1,696 research outputs found

    Progetto e sviluppo dell'applicazione web FSE Visualizer con tecnologie Restful

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    web services application in restfull technologies, use JAVA2EE to create backend and HTML5 with Jquery for frontend. It's a portal that visualize the real geo local position on the World (Globe),for human resources of General Electrics Industries. Visualize Skills and type of jobs; create the new calendar of assignment of resources for any fiscal weeok of the year

    Die Anwendung von Mikrosatelliten zum Studium der Sozialstruktur bei Großsäugetieren : am Beispiel von italienischem Wolf und Damwild

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    Scandura M. The use of microsatellites in the study of social structure in large mammals : Italian wolf and fallow deer as case studies. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2004.The content of the present PhD thesis deals with the application of microsatellite analysis to the study of two species of large mammals, referring to some aspects of their social and mating systems. The Italian wolf (Canis lupus) and the fallow deer (Dama dama) were chosen as case studies, since genetic investigations on their populations result, for different reasons, problematic. The wolf in Italy is a particularly protected species, recovering throughout the peninsula from the effects of a recent bottleneck. Sampling wolves may not rely on capturing or killing them, therefore an alternative, non-invasive, approach was adopted in my study. Scats, shed hairs and blood drops collected on the snow represented the main source of DNA for the analysis. Methodological cares were necessary to obtain reliable wolf genotypes. A set of ten canine microsatellites was employed to achieve unique multilocus genotypes in the population. Fifty-two individuals were typed in the period 1998 - 2003. In some cases, pack composition was determined, confirming that familiar bonds are at the basis of wolf social units. An unpredictable high local differentiation was found among geographic areas. Early dispersal seem to be common in the population, but its effects on the gene flow are not detectable, at least at my study scale. I proposed that most of this dispersal may be unsuccessful or over long distances. The study population, indeed, seem to have reached a high level of local saturation, with clumped pack territories and high reproductive rates, and thus possibly represents a source, from which wolves disperse toward sink areas. The second study involves an enclosed population of fallow deer. Lekking is seldom observed in mammals, and among them, it is more common in ungulate species. Fallow deer is one of the most studied lekking ungulate and this particular population is object of long-term researches on male mating strategies. Mature bucks in the population join into leks during the breeding season: a costly strategy, which apparently does not guarantee high direct benefits (fitness). In this study, for the first time, I used a molecular approach to verify the existence of a genetic basis to lek formation. The recourse to microsatellites enabled to overcome the strong limitation due to the extremely monomorphism of the species, documented in several studies. Though the low variability even at microsatellite loci, the hypotheses of kin selection (territorial bucks in a lek are relatives) and of heterozygosity advantage (territorial bucks in a lek have an overall high heterozygosity) were tested and resulted not supported by data. Hence, future studies should be addressed towards phenotypic variation and consider in detail physiological and ecological factors, in order to clarify the reasons why lekking takes place in fallow deer

    Pride and Prejudice fra tradizione e modernità: proposta di sottotitolazione per Lost in Austen

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    Dopo un excursus sulla traduzione audiovisiva, con particolare attenzione alla sottotitolazione, ci si è concentrati sui numerosi adattamenti del romanzo Pride and Prejudice in epoca contemporanea; si è infine tradotta e analizzata una parte della serie televisiva inglese Lost in Austen

    Long-lasting, kin-directed female interactions in a spatially structured wild boar social network

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    We thank W. Jędrzejewski for his support and logistical help in trapping wild boar. We are grateful to R. Kozak, A. Waszkiewicz and many students and volunteers for their help with fieldwork as well as to A. N. Bunevich, T. Borowik and local hunters for providing genetic samples. Genetic analyses were performed in the laboratory of the Department of Science for Nature and Environmental Resources, University of Sassari, Italy, with the help of L. Iacolina and D. Biosa. We are grateful to K. O’Mahony who revised English and to A. Widdig, K. Langergraber and one anonymous reviewer for valuable comments on the earlier version of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Academic engagement with industry: the role of research quality and experience

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    This work explores the role of university department characteristics in academic engagement with industry. In particular, we investigate the role played by research quality and previous experience in academic engagement across different scientific disciplines. We test our hypotheses on a dataset of public sponsored university-industry partnerships in the United Kingdom, combined with data from the UK Research Assessment Exercises 2001 and 2008. Our analysis reveals a negative link between academic quality and the level of engagement with industry for departments in the basic sciences and a positive relationship for departments in the applied sciences. Our results further show that the role of research quality for academic engagement strictly depends on the level of the department’s previous experience in university-industry partnerships, notably in the basic sciences, where experience acts as a moderating factor. The findings of this work are highly relevant for policy makers and university managers and contribute to the innovation literature focused on the investigation of the determinants of valuable knowledge transfer practices in academia

    Analysis and Characterization of the Predominant Pollutants in the Catania's Air Quality Monitoring Stations☆

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    Abstract It is useful to know about whether one or more pollutants predominate in different parts of a city and contributes to evaluating the efficacy of a variety of counter-measures for lowering pollutants in urban areas. This paper compares Catania (Italy) air quality measured in 2003 with that in 2012. The investigation was carried out at four monitoring stations of the city's Air Quality Monitoring Network (AQMN). The monitoring station locations had not changed from 2003 to 2012. The impact of the city's primary and secondary pollutants was estimated from analyses of the daily concentrations of CO, SO 2 , PM 10 , NO 2 andO 3 , and then by assembling the data into classes by applying Sturge's rule which provides the optimal number of intervals (or classes). Each class provides frequency density to make comparable intervals with different amplitudes. By analysing the frequency density intervals, the prevalence of a pollutant class could be highlighted and consequently linked to a range of representative concentrations in each urban area for each year analysed. Thus, after a decade, the decrease, stability or increase in a given pollutant could be defined providing a general overview of air quality traits in Catania and giving guidelines for pollution control policies