57 research outputs found

    Impact of tropospheric ozone on terrestrial biodiversity: A literature analysis to identify ozone sensitive taxa

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    Tropospheric ozone has long been known as highly phytotoxic. However, currently hardly anything is known whether this air pollutant can also pose a threat to the overall biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems. Identifying the relative ozone sensitivities of relevant taxa or species can be a first step in an assessment if biodiversity is at risk from ozone. A literature survey was conducted describing experimental and observational results of exposure of organisms and particularly plant species to ozone at environmentally relevant concentrations. For plants ozone effects considered were vegetative growth (e.g. biomass of shoots, foliage, single leaves, stems, and roots), reproduction (number and biomass of seeds and flowers), species development, and symptoms of visible foliar injury. A total of 474 literature references were evaluated which described such effects. For crop plants 54 species with 350 varieties could be considered, while (semi)natural vegetation was represented by 465 vascular plant species comprising 298 herbaceous and 165 woody plant species. Overall, these ozone studies cover only a small fraction of the entire global flora. About two third of woody and about one half of native herbaceous plant species investigated so far have been described as ozone sensitive in at least one study. Ozone sensitivity is slightly higher with respect to visible leaf injury as compared to growth effects, and herbs and deciduous tree species are more responsive than grasses and coniferous trees. Observational results from field surveys conducted along ozone gradients to assess ecosystem effects of ozone in North America and Europe revealed visible macroscopic leaf injuries for 258 herbaceous species. However, these findings often have not been verified under experimental ozone exposure. Albeit the numbers of ozone studies related to a particular plant family varied considerably, high proportions of ozone sensitive species were found e.g. for the families Myrtaceae, Salicaceae and Onograceae, while low proportions of ozone sensitive species were found e.g. for the families Brassicaceae, Boraginaceae and Plantaginaceae. Intra-specific variations of ozone sensitivity of vascular plants were primarily detected in crop species (e.g. wheat, soybean, snap bean, clover, rice), most often derived from screening studies of cultivars for their relative ozone sensitivity/tolerance to ozone. In some cases intra-specific variation of ozone sensitivity is also true for different populations of woody and herbaceous plant species, which often resulted from temporal or spatial differentiation of the relative ozone susceptibility. Therefore, there is some evidence that ozone pollution in the past has already affected plant selection and modified the genetic pool of ozone sensitive genotypes. Information on direct ozone effects on species other than vascular plants (e.g. ferns, mosses, fungi, algae, vertebrates) is very poor or irrelevant, i.e. ozone sensitivities for these taxa could not be described. This is also true for organisms like microbes, arthropods or insects which have not been tested so far for their responses to direct ambient ozone exposure. However, these organisms may be indirectly impaired by ozone via loss of vitality of the plant system to which they are associated

    Key Physiological Parameters Related to Differences in Biomass Production of Maize and Four Sorghum Cultivars Under Drought and Free Air CO2 Enrichment

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    AbstractGiven the future increase in temperature and the decrease in summer precipitation, in temperate regions sorghum could be an alternative energy crop besides maize due its better drought tolerance. However, it remains open how future elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) may affect these interactions. To address this question four sorghum cultivars and one maize cultivar were grown at moderate climate condition in Germany under different levels of water (WET and DRY) and CO2 supply (385ppm and 600ppm) using free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) technique combined with rain shelters. The objectives of the study were to investigate whether there is genetic variation among sorghum cultivars and whether sorghum cultivars perform better than maize under drought and elevated [CO2]. Following results were achieved: DRY plots received half as much water as compared to WET. Sorghum had higher stomatal density and transpiration rate at very high light as compared to maize. Maize had a higher biomass yield than sorghum under all growth conditions. Sorghum cultivars differed in their growth response to the treatments. Leaf growth of sorghum was delayed in early summer as compared to maize and thus caused differences in seasonal light absorption. Radiation (RUE) and water use efficiency (WUE) of biomass production under WET were highest for maize and varied among sorghum cultivars. CO2 enrichment enhanced RUE and WUE under drought in all plants. Variation of RUE among sorghum cultivars seemed to be related to differences in cold tolerance. Consequently, maize is better adapted to the prevailing German weather conditions and thus has a higher biomass yield under drought and present or future [CO2] than current cultivars of sorghum

    In situ measurements of tropical cloud properties in the West African Monsoon: upper tropospheric ice clouds, Mesoscale Convective System outflow, and subvisual cirrus

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    In situ measurements of ice crystal size distributions in tropical upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UT/LS) clouds were performed during the SCOUT-AMMA campaign over West Africa in August 2006. The cloud properties were measured with a Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe (FSSP-100) and a Cloud Imaging Probe (CIP) operated aboard the Russian high altitude research aircraft M-55 Geophysica with the mission base in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. A total of 117 ice particle size distributions were obtained from the measurements in the vicinity of Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCS). Two to four modal lognormal size distributions were fitted to the average size distributions for different potential temperature bins. The measurements showed proportionately more large ice particles compared to former measurements above maritime regions. With the help of trace gas measurements of NO, NOy, CO2, CO, and O3 and satellite images, clouds in young and aged MCS outflow were identified. These events were observed at altitudes of 11.0 km to 14.2 km corresponding to potential temperature levels of 346 K to 356 K. In a young outflow from a developing MCS ice crystal number concentrations of up to (8.3 ± 1.6) cm−3 and rimed ice particles with maximum dimensions exceeding 1.5 mm were found. A maximum ice water content of 0.05 g m−3 was observed and an effective radius of about 90 μm. In contrast the aged outflow events were more diluted and showed a maximum number concentration of 0.03 cm−3, an ice water content of 2.3 × 10−4 g m−3, an effective radius of about 18 μm, while the largest particles had a maximum dimension of 61 μm. Close to the tropopause subvisual cirrus were encountered four times at altitudes of 15 km to 16.4 km. The mean ice particle number concentration of these encounters was 0.01 cm−3 with maximum particle sizes of 130 μm, and the mean ice water content was about 1.4 × 10−4 g m−3. All known in situ measurements of subvisual tropopause cirrus are compared and an exponential fit on the size distributions is established for modelling purposes. A comparison of aerosol to ice crystal number concentrations, in order to obtain an estimate on how many ice particles may result from activation of the present aerosol, yielded low ratios for the subvisual cirrus cases of roughly one cloud particle per 30 000 aerosol particles, while for the MCS outflow cases this resulted in a high ratio of one cloud particle per 300 aerosol particles

