1,960 research outputs found

    La inscripción de la filiación derivada de la gestación por sustitución. Problemas actuales

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    El artículo 10 de la LTRHA establece la nulidad de pleno derecho de los contratos de gestación por sustitución. Para evitar la aplicación de este precepto ciudadanos españoles han recurrido a otros ordenamientos jurídicos que admiten la posibilidad de que convertirse en padres del niño nacido de una mujer con la que se ha suscrito un contrato de “vientre de alquiler” y posteriormente solicitar la inscripción de la filiación a su favor en nuestro Registro Civil. En este trabajo se analiza la legalidad o no de esta actuación y la posición que al respecto existe por parte de la DGRN y de la jurisprudenciaThe contract of mother-subrrogate is forbidden in our law. So, the people who want to a child go to other countries to celebrate a legal contract of mothersubrrogate. After, when de child born, they wants to enrol the born in the spanish civil registryI. CONSIDERACIONES GENERALES. II. LA FILIACIÓN DERIVADA DE LA GESTACIÓN POR SUSTITUCIÓN. 1. El artículo 10 de la LTRHA. 2. La Resolución de la Dirección General de los Registros y del Notariado de 18 de febrero de 2009.3. La sentencia del Juzgado de Primera Instancia de Valencia de 15 de septiembre de 2010 4. La Instrucción de la Dirección General de los Registros y del Notariado de 5 de octubre de 2010 5. La sentencia de la Audiencia Provincial de Valencia de 23 de noviembre de 2011. III. BIBLIOGRAFÍ

    Family education and support for families at psychosocial risk in Europe: Evidence from a survey of international experts

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    First published online: 11 October 2018There is overwhelming consensus among policy makers, academics, and professionals about the need to support families in their childrearing tasks. Consequently, European countries have been encouraged to develop family support interventions aimed at guaranteeing children's rights, targeting particularly those children in situations of psychosocial risk. While a certain amount of evidence exists regarding how family support is generally delivered in certain European countries, with a particular focus on parenting initiatives, this paper aims to take existing evidence one step further by providing an updated review focusing on two core components of the Council of Europe's Recommendation on Positive Parenting: families at psychosocial risk as the target population, and family education and support initiatives as the delivery format. The scope of the study was therefore broad, in both geographical and conceptual terms. An online survey was conducted with experts from 19 European countries to gather information regarding how they perceive family education and support initiatives for families at psychosocial risk. Both quantitative and qualitative data were analysed by computing frequencies/percentages and by following a thematic synthesis method, respectively. The results revealed both similarities and disparities as regards provider profiles, intervention characteristics, and quality standards. Practical implications are discussed, such as the need to diversify initiatives for at‐risk families in accordance with the tenets of progressive universalism, the ongoing need for an evidence‐based, pluralistic approach to programmes, and the skills and qualifications required in the family support workforce. This study constitutes a first step towards building a common family support framework at a European level, which would encompass family support and parenting policies aimed at families at psychosocial risk.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España EDU2013‐41441‐

    The role of psychosocial stress on a family-based treatment for adolescents with problematic behaviors

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    The stressful life events experienced by adolescents with problematic behaviors, should be considered for implementing effective interventions. This study aimed to examine the adjustment of adolescents with problematic behaviors, and to assess the effectiveness of a family-based treatment, namely Scene-Based Psychodramatic Family Therapy (SB-PFT), according to different stress profiles. Ten SB-PFT sessions, over 17 trials were implemented. Stressful life events and adolescent adjustment were evaluated at pretest and posttest, for the SB-PFT participants (n = 104 adolescents) and a control group (n = 106). The adolescents were categorized into three profiles depending on the nature of the stressors: family stress profile, individual and family stress profile, and low stress profile. The individual and family stress group showed worse adjustment. Effectiveness analyses revealed improvements in SB-PFT participants’ emotional intelligence, but not in anger and hostility. Furthermore, adolescents with low and family-related stress profiles showed enhancements in parent attachment. In conclusion, interventions involving adolescents with problematic behaviors must be tailored to the stressful life events experienced. Specific treatments should be used alongside SB-PFT, when adolescents are met with individual-related stress. Nevertheless, SB-PFT seemed to promote emotional intelligence and parent attachment, particularly in adolescents with problematic behaviors that experienced only family stressors.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad EDU2013-41441-PMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes FPU Program-311


