سیستم‌های تصفیه بیولوژیکی فاضلاب و دستیابی به استانداردهای تخلیه پساب‌ها به محیط الزامی است. این پژوهش با هدف تعیین ضرایب سینتیک رشد در فرایندهای تصفیه بیولوژیکی فاضلاب‌های شهری در مناطق سردسیر کشور انجام شد. روش بررسی: این مطالعه به صورت مداخله‌ای- نیمه تجربی با استفاده از فرایند سیستم لجن فعال با هوادهی ممتد در مقیاس پایلوت انجام پذیرفته است. متغییرهای تحقیق برای محاسبه ضرایب بازده سلولی (Y)، مرگ و میر (kd)، نیمه اشباع (Ks) و رشد حداکثر (µmax) به صورت روزانه اندازه گیری شد. پایلوت برای سه غلظت 2000، 3000 و mg/L 4000 جامدات معلق مایع مخلوط و در سن لجن‌های مختلف در محدوده 30-20 روز و زمان‌های ماند هیدرولیکی بین 28-20 ساعت راهبری شد. ضرایب بیوسینتیک بر حسب COD و BOD5 محاسبه گردید. یافته‌ها : نتایج نشان داد که ضرایب Y، K، Kd، Ks و maxµ برحسب COD به ترتیب در محدوده 49/0-14/0، d-109/1-72/0، d-1 015/0-002/0، mg/L 16/251-99/178 و d-135/0– 15/0 بود. میزان این ضرایب بر حسب BOD5 به ترتیب برابر با 49/0-22/0، d-105/1-53/0، d-1 020/0- 008/0، mg/L 60/214- 38/102 و d-1 69 /0 – 12/0 به دست آمد. ضرایب سینتیک رشد به استثناء رنج پائینی ضریب حداکثر بازدهی سلولی و بازه ضریب مرگ و میر سلولی، که در مقایسه با سایر مطالعات مشابه کمتر بودند، در سایر ضرایب در گستره مطالعات مشابه قرار داشتند. راندمان حذف COD و BOD5 به ترتیب در گستره 6/93 - 15/85 و 85/94-2/88 بود. نتیجه گیری: به منظور اثر بخشی هزینه‌ها، ضرایب بدست آمده از این پژوهش را می توان برای طراحی سیستم‌های لجن فعال در سایر مناطق کشور که از شرایط اقلیمی و فرهنگی مشابه این تحقیق برخوردار هستند استفاده نمود

    Phylogenetic Groups of Escherichia coli Strains from Patients with Urinary Tract Infection in Iran Based on the New Clermont Phylotyping Method

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    Objectives.In2013,ClermontclassifiedE.colistrainsintoeightphylogeneticgroupsusinganewquadruplexPCRmethod.Theaims ofthisstudyweretoidentifythephylogeneticgroupsofE.colibasedonthismethodandtoassesstheirantibioticresistancepatterns inBushehr,Iran.Methods.Inthiscross-sectionalstudy,140E.coliisolatesweresubjectedtophylogenetictypingbyaquadruplex PCR method. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by disk diffusion method. Results. Phylogenetic group B2 was mostpredominant(39.3%),followedbyunknown(27.1%),E(9.3%),CandcladeI(each6.4%),B1(5%),FandD(each2.9%),and A(0.7%).Themostcommonantibioticresistancewasrelatedtoamoxicillin(82.1%)andtheleasttomeropenem(0.7%).82.14%of isolatesweremultipledrugresistant(MDR).AntibioticresistancewasmainlydetectedingroupB2(50%).Conclusions.Ourfindings showedthehighprevalenceofMDRE.coliisolateswithdominanceofgroupB2.About25%ofE.coliisolatesbelongtothenewly describedphylogroupsC,E,F,andcladeI.Suchstudiesneedtobedonealsoinotherregionstoprovidegreaterunderstandingof theantibioticresistancepatternandtheprevalencesofdifferentphylogeneticgroups

    Survey of microbial quality of drinking water in the public vehicles and education effect of drivers on the water quality improvement

