97 research outputs found

    Remoción de Ocratoxina A y Fumonisina B1 de una solución modelo de vino, a través del uso de sustancias poliméricas

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    33 p.Las micotoxinas son metabolitos secundarios producidos por hongos filamentosos, dentro de los cuales se encuentran principalmente los géneros: Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium y Alternaria. Ocratoxina A (OTA) es una de las micotoxinas que ha sido encontrada en altas concentraciones en vinos blancos y tintos, además de jugos y mostos de uva. Este contaminante natural presenta propiedades nefrotóxicas, inmunosupresoras, teratogénicas, y actividad carcinogénicas, razón por la cual constituye una amenaza para la salud humana. En el año 1993, la Agencia Internacional para la Investigación sobre el Cáncer (IARC) las clasificó como carcinogénicas (grupo 2B), y a partir de 2005 la Unión Europea estableció el límite máximo permitido para OTA en vinos de 2 μg L-1. Por su parte, fumonisina B1 (FB1) es otro tipo de micotoxina que ha sido identificada en varios alimentos, y que de acuerdo a estudios realizados en la Universidad de Talca, también estaría presente en algunos tipos de vinos Chilenos. El vino es considerado un alimento funcional de gran consumo a nivel mundial, razón por la cual, la presencia de micotoxinas representa no solo un problema de salud, sino que también económico. Para corregir dicha situación, se han estudiado diversas estrategias físicas, químicas, y microbiológicos para reducir la presencia de micotoxinas en en vino. En este trabajo, evaluamos el porcentaje de captura de OTA y FB1, por separado, en una solución modelo de vino mediante la utilización de polímeros de Polivinilpolirirrolidona (PVPP) y uno de sus derivados (PVPDT), polímero de poliacrilamida-co-dimetacrilato de etilenglicol (PAEGDMA), β-Ciclodextrina y un derivado (β-CDs, 1HPβ-CDs), γ-Ciclodextrina (γ-CDs), y Caolinita. Para los ensayos, se utilizaron dos concentraciones diferentes de los polímeros (5 y 10 mg mL-1), y se estudiaron tres tiempos de contacto (2, 8 y 24 horas). La solución modelo de vino contaminada con OTA o FB1 se puso en contacto por 24 horas,luego se pusieron en contacto con los polímeros, se filtraron las muestras y se analizaron por HPLC-FLD Los mejores resultados de remoción de ambas micotoxinas se obtuvieron con los siguientes polímeros: PVPDT y PAEGDMA. Para el caso de OTA, dichos polímeros capturaron aproximadamente la totalidad de ésta (99,9%, sin importar la concentración del polímero, ni el tiempo de contacto). En el caso de FB1, PVPDT fue el que logró una mayor remoción (93% al aplicar 10 mg por 24 horas), seguido por PVPP (81,2% al aplicar 10 mg por 24 horas) y PAEGDMA (80,1% al aplicar 10 mg por 24 horas). Estos resultados sugieren que dichos polímeros deben ser estudiados en muestras de vino real, para determinar si la capacidad de captura de micotoxinas afecta en manera significativa las características químicas y sensoriales del vino./ABSTRACT: Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by filamentous fungi, among which some of the main responsible genera are: Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium and Alternaria. Ochratoxin A (OTA) is one of the mycotoxin that has been found in high concentrations in red and white wines, juice and grape must. The exposure to this natural contaminant produces nephrotoxic, immunosuppressive, teratogenic, and carcinogenic effects, and it is therefore a threat to human health. In 1993, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified OTA as carcinogenic (Group 2B), and since 2005 the European Union set the maximum allowed limit for OTA in wines 2 mg L-1. Meanwhile, fumonisin B1 (FB1) is another type of mycotoxin that has been identified in various foods, and that according to studies at the University of Talca, would also be present in some types of Chilean wines. Wine is considered a functional that has a high demand in different markets worldwide. Therefore, the presence of mycotoxins is not only a health problem, but also an economical one. In order to solve this situation, various physical, chemical, and microbiological alternatives have been tested to reduce the presence of mycotoxins in wine. In this work, we evaluate the rate of capture of OTA and FB1, separately, in a model wine solution using polymers Polivinilpolirirrolidona (PVPP) and one of its derivatives (PVPDT), a polyacrylamide polymer dimethacrylate-co- ethylene glycol (PAEGDMA), β-cyclodextrin and a derivative (β-CDs, CD-1HPβ), γ-cyclodextrin (γ- CD),and kaolinite. For the tests, two different polymer concentrations (5 and 10 mg mL-1) were used, and three contact times (2, 8 and 24 hours) were studied. The model wine solutions contaminated with OTA or FB1 were brought into contact for 24 hours, after that they were brought into contact with the polymers, and then the samples were filtered and analyzed by HPLC-FLD. The best results for removal of both mycotoxins were obtained with the following polymers: PVPDT and PAEGDMA. In the case of OTA, such polymers captured about 99.9% (regardless of the concentration of the polymer or contact time). In the case of FB1, PVPDT was the polymer that achieved a greater removal (93% when applying 10 mg per 24 hours), followed by PVPP (81.2% when applying 10 mg per 24 hours) and PAEGDMA (80.1% to apply 10 mg per 24 hours). These results suggest that these polymers should be studied in real wine samples to determine their effectiveness in the removal of mycotoxins, and whether the chemical and sensory characteristics of the wines are affecte

