73 research outputs found

    Estudio de la aplicación de la prueba de lenguaje BLOC-SR en sujetos con discapacidad auditiva

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado versa sobre la aplicación de la prueba de lenguaje BLOC-SR (Batería del Lenguaje Objetiva y Criterial, Screening versión revisada) en 26 sujetos, de entre 7 y 15 años, con discapacidad auditiva. Tras el análisis y comparación de los resultados, se ha procedido al estudio de ciertas variables susceptibles de influir en el desarrollo del lenguaje: sexo, grado de discapacidad auditiva, edad de exploración, apoyos técnicos utilizados, alteraciones y/o patologías asociadas, tratamiento logopédico y escolar recibido, uso de sistemas alternativos o aumentativas de comunicación, nivel socioeconómico y grado de participación familiar. Por último, se han determinado las ventajas, inconvenientes y propuestas de mejora para la prueba del lenguaje BLOC-SR en la evaluación de sujetos con discapacidad auditiva.Grado en Logopedi

    Funciones de estimación de la biomasa aérea de varias especies del matorral mediterráneo del centro de la península Ibérica

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    Se calculan las funciones adecuadas para evaluar la biomasa aérea de 17 especies típicas del matorral mediterráneo del centro de la península Ibérica. Se usan y discuten diferentes métodos existentes en la literatura. La relación entre el peso y un parámetro estructural sencillo para estas especies -cobertura, altura, biovolumen aparente- suele ser alométrica -expresable como una potencia de alguno de estos parámetros-. La función de alometria calculada directamente, sin transformaciones previas de los datos originales, se ha revelado como la de mayor utilidad en el caso considerado.A set of functions for the estimation of aerial biomass have been calculated on data from 17 Mediterranean shrub species. Together with the methods here used, those applied in the relevant literature are discussed. Simple structural parameters like cover, height and biovolume proved to scale allometrically with weight. Models based on raw untransformated data rendered the best results

    Selección de pruebas del lenguaje y análisis crítico de su aplicación en población infantil con discapacidad auditiva

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    El objetivo de este estudio ha consistido en seleccionar aquellas pruebas que mejor permitieran estudiar desde un punto de vista formal, el lenguaje del niño/a con hipoacusia. Aunque no hay un consenso general, consideramos que es fundamental analizar todos los aspectos del lenguaje, para tener un conocimiento más completo del desarrollo lingüístico, porque no es paralelo en todos sus ámbitos. Las pruebas escogidas han sido: el test PEABODY; el registro fonológico de Laura Bosch; EDAF; EMLE-TALE 2000; PLON-R y BLOC-SR. Esta evaluación se complementa con un cuestionario dirigido a quienes aplican los test y con la opinión de expertos logopedas en el terreno práctico. En términos generales todas las pruebas han resultado adecuadas en función de su finalidad. Las que mejor se corrigen son EDAF, PEABODY y BLOC-SR y la que peor, el registro fonológico de Laura Bosch. Para nosotros, el procedimiento de aplicación de PEABODY y PLON-R es ideal para niños con hipoacusia, presentando mayores dificultades el EDAF y BLOC-SR y siendo muy difíciles de aplicar, el registro fonológico de Laura Bosch y el EMLE. Consideramos que la selección realizada para evaluar el desarrollo del lenguaje en el niño/a con discapacidad auditiva es adecuada, siempre y cuando tengamos en cuenta la edad de desarrollo y las modificaciones específicas que debemos adoptar en esta población.</p

    Persistent pain management in an oncology population through pain neuroscience education, a multimodal program: PaiNEd randomized clinical trial protocol

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    Pain is one of the most persistent symptoms after cancer treatment. The central nervous system can erroneously stay in its alarm phase, altering the pain experience of patients who have cancer. Pain neuroscience education (PNE) with multimodal approaches may benefit these patients.“Subvenciones para la Financiación de la Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (I+D+I) Biomédica y en Ciencias de la Salud, Consejería de Salud y Familias”, of the Andalusian Regional Government (PI-0171-2020

    Polarimetric imaging for the detection of synthetic models of SARS-CoV-2: A proof of concept

