21 research outputs found

    La ganadería y el lobo en España

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    El autor hace un repaso en torno a la problemática que genera la convivencia de la actividad ganadera con las políticas de conservación de la especie. Éste es un problema complejo, especialmente en Castilla y León, ya que en palabras del autor, «es una comunidad autónoma grande, con diferentes sistemas de explotación ganaderos e importantes diferencias orográficas». Del papel de “los cinco lobitos buenos” de la canción infantil al lobo feroz de los cuentos, González Eguren hace un repaso a la visión de este animal por la sociedad y su comportamiento. Recuerda el papel fundamental que tiene el mastín leonés a la hora de cuidar el ganado y la controversia generada entre los que apuestan por la defensa de la especie y los ganaderos, que ven en el lobo una amenaza para sus explotacione

    Management Models Applied to the Human-Wolf Conflict in Agro-Forestry-Pastoral Territories of Two Italian Protected Areas and One Spanish Game Area

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    [EN]Our work shows that, despite the persistence of persecutory actions, conservation activity has proved successful for the return of numerous wild mammals to different habitats, including the wolf. The human-wolf conflict is still described in all countries where the wolf is present. This is evidenced by the high number of damages on livestock, and the corpses of wolves found both in protected areas and in those where hunting is permitted. The diagnosis of road accidents, together with poisoning and poaching, are major causes of mortality. Although hunting records the highest percentage of kills in Spain, the demographic stability reported by the censuses suggests that this activity does not have a consistent influence on the Iberian wolf population’s survival. In Italy, where wolf hunting is prohibited, wolf populations are to be increasing. In some Italian situations, wolf attacks on horses seem to cause unwanted damage to foals, but they represent a very precious source of information about the habits of carnivores. A simple management plan would be sufficient to help the coexistence between the productive parts and the ecosystem services ensured by the presence of the wolf. The presence of hybrids is a negative factor.S

    Management models applied to the human-wolf conflict in agro-forestry-pastoral territories of two italian protected areas and one spanish game area

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    Our work shows that, despite the persistence of persecutory actions, conservation activity has proved successful for the return of numerous wild mammals to different habitats, including the wolf. The human-wolf conflict is still described in all countries where the wolf is present. This is evidenced by the high number of damages on livestock, and the corpses of wolves found both in protected areas and in those where hunting is permitted. The diagnosis of road accidents, together with poisoning and poaching, are major causes of mortality. Although hunting records the highest percentage of kills in Spain, the demographic stability reported by the censuses suggests that this activity does not have a consistent influence on the Iberian wolf population’s survival. In Italy, where wolf hunting is prohibited, wolf populations are to be increasing. In some Italian situations, wolf attacks on horses seem to cause unwanted damage to foals, but they represent a very precious source of information about the habits of carnivores. A simple management plan would be sufficient to help the coexistence between the productive parts and the ecosystem services ensured by the presence of the wolf. The presence of hybrids is a negative factor

    Behavioural activity of wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) under semi-natural rearing systems: establishing a seasonal pattern

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    P. 263-270The activity of 2 populations of wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus, L. 1758), consisting of 14 adults (>9 mo of age) each (4 males and 10 females), was analysed over 2 consecutive years. Rabbits were captured in the wild and kept in 2 separate enclosures of 0.5 ha, with each enclosure divided into 2 zones: a smaller area where warrens were located (breeding area) and a larger area where food and water were provided (feeding area). Seven rabbits in each enclosure were individually tagged with a microchip (2 males and 5 females) and, after installing 2 detection devices, it was possible to identify which of the 2 areas they were located in and record the length of time spent in each. To regulate the size of the breeding population, young rabbits produced in the enclosures were captured and removed regularly. Considering the number of movements between areas and the time spent in the feeding area, a circadian activity pattern was found, reporting 2 maximum activity peaks coinciding with twilight (18.35% of the total movements, 6-8 a.m.) and daybreak (22.95%, 7-10 p.m.) while activity was dramatically decreased during the midday hours (1.86%, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.). Rabbits displayed a seasonal pattern throughout the year, with maximum activity levels during winter (45.76% of the total movements, January-March) and spring (42.91%, April-June), which could be related to higher reproductive activity at this time of the year as a higher breeding output was reported in June and September. The levels of activity exhibited by males (13.44% daily activity rate) were significantly higher than those displayed by females (9.80%). No significant differences were found regarding time spent on the feeding area in relation to season or gender. The average duration of each foray to the feeding area was higher during the summer, higher for females than males and higher during the middle of the night than the rest of the day.S

