596 research outputs found

    Unsteady CFD Analysis of a Delta Wing Fighter Configuration by Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation

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    While the flow physics of generic delta wings with sharp leading edges are largely understood, realistic configurations with rounded leading edges and canards are still of scientific and industrial interest. The goal of the presented study is the investigation of such a realistic delta wing configuration at 15° angle of attack and at high Reynolds number in comparison with detailed wind tunnel measurements. Former studies have shown the superior results of large and Detached-eddy simulations (DES) for delta wings in comparison with RANS computations. The original standard formulation of DES has shown the drawback of only grid based prediction of the boundary layer edge. To overcome this deficiency the technique of Delayed DES (DDES) was developed some years ago. This new model is based on a simple modification of the original formulation to provide a dependency of the RANS-LES switch on turbulent flow properties. The numerical DES and DDES results are compared with data from the TU Munich wind tunnel facility. Comparison of statistical data as well as velocity spectra in the flow field with experiments will be presented

    Nierenfunktionsverschlechterung nach Koronarangiographie bei Herztransplantierten

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    Es wurden Daten von 68 Herztransplantierten in Hinblick auf eine Nierenfunktionsverschlechterung nach Koronarangiographie ausgewertet, die zwischen August 1999 und Dezember 2007 am UniversitĂ€tsklinikum MĂŒnster transplantiert und nachbetreut wurden. Als Marker der Nierenfunktion wurde der Kreatinin-Wert ermittelt. Die Erfassung erfolgte zum Zeitpunkt der ersten Koronarangiographie nach Herztransplantation sowie nach 3 Monaten. Von 18 Patienten standen zusĂ€tzlich Kreatinin-Werte innerhalb von 24 bis 72 Stunden nach Kontrastmittelexposition zur VerfĂŒgung. Eine Nierenfunktionsverschlechterung nach 3 Monaten zeigten 8,8 % der Patienten. Aus der Subgruppe zeigten 16,7 % eine Nierenfunktionsverschlechterung im Sinne einer kontrastmittelinduzierten Nephropathie. Die Datenanalyse bestĂ€tigte, dass die in aktuellen Studien identifizierten Risikofaktoren die Wahrscheinlichkeit signifikant erhöhen, eine Nierenfunktionsverschlechterung zu entwickeln. Eine prophylaktische HĂ€modialyse ergab keinen Vorteil

    Potentielle ArbeitsproduktivitÀt und potentieller Arbeitseinsatz. 1. Teil: SchÀtzgrundlagen

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    "Nach den Versuchen im IAB, mit Hilfe der Methoden 'Analogieschluß' und 'systemtheoretische ZusammenhĂ€nge' die zukĂŒnftige Entwicklung der ArbeitsproduktivitĂ€t zu erfassen, wurde der Weg eingeschlagen, diese GrĂ¶ĂŸe auf Grundlage der volkswirtschaftlichen Produktionstheorie zu erklĂ€ren und zu prognostizieren, weil die zuerst genannten Methoden nur in SpezialfĂ€llen angewandt werden können. In der Abhandlung werden auf dieser Basis Verfahren zur ErklĂ€rung und Prognose der potentiellen ArbeitsproduktivitĂ€t, die sich aus der Produktion bei Vollauslastung der Produktionsanlagen und entsprechendem Arbeitseinsatz ergibt, entwickelt. Im einzelnen werden zunĂ€chst SchĂ€tzansĂ€tze fĂŒr die tatsĂ€chliche ProduktivitĂ€t auf zwei Wegen hergeleitet: einmal, ohne bestimmte Annahmen ĂŒber das ökonomische Unternehmerverhalten vorauszusetzen, zum anderen unter der Annahme der Gewinnmaximierung bzw. Kostenminimierung. Als Produktionsfunktionen werden die CES-Funktion und die Cobb-Douglas-Funktion herangezogen. Aus den geschĂ€tzten Funktionen fĂŒr die tatsĂ€chliche ProduktivitĂ€t werden sodann die AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr die potentielle ProduktivitĂ€t gewonnen. Bei der Weiterentwicklung dieser Verfahren sollen vor allem die Annahmen der Strukturkonstanz und der HomogenitĂ€t der Produktionsfaktoren ĂŒberwunden werden. Ein weiterer wesentlicher Schritt soll in der Ausarbeitung der vorliegenden AnsĂ€tze zu einem auch nachfrageorientierten lĂ€ngerfristigen Modell bestehen, in dem MarktverhĂ€ltnisse auf den Produkt- und FaktormĂ€rkten berĂŒcksichtigt werden."ArbeitsproduktivitĂ€t, Produktionstheorie, CES-Funktion, Cobb-Douglas-Funktion

    Complete Genome Sequences of a Clinical Isolate and an Environmental Isolate of Vibrio parahaemolyticus.

