928 research outputs found

    A generalized quantum microcanonical ensemble

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    We discuss a generalized quantum microcanonical ensemble. It describes isolated systems that are not necessarily in an eigenstate of the Hamilton operator. Statistical averages are obtained by a combination of a time average and a maximum entropy argument to resolve the lack of knowledge about initial conditions. As a result, statistical averages of linear observables coincide with values obtained in the canonical ensemble. Non-canonical averages can be obtained by taking into account conserved quantities which are non-linear functions of the microstate.Comment: improved version, new titl

    The Nature of Composite LINER/HII Galaxies, As Revealed from High-Resolution VLA Observations

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    A sample of 37 nearby galaxies displaying composite LINER/HII and pure HII spectra was observed with the VLA in an investigation of the nature of their weak radio emission. The resulting radio contour maps overlaid on optical galaxy images are presented here, together with an extensive literature list and discussion of the individual galaxies. Radio morphological data permit assessment of the ``classical AGN'' contribution to the global activity observed in these ``transition'' LINER galaxies. One in five of the latter objects display clear AGN characteristics: these occur exclusively in bulge-dominated hosts.Comment: 31 pages, 27 figures, accepted by ApJ

    Clustering of supernova Ia host galaxies

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    For the first time the cross-correlation between type Ia supernova host galaxies and surrounding field galaxies is measured using the Supernova Legacy Survey sample. Over the z=0.2 to 0.9 redshift range we find that supernova hosts are correlated an average of 60% more strongly than similarly selected field galaxies over the 3-100 arcsec range and about a factor of 3 more strongly below 10 arcsec. The correlation errors are empirically established with a jackknife analysis of the four SNLS fields. The hosts are more correlated than the field at a significance of 99% in the fitted amplitude and slope, with the point-by-point difference of the two correlation functions having a reduced χ2\chi^2 for 8 degrees of freedom of 4.3, which has a probability of random occurrence of less than 3x10^{-5}. The correlation angle is 1.5+/-0.5 arcsec, which deprojects to a fixed co-moving correlation length of approximately 6.5+/- 2/h mpc. Weighting the field galaxies with the mass and star formation rate supernova frequencies of the simple A+B model produces good agreement with the observed clustering. We conclude that these supernova clustering differences are primarily the expected outcome of the dependence of supernova rates on galaxy masses and stellar populations with their clustering environment.Comment: ApJ (Letts) accepte

    On the Progenitor and Supernova of the SN 2002cx-like Supernova 2008ge

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    We present observations of supernova (SN) 2008ge, which is spectroscopically similar to the peculiar SN 2002cx, and its pre-explosion site that indicate that its progenitor was probably a white dwarf. NGC 1527, the host galaxy of SN 2008ge, is an S0 galaxy with no evidence of star formation or massive stars. Astrometrically matching late-time imaging of SN 2008ge to pre-explosion HST imaging, we constrain the luminosity of the progenitor star. Since SN 2008ge has no indication of hydrogen or helium in its spectrum, its progenitor must have lost its outer layers before exploding, requiring that it be a white dwarf, a Wolf-Rayet star, or a lower-mass star in a binary system. Observations of the host galaxy show no signs of individual massive stars, star clusters, or H II regions at the SN position or anywhere else, making a Wolf-Rayet progenitor unlikely. Late-time spectroscopy of SN 2008ge show strong [Fe II] lines with large velocity widths compared to other members of this class at similar epochs. These previously unseen features indicate that a significant amount of the SN ejecta is Fe (presumably the result of radioactive decay of 56Ni generated in the SN), further supporting a thermonuclear explosion. Placing the observations of SN 2008ge in the context of observations of other objects in the class of SN, we suggest that the progenitor was most likely a white dwarf.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted by A

