174 research outputs found

    Sustainability at UAM-Azcapotzalco for academic programs with virtual classroom methodologies

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    Abstract. The post-pandemic educational processes due to Covid-19 have generated an interest in structuring new learning trends. The Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) Azcapotzalco identified the use of methodologies with digital tools known as virtual classrooms during the pandemic to continue academic activities. These digital tools are still being used in different academic programs, including undergraduate and postgraduate programs to promote the professionalism of the university community. This paper provides a general breakdown of the virtual classroom format as a methodology in the teaching-learning processes to improve the educational environment at a higher level and ensure educational sustainability through the innovation of new technologies and digital tools that can be applied at a national and international level. The expected results from this methodology are part of an improvement process aimed at generating academic programs in virtual environments to enrich the educational models at higher and postgraduate levels and creating collaborative groups within each teaching department that can be extrapolated to a unit or campus level.Keyword:Sustainable Academic, Educational Methodology, Educational Process, Virtual Classroom

    Modelo de desarrollo de turismo comunitario del sector costero de la provincia del Guayas

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorDefine un Modelo de Desarrollo Turístico Comunitario en la Región Costa de la Provincia del Guayas en el Ecuador, puesto que actualmente se está trabajando en potenciar el desarrollo turístico a raíz de la desmembración territorial acaecida el 7 de noviembre de 2007 cuando los cantones de Santa Elena, Salinas y La Libertad se proclamaron Provincia de Santa Elena, lo que afectó el turismo en el sector de la costa guayasense enmarcada principalmente por playas encantadoras. Por lo tanto, la presente investigación buscará identificar elementos importantes que justifiquen crear un modelo de Desarrollo Turístico considerando la situación actual de la Comunidad del Cantón General Villamil, Playas considerado desde entonces el primer balneario de la Provincia; el cual no ha logrado un desarrollo social y económico suficiente, tornando a este sector en un punto neurálgico al momento de presentar atractivos turísticos, esto hará que se desarrolle la economía en el sector costero de la provincia.Tesi

    La Auditoría Interna y su Incidencia en la Prevención de Lavado de Activos en Financiera Crediscotia, Sede Tacna, 2017

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    El desarrollo del presente trabajo de investigación está enfocado a los aspectos relacionados a la auditoría interna y el lavado de activos, lo que trae consigo consecuencias negativas ya que compromete en forma directa e inminente la continuidad de las funciones, servicios, actividades u operaciones que la institución tiene a su cargo. El presente trabajo de investigación es de tipo aplicada de diseño no experimental porque se obtienen datos directamente de la realidad objeto de estudio, asimismo es de nivel descriptivo, luego explicativa y finalmente correlacionada de acuerdo a la finalidad de la investigación. El área de investigación está enmarcada en la auditoría financiera, estableciendo cómo la auditoría interna incide en la prevención de lavado de activos en CrediScotia Sede Tacna, periodo 2017 a través de los indicadores de medición de la variable independiente: sistema de control interno, evaluación de riesgos, eficiencia y eficacia; y los indicadores de la variable dependiente: operaciones financieras, circuito económico formal y control de actividades. Así mismo se viene observando que en el Perú el lavado de activos altera el sistema económico financiero al introducir en el mercado interno recursos que se obtienen de actividades ilícitas, a pesar de que en nuestro país existe la Ley Penal contra el Lavado de Activos, hay una insuficiente tecnología y deficiente conexión entre las instituciones que luchan contra esta modalidad de crimen organizado, siendo su eficiencia operativa nula. Además, un adecuado proceso de auditoría interna reflejará fallas y los riegos de lavado de activos en la organización lo cual contribuirá a mejorar sus mecanismos de control interno. Por lo que finalmente se llega a la conclusión final que existe influencia significativa entre la auditoría interna y la prevención de lavado de activos en CrediScotia sede Tacna, periodo 2017.Tesi

    A metabolomic approach to study the rhizodeposition in the tritrophic interaction: tomato, Pochonia chlamydosporia and Meloidogyne javanica

