139 research outputs found

    Gestión del supervisor escolar en el Programa Escuelas de Calidad en Sonora: del discurso a la práctica

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    El presente estudio analiza las prácticas centrales del supervisor de educación primaria en el estado de Sonora en las políticas enmarcadas en el Programa Escuelas de Calidad (PEC). El supervisor se considera como agente primordial para el cumplimiento de los objetivos de dicho programa. La práctica profesional y la política educativa que la sustenta se estudiaron desde los enfoques cuantitativo y cualitativo. Los resultados indicaron que los supervisores enfrentan nuevos desafíos y nuevas competencias que le demanda la política educativa de gestión escolar del Programa Escuelas de Calidad, para lo cual no han sido debidamente preparados y por lo tanto les dificulta el cumplimiento de dicha política

    Derivación de pacientes. Centros y Unidades de Referencia. CSUR y ERN

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    The increasing complexity of the cases attended, and the growing availability of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, determines the need to develop innovative solutions to guarantee access to healthcare for all citizens.In Spain, the Centres, Services and Reference Units (CSUR), identify the healthcare providers that can provide a better-specialized care in the most complex pathologies and procedures. The Cohesion Fund Information System (SIFCO) deals with the process to facilitate access to available CSUR between autonomous communities and regions. So far, 74 pathologies and procedures have been identified to be designated as CSUR in the Spanish National Health Service.Unlike the CSUR, the European Reference Networks (ERN), are not set up to refer patients from one healthcare provider to another, but to facilitate the communication and feedback between the most specialized professionals dealing with rare and complex pathologies.The first 24 ERNs were approved in March 2017, incorporating more than 900 highly specialized centres in more than 300 hospitals in 26 member states. One of these ERN is coordinated by a Spanish hospital.La creciente complejidad de los procesos atendidos y de los procedimientos diagnósticos y terapéuticos disponibles justifica la necesidad de definir fórmulas innovadoras para garantizar el derecho a la salud de todos los ciudadanos.En España, los Centros, Servicios y Unidades de Referencia (CSUR) identifican a los dispositivos asistenciales que pueden prestar una mejor atención especializada en las patologías y procedimientos más complejos. A través del Sistema de Información del Fondo de Cohesión (SIFCO), se realizan las gestiones necesarias para la atención de los pacientes en CSUR ubicados en otra Comunidad Autónoma.Hasta el momento, se han acordado 74 patologías o procedimientos para los que es necesario designar CSUR en el Sistema Nacional de Salud.A diferencia de los CSUR, las Redes Europeas de Referencia (ERN) no se constituyen para la derivación de pacientes de unos centros a otros, sino para facilitar la comunicación entre los especialistas europeos que cuentan con la mayor experiencia en las patologías más raras o complejas. Las primeras 24 ERNs fueron aprobadas en marzo de 2017, incorporando a más de 900 centros de alta especialización en más de 300 hospitales de 26 estados miembros. Una de estas ERN está coordinada por un hospital español

    The Glial Cell of Human Cutaneous Sensory Corpuscles: Origin, Characterization, and Putative Roles

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    Sensory corpuscles of human skin are structures located at the peripheral end of the mechanoreceptive neurons and function as low-threshold mechanoreceptors (LTMRs). In its structure, in addition to the axon, there are glial cells, not myelinating, that are organized in different ways according to the morphotype of sensitive corpuscle, forming the so-called laminar cells of Meissner’s corpuscles, the laminar cells of the inner core of Pacinian corpuscles, or cells of the inner core in Ruffini’s corpuscles. Classically the glial cells of sensory corpuscles have been considered support cells and passive in the process of mechanotransduction. However, the presence of ion channels and synapses-like systems between them and the axon suggests that corpuscular glial cells are actively involved in the transformation of mechanical into electrical impulses. This chapter is an update on the origin, development, cytoarchitecture, and protein profile of glial cells of sensitive corpuscles especially those of human glabrous skin

