80 research outputs found

    Stratigraphy and palynology of the Pennsylvanian continental Buçaco Basin (NW Iberia)

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    The Buçaco Basin is a Pennsylvanian continental basin located along an important NNW–SSE strike structure (Porto-Tomar-Ferreira do Alentejo shear zone) that separates the Ossa-Morena and Central Iberian Zones of the Iberian Variscan Fold Belt in central western Portugal. The shear zone controlled the sedimentation in the basin and probably its post-sedimentary evolution. Sedimentation is initially alluvial with characteristic red sandstones, breccias and conglomerates. A gradual change to a fluvial (and probably lacustrine) type of sedimentation is observed with finning-upward cycles of gravel conglomerates, sandstones and organic-rich mudstones with occasional coal seams. Three representative sections were sampled for palynology and seventeen samples yielded sporomorphs with moderate to poor preservation. The palynological content from the alluvial sediments shows low diversity and poorly preserved assemblages dominated by Triquitrites spp., Densosporites spp., Laevigatosporites spp., and other taxa associated with siliciclastic environments or rheophytic mires. The fluvial and lacustrine sediments show a dramatic increase in diversity with an abundant, typical peatland microflora including sporomorphs such as Endosporites spp., Lycospora spp. and Monoletes spp., but also marginal peat and siliciclastic substrate taxa such as Densosporites spp., Latensina/Cordaitina spp., and Florinites spp. Other common taxa are Cheiledonites spp., Crassispora spp., Dictyotriletes-like miospores (mostly fragments), Potonieisporites spp., and Wilsonites spp. The presence and considerable abundance of Potonieisporites novicus and Cheiledonites cf. major is indicative of the middle to upper Potonieisporites novicus-bhardwajii–Cheiledonites major (NBM) miospore biozone of Western Europe, corresponding to the late Stephanian (early Gzhelian).publishe

    First Ediacaran (Vendian) cryptarchs from the Měnín-1 borehole (South Moravia)

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    Unicellular microfossils built by the polymeric organic wall have been detected in so-called basal clastics in southern Moravia. Microfossils have been studied as a palynological residuum, in SEM observation and in thin sections. 30 genera with 40 species have been preliminarily identified. Microfossils are distinguished by an excellent preservation (TAI about 1+) and diversification. Recovered assemblages correspond to the microbial flora of the Meso- and Neo-Proterozoic age.Unicellular microfossils built by the polymeric organic wall have been detected in so-called basal clastics in southern Moravia. Microfossils have been studied as a palynological residuum, in SEM observation and in thin sections. 30 genera with 40 species have been preliminarily identified. Microfossils are distinguished by an excellent preservation (TAI about 1+) and diversification. Recovered assemblages correspond to the microbial flora of the Meso- and Neo-Proterozoic age

    First Appearance Datums (FADs) of selected acritarch taxa and correlation between Lower and Middle Ordovician stages

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    First Appearance Datums (FADs) of selected, easily recognizable acritarch morphotypes are assessed to determine their potential contribution to correlation between Lower and Middle Ordovician stages and substage divisions along the Gondwanan margin (Perigondwana) and between Perigondwana and other palaeocontinents. The FADs for 19 genera, species and species groups are recorded throughout their biogeographical ranges. The taxa investigated fall into three groups. Some have FADs at about the same level throughout their biogeographical ranges and are useful for long‐distance and intercontinental correlation. Among these are Coryphidium, Dactylofusa velifera, Peteinosphaeridium and Rhopaliophora in the upper Tremadocian Stage; Arbusculidium filamentosum, Aureotesta clathrata simplex and Coryphidium bohemicum in the lower–middle Floian Stage; Dicrodiacrodium in the upper Floian Stage; Frankea in the Dapingian–lower Darriwilian stages; and Orthosphaeridium spp., with FADs in the Dapingian–lower Darriwilian stages of Perigondwanan regions and at about the same level in Baltica. Other taxa, however, have diachronous (or apparently diachronous) FADs, and this needs to be taken into account when using them for correlation. A second group of genera and species, comprising Striatotheca, the Veryhachium lairdii group and the V. trispinosum group, have a recurring pattern of FADs in the Tremadocian Stage on Avalonia and in South Gondwana and West Gondwana, but in the Floian Stage of South China and East Gondwana. The third group, consisting of Arkonia, Ampullula, Barakella, Dasydorus, Liliosphaeridium and Sacculidium, have FADs that are markedly diachronous throughout their biogeographical ranges, although the global FADs of Arkonia, Ampullula, Liliosphaeridium and Sacculidium are apparently in South China and/or East Gondwana. It is possible that diachronous FADs are only apparent and an artefact of sampling. Nevertheless, an alternative interpretation, suggested by recurring patterns, is that some as yet undetermined factor controlled a slower biogeographical spread over time, resulting in diachroneity

