18 research outputs found

    Conservatism and adaptability during squirrel radiation : what is mandible shape telling us?

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    SYNTHESYS Project from the European Community Research Infrastructure (NL-TAF-4084)Both functional adaptation and phylogeny shape the morphology of taxa within clades. Herein we explore these two factors in an integrated way by analyzing shape and size variation in the mandible of extant squirrels using landmark-based geometric morphometrics in combination with a comparative phylogenetic analysis. Dietary specialization and locomotion were found to be reliable predictors of mandible shape, with the prediction by locomotion probably reflecting the underlying diet. In addition a weak but significant allometric effect could be demonstrated. Our results found a strong phylogenetic signal in the family as a whole as well as in the main clades, which is in agreement with the general notion of squirrels being a conservative group. This fact does not preclude functional explanations for mandible shape, but rather indicates that ancient adaptations kept a prominent role, with most genera having diverged little from their ancestral clade morphologies. Nevertheless, certain groups have evolved conspicuous adaptations that allow them to specialize on unique dietary resources. Such adaptations mostly occurred in the Callosciurinae and probably reflect their radiation into the numerous ecological niches of the tropical and subtropical forests of Southeastern Asia. Our dietary reconstruction for the oldest known fossil squirrels (Eocene, 36 million years ago) show a specialization on nuts and seeds, implying that the development from protrogomorphous to sciuromorphous skulls was not necessarily related to a change in diet

    Schultz’s unruly rule: Dental developmental sequences and schedules in small-bodied folivorous lemurs

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    Schultz’s rule (as reconstructed by Smith) states that there is a relationship between the pattern (or relative order) of eruption of molar versus secondary (replacement) teeth and the overall pace (or absolute timing) of growth and maturation. Species with ‘fast’ life histories (rapid dental development, rapid growth, early sexual maturation, short life spans) are said to exhibit relatively early eruption of the molars and late eruption of the secondary replacement teeth (premolars, canines, incisors), whereas species with ‘slow’ life histories are said to exhibit relatively late eruption of the molars and early eruption of the secondary dentition. In a recent review, B.H. Smith noted that primates with tooth combs might violate this rule because tooth combs tend to erupt early, regardless of the pace of life history. We show that exceptions to Schultz’s rule among lemurs are not limited to the relative timing of eruption of the tooth comb. Rather, among lemurs, some species with extremely accelerated dental development exhibit a pattern of eruption of molars and of secondary teeth in direct opposition to the expectations of Schultz’s rule. We focus particularly on the pattern (order) and pace (absolute timing) of dental development and eruption in Avahi and Lepilemur – two relatively small, nocturnal folivores with rapid dental development. These taxa differ markedly in their eruption sequences (the premolars erupt after M2 and M3 in Lepilemur but not Avahi ). We offer an explanation for the failure of Schultz’s rule to predict these differences. Schultz’s rule presumes that eruption timing is dependent on the size of the jaw and that, therefore, molar crown formation and eruption will be delayed in species with slow-growing jaws. We show that a variety of processes (including developmental imbrication) allows the crowns of permanent teeth to form and to erupt into jaws that might appear to be too small to accommodate them


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