92 research outputs found

    Water vapor on supergiants. The 12 micron TEXES spectra of mu Cephei

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    Several recent papers have argued for warm, semi-detached, molecular layers surrounding red giant and supergiant stars, a concept known as a MOLsphere. Spectroscopic and interferometric analyses have often corroborated this general picture. Here, we present high-resolution spectroscopic data of pure rotational lines of water vapor at 12 microns for the supergiant mu Cephei. This star has often been used to test the concept of molecular layers around supergiants. Given the prediction of an isothermal, optically thick water-vapor layer in Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium around the star (MOLsphere), we expected the 12 micron lines to be in emission or at least in absorption but filled in by emission from the molecular layer around the star. Our data, however, show the contrary; we find definite absorption. Thus, our data do not easily fit into the suggested isothermal MOLsphere scenario. The 12 micron lines, therefore, put new, strong constraints on the MOLsphere concept and on the nature of water seen in signatures across the spectra of early M supergiants. We also find that the absorption is even stronger than that calculated from a standard, spherically symmetric model photosphere without any surrounding layers. A cool model photosphere, representing cool outer layers is, however, able to reproduce the lines, but this model does not account for water vapor emission at 6 microns. Thus, a unified model for water vapor on mu Cephei appears to be lacking. It does seem necessary to model the underlying photospheres of these supergiants in their whole complexity. The strong water vapor lines clearly reveal inadequacies of classical model atmospheres.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Identification of SH Δv=1\Delta v=1 ro-vibrational lines in R And

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    We report the identification of SH Δv=1\Delta v=1 ro-vibrational lines in the published high-resolution infrared spectrum of the S-type star, R And. This is the first astronomical detection of this molecule. The lines show inverse P-Cygni profiles, indicating infall motion of the molecular layer due to stellar pulsation. A simple spherical shell model with a constant infall velocity is adopted to determine the condition of the layer. It is found that a single excitation temperature of 2200 K reproduces the observed line intensities satisfactory. SH is located in a layer from 1.0 to ~1.1 stellar radii, which is moving inward with a velocity of 9 km s-1. These results are consistent with the previous measurements of CO Δv=3\Delta v=3 transitions. The estimated molecular abundance SH/H is 1x10^-7, consistent with a thermal equilibrium calculation.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    What are the hot R Coronae Borealis stars?

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    We investigate the evolutionary status of four stars: V348 Sgr, DY Cen, and MV Sgr in the Galaxy and HV 2671 in the LMC. These stars have in common random deep declines in visual brightness, which are characteristic of R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars. RCB stars are typically cool hydrogen-deficient supergiants. The four stars studied in this paper are hotter (Teff = 15–20 kK) than the majority of RCB stars (Teff = 5000–7000 K). Although these are commonly grouped together as the hot RCB stars they do not necessarily share a common evolutionary history. We present new observational data and an extensive collection of archival and previously published data that is reassessed to ensure internal consistency. We find temporal variations of various properties on different timescales that will eventually help us to uncover the evolutionary history of these objects. DY Cen and MV Sgr have typical RCB helium abundances, which exclude any currently known post–asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) evolutionary models. Moreover, their carbon and nitrogen abundances present us with further problems for their interpretation. V348 Sgr and HV 2671 are in general agreement with a born-again post-AGB evolution, and their abundances are similar to Wolf-Rayet central stars of planetary nebulae (PNs). The three Galactic stars in the sample have circumstellar nebulae, which produce forbidden line radiation (for HV 2671 we have no information). V348 Sgr and DY Cen have low-density, low-expansion velocity nebulae (resolved in the case of V348 Sgr), while MV Sgr has a higher density, higher expansion velocity nebula. All three stars, on the other hand, have split emission lines, which indicate the presence of an equatorial bulge but not of a Keplerian disk. In addition, the historical light curves for the three Galactic hot RCB stars show evidence for a significant fading in their maximum-light brightnesses of ~1 mag over the last 70 yr. From this we deduce that their effective temperatures increased by a few thousand degrees. If V348 Sgr is a born-again star, as we presume, this means that the star is returning from the born-again AGB phase to the phase of a central star of PN. Spectroscopically, no dramatic change is observed over the last 50 years for V348 Sgr and MV Sgr. However, there is some evidence that the winds of V348 Sgr and DY Cen have increased in strength in the last decade. HV 2671, located in the LMC, has not been analyzed in detail but at 5 Å… resolution is almost identical to V348 Sgr. Through the bolometric correction derived for V348 Sgr and the known distance, we can estimate the absolute ν magnitude of HV 2671 (Mν = -3.0 mag) and its bolometric luminosity (~6000 L⊙)