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    زمینه و هدف: مصرف آب آلوده در طول مسافرت یکی از مشکلاتی است که سلامت مسافرین را به مخاطره می اندازد. در این مطالعه کیفیت میکروبی آب آشامیدنی وسیله های نقلیه عمومی بین شهری و اثر آموزش رانندگان بر بهبود کیفیت آب شرب این وسیله ها در ترمینال آزادی شهرکرد مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. روش بررسی: در این تحقیق توصیفی – مداخله ای که در سال 91-1390 انجام شد، از تعداد 512 وسیله نقلیه ناوگان بین شهری تعداد 219 وسیله نقلیه به روش تصادفی سیستماتیک انتخاب و از آب شرب آن ها نمونه برداری انجام شد و غلظت کلر باقیمانده، تعداد کل کلیفرم ها و کلیفرم های مدفوعی اندازه گیری شد. سپس 61 خودرو که دارای آب شرب آلوده بودند به صورت تصادفی ساده به دو گروه مورد و شاهد تقسیم شدند. به رانندگان گروه مورد، به مدت دو هفته آموزش های لازم ارائه گردید. سپس از آب شرب وسایل نقلیه هر دو گروه، مجدداً نمونه برداری انجام شد و نتایج مقایسه گردید. یافته ها: 7/13 وسیله های نقلیه عمومی از آب های بطری شده و 3/86 از آب معمولی استفاده می کردند. 4/98 آب های معمولی فاقد کلر باقیمانده در حد استاندارد بودند. نتایج نشان داد که 9/48 کل نمونه ها به کلیفرم و 1/31 کل نمونه ها به کلیفرم مدفوعی آلوده بودند. میزان آلودگی کل کلیفرم و کلیفرم مدفوعی در گروه مورد به ترتیب از 100 و 1/58 (قبل از آموزش) به 8/54 و 29 (بعد از آموزش) کاهش یافت. نتیجه گیری: این تحقیق تأثیر آموزش رانندگان را در کاهش 45 تا 50 درصدی آلودگی میکروبی آب شرب مصرف شده در طول مسیر به اثبات رساند؛ لذا با توجه به تأثیر آموزش رانندگان بر کیفیت آب، پیشنهاد می شود که سازمان ذیربط اجرای دوره های آموزشی متناوب و نظارت بهداشتی را در اولویت برنامه های خود قرار دهد

    Survey of the residual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in petroleum contaminated soils in Shahrekord in 2013

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    زمینه و هدف: هیدروکربن های آروماتیک چند حلقه ای (PAHs) گروه بزرگی از آلایند های محیطی را تشکیل می دهند که به دلیل سمیت، سرطان زایی و نیز مقاومت نسبت به تجزیه از اهمیت خاصی برخوردار هستند. منشاً اصلی ورود آن ها به محیط، نفت و فراورده های نفتی می باشد. این مطالعه با هدف تعیین باقیمانده هیدروکربن‌های آروماتیک چند حلقه ای در خاک های آلوده به ترکیبات نفتی در شهرستان شهرکرد انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی- تحلیلی، از سه نوع سایت آلوده در شهرستان شهرکرد (سایت حومه خطوط انتقال نفت پس از حادثه شکستگی خط لوله، سایت در معرض دود اگزوز و سایت مخازن ذخیره سوخت) به صورت تصادفی نمونه برداری انجام و غلظت فنانترن و پایرن پس از استخراج توسط دستگاه کرواتوگرافی مایع با کارایی بالا (HPLC) اندازه گیری شد. یافته ها: میانگین غلظت فنانترن و پایرن در سایت حومه خط انتقال به ترتیب 8/6±14/24 و 42/20±67/50، میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم در سایت مخازن ذخیره به ترتیب 02/0±22/0 و 1±5/2 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم و در مناطق در معرض دود به ترتیب 45/19±24/32 و 23/36±32/61 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم بود. رابطه بین غلظت های فنانترن و پایرن در سایت حومه خط انتقال و مخازن نفت با توجه به استاندارد سازمان بهداشت جهانی (WHO) و آژانس ثبت بیماری ها و مواد سمی (ATSDR) و همچنین در سایت در معرض دود اگزوز با توجه به استانداردWHO معنی دار می باشند که نشانگر آلودگی شدید در این مناطق می باشد. نتیجه گیری: غلظت فنانترن وپایرن در سایت حومه خط انتقال با کاربری کشاورزی به طور متوسط به ترتیب 200 و 500 برابر استاندارد WHO برای خاک های کشاورزی (خاک غیر آلوده) و غلظت فنانترن و پایرن برای پمپ بنزین های اندازه گیری شده به طور متوسط 6 و 12 برابر استاندارد WHO برای سایت های در معرض اگزوز اتومبیل اندازه گیری شده است؛ بنابراین بایستی راهکارهای مناسب پالایش (از جمله زیست پالایی) این خاک ها مد نظر قرار گیرد

