15 research outputs found

    Evaluaci?n de la percepci?n de la educaci?n en promoci?n de la salud y comportamientos saludables o de riesgo de los estudiantes de la Universidad del Tolima

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    191 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoEl desarrollo del trabajo de grado , generar? un aporte en conocimientos a la Instituci?n ; ya que visualizar? , cu?l es la percepci?n que tienen los estudiantes de las acciones que brinda la vicerrector?a de desarrollo Humano encaminadas a generar condiciones que promuevan la salud; de igual manera esto contribuir? a evaluar y replantear las estrategias que actualmente se ejecutan en la realizaci?n de estas actividades educativas con el fin de mejorar la participaci?n y el impacto en la comunidad universitaria. Objetivo. Describir la percepci?n que tienen los estudiantes del ?rea de pregrado presencial pertenecientes a los programas de Enfermer?a, Medicina y Educaci?n F?sica; de las acciones educativas en promoci?n de la Salud ofrecidas por la Universidad del Tolima, y como han influido en la adquisici?n o no de h?bitos saludables. M?todos. Se realiz? estudio descriptivo transversal; Se tom? muestra de los estudiantes de los semestres de 5-6-7-8, a partir de la aplicaci?n del instrumento ?Percepci?n de la educaci?n en salud brindada a los estudiantes de pregrado asistencial en la universidad del Tolima durante el a?o 2013 ?, se indago acerca de las variables : percepci?n sobre la promoci?n de la salud , consultorio universitario, accidentalidad, consumo de tabaco, alcohol/ sustancias psicoactivas, alimentaci?n, salud sexual y reproductiva ; fue aplicado a un total de 323 estudiantes ,la informaci?n recolectada se ingres? a la aplicaci?n del paquete estad?stico INFOSTAT. Resultados y Conclusiones. La utilizaci?n de servicios de promoci?n de salud ofrecidos por la universidad del Tolima es bajo un 34 %. En cuanto a talleres de nutrici?n, est?n relacionados con el programa , los estudiantes de educaci?n f?sica tienen una mejor percepci?n de las acciones educativas brindadas en este tema, es importante resaltar que el programa de educaci?n f?sica es m?s visible en la Universidad generando actividades promotoras de h?bitos saludables, La poblaci?n encuestada considera que la oferta de alimentos saludables no es la adecuada ; al indagar la percepci?n sobre la educaci?n en talleres sobre Atenci?n Inmediata en Emergencias recibidos, est?n asociados al programa y es m?s alta en los estudiantes de Medicina en comparaci?n con los de Educaci?n F?sica y Enfermer?a. En cuanto al consumo de tabaco, un 49% han probado el cigarrillo, adem?s la mayor?a lo han adquirido en el campus universitario 82%. En cuanto a sexualidad se encontr? que un 88% ya inicio su vida sexual, y de estos un 63% de manera temprana antes de los 18, sin importar el g?nero, el mayor porcentaje usa m?todo anticonceptivo y preservativo. Los datos encontrados son gran punto de partida para la implementaci?n y fortalecimiento de programas como el de Universidad Saludable y otros proyectos que permitan la participaci?n de todos los estamentos y la consolidaci?n de lazos con otras instituciones que sean marco de referencia en estos temas.The development of the thesis will generate a contribution to knowledge in the institution; as you will see, what is the perception of students of the shares offered by the Human Development Vice Presidency aimed at creating conditions that promote health; just as this will help to evaluate and rethink the strategies currently running on the realization of these educational activities to improve participation and the impact on the university community. Objective. Describe the perception that students face area belonging to undergraduate programs of Nursing, Medicine and Physical Education; educational activities in health promotion offered by the University of Tolima, and how they have influenced the acquisition or healthy habits. Methods. Descriptive study was conducted; Sample of students 5-6-7-8 semesters taken, from the application of the instrument "Perception of health education provided to students in undergraduate college care of Tolima in 2013" I was asked about the variables: perception of health promotion, university clinic, accidents, consumption of snuff, alcohol / psychoactive substances, food, sexual and reproductive health; was applied to a total of 323 students, the information collected was entered to the application of statistical software INFOSTAT. Results and Conclusions. The use of health promotion services offered by the University