628 research outputs found

    Dukungan Teknologi Pengembangan Kedelai Di Sumatera Barat (Technological Support of Development Soybean in West Sumatra)

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    Soybean production in the province West Sumatra from 1996 until 2009 does not seem stable from year to year and even a drastic decrease, reaching 76%. Soybean productivity is still low (range from 1.10 to 1.69 t/ha) compared to its potential and abroad that can reach 2.5 to 3 t/ha with a harvest area fluctuates very significantly. Meanwhile, the need for raw materials by the company's soybean processing tahu/tempe enough large, which is 241.05 tons per month, or 2,892.6 tons per year. This article contains about the problems of soybean and technological support for the development of soybean (low land and dry land) in West Sumatra. The methodology of writing a book study (literature) on soybean commodity that comes from books, proceedings, journals, papers and others. The result, soybean development strategy in the province of West Sumatra can be directed at three main agro-ecosystem, namely: irrigated land, rainfall land and dry land. However, in the lowland rice (43 817 ha of rainfall rice, 43,094 ha of lowland rice irrigated villages, 48,069 ha of lowland rice simple irrigated, and 67,457 ha of lowland rice irrigated semi-technical) and upland (gardens/ 329 528 ha, field for dry rice cultivation 132,240, and 595,516 ha of plantation) the greatest potential for development of soybean plants. Mechanical cultivation of soybean in lowland and dryland in almost the same. However, in some cases there are differences, especially the use of new varieties, land preparation, and delivery of lime /organic materials

    Dukungan Teknologi Pengembangan Ubi Kayu Di Sumatera Barat

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    Role of cassava in the national economy continued to decline because it is not a priority commodity. As a result, crop acreage is declining and productivity did not increase significantly. This situation also occurred in West Sumatra Province. The cause is not yet precise technology to increase the income of cassava farmers and the diversity of the community\u27s ability to adjust the pattern that has been owned by the available land resources. Meanwhile, demand for cassava will continue to increase along with the continued rise and soaring fuel prices (fuel) in the world market for cassava is one source of bio-ethanol to substitute a premium. This article contains about the problems of cassava and technological support for the development of cassava in West Sumatra. The methodology of writing a book study (literature) on cassava commodity that comes from books, proceedings, journals, papers and others. As a result, the development of cassava in West Sumatra to be directed mainly on dry land agroecosystem. Based on the type of climate and land type, almost all areas in West Sumatra has the potential to be developed as a regional center for cassava production.To improve cassava production strategies are needed, among other things: (1) The addition of harvest area, and (2) Intensification of quality improvement. Addition of harvest area include: (a) opening of a new land, (b) multiple cropping, and (c) increase harvest index. While improving the quality of intensification can be done with the application of several alternative technologies in cultivation, among others: (1) high yielding varieties, (2) preparation of seedlings, (3) land preparation, (4) planting, (5) fertilization, (6) plant maintenance; and (7) harvest. Results of analysis of farming cassava variety Darul Hidayah show farmers the benefits of Rp. 34,110,000, - for 12 months and R/C ratio value = 3.46

    Keragaan Beberapa Galur Harapan Kacang Tanah Pada Lahan Kering Masam Di Sumatera Barat

