70 research outputs found

    The Global Entry of New Pharmaceuticals: A Joint Investigation of Launch Window and Price

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    Research on the launch of new products in the international realm is scarce. The present paper is the first to document how launch window (difference in months between the first worldwide launch and the subsequent launch in a specific country) and launch price are interrelated and how regulation influences both launch window and launch price. The research context is the global - 50 countries worldwide - launch of 58 new ethical drugs across 29 therapeutic areas. We show that the fastest launch occurs when the launch price is moderately high and the highest launch price occurs at a launch window of 85 months. We find that the health regulator acts strategically in that the extent to which it delays the launch of a new drug increases with the price of the new drug. We also find that regulation overall increases the launch window, except for patent protection. Surprisingly, regulation does not directly impact launch price. The descriptive information on average launch window and launch price and the interconnection between launch window and launch price allows managers in ethical drug companies to build more informed decisions for international market entry. This study also provides public policy analysts with more quantitative evidence regarding launch window and launch price on a broad sample of countries and categories

    Methyl-CpG-binding domain sequencing reveals a prognostic methylation signature in neuroblastoma

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    Accurate assessment of neuroblastoma outcome prediction remains challenging. Therefore, this study aims at establishing novel prognostic tumor DNA methylation biomarkers. In total, 396 low- and high-risk primary tumors were analyzed, of which 87 were profiled using methyl-CpG-binding domain (MBD) sequencing for differential methylation analysis between prognostic patient groups. Subsequently, methylationspecific PCR (MSP) assays were developed for 78 top-ranking differentially methylated regions and tested on two independent cohorts of 132 and 177 samples, respectively. Further, a new statistical framework was used to identify a robust set of MSP assays of which the methylation score (i.e. the percentage of methylated assays) allows accurate outcome prediction. Survival analyses were performed on the individual target level, as well as on the combined multimarker signature. As a result of the differential DNA methylation assessment by MBD sequencing, 58 of the 78 MSP assays were designed in regions previously unexplored in neuroblastoma, and 36 are located in non-promoter or non-coding regions. In total, 5 individual MSP assays (located in CCDC177, NXPH1, lnc-MRPL3-2, lnc-TREX1-1 and one on a region from chromosome 8 with no further annotation) predict event-free survival and 4 additional assays (located in SPRED3, TNFAIP2, NPM2 and CYYR1) also predict overall survival. Furthermore, a robust 58-marker methylation signature predicting overall and eventfree survival was established. In conclusion, this study encompasses the largest DNA methylation biomarker study in neuroblastoma so far. We identified and independently validated several novel prognostic biomarkers, as well as a prognostic 58-marker methylation signature

    Wonen op historische grond. Archeologisch onderzoek naar nederzettingsresten uit de IJzertijd, Romeinse tijd en Middeleeuwen aan de Lostraat te Aalter.

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    Contemporary management of primary parapharyngeal space tumors

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    The parapharyngeal space is a complex anatomical area. Primary parapharyngeal tumors are rare tumors and 80% of them are benign. A variety of tumor types can develop in this location; most common are salivary gland neoplasm and neurogenic tumors. The management of these tumors has improved greatly owing to the developments in imaging techniques, surgery, and radiotherapy. Most tumors can be removed with a low rate of complications and recurrence. The transcervical approach is the most frequently used. In some cases, minimally invasive approaches may be used alone or in combination with a limited transcervical route, allowing large tumors to be removed by reducing morbidity of expanded approaches. An adequate knowledge of the anatomy and a careful surgical plan is essential to tailor management according to the patient and the tumor. The purpose of the present review was to update current aspects of knowledge related to this more challenging area of tumor occurrence.Peer reviewe

    Many Labs 2: Investigating Variation in Replicability Across Samples and Settings

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    We conducted preregistered replications of 28 classic and contemporary published findings, with protocols that were peer reviewed in advance, to examine variation in effect magnitudes across samples and settings. Each protocol was administered to approximately half of 125 samples that comprised 15,305 participants from 36 countries and territories. Using the conventional criterion of statistical significance (p < .05), we found that 15 (54%) of the replications provided evidence of a statistically significant effect in the same direction as the original finding. With a strict significance criterion (p < .0001), 14 (50%) of the replications still provided such evidence, a reflection of the extremely highpowered design. Seven (25%) of the replications yielded effect sizes larger than the original ones, and 21 (75%) yielded effect sizes smaller than the original ones. The median comparable Cohen’s ds were 0.60 for the original findings and 0.15 for the replications. The effect sizes were small (< 0.20) in 16 of the replications (57%), and 9 effects (32%) were in the direction opposite the direction of the original effect. Across settings, the Q statistic indicated significant heterogeneity in 11 (39%) of the replication effects, and most of those were among the findings with the largest overall effect sizes; only 1 effect that was near zero in the aggregate showed significant heterogeneity according to this measure. Only 1 effect had a tau value greater than .20, an indication of moderate heterogeneity. Eight others had tau values near or slightly above .10, an indication of slight heterogeneity. Moderation tests indicated that very little heterogeneity was attributable to the order in which the tasks were performed or whether the tasks were administered in lab versus online. Exploratory comparisons revealed little heterogeneity between Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic (WEIRD) cultures and less WEIRD cultures (i.e., cultures with relatively high and low WEIRDness scores, respectively). Cumulatively, variability in the observed effect sizes was attributable more to the effect being studied than to the sample or setting in which it was studied.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas (IIP

    The feminisation of school hypothesis called into question among junior and high school students

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    Background The feminisation of school hypothesis suggests that boys underachieve in school compared to girls because school rewards feminine characteristics that are at odds with boys' masculine features. Aims The feminisation of school hypothesis lacks empirical evidence. The aim of the present study is to test this hypothesis by examining the extent to which school demands are actually associated with female more than male students. Sample and Method A large sample of 1954 students (1115 girls and 839 boys) from grades seven, nine, 10 and 12 took part in the study. The participants were asked to rate the extent to which various characteristics valued in the school setting were exhibited by girls or boys who succeed in school. Results Three sets of characteristics related to school success emerged from the analyses: compliance, assertiveness and effort/intelligence. Compliance and effort/intelligence were associated with the girls more than with the boys, while assertiveness was associated with the boys more than with the girls. Conclusion The feminisation of school hypothesis received weak support. The present study discusses the limits of this hypothesis to explain boys' underachievement in comparison to girls