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    A combined chemometrics-metabolomics approach [excitation–emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and high performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS)] was used to analyse the rhizodeposition of the tritrophic system: tomato, the plant-parasitic nematode Meloidogyne javanica and the nematode-egg parasitic fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia. Exudates from M. javanica roots were sampled at root penetration (early) and gall development (late). EMM indicated that late root exudates from M. javanica treatments contained more aromatic amino acid compounds than the rest (control, P. chlamydosporia or P. chlamydosporia and M. javanica). 1H NMR showed that organic acids (acetate, lactate, malate, succinate and formic acid) and one unassigned aromatic compound (peak no. 22) were the most relevant metabolites in root exudates. Robust principal component analysis (PCA) grouped early exudates for nematode (PC1) or fungus presence (PC3). PCA found (PC1, 73.31 %) increased acetate and reduced lactate and an unassigned peak no. 22 characteristic of M. javanica root exudates resulting from nematode invasion and feeding. An increase of peak no. 22 (PC3, 4.82 %) characteristic of P. chlamydosporia exudates could be a plant “primer” defence. In late ones in PC3 (8.73 %) the presence of the nematode grouped the samples. HPLC–MS determined rhizosphere fingerprints of 16 (early) and 25 (late exudates) m/z signals, respectively. Late signals were exclusive from M. javanica exudates confirming EEM and 1H NMR results. A 235 m/z signal reduced in M. javanica root exudates (early and late) could be a repressed plant defense. This metabolomic approach and other rhizosphere -omics studies could help to improve plant growth and reduce nematode damage sustainably.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Grants AGL 2008-00716/AGR, AGL 2011-29297 and with a grant from the University of Alicante to N. Escudero (UAFPU2011)

    Una revisión del proceso de la logística inversa y su relación con la logística verde

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    A nivel mundial, al menos en los países industrializados, el desarrollo de la práctica de Logística Inversa se presenta como una ventaja competitiva significante. Se identifican tres motivos bien diferenciados que promueven el desarrollo y puesta en marcha de esta práctica, y estos son los legales, los sociales y los económicos. Cualquier empresa que planee implementar la Logística Inversa dentro de sus estrategias a mediano y largo plazo, debe identificar con claridad sus alcances, limitaciones y forma de operar, ya que el conocimiento inadecuado y la relativa novedad de la misma,  provocan que no sea aprovechada eficientemente, además de confundirse con otra práctica, también emergente, conocida como Logística Verde.A partir de la definición de la Logística Inversa, este trabajo busca resaltar las características de esta práctica desde la perspectiva conceptual de un proceso, identificando sus entradas, actividades y salidas, así como su principio y fin. La misma tarea de resaltar las características se aplica a la Logística Verde para concluir con un análisis comparativo entre ambas.Starting off of the definition of Reverse Logistics, this research determines its particular characteristics from the perspective of a process, identifying its inputs, outputs, end and beginning. The same work is done applied to Green Logistics, concluding with a comparative analysis of both practices

    Mundos virtuales basado en la educación

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    The development of virtual worlds has improved the educational environment in the training of students in an artificial environment inspired by reality, within it users can interact with the characters that are within the virtual world for educational purposes that have specific characteristics a greater impact on users, interactive graphics, simulation, the development of informative activities in education. currently young students are in a virtual world of digital content, the development of technology is advancing and methods and strategies will be followed that They favor education. As a tool that helps the student to interact with the environment that surrounds them For years we have been able to see how the education system has sought a standardization of education from which we have not yet found real benefits. With the digital transformation, these systems and outdated are called to disappear to give rise to a new interpretation of education. They are generations accustomed to the immediate and, although the theory of knowledge remains fundamental for education, the processes demand greater speed to adapt to a more practical education. Today there are many schools that have computers and digital devices for the training of their students, however this does not mean the true transformation that education needs. To support these times the new educational systems have to have digital tools that respond to the shortcomings that the previous systems have had, and are not a simple patch such as the introduction of some technology-based subjects.El desarrollo de mundos virtuales ha mejorado el ámbito educativo en la formación de los estudiantes un entorno artificial inspirado a la no realidad , dentro de él los usuarios puede interactuar a personajes que se encuentra dentro del mundo virtual con fines educativos permiten que tengan dichas características con un mayor impacto en los usuarios ,gráficos interactivos, simulación ,permitiendo el desarrollo de actividades informativa en la educación .en la actualidad los jóvenes estudiantes se encuentra en un mundo virtual de contenidos digitales , el desarrollo de la tecnología está avanzando y se seguirán desarrollando métodos y estrategias que favorezcan en la educación . Como una herramienta que ayude al estudiante a a interactuar con el medio que los rodea Durante años hemos podido ver cómo el sistema educativo ha buscado una estandarización de la educación de la cual aún no hemos encontrado beneficios reales. Con la transformación digital estos sistemas ya anticuados están llamados a desaparecer para dar lugar a una nueva interpretación de la educación

