118 research outputs found

    Producción científica de FLACSO, Ecuador, entre sus programas de maestrías en el Período 2015-2020: SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION OF FLACSO, ECUADOR AMONG ITS MASTER PROGRAMS IN THE PERIOD 2015-2020

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    La presente investigación se orientó por el objetivo de analizar la producción científica de los programas de maestrías de Flacso Ecuador en el periodo 2015-2020. Para lo cual se caracterizó la producción de dicha institución, también se procedió a identificar los principales productos científicos publicados durante ese periodo y se determinó la contribución del impacto, visibilidad y usabilidad de las investigaciones encontradas. Para el cumplimiento del objetivo de investigación se utilizó un paradigma cuantitativo, tanto para la recolección de datos como para el procesamiento de los mismos. Se empleó como técnicas la revisión de documentos institucionales y el análisis de base de datos como Web of Knowledge de lo cual se obtuvo como resultados que la producción científica de Flacso Ecuador en el periodo seleccionado, se caracterizó por la presentación mayoritaria de TFM, seguido de las publicaciones de artículos, en proporción significativamente menor y, las publicaciones de resúmenes de congresos, revisiones y revisiones de libros. La mayor proporción de publicaciones fue presentada por el programa de Desarrollo, Ambiente y Territorio, seguido por Antropología, historia y humanidades y luego Sociología y estudios de género. Los principales productos científicos correspondieron con los TFM, siendo los primeros, seguido de los artículos, publicaciones de resúmenes de congresos, revisiones y revisiones de libros. Como se detalló en los resultados es significativa la diferencia entre la cantidad de TFM presentados y la de artículos publicados, siendo área de mayor contribución en la producción científica el Programa de Maestría de Desarrollo, Ambiente y Territorio

    Prevention of school violence face to face and virtual in the high school

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    The present article pretends contribute a complete vision about the problems of bullying and cyberbullying in high school students, and some tools who helps as a prevention factor in face to face environments and virtual environments, as generic competences and digital competence; all this starting with three researches, two of these descriptive transversal studies and one correlational study, made on high school students of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México; in these studies were applied self-report questionnaires to obtain information about the perception of the teenagers about these issues, and in case of generic competences and digital competence, the knowledge they have

    Liderazgo transformacional y el desempeño laboral en los trabajadores de las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito de la provincia de Bolívar

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    Introduction: The Savings and Credit cooperatives of the Province of Bolívar through this study want to achieve a transformational leadership, which serves as a guide for managers and thus be able to directly influence the improvement of job performance of people who work in each of these financial entities through the correct decision-making and problem solving in search of efficiency, effectiveness and fulfilment of institutional objectives. Objective: To investigate the influence of transformational leadership on the job performance of employees of the Savings and Credit Cooperatives of Bolívar Province. Methodology: The research methodology used in this project is based on a descriptive correlational study with a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative) in this way the most relevant characteristics of transformational leadership are established, for this reason a bibliographic and field research work was developed in which determined a population of 100 people who work in cooperatives, in order to obtain information, very common techniques such as interviews and surveys were used, therefore validation was carried out through expert criteria together with the digital tool SPSS, It should be noted that the sampling is not probabilistic and the reliability was established with the Cron Bach Alpha Coefficient. Results: The results obtained from the respondents perceive transformational leadership at a poor level with 65.39% and at a regular level with 34.61% an efficient level. Conclusions: It is concluded that the causes of poor job performance are due to the inadequate training of employees, demotivation, and the inappropriate attitude of managers, this has generated dissatisfaction and the work environment is not adequate, which is classified as sufficient evidence to determine the relationship between the study variables.Introducción: Las cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito de la Provincia de Bolívar a través de este estudio quieren alcanzar un liderazgo transformacional, el cual sirva de guía para los directivos y así poder incidir de manera directa en mejorar el desempeño laboral de las personas que trabajan en cada una de estas entidades financieras mediante la acertada toma de decisiones y resolución de problemas en búsqueda de la eficiencia, eficacia y cumplimiento de los objetivos institucionales. Objetivo: Investigar la influencia del liderazgo transformacional en el desempeño laboral de los empleados de las Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito de la Provincia Bolívar. Metodología: La metodología de investigación utilizada en este proyecto está fundamentada en un estudio descriptivo correlacional con enfoque mixto (cualitativo y cuantitativo) de esta forma se establece las características más relevantes del liderazgo transformacional, por ello se desarrolló un trabajo investigativo bibliográfico y de campo en el que se determinó una población de 100 personas las cuales trabajan en las cooperativas, para poder obtener información se hizo uso de técnicas muy comunes como entrevistas y encuestas por consiguiente se realizó la validación a través del criterio de expertos conjuntamente con la herramienta digital SPSS, cabe recalcar que el muestreo es no probabilístico y la confiabilidad se estableció con el Coeficiente  Alpha de Cron Bach. Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos de los encuestados perciben un liderazgo transformacional en un nivel deficiente con un 65,39% y de un nivel regular con un 34,61% un nivel eficiente. Conclusiones: Se concluye que las causas del bajo desempeño laboral son por la inadecuada capacitación de los empleados, la desmotivación y la inapropiada actitud de los directivos, esto ha generado insatisfacción y el clima laboral no es el adecuado, lo que se cataloga como pruebas suficientes para determinar la relación que existe entre las variables de estudio

    Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Pregnancy and Its Benefits on Maternal-Fetal Health: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Introduction: Pregnancy is a transcendent period for the mother and the fetus, characterized by an increase on energy requirements. Mediterranean diet (MD) is considered a healthy eating pattern that can provide the nutritional requirements of pregnancy and protect from the development of obstetric pathologies. Objective: To know the relationship between adherence to the MD and its maternal-fetal benefits. Methodology: A systematic review was conducted by identifying articles in the PubMed and Cochrane databases. The publication date of the studies was between 2010 and 2020, and the inclusion criteria established were that the articles were written in English and Spanish and were accessible in full text. Studies concerning assisted reproduction, gene modulation, conference abstracts, systematic reviews, and pilot studies were excluded. Results: Finally, a total of 14 studies were included in the review. The association between the MD and the reduction of some pathologies of pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes, overweight or obesity, sleep quality, complications of childbirth, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and alterations in fetal growth was demonstrated, as well as perinatal problems, including birth weight, prematurity, gastroschisis, and other childhood problems. Conclusion: The MD is an optimal diet to consume during pregnancy

    Bioempaques para la industria alimentaria a partir de nanocompuestos y polímeros naturales

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    El incremento sistemático del consumo en el mundo ha repercutido en la cantidad de envases utilizados en la industria alimentaria. En este contexto, la mayor parte de los materiales que se usan para el empaque de alimentos no son biodegradables, por lo que esta situación constituye un peligro para el medio ambiente, ya que el número de vertederos aumenta y los residuos que los llenan no se desintegran espontáneamente. Con la finalidad de hacer frente a esta problemática y desarrollar materiales ecológicos se ha investigado distintos biopolímeros, pero debido a sus propiedades mecánicas y de barrera pobres, no han podido ser utilizados para reemplazar a los materiales comunes como los plásticos. Como alternativa para la obtención de biomateriales se encuentran los nanomateriales, que poseen mayor área de superficie, lo que favorece las interacciones con la matriz polimérica y su rendimiento. Por lo tanto, este reciente desarrollo de nano-biocompuestos a base de polímeros, son conocidos como “nanocompuestos verdes” y se perfilan como los materiales del futuro. Es por las razones mencionadas, que el presente proyecto es de gran interés para desarrollar nuevos materiales para su uso en la industria alimenticia, debido al porvenir de los nanomateriales a partir de polímeros naturales, son biodegradables, por lo que el impacto sobre el medio ambiente sería nulo

    High resolution spectroscopy of the BCD galaxy Haro 15: II. Chemodynamics

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    We present a detailed study of the physical properties of the nebular material in four star-forming knots of the blue compact dwarf galaxy Haro 15. Using long-slit and echelle spectroscopy obtained at Las Campanas Observatory, we study the physical conditions (electron density and temperatures), ionic and total chemical abundances of several atoms, reddening and ionization structure, for the global flux and for the different kinematical components. The latter was derived by comparing the oxygen and sulphur ionic ratios to their corresponding observed emission line ratios (the η\eta and η\eta' plots) in different regions of the galaxy. Applying the direct method or empirical relationships for abundance determination, we perform a comparative analysis between these regions. The similarities found in the ionization structure of the different kinematical components implies that the effective temperatures of the ionizing radiation fields are very similar in spite of some small differences in the ionization state of the different elements. Therefore the different gaseous kinematical components identified in each star forming knot are probably ionized by the same star cluster. However, the difference in the ionizing structure of the two knots with knot A showing a lower effective temperature than knot B, suggests a different evolutionary stage for them consistent with the presence of an older and more evolved stellar population in the first.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 8 tables, accepted by MNRA

    El reto de profesionalizar la salud pública

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    Somos profesionales de la salud pública, aunque nuestras familias siguen sin saber a qué nos dedicamos. No es lo contrario de la salud privada: es la salud de y para toda la población. Dada la complejidad que esta definición entraña y la confusión semántica inherente al adjetivo “público”, los profesionales de la salud pública nos enfrentamos con frecuencia al reto de tener que justificar nuestra existencia.N

    Influence of the Mediterranean diet on seminal quality—a systematic review

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    Currently, there is a growing interest in the study of fertility because fertility-related problems affect up to 15% of the world’s population. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of the Mediterranean diet on seminal quality in men of reproductive age. For this purpose, a systematic review of the literature was carried out following the PRISMA method. Electronic searches were carried out in the international databases PubMed, Scopus, the Cochrane Library, and Web of Science. In total, 10 articles with 2032 men were included. As inclusion criteria, articles published between 2012 and 2022 were selected, including those that included men aged between 18 and 55 years. Nutritional status was assessed through weight, height, and BMI. Dietary habits were evaluated through different indexes and food frequency questionnaires, and finally, semen quality was evaluated by measuring sperm concentration and motility (progressive and non-progressive). In six (60%) of the included articles, a positive relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and semen quality was demonstrated; in two (20%) of the articles, no association was found; and finally, in two (20%) of the included articles, the relationship between dietary patterns typical of DM and semen quality was evaluated. Dietary habits influence semen quality. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet can improve male reproductive health, as it is a diet with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. This is the first systematic review about the influence of the Mediterranean diet on semen quality, and the results are positive. These findings may allow us to provide better advice to our patients and to establish interventions with the aim of improving the results of assisted reproduction techniques

    Innovative Approaches for Organizing an Inclusive Optics and Photonics Conference in Virtual Format

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    The COVID pandemic is forcing the renewal of scientific conferences, offering opportunities to introduce technological and inclusive developments. Our analysis focuses on the implementation of inclusive practices for female and early-career researchers in a virtual scientific conference. This organization approach was applied in the XIII Spanish Optical Meeting (RNO2021), which was also characterized by avatars interacting in an online metaverse. The effectiveness of inclusive policies and novel technological tools was evaluated using the participation data and a post-conference survey. Our study reveals the high impact of inclusive actions and a strong interest in the scientific community to explore conference advances