    Middle Ordovician acritarchs and problematic organic-walled microfossils from the Saq-Hanadir transitional beds in the QSIM-801 well, Saudi Arabia

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    Core samples from the QSIM-801 water well, drilled in central Saudi Arabia, cover a 93-foot interval spanning the transition between the Sajir Member of the Saq Formation, that consists mainly of sandstones of tidal sand flat environments, and the Hanadir Member of the Qasim Formation, characterized by argillaceous graptolitic mudstones, corresponding to a tidal delta front. The samples contain abundant, exceptionally well-preserved and diverse palynomorphs, which include cryptospores, acritarchs and chitinozoans, other problematic organic-walled microfossils as well as other organic particles such as cuticle-like fragments. The studied interval is biostratigraphically well constrained by the presence of chitinozoans of the formosa and pissotensis Zones of late-early to late Darriwilian age (Middle Ordovician) in the uppermost Saq Formation and Hanadir Member. The biostratigraphic age of the Sajir Member considered to span the Dapingian–Darriwilian boundary, is re-discussed based on the results herein. The uppermost part of the Sajir Member yielded the ichnofossil, Phycodes fusiforme. Acritarch assemblages from the Sajir Member of the Saq Formation are poorly diversified and dominated by sphaeromorphs. More diverse assemblages of acritarchs, associated with enigmatic forms, occur in the Hanadir Member of the Qasim Formation. The contact between the two formations and the transition between the palynomorph assemblages are sharp, suggesting a stratigraphic hiatus. A quantitative analysis allows us to discuss the paleoenvironmental changes and possibly climatic changes associated with an hypothesis of ice house conditions during this period. Among the diagnostic acritarch taxa observed are Frankea breviuscula, F. longiuscula, Baltisphaeridium ternatum, Dasydorus cirritus, Dicrodiacrodium ancoriforme, Poikilofusa ciliaris, Pterospermopsis colbathii and Uncinisphaera fusticula. These are associated with other typical forms known to range across the Lower–Middle Ordovician boundary, such as Aremoricanium rigaudae, Aureotesta clathrata, Barakella fortunata, B. rara, Baltisphaeridium klabavense, Glaucotesta latiramosa and Striatotheca spp. Galeate and peteinoid acritarchs are also well represented, as well as tiny forms of ultraplanctonic size. Three new species of acritarchs are proposed: Frankea longiuscula var. darriwilense var. nov, Micrhystridium regulum sp. nov, and Tyrannus proteus sp. nov. Repeated occurrences throughout the section of cryptospores, problematic microfossils such as organic filaments, cuticle-like tissues, striated and pigmented leiospheres frequently in clusters, are interpreted to reflect recurrent terrestrial and freshwater inputs in the depositional environment. Single-specimen, high-resolution analyses using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy on the enigmatic form Tyrannus proteus sp. nov. show fluorescence emission spectra and microstructural properties significantly different from those of typical marine acritarchs from the same levels

    Hitler´s unknown helper. The case of Ilse Koch.