of Tolima is under 34%. As for nutrition workshops are related to the program, physical education students have a better perception of educational actions in this topic, it is important to note that the physical education program is more visible at the University generating promotional activities healthy habits, the survey respondents think healthy food supply is not adequate; to investigate the perception of education workshops Immediate Emergency Care received, are associated with the program and is higher among medical students compared with those of Physical Education and Nursing. On the consumption of snuff, 49% have tried cigarettes, plus most have acquired on campus 82%. As for sexuality was found that 88% and start your sex life, and of these 63% early on before age 18, regardless of gender, the highest percentage use contraception and condoms. The data found are great starting point for the implementation and strengthening of programs like Healthy University and other projects that enable the participation of all sectors and strengthening ties with other institutions other framework on these issues.INTRODUCCI?N 24 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 28 2. OBJETIVOS 30 2.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 27 2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 27 3. MARCO REFERENCIAL Y ANTECEDENTES 31 3.1 UNIVERSIDAD DEL TOLIMA 31 3.1.1 Oferta Acad?mica 31 3.1.2 Estrato y Procedencia 30 3.1.3 Vicerrector?a de desarrollo humano 30 3.1.4 Bienestar Universitario 32 3.1.5 Actividades evidenciadas por Vicerrector?a del desarrollo humano en su informe de gesti?n 33 3.1.6 Comit?s 39 3.2 PERCEPCI?N 40 3.2.1Los conceptos de la percepci?n 40 3.3 EDUCACI?N PARA LA SALUD 42 3.3.1 Enfoques en Educaci?n para la Salud 47 3.4 PROMOCI?N DE LA SALUD 49 3.5 DETERMINANTES SOCIALES DE LA SALUD 51 3.5.1 Determinantes Estructurales 52 3.5.2 Determinantes intermedios 52 3.6 EMPODERAMIENTO PARA LA SALUD 53 3.7 CONDUCTA ORIENTADA HACIA LA SALUD 57 3.8 EVALUACI?N DE LA PROMOCI?N DE LA SALUD 58 3.9 ESTILOS DE VIDA DE LOS J?VENES UNIVERSITARIOS 62 3.10 H?BITOS ALIMENTICIOS 65 3.11 H?BITOS DE BEBER Y FUMAR 64 3.12 AUTO CUIDADO 68 3.13 CONDUCTAS RELACIONADAS A LA SEXUALIDAD 69 3.14 CONDUCTAS RELACIONADAS CON EL CONSUMO DE SUSTANCIAS PSICOACTIVAS 70 3.15 ESTADO ACTUAL DE ESTUDIOS DE INVESTIGACI?N REALIZADOS EN PROMOCI?N DE LA SALUD, H?BITOS DE VIDA SALUDABLE Y/O CONDUCTAS DE RIESGO DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL TOLIMA 71 3.15.1 H?bitos de vida saludables de los estudiantes de la universidad del Tolima 69 3.15.2 Consumo de marihuana en estudiantes de una universidad colombiana 71 3.16 ESTADO ACTUAL DE ESTUDIOS INVESTIGACI?N REALIZADOS EN PROMOCI?N DE LA SALUD, H?BITOS DE VIDA SALUDABLE Y/O CONDUCTAS DE RIESGO DE LOS ESTUDIANTES UNIVERSITARIOS EN COLOMBIA Y LATINOAM?RICA 71 3.16.1 Conocimientos, actitudes y pr?cticas relacionados con el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en estudiantes de enfermer?a de una universidad del departamento del Atl?ntico (Colombia) 72 3.16.2 Comportamiento y salud de los j?venes universitarios: satisfacci?n con el estilo de vida 73 3.16.3 Motivaciones y recursos para el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en universitarios 73 3.16.4 Determinantes de los estilos de vida y su implicaci?n en la salud de j?venes universitarios 74 3.16.5 Perfil de riesgo en estudiantes de Medicina de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana 76 3.16.6 Conductas sexuales de riesgo en estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Cali-Colombia 79 3.16.7 Factores de riesgo de estilos de vida para enfermedad cardiovascular en estudiantes de la Escuela de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana 79 3.17 A NIVEL IBERO AMERICANO ENCONTRAMOS REFERENCIAS QUE HAN COMPLEMENTADO NUESTRA INVESTIGACI?N 81 3.17.1 Una revisi?n de los estilos de vida de estudiantes de estudiantes universitarios iberoamericanos 81 3.17.2 Concepci?n de los estudiantes de enfermer?a sobre promoci?n de la salud ante el uso de sustancias psicoactivas 81 3.17.3 Creencias relacionadas con el estilo de vida de j?venes latinoamericanos. 80 3.17.4 Evaluaci?n de los h?bitos alimentarios de una poblaci?n de estudiantes universitarios en relaci?n con sus conocimientos nutricionales 82 4. MATERIALES Y METODOS 82 4.1 PARTICIPANTES. CRITERIOS DE INCLUSION 82 4.2 INSTRUMENTOS DE RECOLECCION DE INFORMACION 83 5. RESULTADOS 85 5.1 TABLAS DE FRECUENCIAS 85 5.2 CRUCES DE VARIABLES 143 5.3 ANALISIS DE CORRESPONDENCIAS 156 6. CONCLUSIONES 161 RECOMENDACIONES 169 REFERENCIAS 17

