Centro Universitario Mendoza, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras: Open Journal Systems FFYL
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    4062 research outputs found

    Green solvents for the recovery of phenolic compounds from strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch) and apple (Malus domestica) agro-industrial bio-wastes

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    We aimed to study the obtention of valuable phenolic compounds from tissue by-products of agro-industrial processing of apple (GS) and strawberry (RF) using green solvents and Soxhlet extraction methodology. The effects of solvent type [water (W); 80% ethanol, (EtOH)] and extraction ratio (1:10, 1:20, 1:30, and 1:40 p/v) were determined on total phenolic content (TPC), antioxidant capacity (DPPH), and the profile of phenolic compounds of the GS and RF extracts. The solvent type and the extraction ratio significantly affected TPC and DPPH of GS and RF extracts. Extraction with EtOH and 1:40 ratio produced the highest yields, obtaining an RF extract with 15.8 g GAE/Kg (TPC) and 19 mmol TE/Kg (DPPH). The tetra-galloyl glucose isomer and agrimoniin (0.8-0.4 g/Kg) were the main RF phenolic compounds of the eight identified. GS extract, obtained with EtOH and 1:40 ratio, had 11.9 g GAE/Kg (TPC) and 20.5 mmol TE/Kg (DPPH), having quercetin -3-o-glucuronide (0.43 g/Kg) the highest concentration among the eight phenolic compounds identified. The results highlight the potential of green solvents to obtain valuable compounds from low-cost raw materials, like the high-antioxidant capacity phenolic compound extracts obtained herein. Highlights: Valuable bioactive compounds can be extracted from strawberry and apple agro-industrial waste. Extraction parameters affected phenolic compound profile and antioxidant capacity. Apple and strawberry by-products are low-cost sources of hydrolysable tannins and flavonols. Green solvents used for biowaste valorisation can help in circular economy transformation.We aimed to study the obtention of valuable phenolic compounds from tissue by-products of agro-industrial processing of apple (GS) and strawberry (RF) using green solvents and Soxhlet extraction methodology. The effects of solvent type [water (W); 80% ethanol, (EtOH)] and extraction ratio (1:10, 1:20, 1:30, and 1:40 p/v) were determined on total phenolic content (TPC), antioxidant capacity (DPPH), and the profile of phenolic compounds of the GS and RF extracts. The solvent type and the extraction ratio significantly affected TPC and DPPH of GS and RF extracts. Extraction with EtOH and 1:40 ratio produced the highest yields, obtaining an RF extract with 15.8 g GAE/Kg (TPC) and 19 mmol TE/Kg (DPPH). The tetra-galloyl glucose isomer and agrimoniin (0.8-0.4 g/Kg) were the main RF phenolic compounds of the eight identified. GS extract, obtained with EtOH and 1:40 ratio, had 11.9 g GAE/Kg (TPC) and 20.5 mmol TE/Kg (DPPH), having quercetin -3-o-glucuronide (0.43 g/Kg) the highest concentration among the eight phenolic compounds identified. The results highlight the potential of green solvents to obtain valuable compounds from low-cost raw materials, like the high-antioxidant capacity phenolic compound extracts obtained herein. Highlights: Valuable bioactive compounds can be extracted from strawberry and apple agro-industrial waste. Extraction parameters affected phenolic compound profile and antioxidant capacity. Apple and strawberry by-products are low-cost sources of hydrolysable tannins and flavonols. Green solvents used for biowaste valorisation can help in circular economy transformation

    Cuidando la Salud Oral: “Compromiso y Excelencia en Nuestra Facultad”

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    Introducción: Las juventudes latinoamericanas en debate: participación, identidades y activismos. Experiencias de investigación, aportes teóricos y desafíos metodológicos.

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    Introducción: Las juventudes latinoamericanas en debate: participación, identidades y activismos. Experiencias de investigación, aportes teóricos y desafíos metodológicos

    El kirchnerismo y la ebullicion de la militancia juvenil:La Cámpora Mendoza (2010-2015)

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    Kirchnerism emerges as a new political movement nourished by previous movements such as Peronism and different currents of the national and popular field that converge in it. The studies on the Peronist ideology recovers interest today due to the historical turn produced from the assumption of  President Néstor Kirchner (2003),  who vindicated aspects of Peronism and became a "myth" after his death. In this context, certain existing political organizations prior to 2003 are reconfigured,  and new ones are created from the same space of Kirchnerism. Our study is interested in one of these new organizations : La Cámpora.El Kirchnerismo se gesta como nuevo movimiento político nutrido de anteriores movimientos como el peronismo y de diferentes corrientes del campo nacional y popular que confluyen en el mismo. El interés de los estudios sobre la ideología peronista recobra actualidad debido al giro histórico producido a partir de la asunción de Néstor Kirchner quien reivindicó aspectos del peronismo, emergiendo así un nuevo “mito” a partir de su fallecimiento. En este contexto se realinean ciertas organizaciones políticas existentes previas al 2003 y se configuran otras nuevas gestadas desde el mismo riñón, dentro de estas nuevas organizaciones se encuentra la de nuestro interés:   La Cámpora

