23 research outputs found

    Optimization of Agriculture Land Use Development Basing on Natural-resource Potential (On the Example of the Stavropol Territory)

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    Natural resources potential of the territory and natural-historical mechanism of its development are pacing factors in agriculture differentiation and AIC-development. Key branches in the Stavropol Territory are crop production, sheep breeding and meat and milk cattle breeding. To meet the market demands “equating” differentiation of agricultural enterprises is implemented. Thus, in Stavropol Territory crop lands have been increased for crops required in the market that disbalanced the crop rotation, disturbed agro technologies and resulted in reduction in yields and grain quality. In the Territory 70 % of tillage is in risky agriculture. About 65 % of crop production (wheat, barley and others) are in draughty areas where out of 141 years (1861–2002) 41 % draughty, which determine high natural-climatic dependence of grain economy [1]. Annual and areal variability of grain production is also determined by topsoil heterogeneity and variety of relief. At present production of the basic market crop – winter wheat, which takes 75 % of acreage for cereals and leguminous crops, the productivity of the cultivated crop is 22.4–39.5 centner/hectare. It results in top soil changes such as compaction, fertilizer impoverishment and organic matter content (organic matter deficit is 400–700 kg/ha). Intensification of agrarian production results in quicker erosion processes, soil properties decline and lower fertility. The total area of eroded lands in the Territory is 1792000 ha [2]. That is why it is important to develop a new model of the economic use of Stavropol Territory. The main methods of study are analysis of the current status and organization of the agricultural zones of the Territory. The data were preceded with the software Statistica


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    This paper presents a hybrid memetic algorithm for finding a conditional global extremum of functions. The algorithm combines such characteristics as modularity and adaptability which provides flexibility and controllability of the algorithm and reduces the influence of parameters. On the basis of the proposed algorithm the software complex is formed in the C# language. The method effectiveness is demonstrated on several well-known model examples of finding a conditional global extremum for functions of several variables.В работе предложен гибридный меметический алгоритм поиска условного глобального экстремума функций. Данный алгоритм сочетает в себе свойства модульности и адаптивности, что обеспечивает алгоритму гибкость, настраиваемость и позволяет уменьшить степень влияния параметров. На основе предложенного алгоритма реализован комплекс программ на языке C#. Его эффективность продемонстрирована на широко распространенных тестовых задачах поиска глобального условного экстремума функций многих переменных

    Решение задачи о переводе спутника МЕЖДУ ОРБИТАМИ с помощью гибридного меметического алгоритма

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    This paper presents a hybrid memetic algorithm (MA) to solve the problem of finding the optimal program control of nonlinear continuous deterministic systems based on the concept of the meme, which is one of the promising solutions obtained in the course of implementing the procedure for searching the extremes. On the basis of the proposed algorithm the software complex is formed in C#. The solution of satellite transfer problem is presented.В работе предложен гибридный меметический алгоритм (МА) для решения задачи поиска оптимального программного управления нелинейными непрерывными детерминированными системами, основанный на концепции мема, которым является одно из перспективных решений, полученных в ходе реализации процедуры поиска экстремума. На основе предложенного алгоритма сформирован комплекс программ на языке C#. Приведено решение задачи о переводе спутника с одной орбиты на другую

    Взаимосвязь конкурентоспособности, организационной структуры и человеческих ресурсов