    Ultraviolet laser patterning of porous silicon

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    This work reports on the fabrication of 1D fringed patterns on nanostructured porous silicon (nanoPS) layers (563, 372, and 290nm thick). The patterns are fabricated by phase-mask laser interference using single pulses of an UV excimer laser (193nm, 20ns pulse duration). The method is a single-step and flexible approach to produce a large variety of patterns formed by alternate regions of almost untransformed nanoPS and regions where its surface has melted and transformed into Si nanoparticles (NPs). The role of laser fluence (5-80mJcm-2), and pattern period (6.3-16µm) on pattern features and surface structuring are discussed. The results show that the diameter of Si NPs increases with fluence up to a saturation value of 75nm for a fluence ˜40mJcm-2. In addition, the percentage of transformed to non-transformed region normalized to the pattern period follows similar fluence dependence regardless the period and thus becomes an excellent control parameter. This dependence is fitted within a thermal model that allows for predicting the in-depth profile of the pattern. The model assumes that transformation occurs whenever the laser-induced temperature increase reaches the melting temperature of nanoPS that has been found to be 0.7 of that of crystalline silicon for a porosity of around 79%. The role of thermal gradients across the pattern is discussed in the light of the experimental results and the calculated temperature profiles, and shows that the contribution of lateral thermal flow to melting is not significant for pattern periods =6.3µm.Postprint (published version

    Aplicación De Un Modelo Basado En La Gestión Del Conocimiento Para Mejorar El Nivel De Aprovechamiento De Las Tic. Estudio De Caso En Una Pyme Mexicana

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    A very dynamic environment and constant technological advances are surrounding small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in their commercial activities. The business context is becoming increasingly complex, as there are continually numerous aspects related to the application of knowledge, both financial, legal, organizacional and technological. In relation to the application of information and communication technologies (ICT), SMEs need to acquire and apply knowledge correctly to obtain the best use of these technologies in their business processes. Taking this scenario into account, the objective of this paper is to present the case study on the application of a conceptual model based on knowledge management (KM) to improve the level of use of ICT in the business processes of mexican SMEs. The model was applied in an SME of the commercial sector. The results obtained are exposed, as well as the conclusions and future perspectives of the work developed

    Customer Satisfaction, measuring the quality of service provided to customers for restaurants. Mexican Case.

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    Study of the level of quality of services in restaurants of North, Central and South of the State of Sonora areas. The SERVQUALING instrument, a sample n = 315 Simple Random Sampling obtained from a population of 935. The reliability was obtained by Cronbach's alpha = 0.922 was used, being very high to be considered as equivalent questionnaire designed to populations construct validity and acceptable internal reliability. The results show that this questionnaire presents internal consistency in their scales and the south has a level of overall quality of 3.97 (79%), the downtown area a level of 3.91 (78%) and the northern area a 3.91 (78%). The hypothesis test showed that there is no significant difference between the results so the quality of these businesses in these areas is considered as good as the Likert scale used it to see the range of 3.4 to 4.19 (68% to 83.9%). The greatest contribution required to be done is to raise awareness of the performance of these businesses by region, and companies together with government development agencies, can make decisions based on the diagnosis that offers this tool

    Microscale characterization of surface recombination at the vicinity of laser-processed regions in c-Si solar cells

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    Laser firing processes have emerged as a technologically feasible approach for the fabrication of local point contacts or local doped regions in advanced high-efficiency crystalline-Si (c-Si) solar cells. In this work, we analyze the local impact induced by the laser pulse on the passivation layers, which are commonly present in advanced c-Si solar cell architectures to reduce surface recombination. We use microphotoluminescence (PL) measurements with a spatial resolution of 7 mu m to evaluate the passivation performance at the surroundings of laser-processed regions (LPRs). In particular, we have studied LPRs performed on SiCx/Al2O3- and Al2O3 passivated c-Si wafers by an infrared (1064 nm) laser. Micro-PL results show that passivation quality of c-Si surface is affected up to about 100 mu m away from the LPR border and that the extension of this damaged zone is correlated with the laser power and to the presence of capping layers. In the final part of the work, the observed decrease in passivation quality is included in an improved 3-D simulation model that gives accurate information about the recombination velocities associated with the studied LPRs.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Microscale spatially resolved characterization of highly doped regions in laser-fired contacts for high-efficiency crystalline Si solar cells

