70 research outputs found

    Design thinking as driver for innovation in the chemical industry

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    In a time of increasing market pressure, managers value innovations as a precious currency. While shifting the focus away from incremental innovations at the level of molecules, companies in the chemical industry should consider a more systematic approach to the development of ideas during the innovation processes. However, solely aligning all research activities with the upcoming megatrends for the industry is not sufficient. This article empirically demonstrates the strategic relevance of Design Thinking as a method to not only overcome typical barriers in the innovation process but also to guide stakeholders through all iterative stages required for innovation

    AbhÀngigkeit des Alpha-Rhythmus im EEG von Augenschluss, Objektvariablen und mentaler Aktivierung

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    Das EEG ist trotz der Weiterentwicklung anderer diagnostischer Verfahren wie MRT, CCT sowie PET-CT weiterhin das wichtigste apparative Verfahren in der Diagnostik von Epilepsien. Hierbei stellen Alpha-Wellen ein wichtiges Kriterium zur EEG-Analyse dar, weil sie schnell einen groben Überblick ĂŒber Physiologie bzw. Pathologie eines EEGs erlauben. Dennoch sind die ZusammenhĂ€nge des Auftretens und der QuantitĂ€t von Alpha-Wellen zum großen Teil bislang ungeklĂ€rt. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht vor allem die Beeinflussung der AusprĂ€gung des Alpha-Rhythmus im EEG durch verschiedenste visuelle Parameter. Es wird ein Test aus alternierenden Bildern entwickelt, der spezifische Parameter prĂŒft. Mittels der bipolaren EEG-Ableitungen T5-O1 sowie T6-O2 von 23 gesunden sowie 10 an einer non-lĂ€sionellen Epilepsie erkrankten Probanden werden wĂ€hrend der PrĂ€sentation visueller Stimuli Amplitude, Frequenz sowie spektrale Leistungsdichte erfasst. So wird der Einfluss der Parameter ObjektgrĂ¶ĂŸe, -farbe, -semantik bzw. –form, Kontrast, Lidschluss, Krankheitsstatus, mentale Aktivierung sowie Geschlecht auf die AusprĂ€gung des Alpha-Rhythmus analysiert. Eine Generation okzipitaler Alpha-Wellen ist auch bei geöffneten Augen bei Betrachtung eines homogen hellen Hintergrunds möglich. Es zeigt sich ein deutlicher Einfluss des Geschlechts sowie des Krankheitsstatus auf die AusprĂ€gung des Alpha-Rhythmus, wobei MĂ€nner Form-bezogene, Frauen jedoch Kontrast-bezogene Informationen stĂ€rker zu verarbeiten scheinen. An non-lĂ€sioneller Epilepsie erkrankte Probanden zeigen signifikant höhere Amplituden sowie niedrigere Frequenzen. Eine Variation der Farbe oder des Kontrasts haben wenig bis keinen Einfluss. Der semantische Inhalt scheint unbedeutend fĂŒr die AusprĂ€gung von Alpha-Wellen, jedoch zeigen unterschiedliche Formen deutliche Unterschiede. Eine mentale Aktivierung in Form von Rechenaufgaben im Zahlenraum bis 400 ruft eine deutliche Steigerung der AusprĂ€gung hervor

    Novel B(Ar')2(Ar'') hetero-tri(aryl)boranes: a systematic study of Lewis acidity

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    A series of homo- and hetero-tri(aryl)boranes incorporating pentafluorophenyl, 3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl, and pentachlorophenyl groups, four of which are novel species, have been studied as the acidic component of frustrated Lewis pairs for the heterolytic cleavage of H2. Under mild conditions eight of these will cleave H2; the rate of cleavage depending on both the electrophilicity of the borane and the steric bulk around the boron atom. Electrochemical studies allow comparisons of the electrophilicity with spectroscopic measurements of Lewis acidity for different series of boranes. Discrepancies in the correlation between these two types of measurements, combined with structural characterisation of each borane, reveal that the twist of the aryl rings with respect to the boron-centred trigonal plane is significant from both a steric and electronic perspective, and is an important consideration in the design of tri(aryl)boranes as Lewis acids

