295 research outputs found

    The Boers and the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) in the twentieth-century moral imaginary

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    In 1891 Lord Randolph Churchill, father of the more famous Winston, visited South Africa and the soon-to-be Rhodesia on a trip that was intended to combine big-game hunting with the even more exciting prospects of entering the gold mining business. During the eight months of the visit, Churchill contributed a series of letters to the Daily Graphic on his thoughts and experiences, in one of which he had this to say about the Boers: The Boer farmer personifies useless idleness. Occupying a farm of from six thousand to ten thousand acres, he contents himself with raising a herd of a few hundred head of cattle, which are left almost entirely to the care of the natives whom he employs. It may be asserted, generally with truth, that he never plants a tree, never digs a well, never makes a road, never grows a blade of corn…. He passes his day doing absolutely nothing beyond smoking and drinking coffee. He is perfectly uneducated. With the exception of the Bible, every word of which in its most literal interpretation he believes with fanatical credulity, he never opens a book, he never even reads a newspaper. His simple ignorance is unfathomable, and this in stolid composure he shares with his wife, his sons, his daughters, being proud that his children should grow up as ignorant, as uncultivated, as hopelessly unprogressive as himself. In the winter time he moves with his herd of cattle into the better pastures and milder climate of the low country veldt, and lives as idly and uselessly in his waggon as he does in his farmhouse. The summer sees him returning home, and so on [sic], year after year, generation after generation, the Boer farmer drags out the most ignoble existence ever experienced by a race with any pretensions to civilization. (94–95) The piece caused an outcry, and when a year later Churchill republished the letters as Men, Mines and Animals in South Africa (1892), he attempted to exonerate himself by claiming that these views were intended “to be exclusively confined to…the Dutch population of the Transvaal,” not “generally to the Dutch in South Africa” and went on: “The Dutch settlers in Cape Colony are as worthy of praise as their relatives, the Transvaal Boers, are of blame. The former, loyal, thrifty, industrious, hospitable, liberal are and will, I trust, remain the back-bone of our great colony at the Cape of Good Hope

    Neurodevelopmental evaluation and referral practices in children with congenital heart disease in central South Africa

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    Introduction: Children with congenital heart disease (CHD) are at higher risk for developmental delays than the general population. The American Heart Association (AHA) published a guideline to address these concerns in 2012. This study determined the neurodevelopmental evaluation and referral practices of practitioners in central South Africa.Method: An online survey was administered to practitioners (n=45) including paediatric cardiologists (n=4), cardiothoracic surgeons (n=4) and general paediatricians (n=37). Information on practitioner characteristics, awareness of the 2012 AHA guideline; and neurodevelopmental evaluation and referral practices was collected.Results: Twenty-one practitioners responded, including paediatric cardiologists (n=4), cardiothoracic surgeons (n=2) and paediatricians (n=15). Data for 20 practitioners was included. Despite most practitioners (n=18) indicating guidelines for the management of development were important, the majority (n=16; 80%) were unaware of the guideline. Most practitioners (n=18; 90%) failed to risk stratify children to identify those to be evaluated. Children with developmental delays were referred for formal developmental evaluation (n=11; 55%) and to intervention therapies (n= 15; 75%).Conclusion: Most practitioners are unaware of the 2012 AHA guideline. Awareness of the developmental risks associated with CHD and implementation of the guideline could promote early identification of developmental delays with referral to intervention therapies

    Lessons for conservation management: Monitoring temporal changes in genetic diversity of Cape mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra)

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    The Cape mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra) is a subspecies of mountain zebra endemic to South Africa. The Cape mountain zebra experienced near extinction in the early 1900's and their numbers have since recovered to more than 4,800 individuals. However, there are still threats to their long-term persistence. A previous study reported that Cape mountain zebra had low genetic diversity in three relict populations and that urgent conservation management actions were needed to mitigate the risk of further loss. As these suggestions went largely unheeded, we undertook the present study, fifteen years later to determine the impact of management on genetic diversity in three key populations. Our results show a substantial loss of heterozygosity across the Cape mountain zebra populations studied. The most severe losses occurred at De Hoop Nature Reserve where expected heterozygosity reduced by 22.85% from 0.385 to 0.297. This is alarming, as the De Hoop Nature Reserve was previously identified as the most genetically diverse population owing to its founders originating from two of the three remaining relict stocks. Furthermore, we observed a complete loss of multiple private alleles from all populations, and a related reduction in genetic structure across the subspecies. These losses could lead to inbreeding depression and reduce the evolutionary potential of the Cape mountain zebra. We recommend immediate implementation of evidence-based genetic management and monitoring to prevent further losses, which could jeopardise the long term survival of Cape mountain zebra, especially in the face of habitat and climate change and emerging diseases