    Una visión sobre la avicultura para la producción de caza en España

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    P. 169-183Se aborda la situación de la producción de aves para la Caza en España. Para ello se analiza la evolución histórica del sector desde sus comienzos hasta la actualidad, realizando una descripción de los sistemas productivos propuestos en las distintas etapas, enumerando los logros y problemas más notables y ofreciendo datos relativos al número de granjas y cantidad de aves producidas. En líneas generales el sector ha evolucionado hacia la obtención de un gran número de animales aptos para su caza directa mediante sistemas de producción intensiva, distribuidos en la mayor parte de la geografía nacional. Sin embargo, han aparecido un gran número de alteraciones de potencialidades etológicas, ya que un elevado porcentaje de individuos producidos no son capaces de expresar patrones antipredatorios correctamente, lo cual dificulta la supervivencia en el medio natural de la mayoría de los individuos liberados y ponen en riesgo las poblaciones silvestres. En consecuencia, urge el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas alternativos de producción semi-intensivos y semi-extensivos, compatibles con las nuevas directrices de sostenibilidad, bienestar animal y fomento de la biodiversidad, con el fin de obtener productos diferenciados de calidad y alto valor económico, en nuestro caso aves capaces de integrarse y reproducirse en el medio natural.S

    Slackline Training in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    [EN] Objective: To assess whether a slackline intervention program improves postural control in children/adolescents with spastic cerebral palsy (CP). Design: Randomized controlled trial. Setting: Patients’ association. Participants: Twenty-seven children/adolescents with spastic CP (9–16 years) were randomly assigned to a slackline intervention (n = 14, 13 ± 3 years) or control group (n = 13, 12 ± 2 years ). Intervention: Three slackline sessions per week (30 min/session) for 6 weeks. Main outcome measures: The primary outcome was static posturography (center of pressure—CoP—parameters). The secondary outcomes were surface myoelectrical activity of the lower-limb muscles during the posturography test and jump performance (countermovement jump test and Abalakov test). Overall (RPE, >6–20 scale) rating of perceived exertion was recorded at the end of each intervention session. Results: The intervention was perceived as “very light” (RPE = 7.6 ± 0.6). The intervention yielded significant benefits on static posturography (a significant group by time interaction on Xspeed, p = 0.006) and jump performance (a significant group by time interaction on Abalakov test, p = 0.015). Conclusions: Slackline training improved static postural control and motor skills and was perceived as non-fatiguing in children/adolescents with spastic CP.S

    Análisis técnico-económico de la alimentación del ganado vacuno en la dehesa salmantina

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    El trabajo pretende establecer un balance de la alimentación en las explotaciones de ganado vacuno en sistemas agrosilvopastorales del Centro-Oeste de España, como uno de los elementos reguladores del sistema. Se realiza un balance en términos físicos, económicos y energéticos entre las necesidades del ganado y los aportes complementarios de alimentos externos al sistema. Este balance tiene incidencia en la cuenta de resultados de explotación del sistema y constituye una guía para el análisis del proceso adaptativo de su gestión a corto plazo, y una previsión de la estabilidad a largo plazo.Junta de Castilla y León. Consejeria de Economía y Hacienda

    Metodología de obtención de un programa informático para la valoración del toro durante la lidia

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    Cuando en la práctica totalidad de las especies domésticas las pruebas funcionales o la calificación de la descendencia, introduciendo valores objetivos de producción, han permitido un rápido progreso genético, en el caso concreto del ganado vacuno de lidia y analizando los espectáculos de los últimos años, parece que el progreso de selección fuera regresivo, o cuando menos estático. En este sentido la selección de la raza de lidia se efectúa en base a pruebas funcionales de comportamiento siguiendo esquemas que apenas han variado en el último siglo.When in practically all domestic species functional tests or offspring qualification, introducing objective production values, have allowed rapid genetic progress, in the specific case of bullfighting cattle and analyzing the shows of recent years, it seems that the progress of selection was regressive, or at least static. In this sense, the selection of the bullfighting breed is made based on functional behavior tests following schemes that have hardly changed in the last century.peerReviewe

    Management Models Applied to the Human-Wolf Conflict in Agro-Forestry-Pastoral Territories of Two Italian Protected Areas and One Spanish Game Area

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    Our work shows that, despite the persistence of persecutory actions, conservation activity has proved successful for the return of numerous wild mammals to different habitats, including the wolf. The human-wolf conflict is still described in all countries where the wolf is present. This is evidenced by the high number of damages on livestock, and the corpses of wolves found both in protected areas and in those where hunting is permitted. The diagnosis of road accidents, together with poisoning and poaching, are major causes of mortality. Although hunting records the highest percentage of kills in Spain, the demographic stability reported by the censuses suggests that this activity does not have a consistent influence on the Iberian wolf population’s survival. In Italy, where wolf hunting is prohibited, wolf populations are to be increasing. In some Italian situations, wolf attacks on horses seem to cause unwanted damage to foals, but they represent a very precious source of information about the habits of carnivores. A simple management plan would be sufficient to help the coexistence between the productive parts and the ecosystem services ensured by the presence of the wolf. The presence of hybrids is a negative factor

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