    Biometric genetics in cowpea beans (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) I: phenotypic and genotypic relations among production components

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    In the semi-arid region of Paraíba, cowpea has low productivity due to irregular rainfall and poor use of production technologies. An extensive study aimed at selecting more productive cultivars was conducted using biometric models. This first work had the following objectives: i. Quantify direct and indirect effects of primary and secondary components on grain production; ii. Identify variables with greater potential for cultivar selection in the semiarid region of Paraíba and iii. Determine the most appropriate selection strategies for the evaluated variables. The experiment was conducted in an experimental field. The influence of 6 primary and 6 secondary production components was evaluated on grain yield. Data were subjected to ANOVA. Genetic parameters, correlations and path analysis were estimated. Given the strong direct phenotypic and genotypic effects, pod yield results the most promising variable for higher grain yield selection. Direct and simultaneous selections are the most suitable strategies for the set of evaluated variables. However, further studies on selection indices are necessary to maximize genetic gains. Highlights Variables with greater potential were identified for the selection of superior cultivars of cowpea in the semiarid region of Paraíba. The pod yield variable (PP) seems promising for cultivar selection considering higher grain yield (GY).In the semi-arid region of Paraíba, cowpea has low productivity due to irregular rainfall and poor use of production technologies. An extensive study aimed at selecting more productive cultivars was conducted using biometric models. This first work had the following objectives: i. Quantify direct and indirect effects of primary and secondary components on grain production; ii. Identify variables with greater potential for cultivar selection in the semiarid region of Paraíba and iii. Determine the most appropriate selection strategies for the evaluated variables. The experiment was conducted in an experimental field. The influence of 6 primary and 6 secondary production components was evaluated on grain yield. Data were subjected to ANOVA. Genetic parameters, correlations and path analysis were estimated. Given the strong direct phenotypic and genotypic effects, pod yield results the most promising variable for higher grain yield selection. Direct and simultaneous selections are the most suitable strategies for the set of evaluated variables. However, further studies on selection indices are necessary to maximize genetic gains. Highlights Variables with greater potential were identified for the selection of superior cultivars of cowpea in the semiarid region of Paraíba. The pod yield variable (PP) seems promising for cultivar selection considering higher grain yield (GY)

    População e território em Tucumán durante o século XIX

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    Throughout the 19th century, the province of Tucumán will go through different demographic and territorial transformations. During this period the population will multiply almost 10 times and will be characterized by an important process of spatial redistribution, which will imply, in turn, different processes of destruction/construction of the territory. On the economic level, the transition from a mercantile economy to a capitalist one will occur, based on the development of the sugar agroindustry in the last quarter of the century. Thus, at the end of the century, the province will become one of the most thriving in the country. This article describes and analyzes these transformations during the 19th century.A lo largo del siglo XIX la provincia de Tucumán atravesó diferentes transformaciones demográficas y territoriales. En ese lapso la población se multiplicó casi 10 veces y se caracterizó por un importante proceso de redistribución espacial, lo cual implicó, a su vez, diferentes procesos de destrucción/construcción del territorio. En el plano económico se produjo el pasaje de una economía mercantil a una capitalista, sobre la base del desarrollo de la agroindustria azucarera en el último cuarto del siglo. De ese modo, al finalizar el siglo, la provincia se convirtió en una de las más pujantes del país. En este artículo se describen y analizan esas transformaciones durante el siglo XIX.Juntamente com um progressivo parcelamento do solo, importantes mudanças ocorreram no uso do solo durante o século XIX em Tucumán: de um predominantemente pecuário, para outro predominantemente agrícola, até chegar ao império quase exclusivo da cana-de-açúcar no final do século . Todas essas atividades geram indústrias de derivados, em sua maioria artesanais, que praticamente desaparecem com o importante desenvolvimento da agroindústria açucareira.Durante esse século assistimos também à passagem de uma economia mercantil que domina um vasto grupo de produtores camponeses que frequentemente inserem a sua produção no mercado mas que essencialmente produzem tudo o que é mais vital para a sua existência, para uma economia capitalista, onde a esfera de produção torna-se dominante, induzindo ao assalariamento de boa parte da população tucumana, subsistindo, porém, aquele vasto campesinato que, graças à sua grande capacidade de adaptação, adapta-se às novas regras e participa de forma importante no desenvolvimento da o complexo da indústria açucareira ao redirecionar sua produção para a cana-de-açúcar