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    For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version).The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Research Foundation, project No. 14-02-00095. ABSTRACT The authors examine the mutual influence and interdependence of the human factor, the structure and competitiveness of the organization, the differences in the effectiveness of its individual elements, the features of such characteristics as the competencies of individual agents that make up the organization. The problems of occurrence of problem zones in the organization structure and ways of their elimination are analyzed. On the basis of the revealed regularities, the possibilities of managing the efficiency of organizations, including the example of the transport sector, are considered. Keywords: human resources, personnel management, internal communications, communication networks, organizational structure, transport sphere, competitiveness, organization efficiency. REFERENCES 1. Pismennaya, A. B. The Influence of the inhomogeneity characteristics of intra-organizational interactions on the efficiency of various types of companies [Vlijanie harakteristik neodnorodnosti vnutriorganizacionnyh vzaimodejstvij na effektivnost’ razlichnyh vidov kompanij].Investicii i innovacii, 2014, Iss.6, pp.22-25. 2.Besley, T., Ghatak, M. Competition and incentives with motivated agents.American economic review, 2005, Iss.95 (3), pp.616-636. 3.Morris, S., Pandey, A., Raghuram, G., Gangwar, R. Introducing Competition in Container Movement by Rail.Indian Institute of Management. W.P., 2010, Iss.2010- 02-02, 32 p. 4.Vlasyuk, G.V., Gruzdeva, S. E. 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Modern methods of identifying problem zones in the organization [Sovremennye metodiki vyjavlenija problemnyh zon v organizacii].Proceedings of the 4th international scientific-practical conference «World experience and domestic traditions of human resources management».Moscow, Max Press publ., 2013, pp.17-21. 15.Vlasyuk, G.V., Ivanov, Ya.G. Construction of effective internal connections as a basis of competitiveness of the organization [Postroenie effektivnyh vnutrennih svjazej kak osnova konkurentosposobnosti organizacii].Obrazovanie i nauka, 2014, Iss.5, pp.257-262. 16.Vlasyuk, G. V. Personnel demotivation as a factor of decreasing organizational effectiveness [Demotivacija personala kak faktor snizhenija organizacionnoj effektivnosti].Sovremennaja nauka: aktual’nye problemy teorii i praktiki, 2015, Iss.7-8, pp.58-64. 17.Nadezhdina, V. The effectiveness of staff.How to achieve the maximum result with a minimum of costs [Effektivnost’ personala. 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On the conformity of the personnel motivation system to the organizational structure and company culture [O sootvetstvii sistemy motivacii personala organizacionnoj strukture i kul’ture kompanii].Modernization vector of the development of science in XXI century: traditions, innovations, continuity: collection of scientific articles.St.Petersburg, KultInformPress, 2016, pp.263-265. 22.Locke, Е.А., Latham, G. P. Building a Practically Useful Theory of Goal Setting and Task Motivation.University of Maryland, American Psychologist, September, 2002, pp.705-717. 23.Vlasyuk, G. V. Personnel involvement as a tool for increasing organizational competitiveness [Vovlechennost’ personala kak instrument povyshenija organizacionnoj konkurentosposobnosti].Politika i obshhestvo, 2015, Iss.8, pp.1044-1053. 24.Bryson, A. Working with Dinosaurs? Union Effectiveness in Delivering for Employees.PSI Research Discussion Paper, 2003, Iss.11.http://www.newunionism.net/library/organizing/Bryson%20-%20Employee%20 Perceptions%20of%20Union%20Effectiveness%20 -%202003.pdf.Last accessed 15.07.2016. 25.Vlasyuk, G.V., Novoseltseva , E. V.Competitiveness of the organization from the standpoint of organizational effectiveness [Konkurentosposobnost’ organizacii s pozicij organizacionnoj effektivnosti].Innovati v e transformations, priority directions and development tendencies in the economy, project management, etc .: collection of scientific articles.St.Petersburg, KultInformpress publ., 2014, pp.30-33. 26.Pismennaya, A. B. The Influence of informalized intra-organizational interactions on the efficiency of work of various companies [Vlijanie neformalizovannyh vnutriorganizacionnyh vzaimodejstvij na effektivnost’ raboty razlichnyh kompanij].Agrarnyj nauchnyj zhurnal, 2015, Iss.8, pp.87-90. 27.Ivanov, Ya.G. The mechanism of growth of competitiveness of the organization due to conformity of the system of motivation to the organizational structure and culture [Mehanizm rosta konkurentosposobnosti organizacii za schet sootvetstvija sistemy motivacii organizacionnoj strukture i kul’ture].Sovremennaja nauka: aktual’nye problemy teorii i praktiki, 2015, Iss.7-8, pp.19-25. 28.Novoseltseva, E.V., Pismennaya, A. B. Influence of informalized intraorganizational interactions on organizational effectiveness [Vlijanie neformalizovannyh vnutriorganizacionnyh vzaimodejstvij na organizacionnuju effektivnost’].Sovremennaja nauka: aktual’nye problemy teorii i praktiki, 2015, Iss.9-10, pp.24-27.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Авторы исследуют взаимовлияние и взаимозависимости человеческого фактора, структуры и конкурентоспособности организации, различия в эффективности отдельных её элементов, особенности таких характеристик, как компетентностные предложения индивидуальных агентов, составляющих организацию. Анализируются вопросы возникновения проблемных зон в структуре организации и способы их устранения. На основе выявленных закономерностей рассмотрены возможности управления эффективностью организаций, в том числе на примере транспортной сферы. Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РГНФ, проект № 14-02-00095