    The Hubble Legacy Archive ACS Grism Data

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    A public release of slitless spectra, obtained with ACS/WFC and the G800L grism, is presented. Spectra were automatically extracted in a uniform way from 153 archival fields (or "associations") distributed across the two Galactic caps, covering all observations to 2008. The ACS G800L grism provides a wavelength range of 0.55-1.00 \mum,withadispersionofm, with a dispersion of 40 \ \AA / pixelandaresolutionof and a resolution of \sim 80\ \AAforpointlikesources.TheACSG800Limagesandmatcheddirectimageswerereducedwithanautomaticpipelinethathandlesallstepsfromarchiveretrieval,alignmentandastrometriccalibration,directimagecombination,cataloguegeneration,spectralextractionandcollectionofmetadata.Thelargenumberofextractedspectra(73,581)demandedautomaticmethodsforqualitycontrolandanautomatedclassificationalgorithmwastrainedonthevisualinspectionofseveralthousandspectra.Thefinalsampleofqualitycontrolledspectraincludes47,919datasets(65ofextractedspectra)for for point-like sources. The ACS G800L images and matched direct images were reduced with an automatic pipeline that handles all steps from archive retrieval, alignment and astrometric calibration, direct image combination, catalogue generation, spectral extraction and collection of metadata. The large number of extracted spectra (73,581) demanded automatic methods for quality control and an automated classification algorithm was trained on the visual inspection of several thousand spectra. The final sample of quality controlled spectra includes 47,919 datasets (65% of the total number of extracted spectra) for 32,149uniqueobjects,withamedian unique objects, with a median i_{\rm AB}bandmagnitudeof23.7,reaching26.5ABforthefaintestobjects.Eachreleaseddatasetcontainsscienceready1Dand2Dspectra,aswellasmultibandimagecutoutsofcorrespondingsourcesandausefulpreviewpagesummarisingthedirectandslitlessdata,astrometricandphotometricparameters.Inordertocharacterizetheslitlessspectra,emissionlinefluxandequivalentwidthsensitivityoftheACSdatawerecomparedwithpublicgroundbasedspectraintheGOODSSouthfield.Anexamplelistofemissionlinegalaxieswithtwoormoreidentifiedlinesisalsoincluded,coveringtheredshiftrange-band magnitude of 23.7, reaching 26.5 AB for the faintest objects. Each released dataset contains science-ready 1D and 2D spectra, as well as multi-band image cutouts of corresponding sources and a useful preview page summarising the direct and slitless data, astrometric and photometric parameters. In order to characterize the slitless spectra, emission-line flux and equivalent width sensitivity of the ACS data were compared with public ground-based spectra in the GOODS-South field. An example list of emission line galaxies with two or more identified lines is also included, covering the redshift range 0.2-4.6$.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics; 29 pages, 16 Figures, 4 Tables in text and 3Tables in Appendi

    Cosmic-ray strangelets in the Earth's atmosphere

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    If strange quark matter is stable in small lumps, we expect to find such lumps, called ``strangelets'', on Earth due to a steady flux in cosmic rays. Following recent astrophysical models, we predict the strangelet flux at the top of the atmosphere, and trace the strangelets' behavior in atmospheric chemistry and circulation. We show that several strangelet species may have large abundances in the atmosphere; that they should respond favorably to laboratory-scale preconcentration techniques; and that they present promising targets for mass spectroscopy experiments.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, revtex