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    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is the leading cause of seafood-borne infections in the United States. We report complete genome sequences for two V. parahaemolyticus strains isolated in 2007, CDC_K4557 and FDA_R31 of clinical and oyster origin, respectively. These two sequences might assist in the investigation of differential virulence of this organism

    Simulation of Magnetohydrodynamic Effects on an Ionised Hypersonic Flow by Using the TAU Code

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    In the present investigation the DLR TAU code is extended to support future experimental investigations of magnetohydrodynamic effects in high temperature hypersonic flows. According to the conditions in the High Enthalpy Shock Tunnel Goettingen (HEG) the first steps in enhancing the TAU code are the implementation of a source term formulation of electromagnetic forces and the calculation of the electrical conductivity of air as a gas mixture in chemical non equilibrium. To verify the source term implementation a perfect gas study related to numerical simulations from Poggie and Gaitonde is conducted and shows reasonable agreement. Applied to the experimental conditions the model predicts a noticeable increase of the shock stand off distance

    Nondestructive Determination of Fruit Surface Area Using Archimedean Buoyancy

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    Estimates of fruit surface area are often required in physiological and technological studies. The objective was to establish a procedure to accurately quantify the fruit surface area based on Archimedean buoyancy measurements. The setup comprised a fixed, linear stepper motor mounted with its spindle vertical and aligned directly above the pan of an electronic balance. A fruit was clamped to the motor spindle and a beaker of water rested on the balance pan. When the motor was activated, the fruit was progressively immersed, stepwise, in the water. Each vertical displacement step increased the buoyant upthrust on the fruit, which was opposed by a corresponding increase in the downthrust on the balance. Pairs of the step displacement length (mm) and corresponding buoyancy increment (g) values were recorded in an MS Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, WA) spreadsheet using Arduino components. Each displacement step immersed another “virtual slice” of the fruit in the water. From each pair of known displacement–buoyancy measurements, the volume (mL) of that slice could be calculated with high precision based on the known density of the liquid (g·mL−1). With the fruit orientated so that its morphological “long” axis was vertical, for most fruitcrop species, the slice can be assumed to have a circular cross-section. Hence, the slice can be analyzed geometrically as a truncated cone of known height (mm) and known volume (mL). Therefore, the surface area of its outer face is calculable. The surface area of the whole fruit was calculated as the cumulative total of the surface areas of all steps (virtual slices). The procedure was evaluated and calibrated using stainless-steel spheres in place of the fruit. However, the measured surface area was slightly greater than that calculated for a sphere. The calculated and measured areas did not differ by more than 1.7%. The surface area determinations were highly reproducible (cv = 0.95%). The magnitude of the displacement steps affected the variability of the surface area measurements. Increasing the step displacements decreased the measurement variability, but there were no significant effects on the surface area measurements of the surface tension of the liquid or of the wettability of the surface of the fruit or the stainless-steel subject. Using stainless-steel spheres (diameter, 5–60 mm) or rubber truncated cones (mean diameter, 8–45 mm) revealed an excellent agreement between the measured and calculated surface areas. Using tomatoes, grapes, blueberries, and strawberries, the measured surface areas were in excellent agreement with those calculated from the fruit dimensions and appropriate geometrical assumptions. The results demonstrate that the surface areas of fruit with approximately circular cross-sections normal to their morphological axes can be determined with high accuracy and reproducibility using Archimedean buoyancy

    Dirk Van Hulle, Modern Manuscripts: The Extended Mind and Creative Undoing from Darwin to Beckett and Beyond, New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2014, 271 p.

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    Modern Manuscripts propose un mode de rĂ©flexion environnemental et Ă©nactiviste. Un article novateur en Ă©tudes cognitives de Andy Clark et David J. Chalmers, auquel l’ouvrage de Hulle doit la premiĂšre partie de son sous-titre, soutient que « les processus cognitifs ne prennent pas exclusivement place “dans” la tĂȘte, mais dans une constante interaction avec un environnement externe » (p. 1). Les thĂ©ories antĂ©rieures de l’environnement avaient au contraire tendance Ă  mettre l’accent sur l’impact..

    Low-cost and automated phenotyping system “Phenomenon” for multi-sensor in situ monitoring in plant in vitro culture

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    Background: The current development of sensor technologies towards ever more cost-effective and powerful systems is steadily increasing the application of low-cost sensors in different horticultural sectors. In plant in vitro culture, as a fundamental technique for plant breeding and plant propagation, the majority of evaluation methods to describe the performance of these cultures are based on destructive approaches, limiting data to unique endpoint measurements. Therefore, a non-destructive phenotyping system capable of automated, continuous and objective quantification of in vitro plant traits is desirable. Results: An automated low-cost multi-sensor system acquiring phenotypic data of plant in vitro cultures was developed and evaluated. Unique hardware and software components were selected to construct a xyz-scanning system with an adequate accuracy for consistent data acquisition. Relevant plant growth predictors, such as projected area of explants and average canopy height were determined employing multi-sensory imaging and various developmental processes could be monitored and documented. The validation of the RGB image segmentation pipeline using a random forest classifier revealed very strong correlation with manual pixel annotation. Depth imaging by a laser distance sensor of plant in vitro cultures enabled the description of the dynamic behavior of the average canopy height, the maximum plant height, but also the culture media height and volume. Projected plant area in depth data by RANSAC (random sample consensus) segmentation approach well matched the projected plant area by RGB image processing pipeline. In addition, a successful proof of concept for in situ spectral fluorescence monitoring was achieved and challenges of thermal imaging were documented. Potential use cases for the digital quantification of key performance parameters in research and commercial application are discussed. Conclusion: The technical realization of “Phenomenon” allows phenotyping of plant in vitro cultures under highly challenging conditions and enables multi-sensory monitoring through closed vessels, ensuring the aseptic status of the cultures. Automated sensor application in plant tissue culture promises great potential for a non-destructive growth analysis enhancing commercial propagation as well as enabling research with novel digital parameters recorded over time
