161 research outputs found

    Factores que influyen en la decisión de producir exportables en el sector agrícola chileno

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    This study analyzes there lative importance of the factors that influence the decision to produce for foreign markets in the Chilean agricultural sector. Using data obtained from personal interviews with 368 farmers, the market/production decision was estimated using a multinomial logit model. Three market/production alternatives were analyzed: production aimed for the external market, production for the internal market but with expectations of being exported, and production targeted only for the internal market. Marginal effects, odds ratios and predicted probabilities were used to identify the relevance of each variable. The results showed that a producer that is male, with a higher educational level, that does not own the land, but rents it, whose farm has irrigation and is located in an area that has a high concentration of exporting producers, will have a high probability of producing exportables. However, the factor that has the highest impact on producing for the external market is the geographic concentration of exporting producers, that is, an export spillover effect. Indeed, when the concentration change from 0 to its maximum (0.26), the odds of producing exportables rather than producing traditional products increases by a factor of 70 (against a factor of 10 in the case of irrigation).Este estudio analiza la importancia relativa de los factores que influyen en la decisión de producir para el mercado externo en el sector agrícola chileno. Utilizando datos obtenidos de entrevistas personales aplicadas a 368 agricultores, la decisión de producir para el mercado externo fue estimada con un modelo logístico multinomial. Tres alternativas de producción/mercado fueron analizadas: producción para el mercado externo, producción para el mercado interno pero con expectativas de llegar a exportar y producción enfocada solo al mercado interno. Efectos marginales, razones de posibilidades y probabilidades predichas fueron utilizadas para identificar la relevancia de cada variable. Los resultados muestran que un productor hombre, con un alto nivel educacional, que arrienda la tierra, y cuyo predio tiene riego y está localizado en una zona con una alta concentración de productores de exportables, tendrá altas probabilidades de producir para el mercado externo. Sin embargo, el factor que tiene el mayor impacto en la decisión de producir exportables es la concentración geográfica de los productores de exportables, es decir, hay un fuerte efecto de la difusión de la actividad exportadora. Por cierto, cuando esta concentración cambia de 0 a su valor máximo (0,26), las posibilidades de producir exportables en vez de producir tradicionales aumenta en un factor de 70 (contra un factor de 10 para el caso del riego).Fil: Echeverría, Rodrigo. Universidad Austral de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Economía AgrariaFil: Moreira, Víctor. Universidad Austral de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Economía Agrari

    Factores que influyen en la decisión de producir exportables en el sector agrícola chileno

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    T h i s s t u d y a n a l y z e s t h e r e l a t i v e importance of the factors that influence the decision to produce for foreign markets in the Chilean agricultural sector. Using data obtained from personal interviews with 368 farmers, the market/production decision was estimated using a multinomial logit model. Three market/production alternatives were analyzed: production aimed for the external market, production for the internal market but with expectations of being exported, and production targeted only for the internal market. Marginal effects, odds ratios and predicted probabilities were used to identify the relevance of each variable. The results showed that a producer that is male, with a higher educational level, that does not own the land, but rents it, whose farm has irrigation and is located in an area that has a high concentration of exporting producers, will have a high probability of producing exportables. However, the factor that has the highest impact on producing for the external market is the geographic concentration of exporting producers, that is, an export spillover effect. Indeed, when the concentration change from 0 to its maximum (0.26), the odds of producing exportables rather than producing traditional products increases by a factor of 70 (against a factor of 10 in the case of irrigation).T h i s s t u d y a n a l y z e s t h e r e l a t i v e importance of the factors that influence the decision to produce for foreign markets in the Chilean agricultural sector. Using data obtained from personal interviews with 368 farmers, the market/production decision was estimated using a multinomial logit model. Three market/production alternatives were analyzed: production aimed for the external market, production for the internal market but with expectations of being exported, and production targeted only for the internal market. Marginal effects, odds ratios and predicted probabilities were used to identify the relevance of each variable. The results showed that a producer that is male, with a higher educational level, that does not own the land, but rents it, whose farm has irrigation and is located in an area that has a high concentration of exporting producers, will have a high probability of producing exportables. However, the factor that has the highest impact on producing for the external market is the geographic concentration of exporting producers, that is, an export spillover effect. Indeed, when the concentration change from 0 to its maximum (0.26), the odds of producing exportables rather than producing traditional products increases by a factor of 70 (against a factor of 10 in the case of irrigation)

    La producción de material educativo mutimedia: tres experiencias de colaboración entre expertos universitarios y colectivos docentes no universitarios

