25 research outputs found

    From Sustainability-as-usual to Sustainability Excellence in Local Bioenergy Business

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    Bioenergy business operators can significantly contribute to the sustainability of bioenergy systems. While research has addressed the maturity of corporate responsibility for sustainability, the maturity levels of bioenergy business have not been determined. The objectives of this research were to characterise the maturity levels of bioenergy corporate responsibility for sustainability and outline an approach by which companies can operate at the most mature sustainability excellence level. Literature, three workshops attended by bioenergy experts and a case study on biobutanol production in Brazil were used to develop the maturity model and approach. The results characterise the profitability, acceptability, and sustainability orientation maturity levels through sustainability questions and methods, and list the components of a systemic, holistic approach. Although the shift of business mindset from sustainability-as-usual to sustainability excellence is challenging, a systemic approach is necessary to broadly identify sustainability questions and a multitude of methods by which they can be answered

    Orgaaniset haitta-aineet puhdistamolietteissÀ

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    Paine lietteen hyvĂ€ksikĂ€yttöön maataloudessa on lisÀÀntymĂ€ssĂ€. YhdyskuntajĂ€tevedenpuhdistamojen lietteet sisĂ€ltĂ€vĂ€t paljon ravinteita varsinkin fosforia, minkĂ€ vuoksi niillĂ€ voidaan korvata epĂ€orgaanisia lannoitteita. Aiemmin lietteiden kĂ€yttöÀ lannoitustarkoituksessa rajoitti ennen kaikkea niiden sisĂ€ltĂ€mĂ€t raskasmetallit, mutta nykyÀÀn nĂ€mĂ€ pitoisuudet Suomessa alittavat raja-arvot. TĂ€mĂ€n lisĂ€ksi liete saattaa sisĂ€ltÀÀ myös huomattavan mÀÀrĂ€n eri lĂ€hteistĂ€ perĂ€isin olevia pysyviĂ€ orgaanisia yhdisteitĂ€. TĂ€llaisia ovat mm. erilaiset palonestoaineet, pintakĂ€sittelyaineet, muovin pehmentimet, erilaiset lÀÀkeaineet sekĂ€ kosmetiikan sisĂ€ltĂ€mĂ€t yhdisteet. Lietteille tai niistĂ€ jalostetuille orgaanisille lannoitevalmisteille ei vielĂ€ ole asetettu ohje- tai raja-arvoja haitallisten tai pysyvien orgaanisten yhdisteiden suhteen. LietteessĂ€ esiintyvistĂ€ lukuisista yhdisteiden joidenkin on myös havaittu kertyvĂ€n maaperÀÀn ja sieltĂ€ edelleen kasveihin tai eliöihin. TĂ€ssĂ€ selvityksessĂ€ tarkasteltiin kirjallisuustietojen perusteella erilaisten haitallisten aineiden esiintymistĂ€ yhdyskuntien puhdistamolietteissĂ€ lĂ€hinnĂ€ Suomessa ja muissa pohjoismaissa. Lietteiden turvallisen hyötykĂ€ytön arvioimiseksi tarvitaan nykyistĂ€ laajempaa tietoa erilaisten yhdisteiden esiintymisestĂ€ ja kĂ€yttĂ€ytymisestĂ€ jĂ€tevedenpuhdistamolietteissĂ€ sekĂ€ niistĂ€ lannoitevalmisteiksi tai maanparannusaineiksi jalostetuissa lopputuotteissa. Selvityksen perusteella etenkin dioksiinien (PCDD/F), polykloorattujen bifenyylien (PCB), dioksiinien kaltaisten polykloorattujen bifenyylien (DL-PCB), heksabromisyklododekaanin (HBCD), polyaromaattisten hiilivetyjen (PAH), polybromattujen difenyyliettereiden (PBDE), PFAS -ryhmĂ€n yhdisteistĂ€ perfluorioktaanisulfonaatin (PFOS) sekĂ€ erĂ€iden PPCP – (Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products) yhdisteiden (triklosaani, sitalopraami ja diklofenaakki) havaittiin pidĂ€ttyvĂ€n melko tehokkaasti sekĂ€ lietteeseen ettĂ€ maaperĂ€n pintakerrokseen

