15 research outputs found

    Malaria Prevalence in Endemic Districts of Bangladesh

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    BACKGROUND: Following the 1971 ban of DDT in Bangladesh, malaria cases have increased steadily. Malaria persists as a major health problem in the thirteen south-eastern and north-eastern districts of Bangladesh. At present the national malaria control program, largely supported by the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), provides interventions including advocacy at community level, Insecticide Treated Net (ITN) distribution, introduction of Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT) and combination therapy with Coartem. It is imperative, therefore, that baseline data on malaria prevalence and other malaria indicators are collected to assess the effectiveness of the interventions and rationalize the prevention and control efforts. The objective of this study was to obtain this baseline on the prevalence of malaria and bed net use in the thirteen malaria endemic districts of Bangladesh. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In 2007, BRAC and ICDDR,B carried out a malaria prevalence survey in thirteen malaria endemic districts of Bangladesh. A multi-stage cluster sampling technique was used and 9750 blood samples were collected. Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT) were used for the diagnosis of malaria. The weighted average malaria prevalence in the thirteen endemic districts was 3.97%. In five south-eastern districts weighted average malaria prevalence rate was 6.00% and in the eight north-eastern districts weighted average malaria prevalence rate was (0.40%). The highest malaria prevalence was observed in Khagrachari district. The majority of the cases (90.18%) were P. falciparum infections. Malaria morbidity rates in five south-eastern districts was 2.94%. In eight north-eastern districts, morbidity was 0.07%. CONCLUSION AND SIGNIFICANCE: Bangladesh has hypoendemic malaria with P. falciparum the dominant parasite species. The malaria situation in the five north-eastern districts of Bangladesh in particular warrants urgent attention. Detailed maps of the baseline malaria prevalence and summaries of the data collected are provided along with the survey results in full, in a supplemental information

    Recommendations from the international evidence-based guideline for the assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Study QuestionWhat is the recommended assessment and management of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), based on the best available evidence, clinical expertise, and consumer preference? Summary AnswerInternational evidence-based guidelines including 166 recommendations and practice points, addressed prioritized questions to promote consistent, evidence-based care and improve the experience and health outcomes of women with PCOS. What is Known AlreadyPrevious guidelines either lacked rigorous evidence-based processes, did not engage consumer and international multidisciplinary perspectives, or were outdated. Diagnosis of PCOS remains controversial and assessment and management are inconsistent. The needs of women with PCOS are not being adequately met and evidence practice gaps persist. Study Design, Size, DurationInternational evidence-based guideline development engaged professional societies and consumer organizations with multidisciplinary experts and women with PCOS directly involved at all stages. Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE) II-compliant processes were followed, with extensive evidence synthesis. The Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) framework was applied across evidence quality, feasibility, acceptability, cost, implementation and ultimately recommendation strength. Participants/Materials, Setting, MethodsGovernance included a six continent international advisory and a project board, five guideline development groups (GDGs), and consumer and translation committees. Extensive health professional and consumer engagement informed guideline scope and priorities. Engaged international society-nominated panels included pediatrics, endocrinology, gynecology, primary care, reproductive endocrinology, obstetrics, psychiatry, psychology, dietetics, exercise physiology, public health and other experts, alongside consumers, project management, evidence synthesis, and translation experts. Thirty-seven societies and organizations covering 71 countries engaged in the process. Twenty face-to-face meetings over 15months addressed 60 prioritized clinical questions involving 40 systematic and 20 narrative reviews. Evidence-based recommendations were developed and approved via consensus voting within the five guideline panels, modified based on international feedback and peer review, with final recommendations approved across all panels. Main Results and the Role of ChanceThe evidence in the assessment and management of PCOS is generally of low to moderate quality. The guideline provides 31 evidence based recommendations, 59 clinical consensus recommendations and 76 clinical practice points all related to assessment and management of PCOS. Key changes in this guideline include: (a) considerable refinement of individual diagnostic criteria with a focus on improving accuracy of diagnosis; (b) reducing unnecessary testing; (c) increasing focus on education, lifestyle modification, emotional wellbeing and quality of life; and (d) emphasizing evidence based medical therapy and cheaper and safer fertility management. Limitations, Reasons for CautionOverall evidence is generally low to moderate quality, requiring significantly greater research in this neglected, yet common condition, especially around refining specific diagnostic features in PCOS. Regional health system variation is acknowledged and a process for guideline and translation resource adaptation is provided. Wider Implications of the FindingsThe international guideline for the assessment and management of PCOS provides clinicians with clear advice on best practice based on the best available evidence, expert multidisciplinary input and consumer preferences. Research recommendations have been generated and a comprehensive multifaceted dissemination and translation program supports the guideline with an integrated evaluation program.Peer reviewe