    Prevalencia De Parasitosis Intestinales Y Su Posible Relaciòn Con Estados Anèmicos En Los Niños Que Acuden A Los Centros De Educaciòn Inicial

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    The purpose of this current research is to determine the parasites which has the highest prevalence in the children population in regards to anemia problems in boys and girls aged from 3 to 5 years. The study sample was chosen at random. It was represented by 600 boys and girls from the initial education centers of Riobamba-Chambo district located in Ecuador. From these children, it was possible to obtain 600 stool samples and 600 blood samples that were processed through the fresco technique with lugol and saline solution at 0.85% as well as an automated hematic biometry. The result shows that the total population with parasites was 44,7%. Boys represent the highest parasite prevalence with 51,5% related to the girls with 48,5%. The most frequent parasites were: Entamoeba coli (53,18%), Giardia Lambia (18,15%), Histolytic Entamoeba (14,01%), Endolimax nana (5,42%), lodamoeba butschlii (3,50%), Chilomastix mesnili (3,18%), Hymenolepis nana (1,91), and Ascaris lumbricoides (0,65%). It was concluded that there are no significant relationship between the anemic states and the intestinal parasites on boys and girls since the percentage was 4,5%. It was suggested to the principal of the Riobamba - Chambo District of the Ministry of Education to carry out promotion, prevention, and health care campaigns directed towards the authorities and teachers of the Initial Education Centers as well as parents and their children in order to improve the hygiene and food safety habits of students

    Aportes desde la neurociencia, una perspectiva transformada para el aula

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    Introduction: At present, the field of Neurosciences has generated significant progress emphasizing the study of cognitive processes, thus giving rise to the birth of disciplines in various branches of scientific knowledge. Among these disciplines, neuroeducation and neurodidactics stand out, and their contributions are of utmost importance for teachers who seek to base their pedagogical practice on how the brain works and responds in the classroom.  Objective: The objective of this article is to carry out a broad literature review of the last 5 years, in articles of impact of different authors, to analyze the particularities of the definitions starting from the meaning of neuroscience and its relationship with other sciences.  Methodology: Theoretical and empirical research methods were used, as analytical-synthetic in the systematization of the exhaustive review of the main foundations that support this work. Results: A summary of the different articles reviewed is shown, indicating which journal they correspond to, stating their authors and the year of publication. Conclusions: Finally, we conclude on the importance of these contributions and how they guide the teaching role and educational practices to enable the achievement of significant learning in the classroom, of course including the concepts, precepts and theory reviewed in this work.Introducción: En la actualidad, el campo de las Neurociencias ha generado importantes avances enfatizando el estudio de los procesos cognitivos, dando lugar así al nacimiento de disciplinas en diversas ramas del conocimiento científico. Entre estas disciplinas destacan la neuroeducación y la neurodidáctica, cuyos aportes son de suma importancia para los docentes que buscan basar su práctica pedagógica en el funcionamiento y respuesta del cerebro en el aula. Objetivo: El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una amplia revisión bibliográfica de los últimos 5 años, en artículos de impacto de diferentes autores, para analizar las particularidades de las definiciones a partir del significado de la neurociencia y su relación con otras ciencias. Metodología: Se utilizaron métodos de investigación teóricos y empíricos, como analítico-sintético en la sistematización de la revisión exhaustiva de los principales fundamentos que sustentan este trabajo. Resultados: Se muestra un resumen de los diferentes artículos revisados, indicando a qué revista corresponden, señalando sus autores y el año de publicación. Conclusiones: Finalmente, se concluye sobre la importancia de estos aportes y cómo orientan el rol docente y las prácticas educativas para posibilitar el logro de aprendizajes significativos en el aula, por supuesto incluyendo los conceptos, preceptos y teoría revisados en este trabajo