    Greenhouse gas observation network design for Africa

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    An optimal network design was carried out to prioritise the installation or refurbishment of greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring stations around Africa. The network was optimised to reduce the uncertainty in emissions across three of the most important GHGs: CO2, CH4, and N2O. Optimal networks were derived using incremental optimisation of the percentage uncertainty reduction achieved by a Gaussian Bayesian atmospheric inversion. The solution for CO2 was driven by seasonality in net primary productivity. The solution for N2O was driven by activity in a small number of soil flux hotspots. The optimal solution for CH4 was consistent over different seasons. All solutions for CO2 and N2O placed sites in central Africa at places such as Kisangani, Kinshasa and Bunia (Democratic Republic of Congo), Dundo and Lubango (Angola), ZoĂ©tĂ©lĂ© (Cameroon), Am Timan (Chad), and En Nahud (Sudan). Many of these sites appeared in the CH4 solutions, but with a few sites in southern Africa as well, such as Amersfoort (South Africa). The multi-species optimal network design solutions tended to have sites more evenly spread-out, but concentrated the placement of new tall-tower stations in Africa between 10ÂșN and 25ÂșS. The uncertainty reduction achieved by the multi-species network of twelve stations reached 47.8% for CO2, 34.3% for CH4, and 32.5% for N2O. The gains in uncertainty reduction diminished as stations were added to the solution, with an expected maximum of less than 60%. A reduction in the absolute uncertainty in African GHG emissions requires these additional measurement stations, as well as additional constraint from an integrated GHG observatory and a reduction in uncertainty in the prior biogenic fluxes in tropical Africa

    Haitallisten orgaanisten yhdisteiden esiintyminen yhdyskuntajÀtevedenpuhdistamoilla ja kaatopaikoilla

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    Kemikaalien riskinhallinnan tavoitteena on tunnistaa markkinoilla olevista tuhansista kemikaaleista ennakolta sellaiset aineet, jotka voivat aiheuttaa haittaa ympÀristössÀ, sekÀ varmistaa, ettÀ niiden kÀyttö on riskitöntÀ. Haitallisten aineiden riskinhallinnan ongelmana ovat puutteelliset tiedot aineiden ominaisuuksista, kÀytöstÀ, pÀÀstöistÀ sekÀ esiintymisestÀ ympÀristössÀ. Kansallisen vaarallisia kemikaaleja koskevan ohjelman yhtenÀ tavoitteena on parantaa tÀtÀ tietopohjaa. Kartoituksella saatiin tietoa yhdyskuntajÀteveden ja -lietteen sekÀ kaatopaikkojen suotoveden sisÀltÀmistÀ kemikaaleista. Kartoitus painottui POP-yhdisteisiin ja vaarallisten aineiden asetuksen mukaisiin haitallisiin ja vaarallisiin aineisiin. Useita tutkittuja aineita pÀÀtyy vesiympÀristöön puhdistetun yhdyskuntajÀteveden kautta, mutta vielÀ useampia aineita kaatopaikkojen suotoveden kautta. LisÀksi monia aineita löytyy puhdistamolietteestÀ. JohtopÀÀtösten tekemistÀ vaikeuttaa suomalaisen mitatun pitoisuustiedon vÀhÀisyys ja huono vertailukelpoisuus johtuen mm. erilaisista analyysimenetelmistÀ ja mÀÀritysrajoista, mitatuista isomeereistÀ tai siitÀ, ettÀ tulokset on raportoitu liian yleisellÀ tasolla. Vaarallisten aineiden riskinhallinnassa pyritÀÀn pintaveden ympÀristönlaatunormien alittumisen lisÀksi siihen, ettÀ niiden pÀÀstöt ympÀristöön loppuvat ja niitÀ ei löydetÀ ympÀristöstÀ. Vastaavasti haitallisten aineiden riskinhallinnassa tavoitteena on pintaveden ympÀristönlaatunormien alittumisen lisÀksi se, ettÀ niiden pÀÀstöt vesiympÀristöön vÀhentyvÀt. TÀmÀ selvitys on edistÀnyt kansallisen kemikaaliohjelman altistumiseen liittyviÀ toimenpiteitÀ. Seuraava vaihe toimenpiteiden toteuttamisessa on pÀÀstömÀÀrien arviointi koko Suomen tasolla yhdyskuntajÀtevedenpuhdistamoilta ja kaatopaikoilta

