207 research outputs found

    Development and regeneration of the crushing dentition of skates (Rajidae)

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    Sharks and rays (elasmobranchs) have the remarkable capacity to continuously regenerate their teeth. The polyphyodont system is considered the ancestral condition of the gnathostome dentition. Despite this shared regenerative ability, sharks and rays exhibit dramatic interspecific variation in their tooth morphology. Ray (batoidea) teeth typically constitute crushing pads of flattened teeth, whereas shark teeth are pointed, multi-cuspid units. Although recent research has addressed the molecular development of the shark dentition, little is known about that of the ray. Furthermore, how dental diversity within the elasmobranch lineage is achieved remains unknown. Here, we examine dental development and regeneration in two Batoid species: the thornback skate (Raja clavata) and the little skate (Leucoraja erinacea). Using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, we examine the expression of a core gnathostome dental gene set during early development of the skate dentition and compare it to development in the shark. Elasmobranch tooth development is highly conserved, with sox2 likely playing an important role in the initiation and regeneration of teeth. Alterations to conserved genes expressed in an enamel knot-like signalling centre may explain the morphological diversity of elasmobranch teeth, thereby enabling sharks and rays to occupy diverse dietary and ecological niches

    Collagen II Is Essential for the Removal of the Notochord and the Formation of Intervertebral Discs

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    Collagen II is a fibril-forming collagen that is mainly expressed in cartilage. Collagen II–deficient mice produce structurally abnormal cartilage that lacks growth plates in long bones, and as a result these mice develop a skeleton without endochondral bone formation. Here, we report that Col2a1-null mice are unable to dismantle the notochord. This defect is associated with the inability to develop intervertebral discs (IVDs). During normal embryogenesis, the nucleus pulposus of future IVDs forms from regional expansion of the notochord, which is simultaneously dismantled in the region of the developing vertebral bodies. However, in Col2a1-null mice, the notochord is not removed in the vertebral bodies and persists as a rod-like structure until birth. It has been suggested that this regional notochordal degeneration results from changes in cell death and proliferation. Our experiments with wild-type mice showed that differential proliferation and apoptosis play no role in notochordal reorganization. An alternative hypothesis is that the cartilage matrix exerts mechanical forces that induce notochord removal. Several of our findings support this hypothesis. Immunohistological analyses, in situ hybridization, and biochemical analyses demonstrate that collagens I and III are ectopically expressed in Col2a1-null cartilage. Assembly of the abnormal collagens into a mature insoluble matrix is retarded and collagen fibrils are sparse, disorganized, and irregular. We propose that this disorganized abnormal cartilage collagen matrix is structurally weakened and is unable to constrain proteoglycan-induced osmotic swelling pressure. The accumulation of fluid leads to tissue enlargement and a reduction in the internal swelling pressure. These changes may be responsible for the abnormal notochord removal in Col2a1-null mice

    BCL11B Regulates Epithelial Proliferation and Asymmetric Development of the Mouse Mandibular Incisor

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    Mouse incisors grow continuously throughout life with enamel deposition uniquely on the outer, or labial, side of the tooth. Asymmetric enamel deposition is due to the presence of enamel-secreting ameloblasts exclusively within the labial epithelium of the incisor. We have previously shown that mice lacking the transcription factor BCL11B/CTIP2 (BCL11B hereafter) exhibit severely disrupted ameloblast formation in the developing incisor. We now report that BCL11B is a key factor controlling epithelial proliferation and overall developmental asymmetry of the mouse incisor: BCL11B is necessary for proliferation of the labial epithelium and development of the epithelial stem cell niche, which gives rise to ameloblasts; conversely, BCL11B suppresses epithelial proliferation, and development of stem cells and ameloblasts on the inner, or lingual, side of the incisor. This bidirectional action of BCL11B in the incisor epithelia appears responsible for the asymmetry of ameloblast localization in developing incisor. Underlying these spatio-specific functions of BCL11B in incisor development is the regulation of a large gene network comprised of genes encoding several members of the FGF and TGFβ superfamilies, Sprouty proteins, and Sonic hedgehog. Our data integrate BCL11B into these pathways during incisor development and reveal the molecular mechanisms that underlie phenotypes of both Bcl11b−/− and Sprouty mutant mice