    Gold(I) Fluorohalides: Theory and Experiment

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    The anionic trifluoromethylgold(I) derivatives [CF3AuX]−, which have been prepared and isolated as their [PPh4]+ salts in good yield, undergo thermally induced difluorocarbene extrusion in the gas phase, giving rise to the mixed gold(I) fluorohalide complexes [F−Au−X]− (X=Cl, Br, I). These triatomic species have been detected by tandem mass spectrometry (MS2) experiments and their properties have been analyzed by DFT methods. The CF2 extrusion mechanism from the Au−CF3 moiety serves as a model for the CF2 insertion into the Au−F bond, since both reactivity channels are connected by the microreversibility principle

    Methoden und Analyse der technischen und psychoakustischen Schallemission pneumatischer Komponenten

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    Pneumatic drive technology is characterized by cost-efficiency and robustness. The major advantage lies in the realization of linear movements with medium-range force requirements. Due to the use of pressurized air as the medium of energy transport there is the inherent disadvantage of noise emission yet. Usually, the typical exhaust noise which is exciting the surrounding air volume is described as loud and annoying. This work intents to enhance the understanding and the analysis of this noise emission in order to optimize the perceived sound. Thus, it should be influenced to reach the statutory thresholds as well as the subjective noise perception without impairing the dynamic properties of the system. For this purpose, the relevant technical and psychoacoustic parameters and models are introduced and discussed firstly. Subsequently, the reasons for noise generation and possible transfer mechanism in pneumatic systems are derived and evaluated by the means of current noise reduction approaches. Based on those findings different methodologies for the analysis of pneumatic component and system noise emission are described, performed and validated. Besides analytical methods also numerical computational fluid dynamics, vibroacoustic analysis and measurements are conducted. Existing noise measurements standards build the foundation for the development of three different acoustic test bench designs. The measurements not only lead to the scientific knowledge gained but also validate the analytic and numerical approaches. Due to shown anomalies of certain measurement results an adapted model of the psychoacoustic parameter sharpness is developed and validated. Finally, the conducted methodologies are compared to each other in terms of applicability, efficiency and possible barriers for pneumatic noise assessment. Thus, this work provides a guideline for the systematic noise analysis of pneumatic components taking technical and psychoacoustic constraints into account

    Struktur und ReaktivitÀt von Verbindungen mit geminal positionierten Donor- und Akzeptoratomen

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    Waerder B. Struktur und ReaktivitÀt von Verbindungen mit geminal positionierten Donor- und Akzeptoratomen. Bielefeld; 2015

    On the origin and measurement of noise emission in pneumatics

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    Noise is a circumstance of ordinary life and mainly originated by continually growing dynamic and the rapid development of society. In the industrial environment there are noise-intensive parts that influence the condition of present operators negatively. Thus, measures of noise abatement have been investigated intensely by industrial companies as well as federal agencies. As a subdomain of fluid power pneumatics is especially known for characteristic noise emission by the use of air as power transmission. The transient decompression of air from pressure levels up to 8 bar and partly high flow rates nearby sonic speed cause the emergence of direct airborne noise at vent ports of pneumatic components. The following paper outlines the mechanisms that induce the emission of high sound pressure levels. In order to achieve reproducible results a test bench for varying pneumatic standard components is introduced. Based on a selection of those components results are compared to standardized measurement procedures whether fulfilling the standardizations’ requirements. In conclusion, two benefits are achieved. Firstly, standardization is derived enabling neutral comparison of standard pneumatic components’ noise emission. Secondly, the measures can be evaluated to determine the most promising way to redesign pneumatic components of lower noise emissions
