421 research outputs found

    Search for Fingerprints of Tetrahedral Symmetry in 156Gd^{156}Gd

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    Theoretical predictions suggest the presence of tetrahedral symmetry as an explanation for the vanishing intra-band E2-transitions at the bottom of the odd-spin negative parity band in 156Gd^{156}Gd. The present study reports on experiment performed to address this phenomenon. It allowed to determine the intra-band E2 transitions and branching ratios B(E2)/B(E1) of two of the negative-parity bands in 156Gd^{156}Gd.Comment: presented by Q.T. Doan at XLII Zakopane School of Physics: Breaking Frontiers: Submicron Structures in Physics and Biology, May 2008. 5 pages, minor corrections. To be published in the proceeding

    Quadrupole moment of the 6− isomeric state in 66Cu: Interplay between different nuclear deformation driving forces

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    AbstractWe have measured the spectroscopic quadrupole moment of the 6− isomeric state in 66Cu to be |Qs|=18.6(12) efm2. This state results from a weak coupling of the πp3/2 and the νg9/2 orbitals, which lead to sizable deformation at oblate and prolate shapes, correspondingly, in the 68Ni region. The interplay between these two different deformation-driving orbitals is observed at N=37 for the 6− state resulting in a most probable oblate shape

    First Evidence of Shape Coexistence in the Ni-78 Region : Intruder 0(2)(+) State in Ge-80

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    The N = 48 Ge-80 nucleus is studied by means of beta-delayed electron-conversion spectroscopy at ALTO. The radioactive Ga-80 beam is produced through the isotope separation on line photofission technique and collected on a movable tape for the measurement of gamma and e(-) emission following beta decay. An electric monopole E0 transition, which points to a 639(1) keV intruder 0(2)(+) state, is observed for the first time. This new state is lower than the 2(1)(+) level in Ge-80, and provides evidence of shape coexistence close to one of the most neutron-rich doubly magic nuclei discovered so far, Ni-78. This result is compared with theoretical estimates, helping to explain the role of monopole and quadrupole forces in the weakening of the N = 50 gap at Z = 32. The evolution of intruder 0(2)(+) states towards Ni-78 is discussed.Peer reviewe

    Chronic T cell receptor stimulation unmasks NK receptor signaling in peripheral T cell lymphomas via epigenetic reprogramming.

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    Peripheral T cell lymphomas (PTCLs) represent a significant unmet medical need with dismal clinical outcomes. The T cell receptor (TCR) is emerging as a key driver of T lymphocyte transformation. However, the role of chronic TCR activation in lymphomagenesis and in lymphoma cell survival is still poorly understood. Using a mouse model, we report that chronic TCR stimulation drove T cell lymphomagenesis, whereas TCR signaling did not contribute to PTCL survival. The combination of kinome, transcriptome, and epigenome analyses of mouse PTCLs revealed a NK cell-like reprogramming of PTCL cells with expression of NK receptors (NKRs) and downstream signaling molecules such as Tyrobp and SYK. Activating NKRs were functional in PTCLs and dependent on SYK activity. In vivo blockade of NKR signaling prolonged mouse survival, demonstrating the addiction of PTCLs to NKRs and downstream SYK/mTOR activity for their survival. We studied a large collection of human primary samples and identified several PTCLs recapitulating the phenotype described in this model by their expression of SYK and the NKR, suggesting a similar mechanism of lymphomagenesis and establishing a rationale for clinical studies targeting such molecules

    COMPLIS experiments : COllaboration for spectroscopy Measurements using a Pulsed Laser Ion Source

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    Laser spectroscopy measurements have been carried out on very neutron-deficient isotopes of Au, Pt and Ir, produced as daughter elements from a Hg ISOLDE beam. For these transitional region nuclides, the hyperfine structure (HFS) and isotope shift (IS) were measured by Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (RIS). Magnetic moments μ, spectroscopic quadrupole moments Qs and changes of the nuclear mean square charge radius δ〈rc 2〉along isotopic series have been extracted. For some results, a detailed comparison with theoretical predictions is presented. (Springer

    Excess of serotonin affects neocortical pyramidal neuron migration

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    The serotonin transporter (SERT) is a key molecule involved in the homeostasis of extracellular levels of serotonin and is regulated developmentally. Genetic deletion of SERT in rodents increases extracellular levels of serotonin and affects cellular processes involved in neocortical circuit assembly such as barrel cortex wiring and cortical interneuron migration. Importantly, pharmacological blockade of SERT during brain development leads to phenotypes relevant to psychiatry in rodents and to an increased risk for autism spectrum disorders in humans. Furthermore, developmental adversity interacts with genetically-driven variations of serotonin function in humans and nonhuman primates to increase the risk for a variety of stress-related phenotypes. In this study, we investigate whether an excess of serotonin affects the migration of neocortical pyramidal neurons during development. Using in utero electroporation combined with time-lapse imaging to specifically monitor pyramidal neurons during late mouse embryogenesis, we show that an excess of serotonin reversibly affects the radial migration of pyramidal neurons. We further identify that the serotonin receptor 5-HT6 is expressed in pyramidal neuron progenitors and that 5-HT6 receptor activation replicates the effects of serotonin stimulation. Finally, we show that the positioning of superficial layer pyramidal neurons is altered in vivo in SERT knockout mice. Taken together, these results indicate that a developmental excess of serotonin decreases the migration speed of cortical pyramidal neurons, affecting a fundamental step in the assembly of neural circuits. These findings support the hypothesis that developmental dysregulation of serotonin homeostasis has detrimental effects on neocortical circuit formation and contributes to increased vulnerability to psychiatric disorders