    The Fading Optical Counterpart of GRB~970228, Six Months and One Year Later

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    We report on observations of the fading optical counterpart of the gamma-ray burst GRB 970228, made with the Hubble Space Telescope STIS CCD approximately six months after outburst and with the HST/NICMOS and Keck/NIRC approximately one year after outburst. The unresolved counterpart is detected by STIS at V=28.0 +/- 0.25, consistent with a continued power-law decline with exponent -1.14 +/- 0.05. The counterpart is located within, but near the edge of, a faint extended source with diameter ~0."8 and integrated magnitude V=25.8 +/- 0.25. A reanalysis of HST and NTT observations performed shortly after the burst shows no evidence of proper motion of the point source or fading of the extended emission. Only the extended source is visible in the NICMOS images with a magnitude of H=23.3 +/- 0.1. The Keck observations find K = 22.8 +/- 0.3. Several distinct and independent means of deriving the foreground extinction in the direction of GRB 970228 all agree with A_V = 0.75 +/- 0.2. After adjusting for Galactic extinction, we find that the size of the observed extended emission is consistent with that of galaxies of comparable magnitude found in the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) and other deep HST images. Only 2% of the sky is covered by galaxies of similar or greater surface brightness; therefore the extended source is almost certainly the host galaxy. Additionally, we find that the extinction-corrected V - H and V - K colors of the host are as blue as any galaxy of comparable or brighter magnitude in the HDF. Taken in concert with recent observations of GRB 970508, GRB 971214, and GRB 980703 our work suggests that all four GRBs with spectroscopic identification or deep multicolor broad-band imaging of the host lie in rapidly star-forming galaxies.Comment: 24 pages, Latex, 4 PostScript figures, to appear in the May 10 issue of The Astrophysical Journal (Note: displayed abstract is abridged

    The VMC Survey - VI. Quasars behind the Magellanic system

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    The number and spatial distribution of confirmed quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) behind the Magellanic system is limited. This undermines their use as astrometric reference objects for different types of studies. We have searched for criteria to identify candidate QSOs using observations from the VISTA survey of the Magellanic Clouds system (VMC) that provides photometry in the YJKs bands and 12 epochs in the Ks band. The (Y-J) versus (J-Ks) diagram has been used to distinguish QSO candidates from Milky Way stars and stars of the Magellanic Clouds. Then, the slope of variation in the Ks band has been used to identify a sample of high confidence candidates. These criteria were developed based on the properties of 117 known QSOs presently observed by the VMC survey. VMC YJKs magnitudes and Ks light-curves of known QSOs behind the Magellanic system are presented. About 75% of them show a slope of variation in Ks>10^-4 mag/day and the shape of the light-curve is in general irregular and without any clear periodicity. The number of QSO candidates found in tiles including the South Ecliptic Pole and the 30 Doradus regions is 22 and 26, respectively, with a ~20% contamination by young stellar objects, planetary nebulae, stars and normal galaxies. By extrapolating the number of QSO candidates to the entire VMC survey area we expect to find about 1200 QSOs behind the LMC, 400 behind the SMC, 200 behind the Bridge and 30 behind the Stream areas, but not all will be suitable for astrometry. Further, the Ks band light-curves can help support investigations of the mechanism responsible for the variations.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, replaced with accepted version by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    A study of the remarkable galaxy system AM 546-324 (the core of Abell S0546)

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    We report first results of an investigation of the tidally disturbed galaxy system AM\,546-324, whose two principal galaxies 2MFGC 04711 and AM\,0546-324 (NED02) were previously classified as interacting doubles. This system was selected to study the interaction of ellipticals in a moderately dense environment. We provide spectral characteristics of the system and present an observational study of the interaction effects on the morphology, kinematics, and stellar population of these galaxies. The study is based on long-slit spectrophotometric data in the range of \sim 4500-8000 A˚\AA obtained with the Gemini Multi-Object Spetrograph at Gemini South (GMOS-S). We have used the stellar population synthesis code STARLIGHT to investigate the star formation history of these galaxies. The Gemini/GMOS-S direct r-G0303 broad band pointing image was used to enhance and study fine morphological structures. The main absorption lines in the spectra were used to determine the radial velocity. Along the whole long-slit signal, the spectra of the Shadowy galaxy (discovered by us), 2MFGC 04711, and AM\,0546-324 (NED02) resemble that of an early-type galaxy. We estimated redshifts of z= 0.0696, z= 0.0693 and z= 0.0718, corresponding to heliocentric velocities of 20\,141 km s1^{-1}, 20\,057 km s1^{-1}, and 20\,754 km s1^{-1} for the Shadowy galaxy, 2MFGC 04711 and AM\,0546-324 (NED02), respectively. ..