    An elastin-like recombinamer-based bioactive hydrogel embedded with mesenchymal stromal cells as an injectable scaffold for osteochondral repair

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate injectable, in situ cross-linkable elastin-like recombinamers (ELRs) for osteochondral repair. Both the ELR-based hydrogel alone and the ELR-based hydrogel embedded with rabbit mesenchymal stromal cells (rMSCs) were tested for the regeneration of critical subchondral defects in 10 New Zealand rabbits. Thus, cylindrical osteochondral defects were filled with an aqueous solution of ELRs and the animals sacrificed at 4 months for histological and gross evaluation of features of biomaterial performance, including integration, cellular infiltration, surrounding matrix quality and the new matrix in the defects. Although both approaches helped cartilage regeneration, the results suggest that the specific composition of the rMSC-containing hydrogel permitted adequate bone regeneration, whereas the ELR-based hydrogel alone led to an excellent regeneration of hyaline cartilage. In conclusion, the ELR cross-linker solution can be easily delivered and forms a stable well-integrated hydrogel that supports infiltration and de novo matrix synthesisThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 642687. The authors are grateful for the funding from the European Commission (NMP-2014-646075), the Spanish Government (PCIN-2015-010, MAT2015-68901-R, MAT2016-78903-R, MAT2016-79435-R), Junta de Castilla y León (VA015U16) and Centro en Red de Medicina Regenerativa y Terapia Celular de Castilla y León. The authors also wish to thank Maria Victoria Saez Velasco for her important contribution to cell culture experimentsS

    Estrategias metodológicas enfocadas a la mejora del aprendizaje en estudiantes con diversidad

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    Diseño y desarrollo de estrategias metodológicas que faciliten el aprendizaje de los estudiantes en general y que permitan a los estudiantes con diversidad funcional la integración y participación en el proceso de aprendizaje, que refuercen su inclusión y que favorezcan la adquisición de competencias

    To den or not to den. Contributions to the taphonomic history of the Early Pleistocene site of Venta Micena 4 (Orce, Guadix-Baza Basin)

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    Venta Micena (Orce, Guadix-Baza Basin, Spain) is an Early Pleistocene locality renowned for the richness and quality of its palaeontological record. VM is spread over an area of 2.5 km2, where several exposed fossil outcrops are visible amidst its gorges and ravines. The best known of these sites, VM3, has been interpreted as a hyaena den. In addition, a new site, named VM4, has recently been the focus of fieldwork and taphonomic studies. The publication by Luzón et al. (2021) pointed out that VM4 presents a more complex history than VM3. First, two different sub-levels were identified: VM4-I and VM4-II. Secondly, the preliminary taphonomic analysis showed conspicuous differences with regard to VM3. Nevertheless, such interpretation has been challenged by Palmqvist et al. (2022) who proposed that VM3 and VM4 are both the result of a single depositional process, entailing the selective transport of skeletal parts by the giant extinct hyaena Pachycrocuta brevirostris back to its den. Using well-preserved faunal elements whose depositional context and provenance are reliable, in this paper we show that: 1) there are two clearly defined sub-levels in VM4 with some shared taphonomic characteristics as well as some notable differences; 2) VM3 and VM4 exhibit enough divergence to support differences in site formation processes; 3) The interpretation of both VM4-I and VM4-II is more consistent with their characterisation as open-air sites in which multiple agents and depositional processes contributed to its formation, rather than with hyaena dens. Nevertheless, excavations are still in progress at VM4 and therefore any results and interpretations ought to be considered as provisional

    FLK West (Lower Bed II, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania): a new early Acheulean site with evidence for human exploitation of fauna

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    This paper presents a detailed taphonomic study of the faunal assemblage from FLK West (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania), a site with an Acheulean component that dates to 1.7 Ma. The faunal sample analysed here is distributed in different archaeological levels and is associated with a significant lithic accumulation including several large format tools and handaxes. The fauna indicates the proliferation of open environments similar to those found in other Bed II and late Bed I sites. Evidence of anthropogenic activity (e.g. defleshing activities and marrow consumption) has been identified in the form of cut and percussion marks. A photogrammetric and morphometric analysis suggests that these marks were produced with quartzite flakes and not with handaxes. Evidence of interaction with carnivores was also noted; tooth marks were observed on some bones. Such interaction indicates the existence of competition between humans and carnivores for the same ecological niche, and might lead us to reflect on the survival strategies of Lower Pleistocene hominins

    A Molecular Characterization of the Allelic Expression of the BRCA1 Founder Δ9–12 Pathogenic Variant and Its Potential Clinical Relevance in Hereditary Cancer:International Journal of Molecular Sciences