    Cutaneous Leishmaniasis and Sand Fly Fluctuations Are Associated with El Nino in Panama

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    BackgroundCutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL) is a neglected tropical vector-borne disease. Sand fly vectors (SF) and Leishmania spp parasites are sensitive to changes in weather conditions, rendering disease transmission susceptible to changes in local and global scale climatic patterns. Nevertheless, it is unclear how SF abundance is impacted by El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and how these changes might relate to changes in CL transmission.Methodology and FindingsWe studied association patterns between monthly time series, from January 2000 to December 2010, of: CL cases, rainfall and temperature from Panama, and an ENSO index. We employed autoregressive models and cross wavelet coherence, to quantify the seasonal and interannual impact of local climate and ENSO on CL dynamics. We employed Poisson Rate Generalized Linear Mixed Models to study SF abundance patterns across ENSO phases, seasons and eco-epidemiological settings, employing records from 640 night-trap sampling collections spanning 2000?2011. We found that ENSO, rainfall and temperature were associated with CL cycles at interannual scales, while seasonal patterns were mainly associated with rainfall and temperature. Sand fly (SF) vector abundance, on average, decreased during the hot and cold ENSO phases, when compared with the normal ENSO phase, yet variability in vector abundance was largest during the cold ENSO phase. Our results showed a three month lagged association between SF vector abundance and CL cases.ConclusionAssociation patterns of CL with ENSO and local climatic factors in Panama indicate that interannual CL cycles might be driven by ENSO, while the CL seasonality was mainly associated with temperature and rainfall variability. CL cases and SF abundance were associated in a fashion suggesting that sudden extraordinary changes in vector abundance might increase the potential for CL epidemic outbreaks, given that CL epidemics occur during the cold ENSO phase, a time when SF abundance shows its highest fluctuations

    Development and evaluation of a health education intervention against Taenia solium in a rural community in Mexico

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    A comprehensive study was undertaken in a rural community in the state of Morelos, Mexico to evaluate health education as an intervention measure against Taenia solium. An educational program was developed to promote recognition and knowledge of the transmission of the parasite and to improve hygienic behavior and sanitary conditions that foster transmission. The effects of educational intervention were evaluated by measuring changes in knowledge and practices and prevalence of human taeniasis and swine cysticercosis before and after the campaign. The health education strategy was implemented with the active participation of the population based on the information obtained from a sociologic study. A questionnaire was designed and used before, immediately after the intervention, and six months later. Statistically significant improvements occurred in knowledge of the parasite, its life cycle, and how it is acquired by humans; however, changes in behavior related to transmission were less dramatic and persistent. The prevalences of cysticercosis in pigs at the start of the education intervention were 2.6% and 5.2% by lingual examination and antibody detection (immunoblot assay), respectively, and approximately one year after the intervention they were 0% and 1.2% (P < 0.05). These changes were accompanied by significant reductions in the reported access of pigs to sources of infection and freedom to roam. We conclude that health education, developed along with community involvement, reduced opportunities for transmission of T. solium in the human-pig cycle

    A subnormal plasma volume in formerly preeclamptic women is associated with a low venous capacitance.

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    Contains fulltext : 48810.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)OBJECTIVE: Pregnancy induces a smaller rise in plasma volume in formerly preeclamptic women with a pre-existent subnormal plasma volume than in their counterparts with a normal plasma volume. These women also have a three times higher recurrence rate of pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorders. In this study we tested the hypothesis that a subnormal plasma volume in these women is related to a lower capacitance of their venous compartment. METHODS: In 31 nonpregnant formerly preeclamptic women with a subnormal plasma volume and eight parous controls, we infused intravenously 500 mL of a modified gelatin solution over 30 minutes. Before and after infusion we measured the circulating levels of alpha-atrial natriuretic peptide (alpha-ANP) and active plasma renin concentration (APRC). During volume loading, we recorded the change in heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output using pulse contour analysis. We measured the ratio of percent change in blood volume and percent change in cardiac output during volume loading as a marker for venous capacitance. RESULTS: During volume loading, patients differed from controls by a larger rise in alpha-ANP, pulse rate, and cardiac output, and by a lower estimated venous capacitance. The concomitant response of stroke volume and APRC did not differ appreciably between groups. CONCLUSION: Formerly preeclamptic women with a subnormal plasma volume differ from controls with a normal plasma volume by a reduced venous capacitance. These results support our hypothesis that, in these women, a subnormal plasma volume indicates the presence of a subnormal venous capacitance