    Anomalies in the Charge Yields of Fission Fragments from the U(n,f)238 Reaction

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    Fast-neutron-induced fission of 238U at an energy just above the fission threshold is studied with a novel technique which involves the coupling of a high-efficiency γ-ray spectrometer (MINIBALL) to an inverse-kinematics neutron source (LICORNE) to extract charge yields of fission fragments via γ−γ coincidence spectroscopy. Experimental data and fission models are compared and found to be in reasonable agreement for many nuclei; however, significant discrepancies of up to 600% are observed, particularly for isotopes of Sn and Mo. This indicates that these models significantly overestimate the standard 1 fission mode and suggests that spherical shell effects in the nascent fission fragments are less important for low-energy fast-neutron-induced fission than for thermal neutron-induced fission. This has consequences for understanding and modeling the fission process, for experimental nuclear structure studies of the most neutron-rich nuclei, for future energy applications (e.g., Generation IV reactors which use fast-neutron spectra), and for the reactor antineutrino anomaly

    Modulation of Serotonin Transporter Function during Fetal Development Causes Dilated Heart Cardiomyopathy and Lifelong Behavioral Abnormalities

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    BACKGROUND: Women are at great risk for mood and anxiety disorders during their childbearing years and may become pregnant while taking antidepressant drugs. In the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most frequently prescribed drugs, while it is largely unknown whether this medication affects the development of the central nervous system of the fetus. The possible effects are the product of placental transfer efficiency, time of administration and dose of the respective SSRI. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In order to attain this information we have setup a study in which these parameters were measured and the consequences in terms of physiology and behavior are mapped. The placental transfer of fluoxetine and fluvoxamine, two commonly used SSRIs, was similar between mouse and human, indicating that the fetal exposure of these SSRIs in mice is comparable with the human situation. Fluvoxamine displayed a relatively low placental transfer, while fluoxetine showed a relatively high placental transfer. Using clinical doses of fluoxetine the mortality of the offspring increased dramatically, whereas the mortality was unaffected after fluvoxamine exposure. The majority of the fluoxetine-exposed offspring died postnatally of severe heart failure caused by dilated cardiomyopathy. Molecular analysis of fluoxetine-exposed offspring showed long-term alterations in serotonin transporter levels in the raphe nucleus. Furthermore, prenatal fluoxetine exposure resulted in depressive- and anxiety-related behavior in adult mice. In contrast, fluvoxamine-exposed mice did not show alterations in behavior and serotonin transporter levels. Decreasing the dose of fluoxetine resulted in higher survival rates and less dramatic effects on the long-term behavior in the offspring. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that prenatal fluoxetine exposure affects fetal development, resulting in cardiomyopathy and a higher vulnerability to affective disorders in a dose-dependent manner

    Colocalization of Protein Kinase A with Adenylyl Cyclase Enhances Protein Kinase A Activity during Induction of Long-Lasting Long-Term-Potentiation

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    The ability of neurons to differentially respond to specific temporal and spatial input patterns underlies information storage in neural circuits. One means of achieving spatial specificity is to restrict signaling molecules to particular subcellular compartments using anchoring molecules such as A-Kinase Anchoring Proteins (AKAPs). Disruption of protein kinase A (PKA) anchoring to AKAPs impairs a PKA-dependent form of long term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus. To investigate the role of localized PKA signaling in LTP, we developed a stochastic reaction-diffusion model of the signaling pathways leading to PKA activation in CA1 pyramidal neurons. Simulations investigated whether the role of anchoring is to locate kinases near molecules that activate them, or near their target molecules. The results show that anchoring PKA with adenylyl cyclase (which produces cAMP that activates PKA) produces significantly greater PKA activity, and phosphorylation of both inhibitor-1 and AMPA receptor GluR1 subunit on S845, than when PKA is anchored apart from adenylyl cyclase. The spatial microdomain of cAMP was smaller than that of PKA suggesting that anchoring PKA near its source of cAMP is critical because inactivation by phosphodiesterase limits diffusion of cAMP. The prediction that the role of anchoring is to colocalize PKA near adenylyl cyclase was confirmed by experimentally rescuing the deficit in LTP produced by disruption of PKA anchoring using phosphodiesterase inhibitors. Additional experiments confirm the model prediction that disruption of anchoring impairs S845 phosphorylation produced by forskolin-induced synaptic potentiation. Collectively, these results show that locating PKA near adenylyl cyclase is a critical function of anchoring

    Pupillary Stroop effects

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    We recorded the pupil diameters of participants performing the words’ color-naming Stroop task (i.e., naming the color of a word that names a color). Non-color words were used as baseline to firmly establish the effects of semantic relatedness induced by color word distractors. We replicated the classic Stroop effects of color congruency and color incongruency with pupillary diameter recordings: relative to non-color words, pupil diameters increased for color distractors that differed from color responses, while they reduced for color distractors that were identical to color responses. Analyses of the time courses of pupil responses revealed further differences between color-congruent and color-incongruent distractors, with the latter inducing a steep increase of pupil size and the former a relatively lower increase. Consistent with previous findings that have demonstrated that pupil size increases as task demands rise, the present results indicate that pupillometry is a robust measure of Stroop interference, and it represents a valuable addition to the cognitive scientist’s toolbox