213 research outputs found

    The Role of Radioactivities in Astrophysics

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    I present both a history of radioactivity in astrophysics and an introduction to the major applications of radioactive abundances to astronomy

    Ação do cepa e do ácido giberélico na frutificação da videira 'niagara rosada'

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    Studies were carried out to establish the effects of exogenous growth regulators on Vitis (labrusca x vinifera) 'Niagara Rosada' fruiting. The investigations were done in the Jundiaí Research Station, Agronomic Institute State of São Paulo, always using disease-free vineyards of good productivity. The morphological transformations of clusters were carried out under the following aspects: weight, length and width of cluster; number of berries; weight, length average and width average of berries; length average/width average ratio of berries; number of seeds; length and diameter of secondary rachis. That characteristics were determined at the time of maturity plus the total sugars, total acid, Maturity Index and reducing sugars in samples of all treatments. The experiment were conduced in order to determine the doses that resulted in the most beneficial effects, always using applications by immersion of the inflorescence. The experiment consisted of appplications of (2-chloroethyl) phosphonic acid (CEPA) at concentrations of 50, 100, 250, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 ppm, 14 days before flowering; treatments with gibberellic acid at concentrations of 100 and 200 ppm before full bloom, 10 days after full bloom, and both before plus after full bloom. Treatment with CEPA 100 ppm plus gibberellic acid 100 ppm before full bloom and check treatment were also used. The use of CEPA before flowering at the concentrations used, did not result in good results in 'Niagara Rosada' clusters; applications of gibberellic acid did not differ significantly from the nontreated vines under the conditions studied.Estudou-se o efeito da aplicação, por imersão, do CEPA (ácido 2-cloroetil fosfônico) e do ácido giberélico, 14 dias antes do florescimento, nas características morfológicas da panícula da videira Vitis (labrus-ca x vinifera) "Niagara Rosada". Alguns tratamentos com ácido giberélico foram concluídos com nova aplicação 10 dias após o florescimento. Neste experimento verificou-se que, aplicação do CEPA na concentração de 250 ppm resultou na formação de panículas com a maioria de características indesejáveis. o tratamento misto CEPA 100 ppm + ácido giberélico 100 ppm também promoveu o aparecimento de panículas subdesenvolvidas. Aplicação de ácido giberélico na concentração de 100 ppm em pré e pós-ílorescimento, resultou médias mais elevadas, com relação ao peso da panícula, comprimento da panícula, peso das bagas e comprimento da ráquis. Ácido giberélico na concentração de 100 ppm aplicado em pós-ílorescimento, promoveu uma tendência de aumento nas médias do tratamento quanto ao comprimento médio das bagas, largura média das bagas, largura do engaço e comprimento da ráquila. Devemos considerar porém, que os resultados obtidos não apresentaram diferenças significativas com relação ao controle, quanto às características das frutificações, nas condições de estudo

    The Science of Sungrazers, Sunskirters, and Other Near-Sun Comets

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    This review addresses our current understanding of comets that venture close to the Sun, and are hence exposed to much more extreme conditions than comets that are typically studied from Earth. The extreme solar heating and plasma environments that these objects encounter change many aspects of their behaviour, thus yielding valuable information on both the comets themselves that complements other data we have on primitive solar system bodies, as well as on the near-solar environment which they traverse. We propose clear definitions for these comets: We use the term near-Sun comets to encompass all objects that pass sunward of the perihelion distance of planet Mercury (0.307 AU). Sunskirters are defined as objects that pass within 33 solar radii of the Sun’s centre, equal to half of Mercury’s perihelion distance, and the commonly-used phrase sungrazers to be objects that reach perihelion within 3.45 solar radii, i.e. the fluid Roche limit. Finally, comets with orbits that intersect the solar photosphere are termed sundivers. We summarize past studies of these objects, as well as the instruments and facilities used to study them, including space-based platforms that have led to a recent revolution in the quantity and quality of relevant observations. Relevant comet populations are described, including the Kreutz, Marsden, Kracht, and Meyer groups, near-Sun asteroids, and a brief discussion of their origins. The importance of light curves and the clues they provide on cometary composition are emphasized, together with what information has been gleaned about nucleus parameters, including the sizes and masses of objects and their families, and their tensile strengths. The physical processes occurring at these objects are considered in some detail, including the disruption of nuclei, sublimation, and ionisation, and we consider the mass, momentum, and energy loss of comets in the corona and those that venture to lower altitudes. The different components of comae and tails are described, including dust, neutral and ionised gases, their chemical reactions, and their contributions to the near-Sun environment. Comet-solar wind interactions are discussed, including the use of comets as probes of solar wind and coronal conditions in their vicinities. We address the relevance of work on comets near the Sun to similar objects orbiting other stars, and conclude with a discussion of future directions for the field and the planned ground- and space-based facilities that will allow us to address those science topics

