6 research outputs found

    Prática de ensino supervisionada em ensino do 1.º e 2.º ciclo do ensino básico

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    O documento que apresentamos reflete o trabalho desenvolvido na unidade curricular de “Prática de Ensino Supervisionada” (PES), do curso de Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º ciclos do Ensino Básico, da Escola Superior de Educação de Bragança. Começamos por apresentar os contextos/escolas e as turmas onde desenvolvemos a prática educativa. Esta apresentação decorre essencialmente de uma leitura pessoal desses vários contextos educativos, numa perspetiva de abordagem qualitativa. Procuraremos, portanto, dar a conhecer as várias turmas, através da observação da naturalidade e da espontaneidade dos comportamentos e atitudes que os alunos apresentam e a partir da nossa emersão no universo sempre complexo que são as escolas de hoje. Num segundo momento, cumprindo o estipulado no artigo 8.º do Regulamento da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) para os cursos de Mestrado que conferem habilitação profissional para a docência na Educação Pré-Escolar e no Ensino Básico, procedemos à apresentação das experiências de ensino-aprendizagem que selecionamos da nossa prática. Tal apresentação implica relacionar o trabalho de planificação, com a execução das várias atividades em sala de aula e, finalmente, com a reflexão posterior que se assume como um feedback crucial para o constante aperfeiçoamento do trabalho a desenvolver. Optamos por um discurso claramente descritivo das experiências de ensino e aprendizagem desenvolvidas no 1.º e 2.º ciclos; esse discurso dialoga com uma atitude de clara reflexão sobre a prática educativa, a partir da qual se procura justificar as escolhas das atividades e a construção dos recursos utilizados. Para fundamentar a nossa reflexão, procedemos à recolha de dados (com os quais se procura demonstrar o trabalho efetivamente realizado pelos alunos), que depois procuramos cruzar com a leitura atenta de diversa literatura do âmbito das didáticas. Devemos referir que articulamos as experiências de ensino-aprendizagem do 1.º ciclo com as do 2.º ciclo, valorizando a progressão dos sucessivos estádios de aprendizagem. Em cada uma das disciplinas/áreas foram desenvolvidas experiências de ensino e aprendizagem, durante as quais se realizaram diferentes atividades, com o intuito de permitir aos alunos o desenvolvimento das competências consagradas nos vários documentos orientadores da Educação Básica. Para a realização das atividades, desenvolvidas ao longo da prática educativa, sustentámo-nos na pedagogia da participação. Por fim, apresentámos uma reflexão final acerca de toda a PES, abordando alguns dos aspetos que influenciaram, de forma mais saliente, o nosso crescimento pessoal e profissional. The present document reflects the work developed during the course “Supervised Teaching Practice” (STP), integrated in the Master degree Teaching 1 º and 2 º Cycles of Basic Education, from the Superior School of Education of Bragança. We started to present the contexts/schools and classes where this educative practice was applied. This presentation stems mainly from a personal reading of all of these educative contexts, using a qualitative approach. We intend to make known the different classes through the observation of their natural and spontaneous behavior and also from our emergence in the complex universe of the current schools. In a second approach, fulfilling the article 8º from the Regulation of Supervised Teaching Practice (STP) for Masters Courses that provide professional qualification for teaching in Pre-School Education and Basic Education, we proceed to the exhibition of experiences of teaching and learning that we have selected from our practice. This last point, implies to relate the work involved in the planning with the execution of the various activities in the classroom and, finally, with the afterthought which is a crucial feedback for continuous improvement of our work. We choose a speech clearly descriptive of the experiences of teaching and learning developed in 1º and 2º cycles; this speech presents a clear reflection about the educational practice, from which we pretend to justify the choices of activities and the construction of the resources used. To support our reflection, we start to collect several data (which demonstrate the work performed by the students), that later we try to cross with the findings that already are described in the literature about didactic. We should mention that we join the experiences of teaching and learning from the 1º Cycle with 2º Cycle, giving relevance to the progression of the successive stages of learning. For each class/area we developed teaching and learning experiences, where we performed different activities. Our goal was to allow the students the development and acquisition of the skills described in the guiding documents for Basic Education. In order to perform all these activities, we support our work on the pedagogy of participation. Ultimately, we present a final reflection about STP, talking about some aspects that influence our personal and professional grow