    The Role of Entrepreneur-Venture Fit in Online Home-based Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Home-based businesses and their founders represent an important, but under-researched facet of entrepreneurship. Far from being small, hobby-businesses with little economic impact, home-based business make significant contribution to national economies in terms of both turnover and employment. Online home-based businesses have been recognised as an important and distinct sector of the home-based business domain, offering unique opportunity for innovation and business diversity. The paper presents a systematic literature review of extant research on online home-based entrepreneurs and their businesses. The findings of the review are structured and discussed using the theoretical lens of entrepreneur-venture fit. Use of this lens allows the study to bring coherence to previously fragmented extant studies, providing a basis for future research in this domain. The study also develops a novel model of entrepreneur-venture fit in the specific case of online home-based businesses. This allows us to suggest five positive interactions between entrepreneurial and venture characteristics. It also allows us to suggest a number of previously unidentified negative interactions, which may result in entrepreneurs becoming ‘locked-in’ and suffering multiple sources of stress

    Ecodomy - Life in its fullness

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    This book provides a coherent and conceptual portrayal of aspects of the theological research theme, entitled Ecodomy (literally meaning to ‘build a house’). In its figurative meaning the term Ecodomy addresses the theme, ‘life in its fullness’. This fullness of life entails a polarity which is inherently part of life, namely its brokenness and its wholeness. From various theological disciplines, namely Old Testament Studies, New Testament Studies, Systematic Theology, Church History and Practical Theology, both the brokenness and wholeness are addressed theologically. Every chapter focuses on a specific theological discipline, while the combination of theological disciplines, addresses the brokenness and wholeness of life as coherent concept. One pole does not exclude the other. Brokenness is visible in current or recent very relevant societal challenges, such as racism and xenophobia, apartheid, foreignness and exclusivism, leadership crises and violence. In contrast, wholeness is embedded in themes such as the African concept of ubuntu, a life of faith and wisdom, reconciling leadership, or transforming space and community. Ultimately, a Greek term ἀναίδεια (persistence) is connected to the meaning of Ecodomy and ‘life in its fullness’. Several methodologies have been used in the different contributions of the book. Every theological discipline applies a different methodology for the purpose of exposing a specific topic or research theme. In general, the contributions in this book follow a combination of a literature study with the further application of diachronic and synchronic exegetical methods. In addition, single contributions follow an own hermeneutical approach. Not one single contribution, but a combination of different theological disciplines, which form the concepts of brokenness and wholeness (life in its fullness), which expose the polarity of life, are included in this book. In its exposed interdisciplinary interwovenness, the book provides a tapestry of how different theological disciplines are combined into a single theme and how they contribute together by means of theological analyses and attempted building blocks to build the broken ‘houses’ of societal structures or human life. The book contributes to selected aspects of broken life in society and the healing experiences of human life. Several themes touch on recent and relevant challenges which have contributed to the brokenness of life. Not only in South Africa, but globally these are currently relevant themes. They include realities of racism and xenophobia, apartheid, foreignness and exclusivism, leadership crises and violence. With the focus on wholeness, specific attention is given to the African concept of ubuntu, a life of faith and wisdom, reconciling leadership, and transforming space and society. A Greek term ἀναίδεια (insolence as ‘in keeping on asking’ – Lk 11:8) illuminates the theme of Ecodomy from the perspective of a parable. The target audience of the book is academic scholars and theologians, who specialise in the different fields of Theology, the Humanities and other Social Sciences. Furthermore, the book is also accessible to scholars of other academic disciplines outside these disciplines. The book contains original research and contributions have not been plagiarised from publications elsewhere

    Delayed retinal vein recovery responses indicate both non-adaptation to stress as well as increased risk for stroke: the SABPA study