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    This article addresses three experiences of multimedia teaching material production developed collaboratively by a university team of experts in the field of Educational Technology with other groups of non-formal education. Specifically describe digital materials developed for adult education, intercultural education, and affective-sexual education. These are experiences that illustrate how a group of researchers can work collaboratively on projects expanded education through ICTs to reach beyond the formal university teaching.En este artículo abordamos tres experiencias de producción de material didáctico multimedia desarrolladas colaborativamente por un equipo universitario de expertos en el ámbito de la Tecnología Educativa con otros colectivos de educación no formal. En concreto se describen los materiales digitales desarrollados para la educación de adultos, para la educación intercultural, y para la educación afectivo-sexual. Son experiencias que ejemplifican cómo un grupo de investigadores pueden trabajar colaborativamente en proyectos de educación expandida a través de TIC para llegar más allá de la docencia formal universitaria

    Modelos de integración didáctica de las TIC en el aula

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    En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio que analizó el grado y tipo de utilización que el profesorado hace de las TIC en aulas con abundante disponibilidad de tecnologías de la información y comunicación: un ordenador por alumno, Pizarra Digital Interactiva, proyectores multimedia y acceso a Internet. El objetivo del estudio fue detectar modelos o patrones de uso didáctico de las tecnologías y relacionarlo con algunas características personales y profesionales del profesorado, tales como el género, los años de experiencia, la etapa educativa, la competencia digital y el grado de uso de las TIC en su vida cotidiana. Se empleó un diseño de tipo descriptivo correlacional basado en un estudio de encuesta donde respondieron más de 3.160 profesores de toda España que participaban en el Programa Escuela 2.0. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que existen dos tipologías nítidas de modelos de uso de las TIC en función de la frecuencia y el tipo de tarea demandada al alumnado: un modelo de integración didáctica débil frente a un modelo de integración didáctica intensa de las TIC. Asimismo, se concluye que el perfil del profesorado que desarrolla un modelo de uso didáctico intensivo de las TIC es un docente con bastantes años de experiencia profesional, ciudadano usuario habitual de las TIC y que, además, se percibe suficientemente formado y con competencia digitalWe present in this paper the results of a study analyzing the scope and use that teachers make of ICT in classrooms and schools with abundant availability of information and communication technologies: one computer per student, interactive whiteboards, multimedia projectors and internet access. The main goal of this study is to detect models or patterns of educational use of ICT resources available in classrooms related to some personal and professional characteristics of the teachers that took part in the study, such as gender, years of experience, educational stage, digital competence and degree of use of ICT in their daily lives. A descriptive correlational design based on a survey study answered by over 3160 teachers from all over Spain who participated in the School Program 2.0 was used. The results show two clear different patterns of ICT use according to frequency and type of tasks assigned to the students: a weak integration-teaching model against a strong educational integration of ICTs. We come to the conclusion that teachers who develop a model of intensive educational use of ICTs are teachers with many years of professional experience, that make regular use of ICTs and, moreover, perceive themselves as sufficiently trained and with a highly developed digital competenc

    “Má fé”? Pistas cartográficas de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial em meio às espiritualidades e religiosidades

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    Amid the devaluation of other ways of know-how by modern/colonial scientific knowledge, using a cartographic research-intervention in a Psychosocial Care Center, this work seeks to underscore the need for legitimization, listening and approaching the dimension constitutive of the spiritualities and religiosities of users, families and communities by the workers of the Psychosocial Care Center. Aiming to summon users to co-responsibility and (re)signification of their health-illness-intervention process and (re)creation of existential meanings. As well as to involve all actors, in the health service, with the confrontation of asylum logic and religious racism, by guaranteeing comprehensive care, religious freedom and inter-religious harmony.En medio de la desvalorización de otros saberes por parte del saber científico moderno/colonial, a partir de una investigación de intervención cartográfica en un Centro de Atención Psicosocial, este trabajo busca subrayar la necesidad de legitimación, escucha y acercamiento a la dimensión constitutiva de las espiritualidades y religiosidades de los usuarios, familias y comunidades por parte de los trabajadores de la Red de Atención Psicosocial. Con el objetivo de invitar a los usuarios a la corresponsabilidad y (re)significación de su proceso salud-enfermedad-intervención y (re)creación de significados existenciales. Así como involucrar a todos los actores, en el servicio de salud, con el enfrentamiento de la lógica del asilo y el racismo religioso, para la garantía de la integralidad de la atención, la libertad religiosa y la armonía interreligiosa.Em meio a desvalorização de outros modos de saber-fazer pelo conhecimento científico moderno/colonial, utilizando-se de uma pesquisa-intervenção cartográfica em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial, este trabalho busca sublinhar a necessidade de legitimação, escuta e abordagem da dimensão constitutiva das espiritualidades e religiosidades de usuários, familiares e comunidades por parte das(os) trabalhadoras(es) da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial. Com o objetivo de convocar usuárias(os) a co-responsabilização e (re)significação de seu processo saúde-adoecimento-intervenção e (re)criação de sentidos existenciais. Assim como para implicar todos os atores, no serviço de saúde, com o enfrentamento da lógica manicomial e do racismo religioso, pela garantia da integralidade da atenção, liberdade religiosa e harmonia inter-religiosa

    Temporal variability of diazotroph community composition in the upwelling region off NW Iberia.