    Broadband Quantum Enhancement of the LIGO Detectors with Frequency-Dependent Squeezing

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    Quantum noise imposes a fundamental limitation on the sensitivity of interferometric gravitational-wave detectors like LIGO, manifesting as shot noise and quantum radiation pressure noise. Here, we present the first realization of frequency-dependent squeezing in full-scale gravitational-wave detectors, resulting in the reduction of both shot noise and quantum radiation pressure noise, with broadband detector enhancement from tens of hertz to several kilohertz. In the LIGO Hanford detector, squeezing reduced the detector noise amplitude by a factor of 1.6 (4.0 dB) near 1 kHz; in the Livingston detector, the noise reduction was a factor of 1.9 (5.8 dB). These improvements directly impact LIGO's scientific output for high-frequency sources (e.g., binary neutron star postmerger physics). The improved low-frequency sensitivity, which boosted the detector range by 15%-18% with respect to no squeezing, corresponds to an increase in the astrophysical detection rate of up to 65%. Frequency-dependent squeezing was enabled by the addition of a 300-meter-long filter cavity to each detector as part of the LIGO A+ upgrade

    Mapping child growth failure across low- and middle-income countries

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    Childhood malnutrition is associated with high morbidity and mortality globally1. Undernourished children are more likely to experience cognitive, physical, and metabolic developmental impairments that can lead to later cardiovascular disease, reduced intellectual ability and school attainment, and reduced economic productivity in adulthood2. Child growth failure (CGF), expressed as stunting, wasting, and underweight in children under five years of age (0�59 months), is a specific subset of undernutrition characterized by insufficient height or weight against age-specific growth reference standards3�5. The prevalence of stunting, wasting, or underweight in children under five is the proportion of children with a height-for-age, weight-for-height, or weight-for-age z-score, respectively, that is more than two standard deviations below the World Health Organization�s median growth reference standards for a healthy population6. Subnational estimates of CGF report substantial heterogeneity within countries, but are available primarily at the first administrative level (for example, states or provinces)7; the uneven geographical distribution of CGF has motivated further calls for assessments that can match the local scale of many public health programmes8. Building from our previous work mapping CGF in Africa9, here we provide the first, to our knowledge, mapped high-spatial-resolution estimates of CGF indicators from 2000 to 2017 across 105 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where 99 of affected children live1, aggregated to policy-relevant first and second (for example, districts or counties) administrative-level units and national levels. Despite remarkable declines over the study period, many LMICs remain far from the ambitious World Health Organization Global Nutrition Targets to reduce stunting by 40 and wasting to less than 5 by 2025. Large disparities in prevalence and progress exist across and within countries; our maps identify high-prevalence areas even within nations otherwise succeeding in reducing overall CGF prevalence. By highlighting where the highest-need populations reside, these geospatial estimates can support policy-makers in planning interventions that are adapted locally and in efficiently directing resources towards reducing CGF and its health implications. © 2020, The Author(s)

    Mapping subnational HIV mortality in six Latin American countries with incomplete vital registration systems

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    BackgroundHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) remains a public health priority in Latin America. While the burden of HIV is historically concentrated in urban areas and high-risk groups, subnational estimates that cover multiple countries and years are missing. This paucity is partially due to incomplete vital registration (VR) systems and statistical challenges related to estimating mortality rates in areas with low numbers of HIV deaths. In this analysis, we address this gap and provide novel estimates of the HIV mortality rate and the number of HIV deaths by age group, sex, and municipality in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Mexico.MethodsWe performed an ecological study using VR data ranging from 2000 to 2017, dependent on individual country data availability. We modeled HIV mortality using a Bayesian spatially explicit mixed-effects regression model that incorporates prior information on VR completeness. We calibrated our results to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.ResultsAll countries displayed over a 40-fold difference in HIV mortality between municipalities with the highest and lowest age-standardized HIV mortality rate in the last year of study for men, and over a 20-fold difference for women. Despite decreases in national HIV mortality in all countries-apart from Ecuador-across the period of study, we found broad variation in relative changes in HIV mortality at the municipality level and increasing relative inequality over time in all countries. In all six countries included in this analysis, 50% or more HIV deaths were concentrated in fewer than 10% of municipalities in the latest year of study. In addition, national age patterns reflected shifts in mortality to older age groups-the median age group among decedents ranged from 30 to 45years of age at the municipality level in Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico in 2017.ConclusionsOur subnational estimates of HIV mortality revealed significant spatial variation and diverging local trends in HIV mortality over time and by age. This analysis provides a framework for incorporating data and uncertainty from incomplete VR systems and can help guide more geographically precise public health intervention to support HIV-related care and reduce HIV-related deaths.Peer reviewe