    Opportunities for an African greenhouse gas observation system

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    Global population projections foresee the biggest increase to occur in Africa with most of the available uncultivated land to ensure food security remaining on the continent. Simultaneously, greenhouse gas emissions are expected to rise due to ongoing land use change, industrialisation, and transport amongst other reasons with Africa becoming a major emitter of greenhouse gases globally. However, distinct knowledge on greenhouse gas emissions sources and sinks as well as their variability remains largely unknown caused by its vast size and diversity and an according lack of observations across the continent. Thus, an environmental research infrastructure—as being setup in other regions—is more needed than ever. Here, we present the results of a design study that developed a blueprint for establishing such an environmental research infrastructure in Africa. The blueprint comprises an inventory of already existing observations, the spatial disaggregation of locations that will enable to reduce the uncertainty in climate forcing’s in Africa and globally as well as an overall estimated cost for such an endeavour of about 550 M€ over the next 30 years. We further highlight the importance of the development of an e-infrastructure, the necessity for capacity development and the inclusion of all stakeholders to ensure African ownership

    The Integrated Carbon Observation System in Europe

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    Since 1750, land-use change and fossil fuel combustion has led to a 46% increase in the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations, causing global warming with substantial societal consequences. The Paris Agreement aims to limit global temperature increases to well below 2 degrees C above preindustrial levels. Increasing levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gases (GH6s), such as methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), in the atmosphere are the primary cause of climate change. Approximately half of the carbon emissions to the atmosphere are sequestered by ocean and land sinks, leading to ocean acidification but also slowing the rate of global warming. However, there are significant uncertainties in the future global warming scenarios due to uncertainties in the size, nature, and stability of these sinks. Quantifying and monitoring the size and timing of natural sinks and the impact of climate change on ecosystems are important information to guide policy-makers' decisions and strategies on reductions in emissions. Continuous, long-term observations are required to quantify GHG emissions, sinks, and their impacts on Earth systems. The Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) was designed as the European in situ observation and information system to support science and society in their efforts to mitigate climate change. It provides standardized and open data currently from over 140 measurement stations across 12 European countries. The stations observe GHG concentrations in the atmosphere and carbon and GHG fluxes between the atmosphere, land surface, and the oceans. This article describes how ICOS fulfills its mission to harmonize these observations, ensure the related long-term financial commitments, provide easy access to well-documented and reproducible high-quality data and related protocols and tools for scientific studies, and deliver information and GHG-related products to stakeholders in society and policy.Peer reviewe

    Photochemical Mineralization of Terrigenous DOC to Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in Ocean

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    When terrigenous dissolved organic carbon (tDOC) rich in chromophoric dissolved organic matter (tCDOM) enters the ocean, solar radiation mineralizes it partially into dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). This study addresses the amount and the rates of DIC photoproduction from tDOC and the area of ocean required to photomineralize tDOC. We collected water samples from 10 major rivers, mixed them with artificial seawater, and irradiated them with simulated solar radiation to measure DIC photoproduction and the photobleaching of tCDOM. The linear relationship between DIC photoproduction and tCDOM photobleaching was used to estimate the amount of photoproduced DIC from the tCDOM fluxes of the study rivers. Solar radiation was estimated to mineralize 12.5 +/- 3.7 Tg C yr(-1) (10 rivers)(-1) or 18 +/- 8% of tDOC flux. The irradiation experiments also approximated typical apparent spectral quantum yields for DIC photoproduction (phi(lambda)) over the entire lifetime of the tCDOM. Based on phi(lambda)s and the local solar irradiances in river plumes, the annual areal DIC photoproduction rates from tDOC were calculated to range from 52 +/- 4 (Lena River) to 157 +/- 2 mmol C m(-2) yr(-1) (Mississippi River). When the amount of photoproduced DIC was divided by the areal rate, 9.6 +/- 2.5 x 10(6) km(2) of ocean was required for the photomineralization of tDOC from the study rivers. Extrapolation to the global tDOC flux yields 45 (31-58) Tg of photoproduced DIC per year in the river plumes that cover 34 (25-43) x 10(6) km(2) of the ocean.Peer reviewe