    The handbook for standardized field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate change experiments and observational studies (ClimEx)

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    1. Climate change is a world‐wide threat to biodiversity and ecosystem structure, functioning and services. To understand the underlying drivers and mechanisms, and to predict the consequences for nature and people, we urgently need better understanding of the direction and magnitude of climate change impacts across the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum. An increasing number of climate change studies are creating new opportunities for meaningful and high‐quality generalizations and improved process understanding. However, significant challenges exist related to data availability and/or compatibility across studies, compromising opportunities for data re‐use, synthesis and upscaling. Many of these challenges relate to a lack of an established ‘best practice’ for measuring key impacts and responses. This restrains our current understanding of complex processes and mechanisms in terrestrial ecosystems related to climate change. 2. To overcome these challenges, we collected best‐practice methods emerging from major ecological research networks and experiments, as synthesized by 115 experts from across a wide range of scientific disciplines. Our handbook contains guidance on the selection of response variables for different purposes, protocols for standardized measurements of 66 such response variables and advice on data management. Specifically, we recommend a minimum subset of variables that should be collected in all climate change studies to allow data re‐use and synthesis, and give guidance on additional variables critical for different types of synthesis and upscaling. The goal of this community effort is to facilitate awareness of the importance and broader application of standardized methods to promote data re‐use, availability, compatibility and transparency. We envision improved research practices that will increase returns on investments in individual research projects, facilitate second‐order research outputs and create opportunities for collaboration across scientific communities. Ultimately, this should significantly improve the quality and impact of the science, which is required to fulfil society's needs in a changing world


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    Changes in atmospheric chemistry and crop health: A review

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    The concentrations of atmospheric compounds such as greenhouse gases, heavy metals and trace gas air pollutants have rapidly changed. Many of these compounds interact with agricultural systems and influence crop performance, both directly by affecting growth and quality or indirectly by altering the plant’s ability to cope with other abiotic and biotic stresses. Some atmospheric compounds have little or no discernible impact on the environment; others reach levels that exceed thresholds for damage to crops. In this review, we analyse the literature on airborne species that directly impact crop growth and health. In Europe and North America emissions of SO2, NOx and heavy metals have declined during the past decades and are currently not considered as a major threat to crops. By contrast, air pollutant emissions have been increasing in rapidly growing regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Ozone is the most phytotoxic of the common air pollutants. The widespread distribution of O3 already presents a risk to crop growth and health in many regions of the world. It is concluded that the continuous increase in background O3 concentrations will pose a critical threat to future world food security. Interactions with both biotic and abiotic factors must be taken into account in assessing risks of air pollutants in the field. There is evidence that these indirect effects could be more important under certain circumstances than the direct effects of air pollutants on plants. The parallel rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations accompanied by climate change has two major implications: (1) a possible benefit to crop growth by direct stimulation of photosynthesis and by mitigation of gaseous air pollutants and water stress; and (2) a threat to crop production due to an enhancement of crop quality losses

    Analyse des Sachstands zu Auswirkungen von Klimaveränderungen auf die deutsche Landwirtschaft und Maßnahmen zur Anpassung

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    Gedruckte Ausg. zu beziehen über die Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (FAL), Bundesallee 50, 38116 Braunschweig ([email protected])

    Drought stress effects on wheat are mitigated by atmospheric CO2_{2} enrichment

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    The atmospheric CO2_{2} concentration is predicted to increase and to generate a rise in the global surface temperature, and change the seasonal precipitation pattern. This could aggravate the severity of summer drought conditions and affect crop yield. We studied the effect of the interaction of CO2_{2} and water supply on seasonal absorption of photosynthetically active radiation and radiation-use efficiency of aboveground biomass production to understand the processes contributing to final yield. Wheat was grown over two years in open-top chambers at present or future (+280 ppmv) atmospheric CO2_{2} concentration and under sufficient water supply or drought stress in lysimeters with a soil depth of 0.4 m (first year) or in the field with unrestricted root growth (second year). Drought stress was started after the first node stage by halving the water supply. Our results show that under sufficient watering, CO2_{2} enrichment did not affect the green area index or seasonal radiation absorption. Drought stress always decreased the green area index and accelerated canopy senescence, which in the second year resulted in a decrease of 23% in the seasonal radiation absorption under the present atmospheric CO2_{2} concentration. CO2_{2} enrichment stimulated the green area index under drought stress in the second year and seasonal radiation absorption was only decreased by 16%. Radiation-use efficiency was reduced by drought and increased by CO2_{2} elevation and the CO2_{2} effect was higher under restricted (+60%) than under sufficient watering (+32%). This implies that CO2_{2} enrichment enhanced final biomass and grain yield by less than 10% under well-watered conditions and by more than 44% under drought stress conditions, respectively. This study indicates that the increase in atmospheric CO2_{2} concentration will attenuate the effects of summer drought on wheat grain yield