713 research outputs found

    Consum de productes de les màquines de vending i hàbits alimentaris entre els estudiants de la Universitat de Vic

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    Introducció: Entre els comportaments alimentaris que poden contribuir a una ingesta dietètica inadequada hi ha el consum d’aliments de conveniència, aliments que es caracteritzen per ser d’elevat contingut calòric, riquesa en greixos saturats i sucres. Les màquines de vending són un dels principals exemples de disponibilitat d’aliments de conveniència. Objectius: Avaluar entre els estudiants de la Universitat de Vic (UVic) els hàbits de consum de productes de les màquines de vending i estudiar les característiques generals dels seus hàbits alimentaris. Materials i mètodes: Enquesta realitzada a 253 estudiants de la UVic durant el curs 07/08. Resultats: Un 72.7% dels enquestats consumeixen productes de les Màquines Expenedores d’Aliments i Begudes (MEAB), fonamentalment com a complement dels àpats i un 63.8% dels enquestats refereix que els agradaria rebre informació nutricional sobre els productes ofertats. Els hàbits alimentaris dels estudiants són bastant adequats ja que un 81.4% realitza almenys 4 àpats diaris. La qualitat de l’esmorzar és bona en el 12.3% dels casos i entre aquells que prenen algun aliment a mig matí la qualitat total de l’esmorzar millora (55.7% bona qualitat). Segons el Kidmed un 39.9% realitzen una dieta mediterrània i s’observen diferències segons la qualitat total de l’esmorzar (p<0.001). Conclusions: El consum de productes de les MEAB en l’entorn universitari és molt important, per la qual cosa la millora del perfil nutricional i la implantació d’estratègies informatives sobre els productes, permetrà que els consumidors estiguin més informats i puguin fer una elecció alimentària més saludable. Els hàbits alimentaris de la població d’estudi reflexen que la qualitat de la dieta dels universitaris és bastant bona, tot i que diferents factors podrien millorar-se. Paraules clau: màquines expenedores d’aliments i begudes (MEAB), hàbits alimentaris, universitaris.Introduction: Among the potential dietary behaviours that could contribute to an inadequate dietary intake is the consumption of convenience foods, high in calories, largely high in saturated fats and sugar. Snack vending machines are a prime example of convenience foods. Objectives: To evaluate consumption of products from snack vending machines among students of Universitat de Vic (UVic), and to study the general characteristics of their eating habits. Materials and methods: A questionnaire was applied to 253 UVic students during the year 07/08. Results: 72.7% of students consume products from snack vending machines, basically to complement their intakes. 63.8% said that they would like to receive nutritional information about products. Students’ eating habits are quite appropriate because 81.4% have a minimum of 4 meals a day. Breakfast quality is good in 12.3% and, in those cases taking a mid-morning snack, overall breakfast quality is improved (55.7% good quality). Kidmed results show that 39.9% have a Mediterranean diet with differences depending on the breakfast overall quality (p<0.001).Conclusions: Consumption of products from snack vending machines is important in the university population. Thus, an improvement of the nutritional profile of products, together with the introduction of nutritional information about them, will allow consumers to be more informed and to make healthier dietary selections. Students’ eating habits show that the overall quality of their diet is good, although it could be improved in different ways. Key words: food and beverage vending machines, eating habits, students.Introducción: Entre los comportamientos alimentarios que pueden contribuir a una ingesta dietética inadecuada está el consumo de alimentos de conveniencia, alimentos que se caracterizan por ser de elevado contenido calórico, ricos en grasas saturadas y azúcares. Las máquinas de vending resultan ser uno de los principales ejemplos de disponibilidad de alimentos de conveniencia. Objetivos: Evaluar entre los estudiantes de la Universitat de Vic (UVic) los hábitos de consumo de productos de las máquinas de vending y estudiar las características generales de sus hábitos alimentarios. Materiales y métodos: Encuesta realizada a 253 estudiantes de la UVic durante el curso 07/08. Resultados: Un 72.7% de los encuestados consume productos de las Máquinas Expendedoras de Alimentos y Bebidas (MEAB), fundamentalmente como complemento a las comidas y un 63.8% de los encuestados refieren que les gustaría recibir información nutricional sobre los productos ofertados. Los hábitos alimentarios de los estudiantes resultan bastante adecuados ya que un 81.4% realiza al menos 4 comidas diarias. La calidad del desayuno es buena en el 12.3% de los casos y entre aquellos que toman algún alimento a media mañana la calidad total del desayuno mejora (55.7%% buena calidad). Según el Kidmed un 39.9% realizan una dieta mediterránea observándose diferencias según la calidad total del desayuno (p<0.001). Conclusiones: El consumo de productos de las MEAB en el entorno universitario resulta muy importante, por lo que la mejora del perfil nutricional y la implantación de estrategias informativas sobre los productos, permitirá que los consumidores estén más informados y puedan hacer una elección alimentaria más saludable. Los hábitos alimentarios de la población de estudio reflejan que la calidad de la dieta de los universitarios resulta bastante buena, aunque distintos factores podrían mejorarse. Palabras clave: máquinas expendedoras de alimentos y bebidas (MEAB), hábitos alimentarios y universitarios

