125 research outputs found

    Complexes between kinases, mitochondrial porin and adenylate translocator in rat brain resemble the permeability transition pore

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    AbstractIn vitro incubation of isolated hexokinase isozyme I or isolated dimer of mitochondrial creatine kinase with the outer mitochondrial membrane pore led to high molecular weight complexes of enzyme oligomers. Similar complexes of hexokinase and mitochondrial creatine kinase could be extracted by 0.5% Triton X-100 from homogenates of rat brain. Hexokinase and creatine kinase complexes could be separated by subsequent chromatography on DEAE anion exchanger. The molecular weight, as determined by gel-permeation chromatography, was approximately 400 kDa for both complexes. The Mr suggested tetramers of hexokinase (monomer 100 kDa) and creatine kinase (active enzyme is a dimer of 80 kDa). The composition of the complexes was further characterised by specific antibodies. Besides either hexokinase or creatine kinase molecules the complexes contained porin and adenylate translocator. It was possible to incorporate the complexes into artificial bilayer membranes and to measure conductance in 1 M KCl. The incorporating channels had a high conductance of 6 nS that was asymmetrically voltage dependent. The complexes were also reconstituted in phospholipid vesicles that were loaded with ATP. Complex containing vesicles retained ATP while vesicles reconstituted with pure porin were leaky. The internal ATP could be used by creatine kinase and hexokinase in the complex to phosphorylate external creatine or glucose. This process was inhibited by atractyloside. The hexokinase complex containing vesicles were furthermore loaded with malate or ATP that was gradually released by addition of Ca2+ between 100 and 600 ÎĽM. The liberation of malate or ATP by Ca2+ could be inhibited by N-methylVal-4-cyclosporin, suggesting that the porin translocator complex constitutes the permeability transition pore. The results show the physiological existence of kinase porin translocator complexes at the mitochondrial surface. It is assumed that such complexes between inner and outer membrane components are the molecular basis of contact sites observed by electron microscopy. Kinase complex formation may serve three regulatory functions, firstly regulation of the kinase activity, secondly stimulation of oxidative phosphorylation and thirdly regulation of the permeability transition pore

    Physics of Transport and Traffic Phenomena in Biology: from molecular motors and cells to organisms

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    Traffic-like collective movements are observed at almost all levels of biological systems. Molecular motor proteins like, for example, kinesin and dynein, which are the vehicles of almost all intra-cellular transport in eukayotic cells, sometimes encounter traffic jam that manifests as a disease of the organism. Similarly, traffic jam of collagenase MMP-1, which moves on the collagen fibrils of the extracellular matrix of vertebrates, has also been observed in recent experiments. Traffic-like movements of social insects like ants and termites on trails are, perhaps, more familiar in our everyday life. Experimental, theoretical and computational investigations in the last few years have led to a deeper understanding of the generic or common physical principles involved in these phenomena. In particular, some of the methods of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, pioneered almost a hundred years ago by Einstein, Langevin and others, turned out to be powerful theoretical tools for quantitaive analysis of models of these traffic-like collective phenomena as these systems are intrinsically far from equilibrium. In this review we critically examine the current status of our understanding, expose the limitations of the existing methods, mention open challenging questions and speculate on the possible future directions of research in this interdisciplinary area where physics meets not only chemistry and biology but also (nano-)technology.Comment: 33 page Review article, REVTEX text, 29 EPS and PS figure

    Risk Assessment for Patients with Chronic Respiratory Conditions in the Context of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Statement of the German Respiratory Society with the Support of the German Association of Chest Physicians

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    Assessing the risk for specific patient groups to suffer from severe courses of COVID-19 is of major importance in the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. This review focusses on the risk for specific patient groups with chronic respiratory conditions, such as patients with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis (CF), sarcoidosis, interstitial lung diseases, lung cancer, sleep apnea, tuberculosis, neuromuscular diseases, a history of pulmonary embolism, and patients with lung transplants. Evidence and recommendations are detailed in exemplary cases. While some patient groups with chronic respiratory conditions have an increased risk for severe courses of COVID-19, an increasing number of studies confirm that asthma is not a risk factor for severe COVID-19. However, other risk factors such as higher age, obesity, male gender, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney or liver disease, cerebrovascular and neurological disease, and various immunodeficiencies or treatments with immunosuppressants need to be taken into account when assessing the risk for severe COVID-19 in patients with chronic respiratory diseases

    Determination of interaction forces between higher plant thylakoids and electron-density-profile evaluation using small-angle X-ray scattering

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    Osmotic dehydration of spinach thylakoids has enabled us to calculate the low-resolution (1.0–1.5 nm) electron density profiles of the thylakoids at Bragg periods between 16 and 23 nm. Electron density profile calculation was performed by a least-squares procedure and controlled by mapping the experimental scattering intensities on the continuous Fourier transform of the electron density profiles. The results show that the outsides of opposing thylakoids are appressed closely together, whereas the luminal extent of the thylakoid is a function of the applied osmotic pressure, thus determining the Bragg period. It could be shown that the distance of the inner surfaces of the thylakoid is established by the equilibrium between externally applied osmotic pressure and the electrostatic repulsion at the inner (luminal) surface. The interaction can be modified by the luminal electrolyte concentration. The area per electric charge on the thylakoid inner surface was estimated to be 1.4 ± 0.2 nm²

