426 research outputs found

    The 'broken society' election: class hatred and the politics of poverty and place in Glasgow East

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    This paper considers some of the ways in which representations of people experiencing poverty and disadvantaged places continue to be informed by ideas of individual inadequacy, dependency and disorder. Drawing on media reportage of poverty during the Glasgow East by-election in July 2008, it argues not only that people defined as 'poor' and locales that are severely disadvantaged continue to be 'othered' through such narratives, but also that this provides a clear indication of the ways in which the politics of poverty and state welfare are increasingly being fought-out in the media. It is argued that such misrecognition amounts to social injustice and stands in the way of progressive approaches to poverty and social welfar

    We make the road by walking: challenging conceptualisations of leisure time for children in poverty

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    In this article, we discuss a research project focusing on the ways in which children in poverty spend and experience their leisure time. We argue that the dominant conceptualisation of leisure time participation reduces poverty to a lack of social and cultural capital, marginalising poor children as passive objects of socialisation. Inspired by the interpretative paradigm of lifeworld orientation, three insights are identified throughout poor children’s experiences, which include the following: (1) challenging taken-for-granted divisions of time; (2) giving meaning to regimes of time as an on-going learning process; and (3) imagining a socially just future

    A Comprehensive Optogenetic Pharmacology Toolkit for In Vivo Control of GABAA Receptors and Synaptic Inhibition

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    SummaryExogenously expressed opsins are valuable tools for optogenetic control of neurons in circuits. A deeper understanding of neural function can be gained by bringing control to endogenous neurotransmitter receptors that mediate synaptic transmission. Here we introduce a comprehensive optogenetic toolkit for controlling GABAA receptor-mediated inhibition in the brain. We developed a series of photoswitch ligands and the complementary genetically modified GABAA receptor subunits. By conjugating the two components, we generated light-sensitive versions of the entire GABAA receptor family. We validated these light-sensitive receptors for applications across a broad range of spatial scales, from subcellular receptor mapping to in vivo photo-control of visual responses in the cerebral cortex. Finally, we generated a knockin mouse in which the “photoswitch-ready” version of a GABAA receptor subunit genomically replaces its wild-type counterpart, ensuring normal receptor expression. This optogenetic pharmacology toolkit allows scalable interrogation of endogenous GABAA receptor function with high spatial, temporal, and biochemical precision

    Inequalities in diet and physical activity in Europe

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    The contribution of food, nutrition and physical activity to inequalities in health across Europe is largely unexplored. This paper summarizes cross sectional survey data on food patterns and nutrient intakes, and briefer data on physical activity, by various indicators of socio-economic status for countries across Europe. Factors are examined which underlie the outcome data seen. These include structural and material conditions and circumstances which contribute to excluding sociodemographic groups from participating in mainstream patterns of living. Trends in social and economic conditions, and their implications for nutritional and physical wellbeing are briefly outlined


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    As indústrias filetadoras de pescado promovem uma grande geração de resíduos e estes geralmente têm um destino incorreto. No entanto, a transformação destes resíduos em produtos para a alimentação humana, como o desenvolvimento de hidrolisados proteicos de pescado, é uma excelente opção de renda para as indústrias. Estes hidrolisados apresentam grande potencial na recuperação de valiosa matéria-prima, podendo resultar em propriedades funcionais e bioativas aceitáveis e valor nutricional apreciável no produto final. Dessa forma, foram desenvolvidos empanados de peixe com inclusão parcial (8%) de hidrolisados proteicos de tilápia do Nilo em sua formulação e caracterizados de acordo com sua composição centesimal, microbiológica e sensorial. Os empanados apresentaram composição centesimal semelhante entre si, com 62,32, 64,18 e 65,05% de umidade; 12,36, 12,69 e 13,02% de proteína; 2,93, 2,84 e 2,79% de extrato etéreo; 1,28, 1,46 e 1,49% de matéria mineral e 21,11, 18,83 e 17,65% de carboidratos respectivamente para os empanados com o hidrolisado H1, com o hidrolisado H2 e os controles. Com relação aos resultados microbiológicos, os empanados apresentaram valores dentro dos padrões exigidos pela legislação vigente. Quanto à análise sensorial, os empanados foram bem aceitos pelos provadores (n=35), apresentando aceitação com médias de pontuação acima de 7, que representa uma pontuação acima do termo “gostei moderadamente”, no entanto os empanados não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre si. Portanto, a inclusão de hidrolisados proteicos de pescado na formulação de empanados de peixe é uma boa alternativa para substituição parcial da carne, já que praticamente mantiveram seu valor nutricional, apresentaram boa qualidade sanitária e foram bem aceitos pelos consumidores

