18 research outputs found
Creative analogy use in a heterogeneous design team: The pervasive role of background domain knowledge
We integrated two research traditions â one focusing on analogical reasoning, the other on knowledge sharing â with the aim of examining how designersâ unique knowledge backgrounds can fuel analogy-based creativity. The present dataset afforded a unique opportunity to pursue this aim since the design dialogue derived from team members with highly disparate educational backgrounds. Our analyses revealed that analogies that matched (versus mismatched) educational backgrounds were generated and revisited more frequently, presumably because they were more accessible. Matching analogies were also associated with increased epistemic uncertainty, perhaps because domain experts appreciate the challenge of mapping such analogies between domains. Our findings support claims from the knowledge-sharing literature for a direct route from knowledge diversity through analogical reasoning to novel idea production
Dimensions of creative evaluation: Distinct design and reasoning strategies for aesthetic, functional and originality judgments
Our analysis of the DTRS 10 dataset examined evaluative reasoning taking place during expert âdesign critiquesâ. We focused on key dimensions of creative evaluation (originality, functionality and aesthetics) and ways in which these dimensions impact reasoning strategies and suggestions offered by experts for how the student could continue. Each dimension was associated with a specific underpinning âlogicâ determining how these dimensions were evaluated in practice. Our analysis clarified how these dimensions triggered reasoning strategies such as running mental simulations or making design suggestions, ranging from âgo/killâ decisions to loose recommendations to continue without directional steer. The findings advance our theoretical understanding of evaluation behavior in design and alert practicing design evaluators to the nature and consequences of their critical appraisals
Advancing an understanding of design cognition and design metacognition: Progress and prospects
In this article we review progress that has been made in advancing a theoretical understanding of design cognition and design metacognition. We identify a high level of consistency in empirical findings, including good evidence for core design strategies such as conjecture-based problem formulation, problemâsolution co-evolution, analogical reasoning, mental simulation and fixated solution generation. A further consistent theme to emerge in our review concerns the central role played by metacognitive monitoring and control processes in ensuring the effective deployment of design strategies in response to designers' fluctuating feelings of uncertainty. We argue that a metacognitive perspective on design cognition is critical for developing a comprehensive understanding of strategic processing in design, additionally engendering many new avenues for important future research
St. Elmo\ub4s fire and black water : the narrative depiction of the quest for identity in the adolescence novel "Die Mitte der Welt" by Andreas Steinh\uf6fel
Die Diplomarbeit befasst sich mit der narrativen Konstruktion der Identit\ue4tsentwicklung des jugendlichen Protagonisten aus dem Adoleszenzroman "Die Mitte der Welt" von Andreas Steinh\uf6fel. Dabei wird folgenden Fragen nachgegangen: Wie wird Phils Identit\ue4tssuche erz\ue4hlerisch dargestellt? Inwiefern beeinflusst Phils infantile Sexualentwicklung die sexuelle Identit\ue4tsfindung in der Adoleszenz? Welche Teilidentit\ue4ten sind f\ufcr die Konstruktion des Identit\ue4tsgef\ufchls von Phil vorherrschend? Welcher narrativen Mittel bedient sich der Adoleszente f\ufcr seine Identit\ue4tsarbeit? Und kann unter dem Signum der Postmoderne ?Identit\ue4tsarbeit? \ufcberhaupt noch gelingen? Um diese Fragen einer ausf\ufchrlichen Betrachtung zu unterziehen, st\ufctze ich mich auf einen interdisziplin\ue4ren Ansatz aus Psychoanalyse (Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Blos, Morgenthaler), Entwicklungspsychologie (Remschmidt, Flammer und Alsaker) sowie moderne (Erikson, Marcia) und postmoderne Identit\ue4tstheorien (Keupp, Kraus). Laut Blos sind die komplexen Vorg\ue4nge in der Adoleszenzphase eng mit der fr\ufchkindlichen Entwicklung verflochten, weshalb Phils infantile Sexualentwicklung und deren Einfluss auf die Adoleszenzphase mithilfe psychoanalytischer Ans\ue4tze untersucht werden. Die Aufmerksamkeit wird in weiterer Folge auf die ?Ich-Entwicklung? des Protagonisten gelenkt und mit Eriksons und Marcias Identit\ue4tstheorien analysiert, inwieweit der Adoleszente w\ue4hrend des ?psychosozialen Moratoriums? im Zustand der ?Identit\ue4tsdiffusion? verharrt, zumal Phil fortw\ue4hrend mit prek\ue4ren Gef\ufchlslagen konfrontiert wird. Im Sinne Keupps, welcher die Identit\ue4t als ?Patchwork-Identit\ue4t? versteht, werden die soziale, nationale und k\uf6rperliche Entwicklung in Hinblick auf die narrative Aufbereitung untersucht. Dem Faden hin zu postmodernen Theorien folgend, wird anschlie