    Expression, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of an outer membrane protein from Thermus thermophilus HB27

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    The cell envelope of the thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus is multilayered and includes an outer membrane with integral outer membrane proteins that are not well characterized. The hypothetical protein TTC0834 from T. thermophilus HB27 was identified as a 22 kDa outer membrane protein containing eight predicted -strands. TTC0834 was expressed with an N-terminal His tag in T. thermophilus HB8 and detected in the S-layer/outer membrane envelope fraction. His-TTC0834 was purified and crystallized under various conditions. Native data sets were collected to 3.2 Ă… resolution and the best diffracting crystals belonged to space group P3121 or P3221, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 166.67, c = 97.53 Ă…

    Structure of the sucrose-specific porin ScrY from Salmonella typhimurium and its complex with sucrose

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    The X-ray structure of a sucrose-specific porin (ScrY) from Salmonella typhimurium has been determined by multiple isomorphous replacement at 2.4 Ă… resolution both in its uncomplexed form and with bound sucrose. ScrY is a noncrystallographic trimer of identical subunits, each with 413 structurally well-defined amino acids. A monomer is built up of 18 anti-parallel beta-strands surrounding a hydrophilic pore, with a topology closely similar to that of maltoporin. Two non-overlapping sucrose-binding sites were identified in difference Fourier maps. The higher permeability for sucrose of ScrY as compared to maltoporin is mainly accounted for by differences in their pore-lining residues

    Crystal structure of Omp32, the anion-selective porin from Comamonas acidovorans, in complex with a periplasmic peptide at 2.1 Ă… resolution

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    Background: Porins provide diffusion channels for salts and small organic molecules in the outer membrane of bacteria. In OmpF from Escherichia coli and related porins, an electrostatic field across the channel and a potential, originating from a surplus of negative charges, create moderate cation selectivity. Here, we investigate the strongly anion-selective porin Omp32 from Comamonas acidovorans, which is closely homologous to the porins of pathogenic Bordetella and Neisseria species.Results: The crystal structure of Omp32 was determined to a resolution of 2.1 Å using single isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering (SIRAS). The porin consists of a 16-stranded β barrel with eight external loops and seven periplasmic turns. Loops 3 and 8, together with a protrusion located within β-strand 2, narrow the cross-section of the pore considerably. Arginine residues create a charge filter in the constriction zone and a positive surface potential at the external and periplasmic faces. One sulfate ion was bound to Arg38 in the channel constriction zone. A peptide of 5.8 kDa appeared bound to Omp32 in a 1:1 stoichiometry on the periplasmic side close to the symmetry axis of the trimer. Eight amino acids of this peptide could be identified, revealing specific interactions with β-strand 1 of the porin.Conclusions: The Omp32 structure explains the strong anion selectivity of this porin. Selectivity is conferred by a positive potential, which is not attenuated by negative charges inside the channel, and by an extremely narrow constriction zone. Moreover, Omp32 represents the anchor molecule for a peptide which is homologous to proteins that link the outer membrane to the cell wall peptidoglycan

    Amino acid templating mechanisms in selection of nucleotides opposite abasic sites by a family A DNA polymerase

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    Cleavage of the N-glycosidic bond that connects the nucleobase to the backbone in DNA leads to abasic sites, the most frequent lesion under physiological conditions. Several DNA polymerases preferentially incorporate an A opposite this lesion, a phenomenon termed A-rule." Accordingly, KlenTaq, the large fragment of Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase I, incorporates a nucleotide opposite an abasic site with efficiencies of A > G > T > C. Here we provide structural insights into constraints of the active site during nucleotide selection opposite an abasic site. It appears that these confines govern the nucleotide selection mainly by interaction of the incoming nucleotide with Tyr-671. Depending on the nucleobase, the nucleotides are differently positioned opposite Tyr-671 resulting in different alignments of the functional groups that are required for bond formation. The distances between the α-phosphate and the 3'-primer terminus increases in the order A < G < T, which follows the order of incorporation efficiency. Additionally, a binary KlenTaq structure bound to DNA containing an abasic site indicates that binding of the nucleotide triggers a remarkable rearrangement of enzyme and DNA template. The ability to resolve the stacking arrangement might be dependent on the intrinsic properties of the respective nucleotide contributing to nucleotide selection. Furthermore, we studied the incorporation of a non-natural nucleotide opposite an abasic site. The nucleotide was often used in studying stacking effects in DNA polymerization. Here, no interaction with Tyr-761 as found for the natural nucleotides is observed, indicating a different reaction path for this non-natural nucleotide
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