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    The subject of this thesis is an analysis of Ilse Koch, a woman who grew up in the time of National Socialism in Germany and actively took part in running the concentration camp Buchenwald during the Second World War. She became well-known mainly because of her sadism and cruel actions she inflicted on innocent captives in the camp. Their own testimonies are key parts of the thesis. The aspects clearly proving Koch was to blame are named, on the other hand, there are also pointed out testimonies which defend her. To the complete narrative also belongs a description of the historical context, a part of which is a role of women in National Socialism and brief information about the concentration camp Buchenwald. The thesis is concluded by the author's reflection based on gained knowledge

    Comparison of book production produced by digital and classical printing techniques

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    Práce je věnována porovnání knižních publikací digitální a ofsetovou tiskovou technikou. Zabývá se stručným popisem výroby knižních publikací a jejich dokončováním. V praktická část se zabývá zhodnocením a porovnáním cen knižních publikací z hlediska výhodnosti tisku digitální a ofsetovou tiskovou technikou.The work is devoted to comparison of book publications with digital and offset printing technology. It deals with a brief description of the production of book publication and their completion. The practical part deals with the evaluation and comparison of the prices of book publications from the point of view of digital printing and offset printing technology.Fakulta chemicko-technologickáprof. Ing. Petr Němec, Ph.D. - Zodpovězte otázky oponenta. Kde je v práci nějaký experiment? prof. Ing. Michal Veselý, CSc. - Co jste myslela tím, že digitální stroje nedokáží tisknout speciálními barvami? prof. Ing. Michal Čeppan, CSc. - Co byly další proměnné, které jste porovnávala kromě tiskové techniky? Není rozptyl ve skupině digitální tisk větší než rozptyl mezi digitálním a ofsetovým tiskem?Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Influence of humidity on the quality of the folding packaging

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    Práce je věnována problematice vlivu vlhkosti na kvalitu skládačkových obalů. Zabývá se stručným popisem výroby skládačkových lepenek a výroby vlnité lepenky. Popisuje vliv vlhkosti a teploty prostředí na kvalitu materiálu. V praktické části se zabývá vlhkostí a teplotou materiálu v průběhu výroby několika zakázek, které byly zpracovány ve firmě Model Obaly a.s..The work is focused on the influence of humidity on the quality of the folding packaging. It deals with a brief description of the production of folding cardboard and the production of corrugated cardboard. It describes the effect of humidity and temperature of environment on material quality. Practical part it deals with the humidity and temperature of the material during the production of several orders, which were processed in Model Obaly a.s..Fakulta chemicko-technologickáprof. Ing. Petr Němec, Ph.D. - Proč nebyly použity v práci statické výpočty?doc.Ing. Jan Panák, CSc. - Proč dochází k tomuto kašírování?prof. ing. Petr Kalenda, CSc. - Jak se používá mečový hydrometr?ing. Bohumil Jašúrek, Ph.D. - Kolikrát byla proměřena jedna paleta? Měřili jste archy v různých místech stohu na paletě? Využila firma získané podněty

    Two revolutions - thirty years later. Germans and Czechs look at their neighbours

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    This thesis aims to analyze how the media presented events during the 1989 revolutions in Germany and former Czechoslovakia, as well as the influence that these events maintain on present-day media. The first objective is to offer a historical contextualization for interpreting how the Czech media report on current events in Germany. This includes which topics surrounding the 1989 revolution are addressed by the Czech media, and to which degree they posit the role of the Cold War, concluded by the fall of the Berlin Wall, on shaping the current state of Germany. Furthermore, the second objective is to evaluate how the German media perceive these historical events and how that perception influences the interpretation of current situations in the Czech Republic. This research mainly considers political, social and economic aspects. To ensure a comprehensive monograph, an introduction into the historical context as well as a brief description of relevant media sources is included. The thesis is concluded with a short reflection essay