    Refining predictions of population decline at species' rear edges

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    According to broad‐scale application of biogeographical theory, widespread retractions of species’ rear edges should be seen in response to ongoing climate change. This prediction rests on the assumption that rear edge populations are ‘marginal’ since they occur at the limit of the species’ ecological tolerance and are expected to decline in performance as climate warming pushes them to extirpation. However, conflicts between observations and predictions are increasingly accumulating and little progress has been made in explaining this disparity. We argue that a revision of the concept of marginality is necessary, together with explicit testing of population decline, which is increasingly possible as data availability improves. Such action should be based on taking the population perspective across a species’ rear edge, encompassing the ecological, geographical and genetic dimensions of marginality. Refining our understanding of rear edge populations is essential to advance our ability to monitor, predict and plan for the impacts of environmental change on species range dynamics

    Ozone exchange within and above an irrigated Californian orchard

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    In this study, the canopy effects on the vertical ozone exchange within and above Californian orchard are investigated. We examined the comprehensive dataset obtained from the Canopy Horizontal Array Turbulence Study (CHATS). CHATS typifies a rural central Californian site, with O3 mixing ratios of less than 60 ppb and moderate NOx mixing ratios. The CHATS campaign covered a complete irrigation cycle, with our analysis including periods before and after irrigation. Lower O3 mixing ratios were found following irrigation, together with increased wind speeds, decreased air temperatures and increased specific humidity. Friction velocity, sensible heat and gas fluxes above the canopy were estimated using variations on the flux-gradient method, including a method which accounts for the roughness sublayer (RSL). These methods were compared to fluxes derived from observed eddy diffusivities of heat and friction velocity. We found that the use of the RSL parameterization, which accounts for the canopy-induced turbulent mixing above the canopy, resulted in a stronger momentum, heat, and ozone exchange fluxes above this orchard, compared to the method which omits the RSL. This was quantified by the increased friction velocity, heat flux and ozone deposition flux of up to 12, 29, and 35% at 2.5 m above the canopy, respectively. Within the canopy, vertical fluxes, as derived from local gradients and eddy diffusivity of heat, were compared to fluxes calculated using the Lagrangian inverse theory. Both methods showed a presence of vertical flux divergence of friction velocity, heat and ozone, suggesting that turbulent mixing was inefficient in homogenizing the effects driven by local sources and sinks on vertical exchange of those quantities. This weak mixing within the canopy was also corroborated in the eddy diffusivities of friction velocity and heat, which were calculated directly from the observations. Finally, the influence of water stress on the O3 budget was examined by comparing the results prior and after the irrigation. Although the analysis is limited to the local conditions, our in situ measurements indicated differences in the O3 mixing ratio prior and after irrigation during CHATS. We attribute these O3 mixing ratio changes to enhanced biological emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), driven by water stress