    About identification of features that affect the estimation of citrus harvest

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    Accurate models for early harvest estimation in citrus production generally involve expensive variables. The goal of this research work was to develop a model to provide early and accurate estimations of harvest using low-cost features. Given the original data may derive from tree measurements, meteorological stations, or satellites, they have varied costs. The studied orchards included tangerines (Citrus reticulata x C. sinensis) and sweet oranges (C. sinensis) located in northeastern Argentina. Machine learning methods combined with different datasets were tested to obtain the most accurate harvest estimation. The final model is based on support vector machines with low-cost variables like species, age, irrigation, red and near-infrared reflectance in February and December, NDVI in December, rain during ripening, and humidity during fruit growth. Highlights: Red and near-infrared reflectance in February and December are helpful values to predict orange harvest. SVM is an efficient method to predict harvest. A ranking method to A ranking-based method has been developed to identify the variables that best predict orange production.  Accurate models for early harvest estimation in citrus production generally involve expensive variables. The goal of this research work was to develop a model to provide early and accurate estimations of harvest using low-cost features. Given the original data may derive from tree measurements, meteorological stations, or satellites, they have varied costs. The studied orchards included tangerines (Citrus reticulata x C. sinensis) and sweet oranges (C. sinensis) located in northeastern Argentina. Machine learning methods combined with different datasets were tested to obtain the most accurate harvest estimation. The final model is based on support vector machines with low-cost variables like species, age, irrigation, red and near-infrared reflectance in February and December, NDVI in December, rain during ripening, and humidity during fruit growth. Highlights: Red and near-infrared reflectance in February and December are helpful values to predict orange harvest. SVM is an efficient method to predict harvest. A ranking method to A ranking-based method has been developed to identify the variables that best predict orange production

    Movilidades estructuradas juveniles en contextos rurales: Un trabajo situado en Patagonia

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    This article systematizes, in order to make public, the essentials sussessful of the research work, which has lasted more than ten years, on youth trajectories in rural communities of the Argentinean northern Patagonia; specifically, Ñorquin-co and Cushamen. Based on a qualitative methodology and an approach that contemplates the intersection of cleavages, the way in which the formations of alterity construct, in the present, available trajectories --understood as structured mobilities-- is analyzed. This work contributes to think about the diversity in the ways of being young in non-urban contexts, recognizing the contributions of cultural studies to think about the material structurings linked to practices of representation and production of meaning.Este artículo sistematiza los principales hallazgos del trabajo de investigación sobre jóvenes  en dos pueblos rurales de la norpatagonia argentina; puntualmente, Ñorquin-co y Cushamen. A partir de una metodología de corte cualitativo y un enfoque que contempla la intersección de clivajes, se analiza el modo en que las formaciones de alteridad construyen, en presente, trayectorias disponibles --comprendidas como movilidades estructuradas--. Este trabajo aporta a pensar la diversidad en los modos de ser jóvenes en contextos no urbanos reivindicando los aportes de los estudios culturales para pensar las estructuraciones materiales vinculadas a prácticas de representación y producción de sentido

    Selectivity of latifolicides associated with glyphosate applied in post-emergence on soybean cultivars