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    In West Sumatra Province, peanut represent one of the priority commodity in development of food crop subsector. But, till now, acceleration production less is seething with excitement to have, fluctuation, and tend to down hilly. To overcome this problems, can be conducted by planting pre-eminent varieties newly peanut have lenient and high result potency to at dry acid dry soil as farm which still available to extension of agriculture areal. This research aim to get peanut promising lines which capable to adapt in dry acid soil, with pH <5. Research have been executed on farmer land of district of Talawi Town of Sawahlunto, West Sumatra, start September until December 2010 at dry acid soil (pH 4,57). Using 15 promising lines from Balitkabi Malang. that is: (1) GHM-2010-1; (2) GHM-2010-2; (3) GHM-2010-6; (4) GHM-2010-9; (5) GHM-2010-10; (6) GHM-2010-11; (7) GHM-2010-15; (8) GHM-2010-17; (9) GHM-2010-19; (10) GHM-2010-52; (11) GHM-2010-56; (12) GHM-2010-57; (13) GHM-2010-58; (14) GHM-2010-67; and (15) GHM-2010-71. Land processed perfectly of the size map each 4x6 m. Distance plant 40x15 cm, counted two seed per hole. Manure given by counted 50 kg Urea + 100 kg SP36 + 50 kg KCl per hectare. Result of research indicate that treatment of peanut promising lines give real influence to plant height, number of pods per plant, number of seed per plant, percentage of fully pods, wet pods yield, and dry pods yield. While to number of branches per plant, heavy of wet crop, and heavy of dry crop do not significant. Chosen four peanut promising lines (GHM-2010-67, GHM-2010-10, GHM-2010-11; and GHM-2010-9) are capable to give result of dry pods yield successively 2,92 ton.ha-1 ; 2,82 ton.ha-1 ; 2,63 ton.ha-1 ; and 2,26 ton.ha-1 at dry acid soil in Sawahlunto with degree of acidity of land (pH) <5

    Numerical stress response functions of static granular layers

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    We investigate the stress response function of a layer of grains, i.e. the stress profile in response to a localized overload. The shape of the profile is very sensitive to the packing arrangement, and is thus a good signature of the preparation procedure of the layer. This study has been done by the use of molecular dynamics numerical simulations. Here, for a given rain-like preparation, we present the scaling properties of the response function, and in particular the influence of the thickness of the layer, and the importance of the location of the overload and measurement points (at the boundaries, in the bulk).Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the "Traffic and Granular Flow 2003" conferenc

    La Politique Économique en Débat : Une Lecture Critique

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    Cet article présente une analyse critique des politiques économiques depuis 1945, structurée autour de quatre périodes clés. De 1945 à 1980, le keynésianisme atteint son apogée dans les années 1940 et 1960, mais commence à s'essouffler dès le début des années 1970, ouvrant la voie à une contre-révolution libérale. De 1980 à 2008, une pensée post-consensus de Washington émerge, suscitant les critiques à l'encontre des thérapeutiques préconisées par les institutions de Bretton Woods et remettant en question leur hégémonie doctrinale. À partir de la crise de 2008, malgré le recours à des politiques de relance budgétaires temporaires, un nouveau consensus en faveur de la rigueur s'installe. Finalement, face à la crise pandémique mondiale du COVID 19, le keynésianisme renaît avec le retour des plans de relance, tandis que le remboursement de la dette liée à la COVID reste un défi pour la majorité des pays. Plus récemment, les politiques de normalisation monétaire prennent de l'ampleur. Pour clarifier les concepts dans la littérature et examiner la manière dont la recherche est menée sur le sujet, une ébauche d'un examen de la portée (scoping review) a été réalisée, susceptible de servir de précurseur à une revue systématique. &nbsp; This article presents a critical analysis of economic policies since 1945, structured around four key periods. From 1945 to 1980, Keynesianism reached its peak in the 1940s and 1960s but began to wane as early as the 1970s, paving the way for a neoliberal counter-revolution. From 1980 to 2008, a post-Washington Consensus thinking emerged, fueling criticisms against the therapies advocated by Bretton Woods institutions and questioning their doctrinal hegemony. From the 2008 crisis onwards, despite the temporary adoption of fiscal stimulus policies, a new consensus favoring austerity took hold. Finally, faced with the global COVID-19 pandemic crisis, Keynesianism resurged with the return of stimulus plans, while repayment of COVID-related debt remains a challenge for the majority of countries. More recently, there has been a growing focus on monetary normalization policies. To clarify the concepts in the literature and examine how research is conducted on the subject, a draft of a scoping review has been conducted, which may serve as a precursor to a a systematic review