    Desarrollo de competencias para la comprensi?n lectora mediado por las nuevas tecnolog?as, en estudiantes de grado segundo

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    120 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl proyecto ?desarrollo de competencias para la comprensi?n lectora? surge a ra?z de los bajos resultados que han presentado los estudiantes de la Instituci?n Educativa Playa Rica del municipio de Palocabildo, evidenciado en las pr?cticas de aula y en las pruebas externas en cuanto a la comprensi?n lectora. Los avances en este trabajo, se soportan en una investigaci?n de tipo cualitativo, con su m?todo investigaci?n acci?n, en donde a partir de la observaci?n directa registrada en el diario de campo, la aplicaci?n de una prueba diagn?stica, que establece los niveles literal, inferencial y cr?tico, en que se encuentran los estudiantes del grado segundo; al igual que la aplicaci?n de encuesta a docentes, permite triangular la informaci?n; y a partir de la teor?a, hallar estrategias, que posibiliten el mejoramiento en los procesos, con miras a desarrollar competencias. Las estrategias que se plantean, toman en cuenta los criterios del Ministerio de Educaci?n Nacional -MEN- niveles literal, inferencial y cr?tico y los momentos: antes, durante y despu?s de la lectura que propone Sol? (2001); desarrollado a trav?s de una secuencia did?ctica, mediada por las nuevas tecnolog?as. Palabras claves: competencia, lectura, investigaci?n, educaci?n.The Project "Developing Skills for Reading Comprehension" is made to improve the Reading Comprehension students results, in this moment all the students who belong to Instituci?n Educativa Playa Rica in Palocabildo, Tolima Deparment, have low result in this ?rea, evidenced in the classroom practices and external testing too. All the Progress in this work are supported in a qualitative investigation, with its action research method, in which the direct observation filed in the journal of field, the application of a diagnostic test, which establishes the literal, inferential and critical thinking, in which the second grade students; as well as the application of survey to teachers, allows us to triangulate information; and on the basis of the theory, find strategies, which will allow the improvement in the processes, with a view to developing competencies. The strategies are made according to the MEN (National Education Ministery): literal, inferential and critical and the moments: before, during, and after reading that proposes Sol? (2001); developed through a didactic sequence mediated by new technologies. Keywords: competence, reading, research, education

    Rapid species identification of eight sympatric northern Australian macropods from faecal-pellet DNA

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    Context: Conservation of vulnerable and endangered species requires a comprehensive understanding of their distribution and habitat requirements, so as to implement effective management strategies. Visual scat surveys are a common non-invasive method for monitoring populations. However, morphological similarity of scats among sympatric species presents a problem for accurate identification. Visual misidentifications of scats can have major impacts on the accuracy of abundance and distribution surveys of target species, wasting resources and misdirecting management and conservation actions. DNA identification of scats can overcome this issue, while simultaneously providing a rich source of genetic information for population and dietary studies. Aims: We developed a simple and reliable method to identify morphologically similar macropod scats from eight sympatric species in north-eastern Australia, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of a portion of the mtDNA ND2 gene. Methods: We identified a short (275-bp) polymorphic region of ND2, which is easily amplifiable from degraded DNA, developed a primer set, and identified a set of three restriction endonucleases (AluI, BstNI and HphI) which, in combination, can discriminate among the eight target species. So as to test the effectiveness of this protocol, we collected 914 macropod scats from 53 sites in the north-eastern Australia. Key results: In total, 406 of these scats were extracted, with 398 (98%) containing amplifiable macropod DNA. All 398 scats were subsequently identified to species by using our RFLP protocol. Sequencing of a subset of these samples confirmed the accuracy of the test. Species identification of scats by using DNA identified eight species of macropods, five of which were outside their documented distributions, one of which was ~400 km. Conclusions: Our PCR–RFLP method is a simple and efficient means to identify macropod scats to species, eliminating the need for sequencing, which is costly, time-consuming and requires additional laboratory equipment. Implications: The method allows for rapid and non-invasive assessment of macropod species and is particularly useful for surveying populations across multiple sites.Jessica J. Wadley, Jeremy J. Austin and Damien A. Fordha

    Ca2+-stores in sperm:their identities and functions

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    Intracellular Ca(2+) stores play a central role in the regulation of cellular [Ca(2+)](i) and the generation of complex [Ca(2+)] signals such as oscillations and waves. Ca(2+) signalling is of particular significance in sperm cells, where it is a central regulator in many key activities (including capacitation, hyperactivation, chemotaxis and acrosome reaction) yet mature sperm lack endoplasmic reticulum and several other organelles which serve as Ca(2+) stores in somatic cells. Here we review (i) the evidence for the expression in sperm of the molecular components (pumps and channels) which are functionally significant in the activity of Ca(2+) stores of somatic cells and (ii) the evidence for the existence of functional Ca(2+) stores in sperm. This evidence supports the existence of at least two storage organelles in mammalian sperm, one in the acrosomal region and another in the region of the sperm neck and midpiece. We then go on to discuss the likely identity of these organelles and their discrete functions: regulation by the acrosome of its own secretion and regulation by membranous organelles at the sperm neck (and possibly by the mitochondria) of flagellar activity and hyperactivation. Finally we consider the ability of the sperm discretely to control mobilisation of these stores and the functional interaction of stored Ca(2+) at the sperm neck/midpiece with CatSper channels in the principal piece in regulation of the activities of mammalian sperm