29 research outputs found

    Static synchronous compensators based on magnetically controlled shunt reactors and capacitor banks in 110 – 500 kV grids

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    Magnetically controlled shunt reactors are pivotal in regulating reactive power in high-voltage grids. As the grid evolves, these reactors ensure optimized power transmission and reliability. The latest generation of these reactors offers enhanced designs, aligning with IEC standards and providing efficient power regulation. Their application can notably improve voltage quality in networks with nonlinear asymmetrical loads

    Identifikace nového mechanismu regulace Lck zprostředkovanou její C-terminální sekvencí

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    Aktivace T-lymfocytů je složitý proces zcela zásadní pro správnou funkci imunitního systému. Jako takový byl v minulosti důkladně zkoumán a jeho základní rysy jsou velmi dobře popsány. Neplatí to ovšem pro všechny události, které během T-buněčné signalizace nastávají. Po stimulaci T-buněčného receptoru kináza Lck z rodiny Src zajišťuje spuštění signalizace fosforylací tyrosinů. Fosforylace dalších proteinů je závislá na přesunutí Lck do jiných kompartmentů plazmatické membrány, takzvaných lipidových raftů. V lipidových raftech je Lck v blízkosti svých substrátů, které a aktivuje a které následně spouští další signalizaci. Kritickou částí tohoto procesu je translokace Lck do lipidových raftů, jejíž mechanismus zůstává dosud neprozkoumaný, a jako takový je objektem značného akademického i klinického zájmu. Již dříve jsme identifikovali adaptorový protein RACK1 jakožto kandidátní protein zprostředkovávající redistrubuci Lck do lipidových raftů pomocí propojení Lck s mikrotubulární sítí. V této práci jsme analyzovali strukturní znaky a funkci RACK1 v interakci s Lck. S využitím buněčných linií SYF exprimující buď přirozené nebo různě mutované formy Lck zde ukazujeme, že plně funkční SH3 a SH2 domény Lck jsou nezbytné pro efektivní vytvoření komplexu RACK1-Lck. Také jsme zjistili malý, ale...T-cell activation is a complex process crucial for a proper function of immune system. It has been extensively studied and its main features are well understood. However, some of the events involved in T-cell signalling are still unclear. After T-cell receptor stimulation, Src-family kinase Lck drives the initiation of signalling by tyrosine phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of several downstream targets is dependent on the redistribution of Lck to the different compartment of the plasma membrane, called lipid rafts. In lipid rafts, active Lck is juxtaposed and activates raft-resident substrates which then trigger downstream signalling. The critical in this process is the mechanism of Lck translocation to lipid rafts which has not been studied so far and represents the topic of great academic and clinical interests. Previously, we identified the adaptor protein RACK1 as a candidate protein mediating the redistribution of Lck to lipid rafts by linking it to the microtubular network. In this thesis, we analysed the structural features and functional role of RACK1 in its interaction with Lck. We show here, using the SYF cell lines expressing the wild type and various mutated forms of Lck, that intact SH3 or SH2 domains of Lck are required for an effective RACK1-Lck complex formation. We also documented...Department of Cell BiologyKatedra buněčné biologiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Static synchronous compensators based on magnetically controlled shunt reactors and capacitor banks in 110 – 500 kV grids

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    Magnetically controlled shunt reactors are pivotal in regulating reactive power in high-voltage grids. As the grid evolves, these reactors ensure optimized power transmission and reliability. The latest generation of these reactors offers enhanced designs, aligning with IEC standards and providing efficient power regulation. Their application can notably improve voltage quality in networks with nonlinear asymmetrical loads

    A revised northern European Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy: Integrating palynology and carbon isotope events

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    Organic walled dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblage data are presented for a new Turonian regional reference core (Bch-1) drilled at Běchary in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, east-central Czech Republic. The detailed stratigraphic framework for the section is summarised based on calcareous nannofossil and macrofossil biostratigraphy, regional e-log correlation, sequence stratigraphy and carbon isotope chemostratigraphy. Dinocyst results obtained for 196 samples from the 405 m long core offer the highest resolution (~ 22 kyr) stratigraphically well-constrained data set available to date for the Turonian Stage, 93.9–89.8 Ma. A dinocyst biostratigraphic framework is presented based on the evolutionary first and last occurrence, first common occurrence, and acmes of key species. Published dinocyst data from English Turonian Chalk successions in East Sussex, Berkshire, Kent and Norfolk are reviewed within a stratigraphic framework provided by macrofossil records and carbon isotope event (CIE) chemostratigraphy. Critical analysis of existing published Turonian dinocyst zonation schemes shows them to be untenable. Correlation of the English Chalk data to Bch-1 provides a basis for defining a regional dinocyst event stratigraphy with 22 datum levels, and a revised dinocyst zonation scheme constrained within a chemostratigraphic framework of 10 major CIEs. The new zones consist of a Cenomanian Litosphaeridium siphoniphorum Zone, followed by the Cauveridinium membraniphorum Zone spanning the uppermost Cenomanian to Lower Coniacian. This is subdivided into: Senoniasphaera turonica (Lower–mid-Middle Turonian); and Raetiaedinium truncigerum (mid-Middle Turonian–mid-Lower Coniacian) subzones. The Oligosphaeridium pulcherrimum Zone (Senonisphaera rotundata Subzone) characterises the Lower Coniacian. The new stratigraphy offers a basis for improved correlation and dating of Upper Cretaceous successions