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    Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) syndrome is a genetic condition that increases the risk of breast cancer by 80% and that of ovarian cancer by 40%. The most common pathogenic variants (PVs) causing HBOC occur in the BRCA1 gene, with more than 3850 reported mutations in the gene sequence. The prevalence of specific PVs in BRCA1 has increased across populations due to the effect of founder mutations. Therefore, when a founder mutation is identified, it becomes key to improving cancer risk characterization and effective screening protocols. The only founder mutation described in the Mexican population is the deletion of exons 9 to 12 of BRCA1 (BRCA1Δ9–12), and its description focuses on the gene sequence, but no transcription profiles have been generated for individuals who carry this gene. In this study, we describe the transcription profiles of cancer patients and healthy individuals who were heterozygous for PV BRCA1Δ9–12 by analyzing the differential expression of both alleles compared with the homozygous BRCA1 control group using RT–qPCR, and we describe the isoforms produced by the BRCA1 wild-type and BRCA1Δ9–12 alleles using nanopore long-sequencing. Using the Kruskal–Wallis test, our results showed a similar transcript expression of the wild-type allele between the healthy heterozygous group and the homozygous BRCA1 control group. An association between the recurrence and increased expression of both alleles in HBOC patients was also observed. An analysis of the sequences indicated four wild-type isoforms with diagnostic potential for discerning individuals who carry the PV BRCA1Δ9–12 and identifying which of them has developed cancer

    Centinelas: un proyecto de integración y acción ciudadana

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    Este proyecto es una tarea de extensión desde el ámbito de la investigación de monos aulladores negros y dorados (Alouatta caraya) y de zorros (Cerdocyon thous, Lycalopex gymnocercus) que habitan en las zonas de interfase urbano-rural de la Estación Biológica Corrientes (EBCo, CCT, CONICET) y un proyecto de UN- NE+SALUD 2019. Los objetivos generales incluyeron proponer acciones para la detección temprana de ciertas enfermedades en la comunidad desde la participación ciudadana. Se efectuaron una serie de encuentros con ciudadanos/as de las localidades de la ciudad de Corrientes y Mburucuyá sobre el conocimiento de la ecología y epidemiología de estas especies centinelas. La meta es impulsar una red integrada por ciudadanos/as locales motivados/as por la búsqueda personal y colectiva de soluciones a problemáticas ambientales y epidemiológicas En total se llevaron a cabo tres presentaciones del proyecto a la que asistieron un total de 120 personas, y ocho talleres con la participación de 62 personas entre ambas localidades, que consistieron en salidas de campo en áreas protegidas y rurales, práctica de análisis coproparasitológicos y elaboración de proyectos de acción. La red de "Centinelas en acción" en la región noreste de Argentina actuará como nodo de comunicación entre los profesionales, los participantes capacitados y los actores de zonas urbanas, periurbanas o rurales que coexistan y se relacionen con estas especies centinelas. Es de interés promover la sensibilización de la comunidad sobre estas temáticas de Salud pública y de Salud de los Ecosistemas, desde una actividad investigativa y de ciencia ciudadana, generando concientización y la implementa- ción de acciones para asegurar la conservación de estas especies a largo plazo

    Use of tocilizumab in kidney transplant recipients with COVID-1

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    Acute respiratory distress syndrome associated with coronavirus infection is related to a cytokine storm with large interleukin-6 (IL-6) release. The IL-6-receptor blocker tocilizumab may control the aberrant host immune response in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) . In this pandemic, kidney transplant (KT) recipients are a high-risk population for severe infection and showed poor outcomes. We present a multicenter cohort study of 80 KT patients with severe COVID-19 treated with tocilizumab during hospital admission. High mortality rate was identified (32.5%), related with older age (hazard ratio [HR] 3.12 for those older than 60 years, P = .039). IL-6 and other inflammatory markers, including lactic acid dehydrogenase, ferritin, and D-dimer increased early after tocilizumab administration and their values were higher in nonsurvivors. Instead, C-reactive protein (CRP) levels decreased after tocilizumab, and this decrease positively correlated with survival (mean 12.3 mg/L in survivors vs. 33 mg/L in nonsurvivors). Each mg/L of CRP soon after tocilizumab increased the risk of death by 1% (HR 1.01 [confidence interval 1.004-1.024], P = .003). Although patients who died presented with worse respiratory situation at admission, this was not significantly different at tocilizumab administration and did not have an impact on outcome in the multivariate analysis. Tocilizumab may be effective in controlling cytokine storm in COVID-19 but randomized trials are needed