    Investigating the transformations of polyoxoanions using mass spectrometry and molecular dynamics

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    The reactions of [γ-SiW10O36]8– represent one of the most important synthetic gateways into a vast array of polyoxotungstate chemistry. Herein, we set about exploring the transformation of the lacunary polyoxoanion [β2-SiW11O39]8– into [γ-SiW10O36]8– using high-resolution electrospray mass spectrometry, density functional theory, and molecular dynamics. We show that the reaction proceeds through an unexpected {SiW9} precursor capable of undertaking a direct β → γ isomerization via a rotational transformation. The remarkably low-energy transition state of this transformation could be identified through theoretical calculations. Moreover, we explore the significant role of the countercations for the first time in such studies. This combination of experimental and the theoretical studies can now be used to understand the complex chemical transformations of oxoanions, leading to the design of reactivity by structural control

    Electrical properties of individual tin oxide nanowires contacted to platinum electrodes

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    A simple and useful experimental alternative to field-effect transistors for measuring electrical properties free electron concentration nd, electrical mobility , and conductivity in individual nanowires has been developed. A combined model involving thermionic emission and tunneling through interface states is proposed to describe the electrical conduction through the platinum-nanowire contacts, fabricated by focused ion beam techniques. Current-voltage I-V plots of single nanowires measured in both two- and four-probe configurations revealed high contact resistances and rectifying characteristics. The observed electrical behavior was modeled using an equivalent circuit constituted by a resistance placed between two back-to-back Schottky barriers, arising from the metal-semiconductor-metal M-S-M junctions. Temperature-dependent I-V measurements revealed effective Schottky barrier heights up to BE= 0.4 eV

    A metamorphic inorganic framework that can be switched between eight single-crystalline states

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    The design of highly flexible framework materials requires organic linkers, whereas inorganic materials are more robust but inflexible. Here, by using linkable inorganic rings made up of tungsten oxide (P8W48O184) building blocks, we synthesized an inorganic single crystal material that can undergo at least eight different crystal-to-crystal transformations, with gigantic crystal volume contraction and expansion changes ranging from −2,170 to +1,720 Å3 with no reduction in crystallinity. Not only does this material undergo the largest single crystal-to-single crystal volume transformation thus far reported (to the best of our knowledge), the system also shows conformational flexibility while maintaining robustness over several cycles in the reversible uptake and release of guest molecules switching the crystal between different metamorphic states. This material combines the robustness of inorganic materials with the flexibility of organic frameworks, thereby challenging the notion that flexible materials with robustness are mutually exclusive

    The phylogenetic limits to diversity-dependent diversification

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    While the theory of micro-evolution by natural selection assigns a crucial role to competition, its role in macroevolution is less clear. Phylogenetic evidence for a decelerating accumulation of lineages suggests a feedback of lineage diversity on diversification. However, does this feedback only occur between close relatives, or do distant relatives also influence their diversification? In other words: are there phylogenetic limits to this diversity-dependence? Islands form ideal systems to answer these questions, because their boundedness facilitates an overview of all potential competitors. The DAISIE (Dynamic Assembly of Island biota through Speciation Immigration and Extinction) framework allows for testing the presence of diversity-dependence on islands given phylogenetic data on colonization and branching times. The current inference models in DAISIE assume that this diversity-dependence only applies within a colonizing clade, i.e. all mainland species can colonize and diversify independently from one another. We term this clade-specific (CS) diversity-dependence. Here we introduce a new DAISIE model that assumes that diversity-dependence applies to all island species of a taxonomic group regardless of their mainland ancestry, i.e. diversity-dependence applies both to species within the same clade and between different clades established by different mainland species. We call this island-wide (IW) diversity-dependence. We present a method to compute a likelihood for this model given phylogenetic data on colonization and branching events and use likelihood ratio bootstrapping to compare it to the likelihood of the CS model in order to overcome biases known for standard model selection. We apply it to the diversification of Eleutherodactylus frogs on Hispaniola. Across the Greater Antilles archipelago, this radiation shows repeated patterns of diversification in ecotypes which are similar across clades. This could be suggestive of overlapping niche space and hence between-clade interactions, i.e. IW diversity-dependence. But it could also be suggestive of only within-clade interactions, because between-clade interactions would have blocked the same ecotype re-appearing. We find that the CS model fits the data much better than the IW model, indicating that different colonizations, while resulting in similar ecotypes, are sufficiently distinct to avoid interacting strongly. We argue that non-overlapping distributions between clades (both spatially and in terms of ecotypes) cannot be used as evidence of CS diversity-dependence, because this pattern may be a consequence of IW diversity-dependence. By contrast, by using phylogenetic data rather than distributional data our method does allow for inferring the phylogenetic limits to diversity-dependent diversification. We discuss possibilities for future extensions and applications of our modelling approach.</p

