110 research outputs found

    Hindu Spirituality in Religion and Drama.

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    A Zenonian Argument against Plurality

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    The two surviving fragments of this argument make up between them some 75% of all that has come down to us of Zeno\u27s original treatise. On this one ground, if on no other, they have a high claim on the attention of anyone interested in becoming acquainted with the authentic Zeno. The problems they present are great but, one may hope, not insuperable

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    Socratic Piety

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    From Craft to Nature: The Emergence of Natural Teleology

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    A teleological explanation is an explanation in terms of an end or a purpose. So saying that ‘X came about for the sake of Y’ is a teleological account of X. It is a striking feature of ancient Greek philosophy that many thinkers accepted that the world should be explained in this way. However, before Aristotle, teleological explanations of the cosmos were generally based on the idea that it had been created by a divine intelligence. If an intelligent power made the world, then it makes sense that it did so with a purpose in mind, so grasping this purpose will help us understand the world. This is the pattern of teleological explanation that we find in the Presocratics and in Plato. However, with Aristotle teleology underwent a change: instead of thinking that the ends were explanatory because a mind had sought to bring them about, Aristotle took the ends to operate in natural beings independently of the efforts of any creative intelligence. Indeed, he thought that his predecessors had failed to understand what was distinctive of nature, namely, that its ends work from the inside of natural beings themselves