    Investigating the Relationship Between High Levels of Angiotensin II in Plasma and the Rate of Deterioration in Hypertensive Patients to COVID-19

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 crisis poses a heightened risk to vulnerable populations. Considering factors influencing deterioration, complications, and mortality, it is especially important to pay attention to these groups, including persons with hypertension (HTN) and diabetes. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between the angiotensin II (ANG II) level and the disease severity and clinical course in COVID-19 patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 50 COVID-19 patients (mean age 59.1±20) admitted to Sinai hospital in Hamedan. The blood samples of the patients were taken during hospitalization and discharge, and the plasma ANG II level was measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. The quantitative comparison was analyzed with paired t test and qualitative comparison with the chi-square test. The correlation of variables was checked with the Pearson test, and P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Overall, 44%, 16%, and 10% of COVID-19 patients had HTN, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and 10% diabetes, respectively. The oxygen level of 82% of the patients was below 90, of which 68% were intubated, and the lowest oxygen levels were observed in patients with HTN and CVD with 2 deaths. The primary and secondary examination of the ANG II level demonstrated that its level was significantly higher during illness compared to full recovery and decreased during recovery. Conclusion: The ANG II level is related to the severity of the disease in the early stages of 2019- nCoV infection. Therefore, HTN or other diseases that affect the level of ANG II in the blood can increase the severity of the disease

    The global, regional, and national burden of stomach cancer in 195 countries, 1990-2017 : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease study 2017

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    Background: Stomach cancer is a major health problem in many countries. Understanding the current burden of stomach cancer and the differential trends across various locations is essential for formulating effective preventive strategies. We report on the incidence, mortality, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) due to stomach cancer in 195 countries and territories from 21 regions between 1990 and 2017. Methods: Estimates from GBD 2017 were used to analyse the incidence, mortality, and DALYs due to stomach cancer at the global, regional, and national levels. The rates were standardised to the GBD world population and reported per 100 000 population as age-standardised incidence rates, age-standardised death rates, and age-standardised DALY rates. All estimates were generated with 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs). Findings: In 2017, more than 1·22 million (95% UI 1·19–1·25) incident cases of stomach cancer occurred worldwide, and nearly 865 000 people (848 000–885 000) died of stomach cancer, contributing to 19·1 million (18·7–19·6) DALYs. The highest age-standardised incidence rates in 2017 were seen in the high-income Asia Pacific (29·5, 28·2–31·0 per 100 000 population) and east Asia (28·6, 27·3–30·0 per 100 000 population) regions, with nearly half of the global incident cases occurring in China. Compared with 1990, in 2017 more than 356 000 more incident cases of stomach cancer were estimated, leading to nearly 96 000 more deaths. Despite the increase in absolute numbers, the worldwide age-standardised rates of stomach cancer (incidence, deaths, and DALYs) have declined since 1990. The drop in the disease burden was associated with improved Socio-demographic Index. Globally, 38·2% (21·1–57·8) of the age-standardised DALYs were attributable to high-sodium diet in both sexes combined, and 24·5% (20·0–28·9) of the age-standardised DALYs were attributable to smoking in males. Interpretation: Our findings provide insight into the changing burden of stomach cancer, which is useful in planning local strategies and monitoring their progress. To this end, specific local strategies should be tailored to each country's risk factor profile. Beyond the current decline in age-standardised incidence and death rates, a decrease in the absolute number of cases and deaths will be possible if the burden in east Asia, where currently almost half of the incident cases and deaths occur, is further reduced. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Mapping child growth failure across low- and middle-income countries

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    Child growth failure (CGF), manifested as stunting, wasting, and underweight, is associated with high 5 mortality and increased risks of cognitive, physical, and metabolic impairments. Children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) face the highest levels of CGF globally. Here we illustrate national and subnational variation of under-5 CGF indicators across LMICs, providing 2000–2017 annual estimates mapped at a high spatial resolution and aggregated to policy-relevant administrative units and national levels. Despite remarkable declines over the study period, many LMICs remain far from the World Health 10 Organization’s ambitious Global Nutrition Targets to reduce stunting by 40% and wasting to less than 5% by 2025. Large disparities in prevalence and rates of progress exist across regions, countries, and within countries; our maps identify areas where high prevalence persists even within nations otherwise succeeding in reducing overall CGF prevalence. By highlighting where subnational disparities exist and the highest-need populations reside, these geospatial estimates can support policy-makers in planning locally 15 tailored interventions and efficient directing of resources to accelerate progress in reducing CGF and its health implications