83 research outputs found

    Phonons and rotons of trapped atoms in gravitational field

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    The excitations of trapped atoms with a Bose-Einstein condensate in a trap are determined by the conservation of common phonon and roton numbers of atomic motion, and these properties depend on the presence of gravitational field

    Exactly soluble coherent state path integral with non-polynomial action

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    We present an example of an exactly soluble bosonic coherent state path integral with non-polynomial action

    On representation of the t-J model via spin-charge variables

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    We show that the t-J Hamiltonian is not in general reduced to H(S,f), where S and f stand for independent ([S,f]=0) SU(2) (spin) generators and spinless fermionic (hole) field, respectively. The proof is based upon an identification of the Hubbard operators with the generators of the su(2|1) superalgebra in the degenerate fundamental representation and ensuing SU(2|1) path integral representation of the partition function.Comment: 15 pages, latex, no figure

    Cytosolic Fe-S cluster protein maturation and iron regulation are independent of the mitochondrial Erv1/Mia40 import system

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    The sulfhydryl oxidase Erv1 partners with the oxidoreductase Mia40 to import cysteine-rich proteins in the mitochondrial intermembrane space. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Erv1 has also been implicated in cytosolic Fe-S protein maturation and iron regulation. To investigate the connection between Erv1/Mia40-dependent mitochondrial protein import and cytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly, we measured Mia40 oxidation and Fe-S enzyme activities in several erv1 and mia40 mutants. Although all the erv1 and mia40 mutants exhibited defects in Mia40 oxidation, only one erv1 mutant strain (erv1-1) had significantly decreased activities of cytosolic Fe-S enzymes. Further analysis of erv1-1 revealed that it had strongly decreased glutathione (GSH) levels, caused by an additional mutation in the gene encoding the glutathione biosynthesis enzyme glutamate cysteine ligase (GSH1). To address whether Erv1 or Mia40 plays a role in iron regulation, we measured iron-dependent expression of Aft1/2-regulated genes and mitochondrial iron accumulation in erv1 and mia40 strains. The only strain to exhibit iron misregulation is the GSH-deficient erv1-1 strain, which is rescued with addition of GSH. Together, these results confirm that GSH is critical for cytosolic Fe-S protein biogenesis and iron regulation, whereas ruling out significant roles for Erv1 or Mia40 in these pathways

    Zim17/Tim15 links mitochondrial iron–sulfur cluster biosynthesis to nuclear genome stability

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    Genomic instability is related to a wide-range of human diseases. Here, we show that mitochondrial iron–sulfur cluster biosynthesis is important for the maintenance of nuclear genome stability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cells lacking the mitochondrial chaperone Zim17 (Tim15/Hep1), a component of the iron–sulfur biosynthesis machinery, have limited respiration activity, mimic the metabolic response to iron starvation and suffer a dramatic increase in nuclear genome recombination. Increased oxidative damage or deficient DNA repair do not account for the observed genomic hyperrecombination. Impaired cell-cycle progression and genetic interactions of ZIM17 with components of the RFC-like complex involved in mitotic checkpoints indicate that replicative stress causes hyperrecombination in zim17Δ mutants. Furthermore, nuclear accumulation of pre-ribosomal particles in zim17Δ mutants reinforces the importance of iron–sulfur clusters in normal ribosome biosynthesis. We propose that compromised ribosome biosynthesis and cell-cycle progression are interconnected, together contributing to replicative stress and nuclear genome instability in zim17Δ mutants

    Proofreading of pre-40S ribosome maturation by a translation initiation factor and 60S subunits

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    In the final steps of yeast ribosome synthesis, immature translation-incompetent pre-40S particles that contain 20S pre-rRNA are converted to the mature translation-competent subunits containing the 18S rRNA. An assay for 20S pre-rRNA cleavage in purified pre-40S particles showed that cleavage by the PIN domain endonuclease Nob1 was strongly stimulated by the GTPase activity of the cytoplasmic translation initiation factor eIF5b/Fun12. Cleavage of the 20S pre-rRNA was also inhibited in vivo and in vitro by blocking binding of Fun12 to the 25S rRNA through specific methylation of its binding site. Cleavage competent pre-40S particles stably associate with Fun12 and form 80S complexes with 60S ribosomal subunits. We propose that recruitment of 60S subunits promotes GTP-hydrolysis by Fun12, leading to structural rearrangements within the pre-40S particle that bring Nob1 and the pre-rRNA cleavage site together