    Signatures of warm carbon monoxide in protoplanetary discs observed with Herschel SPIRE

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    Molecular gas constitutes the dominant mass component of protoplanetary discs. To date, these sources have not been studied comprehensively at the longest far-infrared and shortest submillimetre wavelengths. This paper presents Herschel SPIRE FTS spectroscopic observations towards 18 protoplanetary discs, covering the entire 450-1540 GHz (666-195 μm) range at ν/Δν ≈ 400-1300. The spectra reveal clear detections of the dust continuum and, in six targets, a significant amount of spectral line emission primarily attributable to 12CO rotational lines. Other targets exhibit little to no detectable spectral lines. Low signal-to-noise detections also include signatures from 13CO, [C i] and HCN. For completeness, we present upper limits of non-detected lines in all targets, including low-energy transitions of H2O and CH+ molecules. The 10 12CO lines that fall within the SPIRE FTS bands trace energy levels of∼50-500 K. Combined with lower and higher energy lines from the literature, we compare the CO rotational line energy distribution with detailed physical-chemical models, for sources where these are available and published. Our 13CO line detections in the disc around Herbig Be star HD 100546 exceed, by factors of∼10-30, the values predicted by a model that matches a wealth of other observational constraints, including the SPIRE 12CO ladder. To explain the observed 12CO/13CO ratio, it may be necessary to consider the combined effects of optical depth and isotope selective (photo)chemical processes. Considering the full sample of 18 objects, we find that the strongest line emission is observed in discs around Herbig Ae/Be stars, although not all show line emission. In addition, two of the six T Tauri objects exhibit detectable 12CO lines in the SPIRE rang

    Signatures of warm carbon monoxide in protoplanetary discs observed with Herschel SPIRE

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    Molecular gas constitutes the dominant mass component of protoplanetary discs. To date, these sources have not been studied comprehensively at the longest far-infrared and shortest submillimetre wavelengths. This paper presents Herschel SPIRE FTS spectroscopic observations towards 18 protoplanetary discs, covering the entire 450-1540 GHz (666-195 μm) range at ν/Δν ≈ 400-1300. The spectra reveal clear detections of the dust continuum and, in six targets, a significant amount of spectral line emission primarily attributable to 12CO rotational lines. Other targets exhibit little to no detectable spectral lines. Low signal-to-noise detections also include signatures from 13CO, [C I] and HCN. For completeness, we present upper limits of non-detected lines in all targets, including low-energy transitions of H2O and CH+ molecules. The 10 12CO lines that fall within the SPIRE FTS bands trace energy levels of ˜50-500 K. Combined with lower and higher energy lines from the literature, we compare the CO rotational line energy distribution with detailed physical-chemical models, for sources where these are available and published. Our 13CO line detections in the disc around Herbig Be star HD 100546 exceed, by factors of ˜10-30, the values predicted by a model that matches a wealth of other observational constraints, including the SPIRE 12CO ladder. To explain the observed 12CO/13CO ratio, it may be necessary to consider the combined effects of optical depth and isotope selective (photo)chemical processes. Considering the full sample of 18 objects, we find that the strongest line emission is observed in discs around Herbig Ae/Be stars, although not all show line emission. In addition, two of the six T Tauri objects exhibit detectable 12CO lines in the SPIRE range

    Herschel/HIFI observations of O-rich AGB stars : molecular inventory

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    Spectra, taken with the heterodyne instrument, HIFI, aboard the Herschel Space Observatory, of O-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars which form part of the guaranteed time key program HIFISTARS are presented. The aim of this program is to study the dynamical structure, mass-loss driving mechanism, and chemistry of the outflows from AGB stars as a function of chemical composition and initial mass. We used the HIFI instrument to observe nine AGB stars, mainly in the H2O and high rotational CO lines We investigate the correlation between line luminosity, line ratio and mass-loss rate, line width and excitation energy. A total of nine different molecules, along with some of their isotopologues have been identified, covering a wide range of excitation temperature. Maser emission is detected in both the ortho- and para-H2O molecules. The line luminosities of ground state lines of ortho- and para-H2O, the high-J CO and NH3 lines show a clear correlation with mass-loss rate. The line ratios of H2O and NH3 relative to CO J=6-5 correlate with the mass-loss rate while ratios of higher CO lines to the 6-5 is independent of it. In most cases, the expansion velocity derived from the observed line width of highly excited transitions formed relatively close to the stellar photosphere is lower than that of lower excitation transitions, formed farther out, pointing to an accelerated outflow. In some objects, the vibrationally excited H2O and SiO which probe the acceleration zone suggests the wind reaches its terminal velocity already in the innermost part of the envelope, i.e., the acceleration is rapid. Interestingly, for R Dor we find indications of a deceleration of the outflow in the region where the material has already escaped from the star.Comment: 6 Figures in the main paper + 12 further figures in the appendix (to be printed in electronic form) Accepted for publication by A&