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    Laser-fired contact (LFC) processes have emerged as a promising approach to create rear local electric contacts in p-type crystalline silicon solar cells. Although this approach has been successfully applied in devices showing efficiencies above 20%, there is still a lack of knowledge about some specific features of LFCs at the submicron level. In this study, we used micro-Raman and microphotoluminescence (PL) spectroscopies to carry out a high-resolution spatially resolved characterization of LFCs processed in Al2O3-passivated c-Si wafers. Relevant information concerning features such as local doping distribution and crystalline fraction of the laser-processed region has been obtained. In particular, interesting qualitative and quantitative variations concerning the doping profile have been observed between LFCs processed at different laser powers. Finally, conductive-atomic force microscopy measurements have allowed to identify the existence of highly conductive zones inside the LFCs greatly correlated with highly doped regions revealed by Raman and PL data. This study gives a detailed insight about the LFCs characteristics at the submicron level and their possible influence on the performance of final devices.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A strategic reflection for the management and implementation of CAR-T therapy in Spain: an expert consensus paper

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    CAR-T cell therapy represents a therapeutic revolution in the prognosis and treatment of patients with certain types of hematological cancer. However, they also pose new challenges in the healthcare, regulatory and financial fields. The aim of the RET-A project was to undertake a strategic reflection on the management of CAR-T therapies within the Spanish National Health System, to agree on recommendations that will help to better deal with the new context introduced by these cell therapies in the present and in the future. This think tank involved 40 key agents and opinion leaders. The experts identified three great challenges for implementing advanced therapies in Spain: therapeutic individualisation, with a multidisciplinary approach; acceleration of access times, by minimizing bureaucracy; and increase in the number of centers qualified to manage the CAR-T therapies in the NHS. The experts agreed on the ideal criteria for designating those qualified centers. They also agreed on a comprehensive CAR-T care pathway with the timings and roles which would ideally be involved in each part of the process.This study was funded by Gilead Sciences, Inc.Peer reviewe

    Adsorción del colorante azul directo 2 sobre borra de café en una columna de lecho fijo a escala de laboratorio

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    La contaminación del agua con colorantes sintéticos, resultado de las actividades industriales, es un problema latente en la sociedad. Su presencia, aun en concentraciones muy bajas, influye drásticamente en los procesos de fotosíntesis, porque impide la penetración de la luz, afectando la vida acuática e, incluso, la salud humana. La adsorción con carbón activado es una de las técnicas más empleadas para remover el color de los efluentes, pero sus altos costos han dirigido la atención de los investigadores hacia el estudio de materiales adsorbentes provenientes, principalmente, de la agroindustria. Este artículo presenta un estudio sobre la remoción del colorante azul directo 2 en disolución acuosa sobre borra de café sin tratar y modificada a 30±1°C, en una columna empacada. Se realizó la caracterización fisicoquímica de los adsorbentes, que incluye la evaluación de las propiedades de textura, mediante isotermas de adsorción, con N2 a 77K, la identificación y cuantificación de grupos funcionales orgánicos, con FTIR y el método de Boemh. El estudio en columna evaluó el efecto de la altura del lecho del adsorbente (Z = 3 y 6cm), el flujo volumétrico (Qv= 2 y 4cm3min-1) y la concentración inicial (Co = 8 y 14mgdm-3), sobre el tiempo de ruptura y la capacidad de adsorción. Los datos experimentales de las curvas de ruptura se ajustaron al modelo BDST (Bed Depth Service Time). Los resultados muestran que el rendimiento de la columna mejora con el incremento de Z y la disminución de Qv y Co, siendo la concentración inicial, el factor con mayor significancia