    Constraining long-term denudation and faulting history in intraplate regions by multisystem thermochronology: An example of the Sudetic Marginal Fault (Bohemian Massif, central Europe)

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    The Rychlebské hory Mountain region in the Sudetes (NE Bohemian Massif) provides a natural laboratory for studies of postorogenic landscape evolution. This work reveals both the exhumation history of the region and the paleoactivity along the Sudetic Marginal Fault (SMF) using zircon (U-Th)/He (ZHe), apatite fission track (AFT), and apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe) dating of crystalline basement and postorogenic sedimentary samples. Most significantly, and in direct contradiction of traditional paleogeographic reconstructions, this work has found evidence of a large Cretaceous sea and regional burial (to >6.5 km) of the Carboniferous-Permian basement in the Late Cretaceous (~95–80 Ma). During the burial by sediments of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin System, the SMF acted as a normal fault as documented by offset ZHe ages across the fault. At 85–70 Ma, the basin was inverted, Cretaceous strata eroded, and basement blocks were exhumed to the near surface at a rate of ~300 m/Ma as evidenced by Late Cretaceous–Paleocene AFT ages and thermal modeling results. There is no appreciable difference in AFT and AHe ages across the fault, suggesting that the SMF acted as a reverse fault during exhumation. In the late Eocene–Oligocene, the basement was locally heated to <70°C by magmatic activity related to opening of the Eger rift system. Neogene or younger thermal activity was not recorded in the thermochronological data, confirming that late Cenozoic uplift and erosion of the basement blocks was limited to less than ∼1.5 km in the study area

    To be or not to be activated: current view on the regulation of Lck in the proximal T-cell signaling

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    Src-family kinases are critical members of many signalling pathways present in many cell types. Lck, a member of this family of kinases, plays a crucial role in the initiation of T cell activation. An activation of Lck in T cells is one of the first biochemical events detectable after T cell receptor engagement. Kinase activity of Lck is regulated on several levels. Firstly, activity of Lck depends on phosphorylation status of positive and negative regulatory tyrosines that predicate structural conformation and kinase activity. Several kinases and phosphatases targeting Lck regulatory tyrosine residues have been already characterized. Another level of complexity in the regulation of Lck activity is mediated through interactions with adaptor proteins. A critical role in the regulation of Lck activity plays the cellular microenvironment, especially membrane microdomains called Lipid rafts. For a long time, it was assumed that ligand recognition by TCR triggers Lck activation what in turn initiates the downstream signalling. However this paradigm has been challenged as recent data point to the preexistence of a large fraction of Lck in activated state prior to TCR triggering and remains so during the first 2 - 5 minutes after activation. This novel finding poses new questions about the mechanisms that (i)..

    Defects and deficiencies in sanitary engineering

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    katedra zdravotního a ekologického inženýrstv

    Legitimation of regional airports in the Czech Republic - case study of Pardubice Airport

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    This thesis focuses on Czech regional airports and its problematics in relations to public finances. Despite the small country which Czech Republic is, regional airports are common in our regional cities. Mostly are these airports operated by regions and managed by their councils. That means financing from public budgets. First part of my thesis confirms that running these big infrastructure projects is very expensive. Moreover, none of them is profitable. And it is not caused by passing Covid pandemic in the last years. Regional airports are long term loss-making projects. The analytical part discusses about one case study of Pardubice Airport located in the east of Bohemia. Research evaluates a new project of Jan Kašpar Terminal in relation to its legitimacy. But the question is, how to observe legitimacy of public projects? This thesis builds the research on three dimensions of legitimacy inspired by analysis of authors Witz et al. These dimensions are majority, morality and thrust. Outputs are based on content and media analysis. The output is undefended legitimacy as a whole and the project remains questionable, especially because of missing strategy of development, hidden political controversies or inaccurate study which was used for public political decision-making.Tato bakalářská práce se věnuje problematice regionálních letišť na území ČR, detailněji pak případové studii Letiště Pardubice. Nákladnost letecké infrastruktury vyžaduje nemalé výdaje z městských rozpočtů, přičemž tato letiště nedisponují provozem na úrovni, aby jejich fungování finančně pokrýval. Teoretická část představuje několik konceptů, které se veřejnými infrastrukturními projekty zabývají. Kapitola nastínění problému názorně ukazuje současný stav krajských letišť a zmiňuje také zahraničí. Samotná případová studie se věnuje legitimitě projektu nového terminálu Jana Kašpara, který byl uveden do provozu v roce 2018. Zkoumá projektové přípravy a schvalování na půdě politických arén za použití obsahové a mediální analýzy. Tři prvky legitimity, které jsou rozvedené analytické části pak detailněji hodnotí, zda je možné projekt obhájit. Prvek většiny, která pro terminál hlasovala je obhájen. Avšak rozhodování aktérů stálo na nedostatečně podložených datech. Prv morality, jež zajišťuje morálku aktérů i projektu jako celku a hlídá jeho správnost, není podpořen, důvodu skrytého politického nátlaku a rozporuplnosti projektové dokumentace. Třetí prvek důvěry nedostatečně hodnotí předešlé projekty jiných regionálních letišť v ČR a poukazuje na nedostatky infrastrukturních projektů města Pardubice. V závěru...Katedra veřejné a sociální politikyDepartment of Public and Social PolicyFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Být, či nebýt aktivován: současný pohled na regulaci Lck v signalizaci proximálních T-buněk