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    OBJECTIVES: Low or high sympatho-adrenal-medullary axis (SAM) and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) dysregulation reflect chronic stress. Retinal vessel dynamics may relate to SAM, HPA activity and stroke risk. Our objectives were therefore to assess the relationships between retinal vessel, SAM and HPA responses, and to determine stroke risk. METHODS: A prospective bi-ethnic gender cohort (n = 275, 45 ± 9 years) was included. Urine/serum/saliva samples for SAM [norepinephrine:creatinine ratio (u-NE)] and HPA [adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), cortisol] were obtained at baseline, three-year follow up and upon flicker light-induced provocation. Diastolic ocular perfusion pressure was measured as a marker of hypo-perfusion. Retinal arterial narrowing and venous widening calibres were quantified from digital images in the mydriatic eye. A validated stress and stroke risk score was applied. RESULTS: An interaction term was fitted for venous dilation in u-NE tertiles (p ≤ 0.05) and not in u-NE median/quartiles/quintiles. Independent of race or gender, tertile 1 (low u-NE) had a 112% increase in u-NE, decreases in cortisol, and no changes in ACTH over three years (positive feedback). Tertile 3 (high u-NE) contradictorily had decreases in u-NE and cortisol, and increases in ACTH (negative feedback). In tertile 1, reduced arterial dilation, and faster arterial vasoconstriction and narrowing were related to higher SAM activity and hypo-perfusion (p ≤ 0.05), whereas delayed venous dilation, recovery and widening were related to cortisol hypo-secretion (p ≤ 0.05). In tertile 1, delayed venous recovery responses predicted stress and stroke risk [odds ratio 4.8 (1.2-19.6); p = 0.03]. These associations were not found in u-NE tertiles 2 and 3. CONCLUSIONS: In response to low norepinephrine, a reflex increase in SAM activity occurred, enhancing arterial vasoconstriction and hypo-perfusion. Concomitant HPA dysregulation attenuated retinal vein vasoactivity and tone, reflecting delayed vein recovery responses and non-adaptation to stress. These constrained vein recovery responses are indicative of increased chronic stress and stroke risk

    The Spitzer Spectroscopic Survey of S-type Stars

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    S-type AGB stars are thought to be in the transitional phase between M-type and C-type AGB stars. Because of their peculiar chemical composition, one may expect a strong influence of the stellar C/O ratio on the molecular chemistry and the mineralogy of the circumstellar dust. In this paper, we present a large sample of 87 intrinsic galactic S-type AGB stars, observed at infrared wavelengths with the Spitzer Space Telescope, and supplemented with ground-based optical data. On the one hand, we derive the stellar parameters from the optical spectroscopy and photometry, using a grid of model atmospheres. On the other, we decompose the infrared spectra to quantify the flux-contributions from the different dust species. Finally, we compare the independently determined stellar parameters and dust properties. For the stars without significant dust emission, we detect a strict relation between the presence of SiS absorption in the Spitzer spectra and the C/O ratio of the stellar atmosphere. These absorption bands can thus be used as an additional diagnostic for the C/O ratio. For stars with significant dust emission, we define three groups, based on the relative contribution of certain dust species to the infrared flux. We find a strong link between group-membership and C/O ratio. We show that these groups can be explained by assuming that the dust-condensation can be cut short before silicates are produced, while the remaining free atoms and molecules can then form the observed magnesium sulfides or the carriers of the unidentified 13 and 20 micron features. Finally, we present the detection of emission features attributed to molecules and dust characteristic to C-type stars, such as molecular SiS, hydrocarbons and magnesium sulfide grains. We show that we often detect magnesium sulfides together with molecular SiS and we propose that it is formed by a reaction of SiS molecules with Mg.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Inhomogeneities in molecular layers of Mira atmospheres

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    We obtained K-band spectro-interferometric observations of the Miras R Cnc, X Hya, W Vel, and RW Vel with a spectral resolution of 1500 using the VLTI/AMBER instrument. We obtained concurrent JHKL photometry using the the Mk II instrument at the SAAO. Our sources have wavelength-dependent visibility values that are consistent with earlier low-resolution AMBER observations of S Ori and with the predictions of dynamic model atmosphere series based on self-excited pulsation models. The wavelength-dependent UD diameters show a minimum near the near-continuum bandpass at 2.25 um. They increase by up to 30% toward the H2O band at 2.0 um and by up to 70% at the CO bandheads. The dynamic model atmosphere series show a consistent wavelength-dependence, and their parameters such as the visual phase, effective temperature, and distances are consistent with independent estimates. The closure phases have significantly wavelength-dependent non-zero values indicating deviations from point symmetry. For example, the R Cnc closure phase is 110 degr in the 2.0 um H2O band, corresponding for instance to an additional unresolved spot contributing 3% of the total flux at a separation of ~4 mas. Our observations are consistent with the predictions of the latest dynamic model atmosphere series based on self-excited pulsation models. The wavelength-dependent radius variations are interpreted as the effect of molecular layers. The wavelength-dependent closure phase values are indicative of deviations from point symmetry at all wavelengths, thus a complex non-spherical stratification of the extended atmosphere. In particular, the significant deviation from point symmetry in the H2O band is interpreted as a signature on large scales of inhomogeneities or clumps in the water vapor layer. The observed inhomogeneities might be caused by pulsation- and shock-induced chaotic motion in the extended atmosphere.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication as a Letter in Astronomy and Astrophysic