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    Objective: To conduct a proof-of-concept study of the detection of two synthetic models of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) using polarimetric imaging. Approach: Two SARS-CoV-2 models were prepared as engineered lentiviruses pseudotyped with the G protein of the vesicular stomatitis virus, and with the characteristic Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. Samples were prepared in two biofluids (saline solution and artificial saliva), in four concentrations, and deposited as 5-µL droplets on a supporting plate. The angles of maximal degree of linear polarization (DLP) of light diffusely scattered from dry residues were determined using Mueller polarimetry from87 samples at 405 nm and 514 nm. A polarimetric camera was used for imaging several samples under 380–420 nm illumination at angles similar to those of maximal DLP. Per-pixel image analysis included quantification and combination of polarization feature descriptors in 475 samples. Main results: The angles (from sample surface) of maximal DLP were 3° for 405 nm and 6° for 514 nm. Similar viral particles that differed only in the characteristic spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2, their corresponding negative controls, fluids, and the sample holder were discerned at 10-degree and 15-degree configurations. Significance: Polarimetric imaging in the visible spectrum may help improve fast, non-contact detection and identification of viral particles, and/or other microbes such as tuberculosis, in multiple dry fluid samples simultaneously, particularly when combined with other imaging modalities. Further analysis including realistic concentrations of real SARS-CoV-2 viral particles in relevant human fluids is required. Polarimetric imaging under visible light may contribute to a fast, cost-effective screening of SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens when combined with other imaging modalities.12 página

    Hyperspectral image processing for the identification and quantification of lentiviral particles in fluid samples

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    Optical spectroscopic techniques have been commonly used to detect the presence of biofilm-forming pathogens (bacteria and fungi) in the agro-food industry. Recently, near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy revealed that it is also possible to detect the presence of viruses in animal and vegetal tissues. Here we report a platform based on visible and NIR (VNIR) hyperspectral imaging for non-contact, reagent free detection and quantification of laboratory-engineered viral particles in fluid samples (liquid droplets and dry residue) using both partial least square-discriminant analysis and artificial feed-forward neural networks. The detection was successfully achieved in preparations of phosphate buffered solution and artificial saliva, with an equivalent pixel volume of 4 nL and lowest concentration of 800 TU.mu L-1. This method constitutes an innovative approach that could be potentially used at point of care for rapid mass screening of viral infectious diseases and monitoring of the SARS-CoV- 2 pandemic.This research was funded by grants number COV20-00080 and COV20-00173 of the 2020 Emergency Call for Research Projects about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 disease of the Institute of Health 'Carlos III', Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and by grant number EQC2019-006240-P of the 2019 Call for Acquisition of Scientific Equipment, FEDER Program, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. This work has been supported by the European Commission through the JRC HUMAINT project. ABR was supported by grant number RTI2018-094465-J funded by the Spanish National Agency of Research. The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the members of the EOD-CBRN Group of the Spanish National Police, whose identities cannot be disclosed, and who are represented here by JMNG. Authors thank continuous support from their institutions

    Prognostic Value of D-dimer to Lymphocyte Ratio (DLR) in Hospitalized Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Patients: A Validation Study in a National Cohort

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    Background: This study aimed to validate the role of the D-dimer to lymphocyte ratio (DLR) for mortality prediction in a large national cohort of hospitalized coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. Methods: A retrospective, multicenter, observational study that included hospitalized patients due to SARS-CoV-2 infection in Spain was conducted from March 2020 to March 2022. All biomarkers and laboratory indices analyzed were measured once at admission. Results: A total of 10,575 COVID-19 patients were included in this study. The mean age of participants was 66.9 (+/- 16) years, and 58.6% (6202 patients) of them were male. The overall mortality rate was 16.3% (n = 1726 patients). Intensive care unit admission was needed in 10.5% (n = 1106 patients), non-invasive mechanical ventilation was required in 8.8% (n = 923 patients), and orotracheal intubation was required in 7.5% (789 patients). DLR presented a c-statistic of 0.69 (95% CI, 0.68-0.71) for in-hospital mortality with an optimal cut-off above 1. Multivariate analysis showed an independent association for in-hospital mortality for DLR > 1 (adjusted OR 2.09, 95% CI 1.09-4.04; p = 0.03); in the same way, survival analysis showed a higher mortality risk for DLR > 1 (HR 2.24; 95% CI 2.03-2.47; p < 0.01). Further, no other laboratory indices showed an independent association for mortality in multivariate analysis. Conclusions: This study confirmed the usefulness of DLR as a prognostic biomarker for mortality associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection, being an accessible, cost-effective, and easy-to-use biomarker in daily clinical practice

    Consensus on diagnosis and treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Colombia.

