45 research outputs found

    Willow short-rotation production systems in Canada and Northern United States: A review

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    Willow short rotation coppice (SRC) systems are becoming an attractive practice because they are a sustainable system fulfilling multiple ecological objectives with significant environmental benefits. A sustainable supply of bioenergy feedstock can be produced by willow on marginal land using well-adapted or tolerant cultivars. Across Canada and northern U.S.A., there are millions of hectares of available degraded land that have the potential for willow SRC biomass production, with a C sequestration potential capable of offsetting appreciable amount of anthropogenic green-house gas emissions. A fundamental question concerning 1 sustainable SRC willow yields was whether long-term soil productivity is maintained within a multi-rotation SRC system, given the rapid growth rate and associated nutrient exports offsite when harvesting the willow biomass after repeated short rotations. Based on early results from the first willow SRC rotation, it was found willow systems are relatively low nutrient-demanding, with minimal nutrient output other than in harvested biomass. The overall aim of this manuscript is to summarize the literature and present findings and data from ongoing research trials across Canada and northern U.S.A. examining willow SRC system establishment and viability. The research areas of interest presented here are the crop production of willow SRC systems, above- and below-ground biomass dynamics and the C budget, comprehensive soil-willow system nutrient budget, and soil nutrient amendments (via fertilization) in willow SRC systems. Areas of existing research gaps were also identified for the Canadian context

    The near-infrared imager and slitless spectrograph for the James Webb Space Telescope. II. Wide field slitless spectroscopy

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    We acknowledge support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) through a variety of its funding programs. This work is in part supported by Canadian Space Agency grant 18JWSTGTO1. C.P., S.R. and K.V. are supported by the Canadian Space Agency under a contract with NRC Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics. K.M. acknowledges funding by the Science and Technology Foundation of Portugal (FCT), grants No. IF/00194/2015, PTDC/FIS-AST/28731/2017, UIDB/00099/2020.We present the wide field slitless spectroscopy mode of the NIRISS instrument on the James Webb Space Telescope. This mode employs two orthogonal low-resolution (resolving power ≈150) grisms in combination with a set of six blocking filters in the wavelength range 0.8–2.3 μm to provide a spectrum of almost every source across the field-of-view. When combined with the low background, high sensitivity and high spatial resolution afforded by the telescope, this mode will enable unprecedented studies of the structure and evolution of distant galaxies. We describe the performance of the as-built hardware relevant to this mode and expected imaging and spectroscopic sensitivity. We discuss operational and calibration procedures to obtain the highest quality data. As examples of the observing mode usage, we present details of two planned Guaranteed Time Observations programs: The Canadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey and The NIRISS Survey for Young Brown Dwarfs and Rogue Planets.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Maternal tobacco smoking and offspring autism spectrum disorder or traits in ECHO cohorts

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    Given inconsistent evidence on preconception or prenatal tobacco use and offspring autism spectrum disorder (ASD), this study assessed associations of maternal smoking with ASD and ASD-related traits. Among 72 cohorts in the Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes consortium, 11 had ASD diagnosis and prenatal tobaccosmoking (n = 8648). and 7 had Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) scores of ASD traits (n = 2399). Cohorts had diagnoses alone (6), traits alone (2), or both (5). Diagnoses drew from parent/caregiver report, review of records, or standardized instruments. Regression models estimated smoking-related odds ratios (ORs) for diagnoses and standardized mean differences for SRS scores. Cohort-specific ORs were meta-analyzed. Overall, maternal smoking was unassociated with child ASD (adjusted OR, 1.08; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.72–1.61). However, heterogeneity across studies was strong: preterm cohorts showed reduced ASD risk for exposed children. After excluding preterm cohorts (biased by restrictions on causal intermediate and exposure opportunity) and small cohorts (very few ASD cases in either smoking category), the adjusted OR for ASD from maternal smoking was 1.44 (95% CI, 1.02–2.03). Children of smoking (versus non-smoking) mothers had more ASD traits (SRS T-score + 2.37 points, 95% CI, 0.73–4.01 points), with results homogeneous across cohorts. Maternal preconception/prenatal smoking was consistently associated with quantitative ASD traits and modestly associated with ASD diagnosis among sufficiently powered United States cohorts of non-preterm children. Limitations resulting from self-reported smoking and unmeasured confounders preclude definitive conclusions. Nevertheless, counseling on potential and known risks to the child from maternal smoking is warranted for pregnant women and pregnancy planners. Lay Summary: Evidence on the association between maternal prenatal smoking and the child's risk for autism spectrum disorder has been conflicting, with some studies reporting harmful effects, and others finding reduced risks. Our analysis of children in the ECHO consortium found that maternal prenatal tobacco smoking is consistently associated with an increase in autism-related symptoms in the general population and modestly associated with elevated risk for a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder when looking at a combined analysis from multiple studies that each included both pre- and full-term births. However, this study is not proof of a causal connection. Future studies to clarify the role of smoking in autism-like behaviors or autism diagnoses should collect more reliable data on smoking and measure other exposures or lifestyle factors that might have confounded our results

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    Growth, Survival, and Yields of 30 Short-Rotation Willow Cultivars on the Canadian Prairies: 2nd Rotation Implications

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    Willow biomass yields from short-rotation coppice bioenergy systems have been reported across multiple rotations in Europe, USA, and eastern Canada, but data are lacking for the Canadian Prairies. The goal of this study was to evaluate the second rotation biomass yields and stem growth for 30 willow cultivars established in Saskatchewan, Canada in 2007, and coppiced at the end of the first growing season. Detailed stem measurements were collected and all biomass was harvested at the end of the 2010 (first rotation data) and 2013 (second rotation data) growing seasons. The average 3-year cumulative biomass production across all cultivars was 8.1 oven-dry (OD) Mg ha−1 in the second rotation (ranging from 0.6 to 21.3 OD Mg ha−1). The three highest yielding cultivars were Taberg, Tully Champion, and Otisco, with annual production of 6.4–7.1 OD Mg ha−1 year−1 in biomass, which was an increase by 12–44% from the first rotation, and more than double the average for all 30 cultivars (2.7 OD Mg ha−1 year−1), and had an average stool-within-plot survival rate of 81–94%. The 20 lowest clones suffered from higher mortality, which resulted in lower biomass production in the second rotation. These data suggest that the top 10 willow cultivars have a promising potential as a bioenergy source, but more data are needed from the third and successive rotations before a sustainable biomass industry could be established in the Canadian Prairies