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    La presente investigación se centra en la descripción y el análisis de la formación inicial que recibe el profesorado de Educación Primaria en Andalucía, con relación al trabajo en contextos de diversidad cultural. Para ello optamos por un diseño metodológico cualitativo de corte descriptivo-interpretativo, empleando el análisis documental y de contenido como técnica de investigación. Ello permite detectar y estudiar las referencias a la diversidad cultural, tanto explícitas como implícitas, presentes en las distintas dimensiones de análisis: Objetivos, Competencias, Contenidos, Resultados de Aprendizaje, Estrategias Formativas y Sistemas de Evaluación. Los resultados apuntan que, a pesar de que la totalidad de los diseños curriculares analizados incluyen referencias a la diversidad cultural, observamos que dichas referencias son escasas. Asimismo, no se aprecia planificación ni coordinación en relación con el proceso de adquisición de competencias interculturales, ni se detecta un tratamiento transversal de las mismas a lo largo de los planes de estudio.This research is focused on the description and analysis of the initial training received by primary education teachers in Andalusia in connection with work in culturally diverse contexts. To this end, a qualitative method design with a descriptive and interpretive approach was chosen, using documental and content analysis as a research technique. This allows the identification and study of references to cultural diversity, explicit and implicit, present in the different dimensions of analysis: objectives, competencies, contents, learning outcomes, formative strategies and evaluation systems. The results indicate that, although all the curricular designs examined include references to cultural diversity, these references are scarce. Additionally, planning and coordination in relation to the intercultural competencies acquisition process is not observed, nor their crosswise treatment along the curriculum.Esta pesquisa centra-se na descrição e análise da formação inicial recebida pelos professores no ensino primário na Andaluzia em relação ao trabalho em contextos de diversidade cultural. Para este fim, optou-se por uma concepção metodológica qualitativa de corte interpretativa descritiva, utilizando a análise documental e de conteúdo como técnica de pesquisa. Isto permite detectar e estudar as referências à diversidade cultural, tanto explícita quanto implícita, presentes nas diferentes dimensões de análise: objetivos, competências, conteúdo, resultados da aprendizagem, estratégias de formação e sistemas de avaliação. Os resultados mostram que, apesar de todos os currículos analisados incluírem referências à diversidade cultural, nota-se que tais referências são escassas. Também não se observa nem planejamento nem coordenação em relação à aquisição das competências interculturais, nem é se detecta do um tratamento transversal delas em todo o currículo

    Learning Bayesian Networks for Student Modeling

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    In the last decade, there has been a growing interest in using Bayesian Networks (BN) in the student modelling problem. This increased interest is probably due to the fact that BNs provide a sound methodology for this difficult task. In order to develop a Bayesian student model, it is necessary to define the structure (nodes and links) and the parameters. Usually the structure can be elicited with the help of human experts (teachers), but the difficulty of the problem of parameter specification is widely recognized in this and other domains. In the work presented here we have performed a set of experiments to compare the performance of two Bayesian Student Models, whose parameters have been specified by experts and learnt from data respectively. Results show that both models are able to provide reasonable estimations for knowledge variables in the student model, in spite of the small size of the dataset available for learning the parametersUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Effectiveness of structural-strategic family therapy in the treatment of adolescents with mental health problems and their families