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    The genetic improvement of soybean cultivars over the years has focused on increasing the yield capacity and tolerance to some abiotic and biotic factors, such as drought, diseases, and pests. However, during the transfer of genes of interest, some genes responsible for a lower tolerance to herbicides can be integrated into the genome of the new cultivar. Thus, tests designed to assess the tolerance of these new soybean cultivars to herbicides are needed to avoid yield losses caused by poisoning after application. The objective of this study was to evaluate the selectivity of herbicides associations applied in post-emergence of three soybean cultivars. The experimental design used was a randomized complete block, with four replications. The selected cultivars were M7110 IPRO®, Foco IPRO®, and Bônus IPRO®. The herbicides and the respective doses (g a.i. ha-1) used were: glyphosate (960), glyphosate + bentazon (960 + 600), glyphosate + fomesafen (960 + 175), glyphosate + lactofen (960 + 120), glyphosate + imazethapyr (960 + 100), glyphosate + chlorimuron (960 + 10), glyphosate + cloransulam (960 + 39.5), and a control without herbicide application. The components of growth and yield evaluated were: height, stand, the weight of one hundred grains, and yield. A visual note of intoxication was also made for each treatment. The application of post-emergence herbicides does not alter the plant stand of soybean cultivars. Also, these herbicides were not reduced the yield of M7110 IPRO® and Foco IPRO® cultivars. Both glyphosate isolated and mixed with lactofen or imazethapyr reduced yield of Bônus IPRO® cultivar. Highlights Herbicide associations applied post-emergence cause higher levels of injuries on soybean crop. The visualization of injuries resulting from herbicides on soybean does not necessarily imply yield reductions. The genetics of the soybean cultivar is decisive for the response in terms of sensitivity to herbicides.The genetic improvement of soybean cultivars over the years has focused on increasing the yield capacity and tolerance to some abiotic and biotic factors, such as drought, diseases, and pests. However, during the transfer of genes of interest, some genes responsible for a lower tolerance to herbicides can be integrated into the genome of the new cultivar. Thus, tests designed to assess the tolerance of these new soybean cultivars to herbicides are needed to avoid yield losses caused by poisoning after application. The objective of this study was to evaluate the selectivity of herbicides associations applied in post-emergence of three soybean cultivars. The experimental design used was a randomized complete block, with four replications. The selected cultivars were M7110 IPRO®, Foco IPRO®, and Bônus IPRO®. The herbicides and the respective doses (g a.i. ha-1) used were: glyphosate (960), glyphosate + bentazon (960 + 600), glyphosate + fomesafen (960 + 175), glyphosate + lactofen (960 + 120), glyphosate + imazethapyr (960 + 100), glyphosate + chlorimuron (960 + 10), glyphosate + cloransulam (960 + 39.5), and a control without herbicide application. The components of growth and yield evaluated were: height, stand, the weight of one hundred grains, and yield. A visual note of intoxication was also made for each treatment. The application of post-emergence herbicides does not alter the plant stand of soybean cultivars. Also, these herbicides were not reduced the yield of M7110 IPRO® and Foco IPRO® cultivars. Both glyphosate isolated and mixed with lactofen or imazethapyr reduced yield of Bônus IPRO® cultivar. Highlights Herbicide associations applied post-emergence cause higher levels of injuries on soybean crop. The visualization of injuries resulting from herbicides on soybean does not necessarily imply yield reductions. The genetics of the soybean cultivar is decisive for the response in terms of sensitivity to herbicides

    Expresión y función de la agencia en la gestión del turismo comunitario ante la covid-19. Caso de los maseual de Tosepan Kali de Cuetzalan del Progreso, Puebla, México

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    Community-based tourism refers to a management model controlled by the self-organization and the agency of local actors. There is a vast collection of studies that report the way in which social groups use their traditional organizational structures to discuss and decide the goals associated with community entrepreneurships; however, the way in which collective agency is exercised through the four phases of the management process has not been explained in detail yet . To address this knowledge gap, the agency exercised by the Nahuatl population in the Toselan Kali tourism cooperative (Puebla, Mexico), is analyzed through a phenomenological approach, before and during the pandemic caused by Covid 19. The results reveal the way in which agency is applied by the cooperative members in planning, organizing, managing, and controlling their business, while, at the same time, making adjustments moved by the pandemic. The methodology was based on a qualitative approach operated through participant observation and semi-structured interviews. Their application made it possible to contrast the presence of the dimensions of agency proposed by Norman Long.El turismo comunitario se refiere a un modelo de gestión controlado desde la auto-organización y la acción ejercida desde la agencia de los actores locales. Existe una vasta colección de estudios que reportan la forma en la cual los colectivos sociales emplean sus estructuras organizativas tradicionales para discutir y decidir sobre las metas asociadas a los emprendimientos comunitarios. Sin embargo, aún no se ha explicado, de forma detallada, la manera en la cual la agencia colectiva se ejerce a través de las cuatro fases del proceso de gestión. Para atender este vacío de conocimiento, se analiza, mediante un abordaje fenomenológico, la agencia ejercida por la población náhuatl en la cooperativa turística Tosepan Kali (Puebla, México) antes y durante de la actual pandemia por COVID-19. Los resultados revelan la manera en la cual la agencia es implicada por las y los cooperativistas en la planeación, organización, dirección y control de la empresa, al tiempo que se marcan procesos de adaptación promovidos por la pandemia. La metodología se basó en un enfoque cualitativo operado a través de observación participante y entrevistas semiestructuradas cuya aplicación permitió contrastar la presencia de las dimensiones de la agencia planteadas por Norman Long


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    Centro Universitario Mendoza, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras: Open Journal Systems FFYL is based in Argentina
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