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    Objetivo: Unificar criterios para agilizar el diagnóstico de la Leucemia Mieloide Crónica (LMC) y racionalizar el uso de nuevos medicamentos para su tratamiento. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda estructurada de la literatura médica en la bases de datos Medline, en el Registro de Estudios Clínicos (CCTR) de la Biblioteca Cochrane y en EMBASE, usando la plataforma OVID. Todos los artículos fueron revisados por un comité central y los resultados fueron validados por hematólogos, oncólogos y otros especialistas en una reunión de consenso. Resultados: Se generaron 11 recomendaciones sobre diagnóstico (criterios definitorios), tratamiento (fase crónica, fase acelerada, crisis blástica, transplante alogénico), y seguimiento según fase y tratamiento base (remisión hematológica, respuesta citogenética, respuesta molecular, evolución clonal, etc). Conclusiones: Los esquemas de tratamiento disponibles permiten mejorar la supervivencia y calidad de vida de los pacientes. Todo paciente con LMC requiere confirmación histológica y citogenética de su enfermedad. El inicio temprano del tratamiento con inhibidores de la tirosina-quinasa y el seguimiento estricto de las respuestas hematológica, citogenética y molecular permitirán adecuar o modificar la terapia de manera oportuna en pacientes resistentes primarios o secundarios.Objective: To harmonize criteria for an effective diagnosis of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML), and to promote a rational use of available molecules for treatment. Methods: A structured search in Medline, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, and EMBASE data bases was done through the OVID platform. All scientific papers were reviewed by a central committee and the results were validated in a national consensus panel. Results: Eleven recommendations were done on diagnostic criteria, treatment (chronic phase, accelerated phase, blastic phase, bone marrow transplantation), and follow-up according to disease phase and treatment (hematological response, cytogenetic response, molecular response, clonal evolution, etc). Conclusions: available treatments allow for better survival rates and quality of life. Every CML patient requires histological and cytogenetic verification. Early treatment with tyrosine-kinase inhibitors and strict follow-up of hematological, cytogenetic, and molecular responses will allow a timely adaptation of treatment in primary or secondary resistanc

    Methodology applied in the study of the language development in children with early detection of neonatal hearing loss.

