4 research outputs found

    Effect of a School-Based Intervention on Nutritional Knowledge and Habits of Low-Socioeconomic School Children in Israel: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Early social and economic deprivation, associated with poor nutrition and physical inactivity, may lead to adverse health trajectories. A cluster-randomized controlled-trial examining the effect of a school-based comprehensive intervention on nutrition knowledge, eating habits, and behaviors among low socioeconomic status (LSES) school-aged children was performed. LSES school-aged children (4–7 years) and their mothers were recruited from 11 schools, located in one town. The intervention was implemented on three levels: children, mothers, and teachers. The intervention (IArm) included nutrition classes for children, mothers, and teachers and physical activity (PA) classes for children; the control (CArm) received PA only. Interventions were conducted by professional personnel, who were trained during in a two-day session to deliver the specific program in schools. Family data were obtained by parental interviews. Food knowledge observations, packed lunch records, and anthropometric measurements were obtained in school at baseline, six months, and at the end of the school year. Of 258 children enrolled, 220 (87.6%) completed the six-month program. Only children in the IArm improved their nutrition knowledge and eating-habits and increased food variety and fruit and vegetable consumption, quality score of packed lunches (p < 0.001 for all), habitual water drinking increased (p = 0.02), and decreased sweet-drink consumption (p = 0.05). A school-based comprehensive nutrition intervention targeting LSES population improved eating habits, nutritional knowledge, and healthier packed lunches

    Into rather unexplored terrain : transcellular transport across the blood-brain barrier

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    Efficient neuronal signaling in the central nervous system strictly depends on a well-balanced microenvironment around glial cells, synapses and axons. Unique features of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) endothelium largely determine the composition of this micro-milieu and are dependent on the tight interplay with surrounding astrocytes and pericytes. BBB endothelial cells are endowed with a highly restrictive junctional complex that occludes the intercellular cleft, thereby preventing paracellular diffusion. The paracellular pathway is subject to extensive research as integrity loss of the junctional complex is associated with many neuropathologies, inflammation and edema. Another important feature of the BBB endothelium is the low prevalence of non-specific, transcytotic events, including (macro)pinocytosis, clathrin-dependent and caveolin-dependent endocytosis and the subsequent trafficking of vesicles to the opposite membrane. Although less studied, evidence is accruing that this pathway importantly contributes to increased BBB permeability, often when the junctional complex remains intact. Here, we review current knowledge on the contribution of the transcellular pathway to the BBB leak observed in different pathologic conditions. In addition, we hypothesize that non-selective, large pore connexin and pannexin channels may contribute to transcellular transport, either by providing a direct diffusion pathway across the endothelial monolayer, or indirectly, by exerting control over intracellular levels of the signaling ion Ca2+ that is involved in many steps of the vesicular pathway. We conclude that transcytotic events at the BBB, despite being less acknowledged, cannot be simply dismissed as done in the past, but actively contributes BBB leakage in many different pathologies

    Into rather unexplored terrain-transcellular transport across the blood-brain barrier

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