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    The article considers approaches to the definition of«intellectual capital». For measuring and accounting of such capital, an organization is proposed to supplement the existing methods with comparison of estimated objects using cluster analysis. It is shown how the use of this option can improve the integrity and objectivity of the evaluation. An original method for determining the dynamic characteristics of an object is proposed. The article emphasizes economic substance of intellectual capital; features for assessing its value in terms of market capitalization are highlightedРассмотрены подходы к определению понятия «интеллектуальный капитал». Для измерения и учета такого капитала организации целесообразно дополнить существующие методы сравнением оцениваемых объектов с помощью кластерного анализа. Показано, как применение этого варианта позволяет улучшить полноту и объективность оценки. Предложен оригинальный метод определения динамических характеристик объекта. В статье подчеркивается экономическая сущность интеллектуального капитала, выделены особенности оценки его стоимости с точки зрения рыночной капитализации

    The Specificity of the Differential Regulation of Economic Integration in the Context of Contemporary Labor Migration

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    The issues of integration in the modern world become relevant in the rapidly changing geopolitical realities, and the strategic imperative of time for the vast majority of States. Today in accordance with the principle of multi-level and various-speed integration on Eurasian space are successfully developing various integration formats. They complement each other to provide a wide partnership platform. The authors argue that the main participants in labor migration in the post-Soviet space reflect the actual path of social and economic interaction worked out historically. Common historical fate and similar paths of development, similar mental conceptosphere steel trigger mechanism for the implementation of the Eurasian Economic Union. Researches show that labour of migrant workers from different countries is widely distributed in different sectors of Russia's economy, their labour is used almost everywhere. In many industries a mechanism was established where officially Russian workers are registered at enterprises, but foreign migrant workers are actually employed. Russians began to actively move, migration processes have increased substantially, new forms of temporary migration. These processes have become more active throughout Eurasia. The authors analyze the causes and characteristics of migration in the Eurasian economic union at the present stage. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3p9

    The ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC

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    ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is a general-purpose, heavy-ion detector at the CERN LHC which focuses on QCD, the strong-interaction sector of the Standard Model. It is designed to address the physics of strongly interacting matter and the quark-gluon plasma at extreme values of energy density and temperature in nucleus-nucleus collisions. Besides running with Pb ions, the physics programme includes collisions with lighter ions, lower energy running and dedicated proton-nucleus runs. ALICE will also take data with proton beams at the top LHC energy to collect reference data for the heavy-ion programme and to address several QCD topics for which ALICE is complementary to the other LHC detectors. The ALICE detector has been built by a collaboration including currently over 1000 physicists and engineers from 105 Institutes in 30 countries. Its overall dimensions are 161626 m3 with a total weight of approximately 10 000 t. The experiment consists of 18 different detector systems each with its own specific technology choice and design constraints, driven both by the physics requirements and the experimental conditions expected at LHC. The most stringent design constraint is to cope with the extreme particle multiplicity anticipated in central Pb-Pb collisions. The different subsystems were optimized to provide high-momentum resolution as well as excellent Particle Identification (PID) over a broad range in momentum, up to the highest multiplicities predicted for LHC. This will allow for comprehensive studies of hadrons, electrons, muons, and photons produced in the collision of heavy nuclei. Most detector systems are scheduled to be installed and ready for data taking by mid-2008 when the LHC is scheduled to start operation, with the exception of parts of the Photon Spectrometer (PHOS), Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) and Electro Magnetic Calorimeter (EMCal). These detectors will be completed for the high-luminosity ion run expected in 2010. This paper describes in detail the detector components as installed for the first data taking in the summer of 2008