    Linking water and carbon cycles : modeling latent heat exchange and dissolved organic carbon

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    Water and carbon cycles of the Earth are tightly linked to each other. One linkage of these cycles is through the water use efficiency of photosynthetic production its interactions with drought, and its possible changes. A second linkage between the water and carbon cycles: the transport of terrestrial carbon as dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to aquatic ecosystems has received much less attention and is, therefore, the subject of this thesis. The thesis shows that latent heat exchange in boreal and arctic biomes differs, under similar climatic conditions, between different land cover types in the boreal and arctic climatic zones. Furthermore, we found that there are large differences in the way ecosystems are exchanging water in the winter and the summer. Winter time surface resistances were much higher and the transition between the winter and summer phenological stages was slow. Similarly, stream water DOC concentrations show high temporal and spatial variability between different catchments in boreal landscapes and globally between big river systems. The model, developed here and applied to a boreal catchment simulates stream water DOC concentrations as a function of catchment water storage, soil temperature and runoff. The model is parsimonious, i.e. all parameters could be estimated statistically and it its performed better than previous models for the 18 partially nested sub-catchments of the Kryckland research area. Finally, the contribution of terrestrial DOC promoting heterotrophic food webs in coastal waters was quantified after receiving a radiation dose corresponding UV-radiation absorbed by Earth s surface in a month. Irradiation removed approximately half from the initial terrestrial chromophoric dissolved organic matter (tCDOM) suggesting that sun-light induced photochemistry is a significant sink of tCDOM in coastal waters. Tropical rainforest covered large basins of Amazon and Congo Rivers contributed the highest production of biologically labile photoproducts (BLPs) and the highest tCDOM fluxes of investigated rivers, which might be linked to large water fluxes and carbon sequestration in their basins. A strong relationship between photobleaching of tCDOM and bacterial production based on bioavailable labile photoproducts (BLPs) was found and used to estimate BLP production globally. Extrapolation of production revealed that the majority of tDOC will be mineralized to CO2 either directly or through bacterial respiration in coastal waters. In these research articles, I have investigated biogeochemical cycles of water and carbon focusing to latent heat exchange and DOC dynamics in landscapes, as well as, in coastal waters, describing their variability across space and time.Veden hydrologinen kierto ja globaalistikin tÀrkeÀt alkuaineiden kierrot kuten hiilenkierto liittyvÀt kiinteÀsti toisiinsa. Yksi merkittÀvimmistÀ sidoksista vesi- ja hiilivoiden voiden vÀlillÀ on fotosynteettisen tuotannon vedenkÀytön tehokkuus ja sen merkitys mm. kuivuudelle. Toinen merkittÀvÀ sidos veden- ja hiilenkierron vÀlillÀ on maaekosysteemien fotosynteettistÀ alkuperÀÀ olevan liuenneen, vÀrillisen orgaanisen hiilen kulkeutuminen vesiekosysteemeihin, joissa se vaikuttaa suuresti mm. perustuotannon edellytyksiin ja sitÀ kautta ihmiseen asti ulottuvien ravintoverkkojen toimintaan. TÀssÀ työssÀ pyrittiin mallintamisen avulla selvittÀmÀÀn, miten pohjoisella havumetsÀvyöhykkeellÀ vallitseva kasvillisuuspeite vaikuttaa haihduntaan sekÀ virtavesiin pÀÀtyvÀn liuenneen orgaanisen aineen mÀÀrÀÀn. Tutkimuksessa kÀytettiin pÀÀosin vapaasti saatavilla olevia