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    Knowledge of the ecology of N2-fixing (diazotrophic) plankton is mainly limited to oligotrophic (sub)tropical oceans. However, diazotrophs are widely distributed and active throughout the global ocean. Likewise, relatively little is known about the temporal dynamics of diazotrophs in productive areas. Between February 2014 and December 2015, we carried out 9 one-day samplings in the temperate northwestern Iberian upwelling system to investigate the temporal and vertical variability of the diazotrophic community and its relationship with hydrodynamic forcing. In downwelling conditions, characterized by deeper mixed layers and a homogeneous water column, non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs belonging mainly to nifH clusters 1G (Gammaproteobacteria) and 3 (putative anaerobes) dominated the diazotrophic community. In upwelling and relaxation conditions, affected by enhanced vertical stratification and hydrographic variability, the community was more heterogeneous vertically but less diverse, with prevalence of UCYN-A (unicellular cyanobacteria, subcluster 1B) and non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs from clusters 1G and 3. Oligotyping analysis of UCYN-A phylotype showed that UCYN-A2 sublineage was the most abundant (74%), followed by UCYN-A1 (23%) and UCYN-A4 (2%). UCYN-A1 oligotypes exhibited relatively low frequencies during the three hydrographic conditions, whereas UCYN-A2 showed higher abundances during upwelling and relaxation. Our findings show the presence of a diverse and temporally variable diazotrophic community driven by hydrodynamic forcing in an upwelling system

    Ab initio study of MF2 (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) rutile-type compounds using the periodic unrestricted Hartree-Fock approach

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    The ab initio periodic unrestricted Hartree-Fock method has been applied in the investigation of the ground-state structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of the rutile-type compounds MF2 (M=Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni). All electron Gaussian basis sets have been used. The systems turn out to be large band-gap antiferromagnetic insulators; the optimized geometrical parameters are in good agreement with experiment. The calculated most stable electronic state shows an antiferromagnetic order in agreement with that resulting from neutron scattering experiments. The magnetic coupling constants between nearest-neighbor magnetic ions along the [001], [111], and [100] (or [010]) directions have been calculated using several supercells. The resulting ab initio magnetic coupling constants are reasonably satisfactory when compared with available experimental data. The importance of the Jahn-Teller effect in FeF2 and CoF2 is also discussed

    Job´s syndrome and to miliary tuberculosis

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    El síndrome de hiper IgE también denominado síndrome de Job, es una inmunodeficiencia primaria poco frecuente, cuyo modo de herencia puede ser autosómico recesivo o dominante. Se caracteriza por altos niveles de IgE, eosinofilia, abscesos cutáneos, eccema, candidiasis mucocutánea crónica e infecciones pulmonares recidivantes que contribuyen al desarrollo de neumatoceles y bronquiectasias. El germen más frecuentemente aislado es el Staphylococcus aureus. En la actualidad, ante la mayor supervivencia de los pacientes se han comunicado infecciones oportunistas y linfomas. Existen escasas publicaciones de pacientes con enfermedad por Mycobacterium tuberculosis asociada a síndrome de hiper IgE, por lo que consideramos relevante comunicar el caso de un paciente con antecedentes de una tuberculosis pulmonar, que presentó una tuberculosis miliar con grave compromiso respiratorio, con buena respuesta al tratamiento estándar con drogas de primera línea.The hyper Immunoglobulin E syndrome, also known as Job´s syndrome, is a rare primary immunodeficiency, its mechanisms of inheritance maybe recessive or dominant autosomal. It is characterized by high levels of IgE, eosinophilia, skin abscesses, eczema, chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis and recurrent pulmonary infections all of which contribute to the development of pneumatoceles and bronchiectasis. The most frequently isolated bacteria is Staphylococcus aureus. Currently, despite the highest survival of patients, lymphomas and other opportunistic infections have been reported. There are few reports of patients with Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection associated with hyper IgE syndrome. Therefore it is relevant that we report a case history of a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis, presenting miliary tuberculosis and severe respiratory compromise, who responded positively to standard anti-tuberculous treatment with first line drugs.Fil: Gamberale, Ana. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas ; ArgentinaFil: Moreira, Ileana. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños ; ArgentinaFil: Bartoletti, Bruno. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas ; ArgentinaFil: Cruz, Víctor. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas ; ArgentinaFil: Bezrodnik, Liliana. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños ; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Alberti, Federico. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas ; ArgentinaFil: Castro Zorrilla, Liliana. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Palmero, Domingo. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas ; Argentin