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    Mental health problems during adolescence constitute a major public health concern today for both families and stakeholders. Accordingly, different family-based interventions have emerged as an effective treatment for adolescents with certain disorders. Specifically, there is evidence of the effectiveness of concrete approaches of systemic family therapy on the symptoms of adolescents and family functioning in general. However, few studies have examined the effectiveness of other relevant approaches, such as structural and strategic family therapy, incorporating parent–child or parental dyadic measurement. The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of a structural–strategic family therapy with adolescents involved in mental health services and their families. For this purpose, 41 parents and adolescents who participated in this treatment were interviewed at pre-test and post-test, providing information on adolescent behavior problems, parental sense of competence, parental practices, parenting alliance, and family functioning. Regardless of participants’ gender, adolescents exhibited fewer internalizing and externalizing problems after the treatment. Parents reported higher family cohesion, higher satisfaction and perceived efficacy as a parent, and healthier parental practices (less authoritarian and permissive practices, as well as more authoritative ones). An interaction effect between parenting alliance and gender was found, with more favorable results for the mothers. In conclusion, this paper provides evidence of the usefulness of structural–strategic family therapy for improving family, dyadic, and individual facets in families with adolescents exhibiting mental health problems

    Improving child development from family preservation services: How can we explain change in families participating in parent education and support programs?

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    Desde el convencimiento de que las intervenciones familiares constituyen una herramienta valiosa para promover el desarrollo infantil, están aumentando las propuestas legales e institucionales a favor de desarrollar programas de formación y apoyo familiar; es decir, propuestas de intervención psicoeducativa con padres y madres dirigidas a promover la parentalidad positiva. Entre los criterios que permiten discriminar la calidad de estos programas se encuentra el disponer de un cuerpo teórico fundamentado que explique cómo mejoran las familias gracias a la intervención. En este artículo se pretende llevar a cabo una revisión del cambio conseguido con los programas de formación y apoyo familiar desarrollados en el ámbito de la preservación familiar, es decir, en situaciones de riesgo psicosocial. Además, en este trabajo se reflexiona acerca de las implicaciones de un modelo comprehensivo de cambio y se describen las características metodológicas que deben cumplir los programas de formación y apoyo familiar en el ámbito de la preservación familiar en base a los supuestos descritosLegal and institutional proposals enhancing family education and support programs are increasing, based on relevance of family interventions in order to promote child development. This is psychoeducative interventions for parents aimed at improving positive parenting are nowadays increasing. A solid theoretical approach explaining change in families after intervention is a quality criterion for family education and support programs. In this paper a theoretical model for explaining family change in family education and support programs is presented specifically concerning family preservation services interventions, this is, concerning at-risk situations. Also consequences for program design are discussed, and methodological characteristics of family education and support programs in family preservation services following these theoretical models are described

    Objeción de conciencia y equilibrio

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    La objeción de conciencia pone a prueba las bases del Estado de Derecho, pues confronta los principios básicos que sustentan el orden público y la paz social: la dignidad de la persona humana, de un lado, y el respeto a la ley aplicable, de otro. Porque este equilibrio, magistralmente consagrado en el artículo 10 de la Constitución Española, es desafiado cuando se invoca la objeción de conciencia, resulta conveniente aproximarnos a su esencia, a fin de facilitar la labor de discernimiento de los operadores jurídicos. Por esencia me refiero a aquel punto en que la objeción de conciencia no sólo no desestabiliza, sino que –por el contrario– corrige los defectos del sistema, lo reequilibra. Es entonces cuando merece ser admitida o, de lo contrario, se resiente el Estado de Derecho, por dañarse uno de sus principios básicos, la dignidad humana. En esta búsqueda, la trayectoria doctrinal y jurisprudencial de los países democráticos constituye un instrumento de gran utilidadThe moral objection tests the Rule of Law´s bases because it confronts the basic principles that support the public order as well as the social peace: human being dignity on the one hand, and the respect to the applicable law on the other hand. Because this harmony, which is incredibly established in the 10th article of the Spanish Constitution, is challenged when moral objection is invoked, it is convenient to approximate to its essence, with the point of making easy the law operators job when judgment is concerned. When I talk about essence, I mean the point where moral objection not only is not subversive, but also, on the contrary, it corrects the system’s defects and, moreover, it rebalances them. It is at this point when moral objection is worthy of being admitted because if it is not, Rule of Law would be weakened as a consequence of damaging one of its basic principles which is human dignity. On this research, the doctrinal and jurisprudential career path of the democratic states sets up a very useful instrumen

