67 research outputs found

    Weak lensing analysis of CODEX clusters using dark energy camera legacy survey : mass-richness relation

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    We present the weak-lensing analysis of 279 CODEX clusters using imaging data from 4200 deg(2) of the DECam Legacy Survey (DECaLS) Data Release 3. The cluster sample results from a joint selection in X-ray, optical richness in the range 20 proportional to M-0 (lambda/40)(F lambda). By measuring the CODEX cluster sample as an individual cluster, we obtain the best-fitting values, M-0 = 3.24(-0.27)(+0.29) x 10(14)M(circle dot), and F-lambda = 1.00(-0.22)(+0.22) for the richness scaling index, consistent with a power-law relation. Moreover, we separate the cluster sample into three richness groups; lambda = 20-30, 30-50, and 50-110, and measure the stacked excess surface mass density profile in each group. The results show that both methods are consistent. In addition, we find an excellent agreement between our weak lensing based scaling relation and the relation obtained with dynamical masses estimated from cluster member velocity dispersions measured by the SDSS-IV/SPIDERS team. This suggests that the cluster dynamical equilibrium assumption involved in the dynamical mass estimates is statistically robust for a large sample of clusters.Peer reviewe

    Oscillation of Saturn's southern auroral oval

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    Near-planetary-period oscillations in the Cassini plasma and magnetic field data have been observed throughout Saturn's magnetosphere despite the fact that Saturn's internal magnetic field is apparently highly axisymmetric. In addition, the period of the Saturn kilometric radiation has been shown to vary over time. In this paper we present results from the recent Hubble Space Telescope observations of Saturn's southern ultraviolet auroral emission. We show that the center of the auroral oval oscillates with period 10.76 h +/- 0.15 h for both January 2007 and February 2008, i.e., close to the periods determined for oscillations in other magnetospheric phenomena. The motion of the oval center is described for 2007 by an ellipse with semimajor axis similar to 1.4 degrees +/- 0.3 degrees oriented toward similar to 09-21 h LT, eccentricity similar to 0.93, and center offset from the spin axis by similar to 1.8 degrees toward similar to 04 h LT. For 2008 the oscillation is consistent with an ellipse with semimajor axis similar to 2.2 degrees +/- 0.3 degrees oriented toward similar to 09-21 h LT, eccentricity similar to 0.99, and a center offset from the spin axis by similar to 2.2 degrees toward similar to 03 h LT. The motion of the auroral oval is thus highly elliptical in both cases, and the major oscillation axis is oriented toward prenoon/premidnight. This result places an independent constraint on the magnitude of the planet's dipole tilt and may also indicate the presence of an external current system that imposes an asymmetry in the ionospheric field modulated close to the planetary period

    The two faces of the Jovian UV aurorae

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    Being mostly connected via closed magnetic field lines, the aurorae at the two poles display two broadly similar signatures of the same magnetospheric processes. However, differences are sometimes observed, indicative of asymmetries either in the polar regions (e.g. different solar illumination, magnetic anomalies, etc.) or in the magnetosphere (e.g. twisting of the magnetotail), thus showing two complementary sides of the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling.</p><p>Whatever the planet, seeing the aurorae on both poles at the same time is challenging. Either both polar regions can be seen at once, but then only from the side, with poor spatial coverage (especially close and beyond the limb), or we need (at least) two observatories. Here we use the latter option to observe the two faces of the UV aurorae on Jupiter. In the last years, several Hubble Space Telescope observations with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) have been planned during close-up perijove observations of the poles with the UV spectrograph (UVS) on board the Juno spacecraft. The aurorae at Jupiter can be divided into three main components, with the Main Emissions, a quasi-continuous, but sometimes irregular, ribbon of auroral emissions, delimitating the outer emissions outside of it and the polar emissions inside of it. We compare the global morphology and the relative power emitted by the different auroral features in these three regions. Former studies also indicated that synchronized quasi-periodic flares could be observed in both hemispheres and we will look after similar events in this new dataset. Finally, even if the observations are delayed by approximately one hour, we can still compare the mean emitted power before (north) and after (south) each Juno perijove to look for a global trend.</p&gt

    A large ground-based observing campaign of the disintegrating planet K2-22b

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    We present 45 ground-based photometric observations of the K2-22 system collected between 2016 December and 2017 May, which we use to investigate the evolution of the transit of the disintegrating planet K2-22b. Last observed in early 2015, in these new observations we recover the transit at multiple epochs and measure a typical depth of <1.5%. We find that the distribution of our measured transit depths is comparable to the range of depths measured in observations from 2014 and 2015. These new observations also support ongoing variability in the K2-22b transit shape and time, although the overall shallowness of the transit makes a detailed analysis of these transit parameters difficult. We find no strong evidence of wavelength-dependent transit depths for epochs where we have simultaneous coverage at multiple wavelengths, although our stacked Las Cumbres Observatory data collected over days-to-months timescales are suggestive of a deeper transit at blue wavelengths. We encourage continued high-precision photometric and spectroscopic monitoring of this system in order to further constrain the evolution timescale and to aid comparative studies with the other few known disintegrating planets

    Detection of Auroral Emissions from Callisto’s Magnetic Footprint at Jupiter

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    HST observations of Jupiter’s aurora in a large campaign reveal several cases where the main oval emission appeared at unusually low latitudes, making it possible to search for the first time for auroral emissions from the magnetic footprint of Callisto without the overlapping bright emissions from the main oval. Several cases have been found where point-source emissions have now been detected from locations consistent with Callisto’s magnetic footprint on Jupiter at a brightness of ten’s of kilo- Rayleighs. These observations confirm that there is an electrodynamic interaction between Callisto and Jupiter’s magnetospheric environment that is similar to those at Io, Europa, and Ganymede, which all have auroral footprints. The properties of the emissions and a comparison with other observations and theoretical expectations will be presented in this paper

    Jupiter’s polar auroral bright spots as seen by Juno-UVS

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    The instruments on board the NASA Juno mission provides scientists with a wealth of unprecedented details about Jupiter. In particular, the Ultraviolet Spectrograph (UVS) is dedicated to the study of Jupiter’s aurora in the 60-200 nm wavelength range. The images taken by Juno-UVS reveals for the first time a complete view of Jupiter’s aurora, including the nightside part hidden from the Earth-orbiting Hubble Space Telescope (HST). This work aims to study Jupiter’s polar aurora using images obtained from the UVS instruments. Here we present the systematic analysis of one of the most spectacular features of Jupiter’s polar-most aurora, called the bright spot. The emitted power of the bright spots ranges from a few to a hundred GWs. Within a Juno perijove, the spots reappear at almost the same positions in system III. The time interval between two consecutive brightenings is a few tens of minutes, comparable to Jupiter’s X-ray pulsation. The comparison of the time interval with X-ray observation is under the investigation. Comparing the difference perijove sequences, the system III positions of bright spots in the northern hemisphere are concentrated in a region around 175 degrees of system III longitude and 65 degrees of latitude. On the other hand, the positions of bright spot aurora the southern hemisphere are scattered all around the pole. Previous studies suggested that the bright spot could correspond to noon facing magnetospheric cusp. However and surprisingly, we have discovered that the bright spots could map to any magnetic local time, putting this interpretation into question
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