    Reconversión de gases refrigerantes en el Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Arboleda Martínez

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    The objective of this work was to propose a technological innovation action based on the reconversion of refrigerant gases in domestic climate equipment, which ensures greater energy efficiency in their use. Conventional domestic air conditioning equipment has a high consumption of electrical energy which, due to the nature of the original generation of energy in the Luis Arboleda Martínez de Manta Higher Technological Institute, for this reason the energy consumption of conventional climate conditioning equipment was analyzed , it was established through the theoretical analysis the refrigerant gases that are available in the market and that their use with reconversion techniques to reduce the environmental impact may be feasible, for this purpose, they were evaluated by allocating the gas reconversion techniques in conventional climate equipment that have been successfully implemented in recent years and the energy and environmental results associated with the reconversion of refrigerant gases in order to reduce polluting emissions and preserve natural resources. Keywords: technological innovation, refrigerant gases, energy, natural resources.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue proponer una acción de innovación tecnológica basada en la reconversión de gases refrigerantes en los equipos de clima domésticos, que asegure una mayor eficiencia energética en el uso de los mismos. Los equipos de climatización doméstico convencionales presentan un alto consumo de energía eléctrica que, por la naturaleza de la generación originaria de la energía en Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Arboleda Martínez de Manta, por ello se analizó el consumo de energía de los equipos acondicionadores de clima convencionales, se estableció mediante el análisis teórico los gases refrigerantes que se encuentran disponibles en el mercado y que pueden resultar factibles su utilización con técnicas de reconversión para reducción el impacto ambiental, para ello se valoraron alorar las técnicas de reconversión de gases en equipos de climas convencionales que se han puesto en práctica con éxito en los últimos años y los resultados energéticos y ambientales asociados a la reconversión de los gases refrigerantes en función de disminuir las emisiones contaminantes y la preservación de los recursos naturales. Palabras clave: innovación tecnológica, gases refrigerantes, energía, recursos naturales. Abstract The objective of this work was to propose a technological innovation action based on the reconversion of refrigerant gases in domestic climate equipment, which ensures greater energy efficiency in their use. Conventional domestic air conditioning equipment has a high consumption of electrical energy which, due to the nature of the original generation of energy in the Luis Arboleda Martínez de Manta Higher Technological Institute, for this reason the energy consumption of conventional climate conditioning equipment was analyzed , it was established through the theoretical analysis the refrigerant gases that are available in the market and that their use with reconversion techniques to reduce the environmental impact may be feasible, for this purpose, they were evaluated by allocating the gas reconversion techniques in conventional climate equipment that have been successfully implemented in recent years and the energy and environmental results associated with the reconversion of refrigerant gases in order to reduce polluting emissions and preserve natural resources. Keywords: technological innovation, refrigerant gases, energy, natural resources. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 28 de mayo de 2021. Fecha de aceptación: 08 de julio de 2021.Fecha de publicación: 09 de julio de 2021

    Dying to laugh: the (lack of) grace of the existence visited in Joker, by Todd Phillips

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    O entendimento sobre a loucura como condição psíquica, também sustentada e produzida socialmente, ganha novas referências no cinema a partir do lançamento do filme Coringa, dirigido por Todd Phillips. Nele, Joaquim Phoenix incorpora o icônico personagem da DC Comics de forma tal a acender o debate sobre como que, através de uma rede de relações e conexões entre diversos atores sociais, os transtornos mentais são relegados a um lugar de exclusão e estigma, operação que mantém dinâmicas instituídas e acirra processos de vulnerabilização. Acionando um referencial teórico existencial-sartreano, busca-se visibilizar como a trajetória do personagem, nesta produção, é marcada por práticas sociais que são efeito de racionalidades que concebem a loucura de forma marginal e a associa à periculosidade. Como isso, trazemos à cena direções encaminhadas a partir da luta antimanicomial e da reforma psiquiátrica, com vistas a afirmar a potência de vidas não-normativas.The understanding of madness as a psychic condition, socially sustained and produced as well, it acquires new references in cinema since the release of the film Joker, directed by Todd Phillips. On screen, Joaquim Phoenix incorporates the iconic character of DC Comics in such a way that sparks the debate about how, through a network of relationships and connections between different social actors, mental disorders are relegated to a place of exclusion and stigma, an operation that maintains dynamics and intensifies vulnerability processes. Using an existential-Sartrean theoretical framework, we seek to show how the character's trajectory, in this production, is marked by social practices that are the effect of rationalities that marginally conceive madness and associate it with dangerousness. As a result, we bring to the scene directions oriented by the anti-asylum struggle and psychiatric reform, with a view to affirming the power of non-normative lives