    Spectropolarimetry of R Coronae Borealis in 1998--2003: Discovery of Transient Polarization at Maximum Brightness

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    We present an extended optical spectropolarimetry of R CrB from 1998 January to 2003 September. The polarization was almost constant in the phase of maximum brightness, being consistent with past observations. We detected, however, temporal changes of polarization (0.5\sim 0.5 %) in 2001 March and August, which were the first detection of large polarization variability in R CrB near maximum brightness. The amplitude and the position angle of the `transient polarization' were almost constant with wavelength in both two events. There was a difference by about 20 degrees in the position angle between the two events. Each event could be explained by light scattering due to short-lived dust puff occasionally ejected off the line of sight. The flatness of the polarization against the wavelength suggests that the scatterer is a mixture of dust grains having various sizes. The rapid growth and fading of the transient polarization favors the phenomenological model of dust formation near the stellar photosphere (e.g., within two stellar radii) proposed for the time evolution of brightness and chromospheric emission lines during deeply declining periods, although the fading timescale can hardly be explained by a simple dispersal of expanding dust puff with a velocity of 200350\sim 200-350 km s 1^{-1}. Higher expansion velocity or some mechanism to destroy the dust grains should be needed.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Infrared Spectra and Visibilities as Probes of the Outer Atmospheres of Red Supergiant Stars

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    In the light of the recent results of the stellar interferometry, we examine the nature of the extra molecular layer outside the photosphere of red super- giant stars, so far studied mostly with the use of the infrared spectra. Although the visibility data are more direct probes of the spatial structure of the outer atmosphere, it is essential that they are analyzed in combination with the spectral data of a wide spectral coverage. In the case of the M2 supergiant mu Cephei, several sets of data, both spectra and visibilities, strongly suggested the presence of an extra-molecular layer, and its basic parameters are estimated to be: excitation temperature T_ex = 1600 K, column densities of CO and H2O N_col = 3.0d+20/cm2, and inner radius R_in = 2.0R*. The result shows reasonable agreement with the one based on the infrared spectra alone, and this may be because the infrared spectra already include some information on the spatial structure of the outer atmosphere. It is important, however, that the model inferred from the spectra is now fully supported with the recent visibility data. In the case of the M2 supergiant alpha Orionis, the infrared spectra and visibilities show a consistent picture in that its molecular layer is closer to the photosphere (R_in = 1.3R*) with higher gas temperature (T_ex = 2250 K) and lower gas column density (N_col = 1.0d+20/cm2), compared with that of mu Cephei. Some controversy on the interpretation of the mid infrared data of alpha Orionis can be reconciled.Comment: 47 pages, 14 Postscript figures, to be published in the Astrophysical Journa

    Numerical simulations of stellar SiO maser variability. Investigation of the effect of shocks

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    A stellar hydrodynamic pulsation model has been combined with a SiO maser model in an attempt to calculate the temporal variability of SiO maser emission in the circumstellar envelope (CE) of a model AGB star. This study investigates whether the variations in local physical conditions brought about by shocks are the predominant contributing factor to SiO maser variability because, in this work, the radiative part of the pump is constant. We find that some aspects of the variability are not consistent with a pump provided by shock-enhanced collisions alone. In these simulations, gas parcels of relatively enhanced SiO abundance are distributed in a model CE by a Monte Carlo method, at a single epoch of the stellar cycle. From this epoch on, Lagrangian motions of individual parcels are calculated according to the velocity fields encountered in the model CE during the stellar pulsation cycle. The potentially masing gas parcels therefore experience different densities and temperatures, and have varying line-of-sight velocity gradients throughout the stellar cycle, which may or may not be suitable to produce maser emission. At each epoch (separated by 16.6 days), emission lines from the parcels are combined to produce synthetic spectra and VLBI-type images. We report here the results for v=1, J=1-0 (43-GHz) and J=2-1 (86-GHz) masers.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, accepted by A&

    High-resolution spectroscopy of the R Coronae Borealis and Other Hydrogen Deficient Stars

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    High-resolution spectroscopy is a very important tool for studying stellar physics, perhaps, particularly so for such enigmatic objects like the R Coronae Borealis and related Hydrogen deficient stars that produce carbon dust in addition to their peculiar abundances. Examples of how high-resolution spectroscopy is used in the study of these stars to address the two major puzzles are presented: (i) How are such rare H-deficient stars created? and (ii) How and where are the obscuring soot clouds produced around the R Coronae Borealis stars?Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 201