    Diagnóstico De Factores Conductuales Para El Trabajo En Equipo Con Estudiantes Universitarios

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    Teamwork is a temporary activity that takes place within organizations in order to perform sophisticated tasks. The behavior of the individuals that make up the team can positively or negatively affect the results obtained from them. Freud (1973) and later David McClelland (1989) attributed five (5) dimensions to human behavior: personality, values, culture, motivations, knowledge, and skills. Recent studies have deepened these aspects. This was done individually and based on different environments that relates to the field of higher education. The importance of teamwork has become prevalent in the world of work. This was despite the fact that this competence does not develop significantly in university education. This paper focuses on the development of a behavioral diagnostic instrument for teamwork based on ad hoc research and with the support of experts in organizational psychology, as well as the coherence of the instrument designed from the correlation of the items by categories of the five dimensions. This instrument was developed and validated to be reliable and applicable to university students. This was done in order to determine their behavioral profile which allows the designing strategies that helps to strengthen teamwork in classrooms

    Can Neo-Rural Initiatives Bolster Community Resilience in Depopulated Coupled Human and Natural System?: Insights From Stakeholder Perceptions in Central Spain

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    17 p.Preindustrial era agro-sylvopastoral land uses have influenced structure, function and disturbance in Mediterranean type mountainous landscapes for millennia. In this study we analyze through semi-structured interviews, stakeholder perceptions of coupled human and natural system (CHANS) community resilience in one such landscape; the municipality of Puebla de la Sierra, Madrid. The municipality is part of the Biosphere Reserve of the Sierra del Rincon and the Natura 2000 network and as such is subject to various conservationist regulations emanating from multiple levels of governance. In the preindustrial past most municipal lands formed an oak ?dehesa? or open forest CHANS that made biomass extraction through pollarding compatible with pastoralism and shifting agriculture. After a period of rapid land-use change in the early 20th century?marked by the state led plantation of coniferous forests, the final decades of the last century were characterized by rural abandonment and the collapse of traditional forms of land use as well as the gradual transformation of the municipality into an eco-touristic, exurban destination for Madrid residents. More recently, the municipality has experienced an influx of neo-rural settlers in the area wishing to connect traditional knowledge and management with modern agro-environmental practices. In our study, we identify two limiting factors to community resilience in Puebla de la Sierra; governance and financing. The current governance model is perceived by respondents to be contrary to their reality and needs, which translates into environmental, urban and health regulations that, in their views, penalizes agroecological and small-scale economic activities. In addition, respondents believe there is a dearth of material and financial resources to initiate these transformative local actions which further weakens community resilience. Stakeholders however also identified other factors that reinforce community resilience such as a collective willingness to revive key traditional ecosystem management practices such as pollarding, the networks of trust existing between the people participating in these new initiatives and the capacity for deliberating between different visions of future development pathways amongst local stakeholders

    CAZyme content of Pochonia chlamydosporia reflects that chitin and chitosan modification are involved in nematode parasitism

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    Pochonia chlamydosporia is a soil fungus with a multitrophic lifestyle combining endophytic and saprophytic behaviors, in addition to a nematophagous activity directed against eggs of root-knot and other plant parasitic nematodes. The carbohydrate-active enzymes encoded by the genome of P. chlamydosporia suggest that the endophytic and saprophytic lifestyles make use of a plant cell wall polysaccharide degradation machinery that can target cellulose, xylan and, to a lesser extent, pectin. This enzymatic machinery is completed by a chitin breakdown system that involves not only chitinases, but also chitin deacetylases and a large number of chitosanases. P. chlamydosporia can degrade and grow on chitin and is particularly efficient on chitosan. The relevance of chitosan breakdown during nematode egg infection is supported by the immunolocalization of chitosan in Meloidogyne javanica eggs infected by P. chlamydosporia and by the fact that the fungus expresses chitosanase and chitin deacetylase genes during egg infection. This suggests that these enzymes are important for the nematophagous activity of the fungus and they are targets for improving the capabilities of P. chlamydosporia as a biocontrol agent in agriculture.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Grant AGL2015-66833-R, with a grant from the Generalitat Valenciana to A. Aranda-Martinez (ACIF/2013/120) as well as a sabbatical grant to L.V. Lopez-Llorca (PR2015-0008)