    Percepção sobre o conhecimento e profilaxia das zoonoses e posse responsável em pais de alunos do pré-escolar de escolas situadas na comunidade localizada no bairro de Dois Irmãos na cidade do Recife (PE) Perception of the zoonosis and responsible pet care by the parents from public schools kindergarten located at metropolitan region of Recife, northeast of Brazil

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a percepção sobre zoonoses e posse responsável de pais de alunos, observando o nível de conhecimento e a conscientização dos entrevistados acerca do tema.Uma amostra de conveniência de 64 pais de alunos do pré-escolar de duas escolas situadas na Região Metropolitana do Recife (PE), foi analisada, utilizando um questionário para análise da percepção. Entre os entrevistados, 71,8 % não sabiam reconhecer o significado do termo zoonoses, porém 16% souberam reconhecer pelo menos um tipo de zoonose. Doenças transmitidas de animais a humanos foram associadas a suas formas de transmissão, como contato físico entre animais e o homem, mordeduras, contaminação fecal de água e alimentos com cistos e ovos de nematódeos, penetração de larvas de nematódeos na pele e através de insetos vetores. Os principais cuidados com animais de estimação relatados foram vacinação antirrábica (92,2%), administração de anti-helmínticos (76,6%) e consultas ao médico veterinário (82,8%). Contudo, 23,4% dos pais tinham conhecimento que algumas parasitoses transmitidas por fezes de cães e gatos são zoonoses. A conscientização dos pais não apenas sobre doenças transmitidas por animais, mas sobre posse responsável, constitui-se um instrumento importante para reduzir os riscos de transmissão de zoonoses.<br>The goal of this research was to examine parents' perception of the zoonosis and responsible pet care, observing their level of knowledge and awareness about the theme. A convenience sample of 64 parents from two kindergarten schools located at Metropolitan Region of Recife, Pernambuco State, was surveyed using a perception questionnaire. Findings indicate that 71.8 % didn't know the meaning of the term zoonosis, but 16% recognize at least one type of the disease. Diseases transmitted from animals to humans were associated to the way of transmission, as physical contact between animal and man, bite wound disease, fecal contamination of water, food with cysts or eggs of nematodes, skin penetration of nematodes, and also the arthropod borne disease. The major pet health care reported was rabies vaccine (92.2%), anthelmintic therapy (76.6%), and pet care provide by a veterinarian (82.8%). However, 23.4% of the parents had some knowledge about the zoonotic infections transmitted by dogs and cats feces. The parent's awareness not only about the risks about the diseases transmitted from animals to humans but also the responsible pet care, constitute a important tool to reduce risk of zoonosis transmission

    Lymphatic Filariasis in Nigeria; Micro-stratification Overlap Mapping (MOM) as a Prerequisite for Cost-Effective Resource Utilization in Control and Surveillance

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    Background Nigeria has a significant burden of lymphatic filariasis (LF) caused by the parasite Wuchereria bancrofti. A major concern to the expansion of the LF elimination programme is the risk of serious adverse events (SAEs) associated with the use of ivermectin in areas co-endemic with Loa filariasis. To better understand this, as well as other factors that may impact on LF elimination, we used Micro-stratification Overlap Mapping (MOM) to highlight the distribution and potential impact of multiple disease interventions that geographically coincide in LF endemic areas and which will impact on LF and vice versa. Methodology/Principal findings LF data from the literature and Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) were collated into a database. LF prevalence distributions; predicted prevalence of loiasis; ongoing onchocerciasis community-directed treatment with ivermectin (CDTi); and long-lasting insecticidal mosquito net (LLIN) distributions for malaria were incorporated into overlay maps using geographical information system (GIS) software. LF was prevalent across most regions of the country. The mean prevalence determined by circulating filarial antigen (CFA) was 14.0% (n = 134 locations), and by microfilaria (Mf) was 8.2% (n = 162 locations). Overall, LF endemic areas geographically coincided with CDTi priority areas, however, LLIN coverage was generally low (<50%) in areas where LF prevalence was high or co-endemic with L. loa. Conclusions/Significance The extensive database and series of maps produced in this study provide an important overview for the LF Programme and will assist to maximize existing interventions, ensuring cost effective use of resources as the programme scales up. Such information is a prerequisite for the LF programme, and will allow for other factors to be included into planning, as well as monitoring and evaluation activities given the broad spectrum impact of the drugs used