    Distinct Impacts of Eda and Edar Loss of Function on the Mouse Dentition

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    The Eda-A1-Edar signaling pathway is involved in the development of organs with an ectodermal origin, including teeth. In mouse, mutants are known for both the ligand, Eda-A1 (Tabby), and the receptor, Edar (Downless). The adult dentitions of these two mutants have classically been considered to be similar. However, previous studies mentioned differences in embryonic dental development between EdaTa and Edardl-J mutants. A detailed study of tooth morphology in mutants bearing losses of functions of these two genes thus appears necessary to test the pattern variability induced by the developmental modifications. 3D-reconstructions of the cheek teeth have been performed at the ESRF (Grenoble, France) by X-ray synchrotron microtomography to assess dental morphology. The morphological variability observed in EdaTa and Edardl-J mutants have then been compared in detail. Despite patchy similarities, our detailed work on cheek teeth in EdaTa and Edardl-J mice show that all dental morphotypes defined in Edardl-J mice resolutely differ from those of EdaTa mice. This study reveals that losses of function of Eda and Edar have distinct impacts on the tooth size and morphology, contrary to what has previously been thought. The results indicate that unknown mechanisms of the Eda pathway are implicated in tooth morphogenesis. Three hypotheses could explain our results; an unexpected role of the Xedar pathway (which is influenced by the Eda gene product but not that of Edar), a more complex connection than has been appreciated between Edar and another protein, or a ligand-independent activity for Edar. Further work is necessary to test these hypotheses and improve our understanding of the mechanisms of development

    Early epithelial signaling center governs tooth budding morphogenesis

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    During organogenesis, cell fate specification and patterning are regulated by signaling centers, specialized clusters of morphogen-expressing cells. In many organs, initiation of development is marked by bud formation, but the cellular mechanisms involved are ill defined. Here, we use the mouse incisor tooth as a model to study budding morphogenesis. We show that a group of nonproliferative epithelial cells emerges in the early tooth primordium and identify these cells as a signaling center. Confocal live imaging of tissue explants revealed that although these cells reorganize dynamically, they do not reenter the cell cycle or contribute to the growing tooth bud. Instead, budding is driven by proliferation of the neighboring cells. We demonstrate that the activity of the ectodysplasin/Edar/nuclear factor kappa B pathway is restricted to the signaling center, and its inactivation leads to fewer quiescent cells and a smaller bud. These data functionally link the signaling center size to organ size and imply that the early signaling center is a prerequisite for budding morphogenesis.Peer reviewe

    An ancient dental gene network regulates development and continuous regeneration of teeth in sharks

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    The appearance of toothed vertebrates has proven a major determinant of the overall success of this lineage. This is most apparent in sharks and rays (elasmobranchs), which further retain the capacity for life-long tooth regeneration. Given their comparatively basal phylogenetic position, elasmobranchs therefore offer the opportunity for crucial insights into putative ancestral characters of tooth development, yet despite their evolutionary significance this remains poorly understood. Using the established chondrichthyan model, the catshark (Scyliorhinus sp.), we identified the expression of genes representative of conserved signaling pathways during stages of early dental competence, tooth initiation and regeneration. The expression patterns of β-catenin, shh, bmp4, pax9, pitx1/2, and the stem cell marker Sox2, characterise an ancestrally conserved gene set deployed during initiation of the elasmobranch dentition, suggesting that all vertebrate dentitions are defined by the expression of this core set of genes. These findings provide novel evidence to support the conservation in deep evolutionary time of a core set of dental patterning genes, therefore further defining the evolutionary trajectory of tooth development. We show how these genes facilitate the emergence of the shark dentition and offer insights into their deployment during development of the dental lamina, a sheet of dental epithelial cells that are responsible for continuous tooth regeneration. This study further promotes a specific experimental agenda to further characterise the roles of these core developmental genes during vertebrate tooth development, and importantly dental regeneration
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