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    Introducción y objetivo: Dado que el potencial discapacitante que causa la deficiencia auditiva neonatal disminuye con una detección e intervención tempranas, hemos elaborado un proyecto de investigación, con el que nos proponemos conocer el grado de desarrollo del lenguaje de los niños y niñas que procedentes del cribado auditivo universal, han sido diagnosticados/as por nosotros de hipoacusia prelingual en estos últimos 15 años y analizar las variables determinantes y las que son modificables. El objeto de esta comunicación consistirá en presentar la metodología que vamos a utilizar. Método: Partimos de los datos almacenados en nuestro Servicio de ORL, que comprende a 282 niños con hipoacusia. Hemos tenido la oportunidad de crear un grupo de investigación en el que coincidimos especialistas de la audición infantil y del lenguaje, por lo que contamos con medios suficientes para el estudio. Resultados: Describimos los elementos que configuran este proyecto, en relación al equipo de trabajo y a su desarrollo. Tras aplicar unos criterios de exclusión/inclusión, hemos seleccionado a un grupo de 45 niños entre 3 y 15 años, definiendo sus características auditivas. Mediante pruebas específicas, adaptadas a la edad, estudiaremos los diferentes aspectos del lenguaje; y a través de una entrevista estructurada realizada a los padres, intentaremos determinar las variables que influyen en el proceso re-habilitador. Finalmente, los datos serán analizados estadísticamente. Discusión: La variabilidad y la escasa prevalencia de la hipoacusia infantil, dificultan la realización de estudios con población suficiente para obtener resultados estadísticamente significativos. Sin embargo, creemos que el grupo de niños seleccionado y la metodología utilizada nos permitirán conocer mejor las variables influyentes en el desarrollo del lenguaje. Conclusiones: El programa de cribado auditivo universal ha permitido una intervención más precoz, lo que debería mejorar los niveles de lenguaje de los niños detectados/as con hipoacusia. Aunque el desarrollo normalizado de la comunicación depende de otros factores difíciles de determinar, a través del protocolo presentado pretendemos equiparar estos resultados, validando el proceso de cribado/diagnóstico e intervención de nuestro medio.Introduction and objective: Given that the disabling potential causing neonatal hearing impairment decreases with early detection and intervention, we have drawn up a research project, with which we intend to know the degree of development of the language of children and girls than from the universal hearing screening, have been diagnosed for us of prelingual hearing loss in the last 15 years and analyze the determining variables and which are modifiable. The object of this communication will be to present the methodology that we use. Method: We assume the data stored on our ENT service, including 282 children with hearing loss. We have had the opportunity to create a research group in which we agree ENT and language specialists so we have resources sufficient for the study. Results: We describe the elements that make up this project in relation to the team and to its development. After applying inclusion/exclusion criteria, we have selected a group of 45 children between 3 and 15 years, defining their auditory characteristics. Through specific tests, adapted to the age, we will study the different aspects of the language; and through a structured interview parents, we try to determine the variables that influence the rehabilitator process. Finally, the data will be analyzed statistically. Discussion: The variability and the low prevalence of infant hearing loss, make it difficult studies with sufficient population to obtain statistically significant results. However, we believe that the group of children and the methodology selected will allow us to learn more about the influential in the development of the language variables. Conclusions: The hearing screening program allowed us to earlier intervention, which should improve the levels of language of children detected with hearing loss. Although the standard development of communication depends on other factors difficult to determine, through the presented protocol we equate these findings, validating the process of screening/diagnosis and intervention of our environment

    Immigrant IBD Patients in Spain Are Younger, Have More Extraintestinal Manifestations and Use More Biologics Than Native Patients

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    BackgroundPrevious studies comparing immigrant ethnic groups and native patients with IBD have yielded clinical and phenotypic differences. To date, no study has focused on the immigrant IBD population in Spain. MethodsProspective, observational, multicenter study comparing cohorts of IBD patients from ENEIDA-registry who were born outside Spain with a cohort of native patients. ResultsWe included 13,524 patients (1,864 immigrant and 11,660 native). The immigrants were younger (45 +/- 12 vs. 54 +/- 16 years, p < 0.001), had been diagnosed younger (31 +/- 12 vs. 36 +/- 15 years, p < 0.001), and had a shorter disease duration (14 +/- 7 vs. 18 +/- 8 years, p < 0.001) than native patients. Family history of IBD (9 vs. 14%, p < 0.001) and smoking (30 vs. 40%, p < 0.001) were more frequent among native patients. The most prevalent ethnic groups among immigrants were Caucasian (41.5%), followed by Latin American (30.8%), Arab (18.3%), and Asian (6.7%). Extraintestinal manifestations, mainly musculoskeletal affections, were more frequent in immigrants (19 vs. 11%, p < 0.001). Use of biologics, mainly anti-TNF, was greater in immigrants (36 vs. 29%, p < 0.001). The risk of having extraintestinal manifestations [OR: 2.23 (1.92-2.58, p < 0.001)] and using biologics [OR: 1.13 (1.0-1.26, p = 0.042)] was independently associated with immigrant status in the multivariate analyses. ConclusionsCompared with native-born patients, first-generation-immigrant IBD patients in Spain were younger at disease onset and showed an increased risk of having extraintestinal manifestations and using biologics. Our study suggests a featured phenotype of immigrant IBD patients in Spain, and constitutes a new landmark in the epidemiological characterization of immigrant IBD populations in Southern Europe