    Correlates of species richness in the largest Neotropical amphibian radiation

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    Although tropical environments are often considered biodiversity hotspots, it is precisely in such environments where least is known about the factors that drive species richness. Here, we use phylogenetic comparative analyses to study correlates of species richness for the largest Neotropical amphibian radiation: New World direct-developing frogs. Clade-age and species richness were nonsignficantly, negatively correlated, suggesting that clade age alone does not explain among-clade variation in species richness. A combination of ecological and morphological traits explained 65% of the variance in species richness. A more vascularized ventral skin, the ability to colonize high-altitude ranges, encompassing a large variety of vegetation types, correlated significantly with species richness, whereas larger body size was marginally correlated with species richness. Hence, whereas high-altitude ranges play a role in shaping clade diversity in the Neotropics, intrinsic factors, such as skin structures and possibly body size, might ultimately determine which clades are more speciose than others

    The limits to ecological limits to diversification

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    While the theory of micro-evolution by natural selection assigns a crucial role to competition, its role in macroevolution is less clear. Phylogenetic evidence for a decelerating accumulation of lineages suggests a feedback of lineage diversity on diversification, i.e., ecological limits to diversification. However, does this feedback only occur between close relatives, or do distant relatives also influence their diversification? In other words: are there phylogenetic limits to these ecological limits? Islands form ideal systems to answer these questions, because their boundedness facilitates an overview of all potential competitors. The DAISIE (Dynamic Assembly of Island biota through Speciation Immigration and Extinction) framework allows for testing the presence of diversity-dependence on islands given phylogenetic data on colonization and branching times. The current inference models in DAISIE assume that this diversity-dependence only applies within a colonizing clade, which we term clade-specific (CS) diversity-dependence. Here we introduce a new DAISIE model that assumes that diversity-dependence applies to all species regardless of their ancestry, i.e. diversity-dependence applies both to species within the same clade and between different clades. We call this island-wide (IW) diversity-dependence. Here we present a method to compute a likelihood for this model and develop a statistical procedure based on likelihood ratio bootstrapping to compare it to the likelihood of the CS model in order to overcome biases known for standard model selection. We apply it to the diversification of Eleutherodactylus frogs on Hispaniola. Across the Greater Antilles archipelago, this radiation shows repeated patterns of diversification in ecotypes which are similar across clades. This could be suggestive of overlapping niche space and hence between-clade interactions, i.e. IW diversity-dependence. But it could also be suggestive of only within-clade interactions, because between-clade interactions would have blocked the same ecotype re-appearing. We find that the CS model fits the data much better than the IW model, indicating that different colonizations, while resulting in similar ecotypes, are sufficiently distinct to avoid interacting strongly. We argue that non-overlapping distributions between clades (both spatially and in terms of ecotypes) cannot be used as evidence of CS diversity-dependence, because this pattern may be a consequence of IW diversity-dependence. By contrast, by using phylogenetic data rather than distributional data our method does allow for inferring the phylogenetic limits to ecological limits to diversification. We discuss how our new IW model advances our understanding also in other ways, ranging from identifying priority effects to modelling the spread of an epidemic in island-like systems, such as schools or hospitals