    The oldest old and the risk of social exclusion

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    This article examines whether people aged eighty-five-and-over, referred to throughout as ‘The Oldest Old’, are more likely to suffer from social exclusion than people aged sixty-five to eighty-four. Social Exclusion is defined according to the four dimensions identified in the 1999 Poverty and Social Exclusion Survey. Using data from Understanding Society, the analysis finds that the Oldest Old have a higher likelihood of experiencing social exclusion than people aged sixty-five to eighty-four. These findings illustrate the risks facing the Oldest Old, and highlight the policy challenges presented by ageing western populations


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    A piscicultura orgânica é a criação de peixes em água isenta decontaminantes ou poluentes, os quais se alimentam naturalmente ourecebem ração com certificação orgânica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisarsensorialmente filés de jundiá (Rhamdia voulezi) fritos e defumados submetidosà alimentação com rações orgânicas certificadas e comerciais, a fim de verificara influência dessas sobre as características sensoriais do produto final. Ospeixes foram cultivados em tanques-rede, alimentados com ração orgânica ecomercial por um período de 60 dias. Ao final, os peixes foram transferidosao laboratório para posterior beneficiamento. Os filés de jundiá orgânico ecomercial permaneceram em salmoura por 40 minutos, em seguida foramfritos e defumados. Para a análise sensorial, foi utilizado o teste de diferençatriangular, aplicado a 24 provadores não treinados, que receberam seisamostras codificadas. A análise estatística demonstrou não haver diferençasignificativa (P<0,05) entre as amostras, revelando que as rações certificadasorgânicas não influenciaram nas características sensoriais dos filés, logo,torna-se interessante este tipo de cultivo para peixes

    Defining minimum income (and living) standards in Europe : methodological issues and policy debates

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    Minimum income protection is gaining new significance in European social policy. In an effort to promote social inclusion, the European Parliament has called on the European Commission and EU Member States to guarantee the minimum right to social safety nets. The Commission has been considering, in the context of the Europe 2020 strategy, the possibility of setting minimum standards for social protection. It is timely then to survey the debates surrounding minimum income standards for Europe and some of the different technologies available for setting reference budgets. A European needs-based (minimum) social protection floor should help guard against poverty and exclusion, but there can be no ‘one size fits all’ in Europe. For it is equally clear that higher social standards of protection may be required by citizens in more affluent parts of Europe. How can such distinctions be made, and what are the challenges arising from doing so

    German validation of Quality of Life after Brain Injury (QOLIBRI) assessment and associated factors

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    The consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI) for health-related quality of life (HRQoL) are still poorly understood, and no TBI-specific instrument has hitherto been available. This paper describes in detail the psychometrics and validity of the German version of an internationally developed, self-rated HRQoL tool after TBI—the QOLIBRI (Quality of Life after Brain Injury). Factors associated with HRQoL, such as the impact of cognitive status and awareness, are specifically reported. One-hundred seventy-two participants after TBI were recruited from the records of acute clinics, most of whom having a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 24-hour worst score and a Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOSE) score. Participants had severe (24%), moderate (11%) and mild (56%) injuries as assessed on the GCS, 3 months to 15 years post-injury. The QOLIBRI uses 37 items to measure “satisfaction” in the areas of “Cognition”, “Self”, “Daily Life and Autonomy”, and “Social Relationships”, and “feeling bothered” by “Emotions”and “Physical Problems”. The scales meet standard psychometric criteria (α = .84 to .96; intra-class correlation—ICC = .72 to .91). ICCs (0.68 to 0.90) and αs (.83 to .96) were also good in a subgroup of participants with lower cognitive performance. The six-subscale structure of the international sample was reproduced for the German version using confirmatory factor analyses and Rasch analysis. Scale validity was supported by systematic relationships observed between the QOLIBRI and the GOSE, Patient Competency Rating Scale for Neurorehabilitation (PCRS-NR), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Profile of Mood States (POMS), Short Form 36 (SF-36), and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). The German QOLIBRI contains novel information not provided by other currently available measures and has good psychometric criteria. It is potentially useful for clinicians and researchers, in post-acute and rehabilitation studies, on a group and individual level.Additional co-authors: Klaus von Wild and Henning Gibbon