fend mit Kraus? Konzept des ?Narrativen Selbst? eruiert, welcher narrativer Strategien sich der adoleszente Protagonist bedient, um f\ufcr sich selbst Identit\ue4t schaffen zu k\uf6nnen.This Master\ub4s thesis deals with the narrative construction of the adolescent protagonist\ub4s identity development in the adolescence novel "Die Mitte der Welt" by Andreas Steinh\uf6fel. In doing so, the following questions are addressed: How is Phil\ub4s search for identity constructed narratively? To what degree does Phil\ub4s infantile sexual development influence his search for sexual identity in adolescence? Which partial identities are predominant concerning Phil\ub4s sense of identity? Which narrative methods does the adolescent employ for his identity negotiation? And is it even possible to succeed in identity construction in the light of postmodernism? In order to examine these questions in detail, I draw upon an interdisciplinary approach that combines psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Blos, Morgenthaler), developmental psychology (Remschmidt, Flammer and Alsaker), modern (Erikson, Marcia) and postmodern identity theories (Keupp, Kraus). According to Blos, the complex processes of adolescence are closely interwoven with early sexual development, which is why Phil\ub4s infantile sexual development and its influence on the phase of adolescence are examined by drawing on psychoanalytical approaches. Next, the focus is shifted to the protagonist\ub4s ?self-development?, which is analysed by taking Erikson\ub4s and Marcia\ub4s identity theories into consideration. Here, I examine the extent to which the adolescent dwells in the state of ?identity diffusion? since he is confronted with states of diffuse emotions several times. In accordance with Keupp, who defines identity as ?patchwork-identity?, social, national and physical partial identities are explored with respect to their narrative realizations. Finally, postmodern theories are explored in relation to Kraus\ub4s concept of ?narrative self?, which is employed to examine the narrative strategies the adolescent protagonist utilizes in order to create identity for himself.vorgelegt von Dominik WiltschnigAbweichender Titel laut
cbersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersZsfassung in dt. und engl. SpracheGraz, Univ., Dipl.-Arb., 201
Jugendliche, ihre SexualitÀt und die Bedeutung der SexualpÀdagogik
Alexandra WiltschnigKlagenfurt, Alpen-Adria-Univ., Dipl.-Arb., 2013(VLID)241617
Die Diagnostik der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/HyperaktivitĂ€tsstörung - AD(H)S im Erwachsenenalter : Datenanalyse des ADHD-ASRS-v.1.1 (Selbstbeurteilungsbogen fĂŒr AD(H)S im Erwachsenenalter) in Bezug auf AD(H)S im Erwachsenenalter in der traumapĂ€dagogischen Facheinrichtung Ubuntu
Katrin WiltschnigAlpen-Adria-UniversitÀt Klagenfurt, Diplomarbeit, 2015(VLID)241208
A Discussion of In-Vivo Evidence in and Beyond Existing Creativity Frameworks
This paper presents evidence for shared insight moments in real world design processes in the context of product development for a large international medical appliance manufacturer. The findings are discussed related to the existing literature of insight in creative processes and regarding possible explanations from analoguous fields of interest, like brainstorming and multiple discovery
Collaborative problem-solution co-evolution in creative design
Creative design concepts are often viewed as developing iteratively, with the design problem and solutions âco-evolvingâ in a mutually adaptive manner. We report a study examining whether the co-evolution concept captures the creativity arising in collaborative, team-based design practice. The analysis revealed that co-evolution episodes occurred regularly and embodied various directional transitions between problem and solution spaces. Moreover, the team leader often initiated this co-evolution. Co-evolution episodes linked with other creative activities such as analogising and mental simulation and there was a clear association between co-evolution and expressions of epistemic uncertainty, suggesting that designers were dealing with considerable complexity and ambiguity. Our findings support the view that co-evolution is the âengineâ of creativity in collaborative design