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    This paper presents a hybrid memetic algorithm (MA) to solve the problem of finding the optimal program control of nonlinear continuous deterministic systems based on the concept of the meme, which is one of the promising solutions obtained in the course of implementing the procedure for searching the extremes. On the basis of the proposed algorithm the software complex is formed in C#. The solution of satellite transfer problem is presented


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    Abstract. The aim of this work is to examine trends in the development of agriculture and its industries, land and primary production on the territory of the steppe zone of Stavropol region during the natural history period (18502016). The analysis allows us to identify the main periods of evolution of land use and environmental and economic problems, as well as measures to overcome them. Methods. The following structure "nature – society – economy" describes the analytical and mathematical models. The structure of land use is described as the system "nature – society – economy" and is reflected in the analytical and mathematical models. They provide insight into the dynamics of change in quantitative indicators (area of agricultural areas and wetlands, crop yields, basic agri-environmental data, etc.) and qualitative transformation of the latter (the presence of erosive and deflationary processes and other phenomena). In addition, careful attention is paid to the managerial decisions and activities, as well as opportunistic and market factors that influence the dynamics of the above changes during the period under review. To adjust for land development it is very important to pay attention on climatic conditions, which recently have a tendency to significant changes. Results. Analysis of economic development of the steppe areas allows to determine the structuralfunctional model of land use, to identify the main environmental and economic factors influencing its development. Main conclusion. This approach allows us to correct managerial decisions, stabilizing land use in the industrial sector

    Creation Problems of Control System of the Lower Limbs Exoskeleton with Hydraulic Cylinders

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    The paper considers a problem of bio-mechanism control i.e. control of integrated human - exoskeleton, with its walking on the level horizontal surface on the flat regular single support foot.The exoskeleton is a metal rod structure having the same length as a human, but with different mass inertial characteristics. The exoskeleton is able to repeat the human-driven movement. There is a point load in the "backpack" behind human’s back. Elastic straps support the contact between the human body and the exoskeleton in eight points.The article explores the behavior of the exoskeleton in two modes: passive and active. The passive mode characterizes the behavior of the exoskeleton only under the action of forces generated by the human movement in the "comfortable" walking gait. As to the active mode, a difference from the passive one is that in the knee joints of the exoskeleton there are locomotors (propulsions) capable of developing the desired torques.Active mode investigation was based on the full dynamics equations. Exoskeleton control provided the desired movements in the knee joints with the required quality of transients. In the case of an ideal engine, simulation has shown the correctness of these algorithms and high accuracy of realization of defined gait (including also the angular position of the body exoskeleton) as well as has revealed a significant impact of damping coefficients and elastic straps. The study has demonstrated the possibility for selection factors to ensure a comfortable movement for the human - operator due to abrupt reduction of vibrations in the system. At the same time, decreasing human’s energy expenditures calculated by criteria of biomechanical functionality were observed. A model of the exoskeleton was also studied taking into account the dynamic properties of the hydraulic cylinders and the geometry of their position.The numerical studies allow us to make a sound choice of material for fastening straps of exoskeleton for the human body, to obtain desired parameters for selection of engines for the active option as well as to synthesize a control law that satisfies requirements for quality parameters.</p