FLUXNET-tietokannan mikrometeorologisia aineistoja, jotka kattavat valtaosan pohjoisesta havumetsÀvyöhykkeestÀ. LisÀksi hyödynnettiin aikaisemmin julkaistuja tuloksia virtavesien liuenneen orgaanisen hiilen pitoisuuksista intensiivisesti monitoroidulta tutkimusalueelta Ruotsista. TyössÀ osoitettiin, ettÀ havumetsÀvyöhykkeellÀ ja arktisilla alueilla latenttiin lÀmmönvaihtoon eli veden haihduntaan vaikuttaa samallakin ilmastovyöhykkeellÀ suuresti vallitseva metsÀ- tai kasvillisuustyyppi. Esimerkiksi mallinnettu tundratyyppisen kasvillisuuden haihdunta oli vain puolet lehtimetsÀn haihdunnasta. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös huomattavia kesÀn ja talven vÀlisiÀ eroja tavassa, jolla ekosysteemit kÀyttÀvÀt vettÀ. Sopeutuminen talveen aiheutti kasvillisuudessa ilmarakojen toimintaan liittyviÀ fysiologisia muutoksia, jonka johdosta talvi- ja kesÀtilan vÀliset erot olivat suuria. Siirtyminen talvitilasta kesÀnaikaiseen fysiologiseen tilaan, jossa haihdunta oli suurinta, tapahtui hitaammin kuin yhteyttÀmiselle on aikaisemmin raportoitu. Muutoksen nopeus vaihteli kasvillisuus- ja metsÀtyypeittÀin ja tapahtui keskimÀÀrin nopeammin tundra- ja suokasvillisuuden dominoimissa ympÀristöissÀ kuin havupuu- ja lehtimetsissÀ. HavumetsÀvyöhykkeen valuma-alueilla ja virtavesissÀ oli suurta ajallista ja paikallista vaihtelua liuenneen orgaanisen hiilen pitoisuuksissa. TÀssÀ työssÀ kehitettiin hydrologian ja liuenneen orgaanisen hiilen pitoisuudet yhdistÀvÀ malli, jota sovellettiin boreaaliselle valuma-alueelle simuloimaan virtaveden liuenneen orgaanisen hiilen pitoisuuksia. NÀitÀ pitoisuuksia tarkasteltiin suhteessa valuma-alueen vesivarastoon, maaperÀn lÀmpötilaan ja jokien virtaamaan. Malli on pelkistetty kuvaus fysikaalisesta ympÀristöstÀ, ja sen parametrit voidaan ratkaista yksinkertaisilla tilastollisilla menetelmillÀ. Yksinkertaisuudestaan huolimatta se kuvasi tutkimuksessa kÀytettyjÀ 18 metsÀistÀ osavaluma-aluetta paremmin kuin aiemmin kÀytetyt mallit. MaaekosysteemeistÀ perÀisin olevan liuenneen orgaanisen hiilen merkitystÀ toisenvaraisille rannikkovesien ravintoverkoille arvioitiin sen jÀlkeen, kun se oli alistettu UV-sÀteilylle, jonka mÀÀrÀ vastasi maan pinnan kuukaudessa vastaanottamaa sÀteilyannosta. Tutkitut jokivesinÀytteet kattoivat kymmenen maapallon suurimpiin lukeutuvaa jokea. Niiden valunta integroi viiden mantereen maaekosysteemien liuenneen orgaanisen hiilen kulkeutumisen valtameriin, ja ne kuljettavat 33 % kaikkien jokien kuljettamasta makeasta vedestÀ. Kokeellinen sÀteilytys hajotti keskimÀÀrin puolet vÀrillisestÀ liuenneesta orgaanisesta hiilestÀ, mikÀ viittaa siihen, ettÀ auringonvalon aiheuttamat valokemialliset reaktiot ovat merkittÀvÀ vÀrillisen liuenneen orgaanisen hiilen nielu rannikkovesissÀ. Trooppisten sademetsien kattamat laajat alueet Amazon- ja Kongo- jokien valuma-alueilla ilmeisesti vaikuttivat biologisesti kÀyttökelpoisten, valokemiallisesti tuotettujen yhdisteiden suuriin tuotantomÀÀriin ja siten suuriin liuenneen vÀrillisen hiilen voihin nÀillÀ globaalisti tÀrkeillÀ joilla. Tulosten taustalla saattaa olla tekijöitÀ, jotka kytkeytyvÀt suureen hiilen sidontaan valuma-alueella ja toisaalta jokien suuriin virtaamiin. MaaekosysteemeistÀ perÀisin olevan vÀrillisen liuenneen orgaanisen hiilen valohaalistumisen ja valokemiallisesti tuotettuihin biologisesti kÀyttökelpoisiin substraatteihin perustuvan bakteerituotannon vÀlillÀ havaittiin voimakas riippuvuussuhde. TÀtÀ suhdetta hyvÀksikÀyttÀmÀllÀ arvioitiin valokemiallisesti tuotettujen biologisesti kÀyttökelpoisten yhdisteiden maailmanlaajuista tuotantoa. Tutkimus paljasti, ettÀ suurin osa vÀrillisestÀ liuenneesta orgaanisesta hiilestÀ mineralisoituu rannikkovesissÀ hiilidioksidiksi joko suoraan tai bakteerihengityksen kautta