    Effect of Cow Manure Dosages as Organic Fertilizer on the Productivity of Organic Rice in West Sumatra, Indonesia

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    This research was conducted on rice paddy area at the Simarasok Village, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia, aimed at investigating the effect of dosage of cow dung as organic fertilizer on growth, yield component and production of organic rice. The experiment was arranged using a Complete Randomized Block Design with four treatments and six replications. The treatment was organic fertilizer of cow dung composted using local microbial organisms with four dosage levels, namely: a) 2 tons/ha; b) 4 tons/ha; c) 6 tons/ha; and d) 8 tons/ha. The rice variety used was the Kuriak Kusuik and the observed variables included: leaf color score, plant height, maximum number of tillers, number of productive tillers, panicle length, number of grains per panicle, percentage of empty grain, weight of 1000 grains, and grain yield. The result showed that the dosage of organic fertilizer of cow dung had significant effect on leaf color score at 56 days after planting (DAP), number of productive tillers, number of grains per panicle, and grain yield. In contrast, plant height, maximum number of tillers, panicle length, weight of 1,000 grains, and empty grain were not significantly affected. It was found that there was a positive relationship between the dosages of organic fertilizer of cow dung with the grain yield. The addition of cow dung as the organic fertilizer as much as 1 ton/ha to the soil could cause an increase in the yield of grain by 0.097 ton/ha

    Essence - EP

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    For his Cumulative Experience project as a part of the Music Production, Technology and Innovation Master’s program at Berklee College of Music, Atman Sheth produced an EP with 6 original songs incorporating different genres and music styles from around the world including influences of Indian Carnatic, Brazilian, West African, American Pop, Mediterranean, and Arabic styles fused with Electronic, Future bass, Trap and Ambient Chill music.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/1141/thumbnail.jp

    La Politique Économique en Débat : Une Approche Critique

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    Cet Article est une analyse critique des politiques économiques depuis 1945. Il s’articule autour de quatre moments clefs : De 1945 à 1980 : le keynésianisme, connaissant son apogée aux années 1940 et 1960, commence à s’essouffler depuis le début des années 1970, laissant place à une contre-révolution libérale. De 1980 à 2008 : Une pensée post-consensus de Washington nourrit les critiques contre les thérapeutiques proposées par les institutions de Bretton Woods et remet en question l'hégémonie doctrinale de ces dernières. Le monde après la crise financière de 2008 : malgré des politiques de relance budgétaires temporaires, un nouveau consensus pour la rigueur budgétaire s’installe. L’économie mondiale depuis la COVID : le keynésianisme renaît de ses cendres avec le retour des plans de relance, alors que le monde peine à rembourser sa dette COVID. Récemment, les politiques de normalisation monétaire s’imposent. &nbsp; This article is a critical analysis of economic policies since 1945. It revolves around four key moments: From 1945 to 1980: Keynesianism, reaching its peak in the 1940s and 1960s, started to decline in the early 1970s, giving way to a liberal counter-revolution. From 1980 to 2008: A post-Washington Consensus thinking fueled critiques against the proposed therapies by Bretton Woods institutions and questioned their doctrinal hegemony. The world after the 2008 financial crisis: Despite temporary budgetary stimulus policies, a new consensus for fiscal austerity emerged. The global economy since COVID: Keynesianism rises from the ashes with the return of stimulus plans, while the world struggles to repay its COVID debt. Recently, policies for monetary normalization have come to the fore

    Subcritical behavior in the alternating supercritical Domany-Kinzel dynamics

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    Cellular automata are widely used to model real-world dynamics. We show using the Domany-Kinzel probabilistic cellular automata that alternating two supercritical dynamics can result in subcritical dynamics in which the population dies out. The analysis of the original and reduced models reveals generality of this paradoxical behavior, which suggests that autonomous or man-made periodic or random environmental changes can cause extinction in otherwise safe population dynamics. Our model also realizes another scenario for the Parrondo's paradox to occur, namely, spatial extensions.Comment: 8 figure
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