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    Kinázy rodiny Src jsou zásadními členy mnoha signálních drah a jsou přítomné v rozličných typech buněk. Lck, člen této rodiny kináz, hraje významnou roli v iniciaci aktivace T lymfocytů. Aktivace Lck v T lymfocytech je jedním z prvních biochemických jevů, které lze po zapojení T buněčných receptorů sledovat. Kinázová aktivita Lck je regulována na několika úrovních. Závisí především na tom, zda jsou pozitivně a negativně regulující tyrosiny, které řídí strukturní konformaci a kinázovou aktivitu, fosforylovány. Již byly popsány některé kinázy a fosfatázy, které ovlivňují regulační tyrosiny Lck. Interakce s adaptorovými proteiny dále zesložiťují regulaci aktivity Lck. Zásadní roli v regulaci aktivity Lck hraje buněčné prostředí, zvláště pak membránové mikrodomény zvané lipidové rafty. Dlouho se předpokládalo, že rozeznání ligandu pomocí TCR spouští aktivaci Lck, která následně zahajuje další signalizaci. Nové poznatky vyvolávají o těchto závěrech pochyby. Ukazují totiž, že velká část Lck je v aktivovaném stavu již před spuštěním signalizace přes TCR a zůstává aktivovaná přinejmenším dalších 2 - 5 minut. Tento nový poznatek vnáší další otázky ohledně mechanismů, které (i) chrání naivní T lymfocyty před nežádoucí fosforylací způsobenou aktivní Lck a (ii) po spojení CD4 a TCR řídí přemístění Lck v membráně tak,...Src-family kinases are critical members of many signalling pathways present in many cell types. Lck, a member of this family of kinases, plays a crucial role in the initiation of T cell activation. An activation of Lck in T cells is one of the first biochemical events detectable after T cell receptor engagement. Kinase activity of Lck is regulated on several levels. Firstly, activity of Lck depends on phosphorylation status of positive and negative regulatory tyrosines that predicate structural conformation and kinase activity. Several kinases and phosphatases targeting Lck regulatory tyrosine residues have been already characterized. Another level of complexity in the regulation of Lck activity is mediated through interactions with adaptor proteins. A critical role in the regulation of Lck activity plays the cellular microenvironment, especially membrane microdomains called Lipid rafts. For a long time, it was assumed that ligand recognition by TCR triggers Lck activation what in turn initiates the downstream signalling. However this paradigm has been challenged as recent data point to the preexistence of a large fraction of Lck in activated state prior to TCR triggering and remains so during the first 2 - 5 minutes after activation. This novel finding poses new questions about the mechanisms that (i)...Katedra buněčné biologieDepartment of Cell BiologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Legitimation of regional airports in the Czech Republic - case study of Pardubice Airport

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    This thesis focuses on Czech regional airports and its problematics in relations to public finances. Despite the small country which Czech Republic is, regional airports are common in our regional cities. Mostly are these airports operated by regions and managed by their councils. That means financing from public budgets. First part of my thesis confirms that running these big infrastructure projects is very expensive. Moreover, none of them is profitable. And it is not caused by passing Covid pandemic in the last years. Regional airports are long term loss-making projects. The analytical part discusses about one case study of Pardubice Airport located in the east of Bohemia. Research evaluates a new project of Jan Kašpar Terminal in relation to its legitimacy. But the question is, how to observe legitimacy of public projects? This thesis builds the research on three dimensions of legitimacy inspired by analysis of authors Witz et al. These dimensions are majority, morality and thrust. Outputs are based on content and media analysis. The output is undefended legitimacy as a whole and the project remains questionable, especially because of missing strategy of development, hidden political controversies or inaccurate study which was used for public political decision-making