    Assessing the climate impacts of oat straw as a raw material

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    Straw is an interesting renewable feedstock for various high-value products, such as textile fibers. However, straw encompass to soils maintains a good soil structure, fertility, and carbon storage. Despite the availability of previous research on this topic, uncertainties remain regarding the climate and soil impacts of straw collection. This study aims to show the carbon footprint (CF) of straw collection compared with that of soil encompass. The goal is to demonstrate uncertainties related to initial data and methodological assumptions on whether straw is regarded as a waste or a coproduct and illustrate where more measured data is needed. Life cycle assessment method was used to conduct this study and the data therein were gotten from literature. The results show that straw removal can lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions in comparison to soil encompass because of reduced nitrogen fertilizing needs and subsequent N2O emissions. However, there is high uncertainty related to soil organic carbon (SOC) and N2O emission changes because of straw removal. It is also possible that greenhouse gas emissions increase due to straw removal. Straw seems to have a relatively low CF, especially when it is regarded as a waste. Coproduct interpretation significantly increases the emissions allocated for straw. Straw also stores carbon, and its total CF can be negative. The life cycle length of the straw-based end products determines how long carbon can be stored before it is released back into the atmosphere. Total greenhouse gas emission balance at a system level can be defined only when also straw refining and manufacturing of replaced final products are considered. Additional information is needed, especially on soil emissions (N2O and CH4) and impacts on SOC storage, to ensure the sustainability of straw-based products

    The effect of iron on the biodegradation of natural dissolved organic matter

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    Iron (Fe) may alter the biodegradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM), by interacting with DOM, phosphorus (P), and microbes. We isolated DOM and a bacterial community from boreal lake water and examined bacterial growth on DOM in laboratory experiments. Fe was introduced either together with DOM (DOM-Fe) or into bacterial suspension, which led to the formation of insoluble Fe precipitates on bacterial surfaces (Fe coating). In the latter case, the density of planktonic bacteria was an order of magnitude lower than that in the corresponding treatment without introduced Fe. The association of Fe with DOM decreased bacterial growth, respiration, and growth efficiency compared with DOM alone at the ambient concentration of dissolved P (0.16 ”mol L−1), indicating that DOM-associated Fe limited the bioavailability of P. Under a high concentration (21 ”mol L−1) of P, bacterial biomass and respiration were similar or several times higher in the treatment where DOM was associated with Fe than in a corresponding treatment without Fe. Based on the next generation sequencing of 16S rRNA genes, Caulobacter dominated bacterial communities grown on DOM-Fe. This study demonstrated that association of Fe with a bacterial surface or P reduces bacterial growth and the consumption of DOM. In contrast, DOM-Fe is bioavailable and bound Fe can even stimulate bacterial growth on DOM when P is not limiting.peerReviewe