    Vivencias del embarazo en trabajadoras sexuales diagnosticadas con VIH en el primer periodo de 2014

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    Este estudio es dar a conocer las vivencias de 10 mujeres con diagnóstico de VIH positivo durante el embarazo siendo trabajadoras sexuales en las zonas de Patio Bonito, Primera de Mayo y Barrio Santa fe , con el fin de que sus vivencias sean conocidas y de esta forma enriquecer de bases al profesional de enfermería, permitiendo así poder desarrollar programas de desarrollo, evaluación, proyectos y estrategias en el marco de un sistema de aseguramiento y acompañamiento en salud, desarrollados sistemáticamente para asistir a los profesionales en la toma de decisiones apropiadas para el cuidado de la salud en circunstancias clínicas específicas sin dejar a un lado la parte humana que permita mejorar los resultados en salud de estas madres. Esta investigación se realizó mediante el diseño cualitativo, el instrumento utilizado fue una entrevista semiestructurada en la cual se recogieron testimonios narrados de las 10 trabajadoras sexuales que viven con VIH, entre los 17 años a los 40 años de edad, el cual torno de tres momentos: Antes, Durante, Después del embarazo haciendo especial énfasis en el Durante. Abordar a las trabajadoras sexuales desde sus propios marcos de sentido y contextos sociales significa tener presente los modos específicos de comprender las relaciones sociales, la sexualidad y el riesgo que están detrás de sus comportamientos, para captar realmente los porqués de sus decisiones. Esta investigación reconoce la importancia de la figura materna en un mundo donde la mujer es juzgada y denigrada por el oficio realizado, particularmente como trabajadora sexual y más aún si es una portadora de VIH para darle lugar e importancia a la problemática y a ellas como sujetos, procurando tener mayores herramientas para disminuir los sentidos de subordinación, violación de derechos y discriminación, hay es cuando se presenta el desafío a enfermeros y estudiantes de enfermería de proporcionar cuidados de alta calidad, individualizados, compasivos e imparciales, generando la motivación de continuar con el tratamiento y de no desfallecer frente a la nueva realidad en sus vidas.This study to present the experiences of 10 women diagnosed HIV positive during pregnancy being sex workers in areas of Patio Bonito, May First and Santa Fe neighborhood, so that their experiences are known and thus enriching base nursing professionals, allowing to develop programs of development, evaluation, projects and strategies in the context of a system of health insurance and support, systematically developed to assist professionals in making appropriate decisions for health care for specific clinical circumstances without leaving aside the human part that allows to improve the health outcomes of these mothers. This research was conducted using qualitative design, the instrument used was a semistructured interview in which recounted testimonies of the 10 sex workers living with HIV, from age 17 to age 40, which were collected around three times : Before, During, After Pregnancy with particular emphasis on urante.Addressing sex workers from their own frames of meaning and social context means having in mind the specific ways of understanding social relationships, sexuality and the risk they are behind their behavior, to really capture the reasons of their decisions. This research recognizes the importance of the maternal figure in a world where women are judged and abused by the job done, particularly as a sex worker and even more if it is a carrier of HIV to make room and importance to the issue and to them as individuals, trying to have more tools to reduce the sense of subordination, violation of rights and discrimination, there is where the challenge comes to nurses and nursing students to provide high quality care, individualized, compassionate and fair, generating motivation to continue the treatment and not faint facing the new reality in their lives.Enfermero (a)Pregrad