    Portuguese guide lines for the use of biological agents in rheumatoid arthritis - october 2011 update

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    The authors present the revised version of the Portuguese Society of Rheumatology (SPR) guidelines for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) with biological therapies. In these guidelines the criteria for introduction and maintenance of biological agents are discussed as well as the contraindications and procedures in the case of non-responders. Biological treatment (with a tumour necrosis factor antagonist, abatacept or tocilizumab) should be considered in RA patients with a disease activity score 28 (DAS 28) equal to or greater than 3.2 des pite treatment with at least 20mg-weekly-dose of methotrexate (MTX) for at least 3 months or, if such treatment is not possible, after 3 months of other conventional disease modifying drug or combination therapy. A DAS 28 score between 2.6 and 3.2 with a significant functional or radiological deterioration under treatment with conventional regi -mens could also constitute an indication for biological treatment. The treatment goal should be remission or, if that is not achievable, at least a low disease activity, defined by a DAS28 lower than 3.2,without significative functional or radiological worsening. The response criteria, at the end of the first 3 months of treatment, are a decrease of at least 0.6 in the DAS28 score. After 6 months of treatment res ponse criteria is defined as a decrease greater than 1.2 in the DAS28 score. Non-responders, in accordance to the Rheumatologist's clinical opi -nion, should try a switch to another biological agent (tumour necrosis factor antagonist, abatacept, rituxi mab or tocilizumab).publishersversionpublishe

    Revisão sistematizada da literatura e opinião de peritos

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    Objective: The 3E (Evidence, Expertise, Exchange) Initiative is a multinational effort of rheumatologists aimed at developing evidence-based recommendations addressing specific questions relevant to clinical practice. The objective of the Portuguese contribution for the 3E Initiative was to develop evidence-based recommendations on how to investigate, follow-up and treat undifferentiated peripheral inflammatory arthritis (UPIA) adapted to local reality and develop additional recommendations considered relevant in the national context. Methods: An international scientific committee from 17 countries selected a set of questions concerning the diagnosis and monitoring of UPIA using a Delphi procedure. Evidence-based answers to each question were sought by a systematic literature search, performed in Medline, Embase, the Cochrane Library and ACR/EULAR 2007-2009 meeting abstracts. Relevant articles were reviewed for quality assessment, data extraction and synthesis. In a national meeting, a panel of 63 Portuguese rheumatologists used the evidence which was gathered to develop recommendations, and filled the gaps in the evidence with their expert opinion. Finally, national recommendations were formulated and agreement among the participants was assessed. Results: A total of 54754 references were identified, of which 267 were systematically reviewed. Thirteen national key recommendations about the investigation, follow-up and treatment of UPIA were formulated. One recommendation addressed differential diagnosis and investigations prior to the established operational diagnosis of UPIA, eight recommendations were related to the diagnostic and prognostic value of clinical and laboratory assessments in established UPIA (history and physical examination, acute phase reactants, serologies, autoantibodies, radiographs, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound, genetic markers and synovial biopsy), one recommendation highlighted predictors of persistence (chronicity), one addressed monitoring of clinical disease activity in UPIA, one aimed to find an useful method/score to predict a definitive diagnosis and the last one was related to treatment. Conclusion: Portuguese evidence-based recommendations for the management of UPIA in everyday practice were developed. Their dissemination and implementation in daily clinical practice should help to improve practice uniformity and optimize the management of UPIA patients.publishersversionpublishe

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Ser e tornar-se professor: práticas educativas no contexto escolar

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